Heart Desires

By H

Published on Aug 16, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

Chapter two - The party

Adam and I remained motionless as the knocking continued. Now we were in a very awkward situation. Being caught with our pants down was not a thrilling thought. I mean this person would not go away, they kept on knocking. Then I remembered Adam had locked the door earlier and thank goodness that he did. At least that would give us some time to gather ourselves together.

"Hey, Taylor, are you in there?" Asked the voice from behind the door.

I didn't answer at first, because I was hoping they would leave us alone. But I was out of luck.

"I know you're in there, I heard you when I was coming upstairs." Said the voice, laughingly.

Now we were busted. I quickly recognized the person's voice and tried to appear like I was busy doing something else, other than getting my brains fucked out. Adam wasn't nervous at all, he was grinning softly the whole time. It was Toby.

"Um, Toby, I'll be out in a few minutes." I told him, as Adam and I resumed from fucking and hurriedly redressed ourselves in an orderly fashion.

"Take your time buddy, I just wanted to take a leak." Said Toby, obviously still laughing quite a bit.

I opened the door and saw Toby standing there with a suppressed smile. Of course Adam and I just sheepishly smiled back at him.

"I see you wanted your birthday gift early." Said Toby, in his most amusing voice.

"Well, what can I say?" I told him, laughing at my own embarrassment. "I couldn't resist Adam if I wanted to."

"You see why I love this guy?" Said Adam, as he gripped me from behind and wrapped both of his arms around me, softly resting his chin on top of my shoulder.

"Don't you two ever get tired of each other?" Toby jokingly questioned.

"We try not to." I told him, smilingly.

"Well, I must apologize for my rude interruption, you may resume to your previous activity." Said Toby, with a huge grin.

"Yeah right!" I retorted. "You're such a freak, you just want to get your groove on."

"So I'm a voyeur, is there a crime in that?" Toby said, laughing. "Anyway, dude, I'm like dripping here, where's you're bathroom.

"It's right through here on your left." I told him, as Adam and I shifted for him to pass. "You could have use the entrance from the other room, you know."

"I know that." Toby said slyly, then he wiggled his eyebrows.

Sometimes I hated the way the flat was made, because both of the bedrooms shared one huge bath. I wished we had a half bath downstairs to avoid awkward situations like what had happened tonight. I know Toby did what he did on purpose. He's so transparent sometimes. I couldn't believe he still was interested in Adam, knowing we have a relationship, but he definitely is and I have to stay on top of things. I don't think he'll physically act out on his lustful desires for Adam. Maybe he will and is just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, I don't know him too well. I learned that people are not what they sometimes portray. (Words directly from Adam's lip) I want to trust all of my friends, but I also don't want to be naïve about this trusting issue.

Adam and I rejoined the party downstairs. Nobody seemed to miss us that much because they had turned the music up and some of the guys were doing dance combinations. They sure know how to keep a party hyped. I even saw Bryan cutting some steps. Over the past year, he had called me once or twice, but I haven't seen him since I graduated. I wondered if he was all right. It certainly appears that he is. I'll try and talk to him later if this party don't get too wild. However, I thought this was a pretty amazing thing that Adam did and I will have to thank him later for showing such an effort to make me happy.

Portia was such a sweet individual. Unfortunately, she is the only one in their family who supports Adam's homosexual relationship. The rejection from the rest of his family was hard for him to deal with and still is, but he's taking it one day at a time, hoping they'll come around. Sometimes I wondered if interfering with Adam's decision, when he was trying to decide whether he was gay or not was the right thing to do. I mean I didn't push this stuff on him, because he had feelings for me long before I knew. And most of his 'gay thoughts' stemmed from his blabbering ex-girlfriend. I'm just concerned about his happiness. What am I complaining about? I have the most wonderful man in the world and he loves me the way that I love him and I'm sure he's happy.

The music sounded real nice, so I started moving my body parts to the rhythm of the beat. I took Adam by the hand and danced soulfully with him. I really loved Adam and I know if he ever leave me, I know I'll die. It's a drastic thing to say, but it's so true. After a few minutes of dancing, I told Adam I was going to my car to get the cake, and that suddenly reminded me of that guy I met at the bakery. Later when everything dies down tonight, I'm going to ask Adam about this Rouge guy. I wasn't jealous or suspicious about anything, I was just a bit curious. (Who am I trying to convince, huh?)

As I left the party temporarily and was walking to my car, I heard a voice shouted out my name. I quickly spun around and noticed it was Bryan. Apparently his eyes were on me and saw me when I left.

Hey, I saw when you were leaving." Said Bryan, as he approached me. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Nawh, I'm just going to get this cake out of the car." I told him, with a smile.

He smiled and stared at me for a moment before he spoke. Strangely, I still found his lips to be extremely lustrous and sexy-looking, but I tried not to dwell on that thought, I have a man now.

"Looks like everything is going fine with you." He said, looking into my eyes.

"Well, it sure seems that way, huh?" I said jokingly.

"Expensive car, nice job and a guy who loves you very much is solid proof that your life is starting to pick up again." Said Bryan.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I never thought I would be able to move on after Eric's death, but life has change for me and I'm grateful for many things now." I told him, as my smiled turned serious.

"I didn't know Eric, but the way you talked about him made me think he was a great guy. I know you must miss him." Said Bryan, sincerely.

"Oh man, you can't imagine." I told him. "And the part I'm still really hurt about is that they haven't find this son of a bitch who murdered him."

"Gosh, dude, life is so unfair sometimes." He told me, shaking his head.

"It's more than unfair!" I said, with a bit of bitterness. "Every time I think about the way Eric died, it send a fresh wound to my soul. But I'm only this strong because I have a great guy inside who helps and comforts me a lot."

"I'm happy for you, Taylor." Said Bryan. "I really am. I wish you and Adam well. Wherever Eric is, I'm sure he knows how much you loved him."

"Thank you." I told him, purposely avoid going into details about my struggle I had with guilt and depression when I first heard of Eric's death. I was becoming really emotional talking about Eric's death now, so I tried to change the topic. "But enough about me and my life, let's talk about you."

"What do you want to know?" He questioned.

"Tell me where'd go after graduation." I demanded, as I lightly shoved him.

"Oh that, I was around." He said, with a smile.

"Around where?" I inquired. "Why didn't you visit me or something."

"Things just got so frenzied in my life, you know IBM took me on permanently after graduation, and these last few weeks I was working nonstop." He explained. "It's just one of those things that just happens, you know? Besides it was better that I stayed away"

I looked at him seriously, and wondered why he had said that. I hope Bryan was over me by now, because I don't want to put another guy through that same pain that Eric went through.

"What do you mean when you say it was better that you stayed away?" I questioned him.

He hesitated briefly before he answered. "Taylor, I love you and I know it's not the right time in your life to say this, but you did asked for an explanation why I stayed away."

"I know and I always do that to you." I told him, as I cast my eyes away from him and looked back.

"Please don't be uncomfortable when I tell you that I love you." He said. "My love for you is more than just sexual, I love you enough to know that I can't have you and I accept that you're in a strong and healthy relation with someone else, who seems to be giving you everything you need."

"He does, and I'm so grateful for that." I told him. "But you're making such a huge sacrifice with your heart."

"Don't worry about me, Taylor. I'm dealing with it pretty well." He said, with a smile. "Just know that you are loved."

I was so touched by those words. What does Bryan love about me so much? We only fucked once when we were in college, and that seemed to have left an ever-lasting effect on Bryan. I just pray he don't let his feelings for me overwhelm him, because I can't go through this shit again, it's just too much to deal with. Soon Adam was out and about looking for me. I didn't realize that I was outside that long. And I still didn't get the cake out of my car because Bryan had sidetracked me. Adam started walking down the pavement to us, and I noticed he was a bit embarrassed after he saw me talking with Bryan.

"Oh, I'm sorry, man. I didn't know you were talking with someone." Said Adam, apologetically. "It's just that you told me you went to get the cake and when I didn't see you come back in after a while, I thought, well, I just wondered if you were OK."

"It's my fault." Said Bryan, smilingly. "But you can take him now, I'm done."

"Oh, so you're getting rid of me just like that huh?" I said, laughingly.

All three of us laughed, but Bryan looked like he wanted to respond to that question, but he held back, probably because he thought his answer would be too revealing of his feelings for me and Adam might pick up on something.

"Please, don't let me intrude." Adam said, sincerely as his laughter died down.

"Nawh, it's OK, we're through." Said Bryan.

"Alrighty then, let me grab this cake out of the car and then we'll go and join the party again." I told them.

As we walked back to the apartment, I tried to level the music to see if it was too loud, because I know we still had a lot of students here that needed their peace and quiet. The music appeared to be OK from the outside, but I think I better turn it down a notch just in case. When we opened the door and went inside, our eyes widened as we saw a few naked butts gyrating vigorously to the beat. I mean, their pants were just pulled beneath their ass cheeks, but man, I would be embarrassed to show my buns in front of a crowd, unless I was totally inebriated. I know this sounds weird coming from a guy who is constantly seen in the nude, but those times are different and private, you what I mean.

I looked at the clock on the wall and the numbers showed 10:52pm. I had to constantly remind myself that I have work early tomorrow morning, so I tried not to get wasted at my own party, I know you should, but I'm a man of great responsibilities now. I wasn't going to be 24 until on Sunday, so I'll just take it easy tonight. Besides I want to finish what Adam and I started upstairs, before Toby intentionally interrupted us. I saw Portia dancing and having a good time, so I decided to join her.

"Just in case I don't see you tomorrow, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday." I said to her, as we danced facing each other.

"Thanks!" She replied. "So how'd you like your surprise?"

"You and Adam got me on this one, I promise next time this won't happen." I told her smilingly.

"Yeah, we'll see." She said, with her adorable smile."

Like I said, I wasn't into women, but damn, Adam's sister looked good. I'm sure Rick's happy to have her in his life. I wondered where he was though, he too was cool with Adam's homosexual relationship. I mean, at first he was uneasy when he first found out that his girlfriend's brother was gay, but after Portia talked to him, he seemed to come around pretty well. He wasn't here at the party tonight, I looked and I didn't see him. Maybe he couldn't get time off from work after all.

I looked for Adam in the vicinity I was in, but I didn't see him. I excused myself from dancing with Portia and walked towards the kitchen to get a beer. As I was walking to the kitchen, I saw Adam and Toby talking near the stairwell. I wasn't upset, I just was a bit curious why Adam was talking to Toby, when he knew Toby was after him. (Maybe Adam was being naïve, I don't know) I didn't want to disturb them at first, but their conversation looked pretty engaged. So I walked over as calmly as possible, with a fake smile on my face.

"Hey, Taylor." Toby hailed sheepishly, as he noticed me coming towards him. "I hope you don't mind me stealing your boyfriend for a few minutes."

Stealing? I hated how Toby used that word in a sentence in relation to Adam. I'm not stupid, I know Toby wanted Adam. I know the signs of a predator on hunt for a prey.

"Adam's more than my boyfriend." I said sternly, and then added a smile. "And as a matter of fact I do mind you talking to Adam and you know why."

"C'mon babes, he just wanted to know more about us." Adam said so innocently. "Don't give the guy such a hard time."

"I'm not. Baby you know I trust you, but Toby is a different story." I told him.

"What am I capable of, Taylor?" Toby questioned, with this smug grin on his face. "I meant no harm, you have to loosen up, man, ain everybody is after Adam."

"You're right, everybody is not after Adam, but you are." I said, seriously.

"Come on babes, let's go, I could see you're getting a bit tense." Adam said, as he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Toby.

I was getting upset, because Toby was acting like he was the victim. Toby has this thing for guys who were much taller than he, with a charming personality, and Adam fit this criteria perfectly. Come to think of it, that's the very reason why he's still interested in Adam. One trait I don't like about Toby is this insinuating act that he sometimes portray. After about six months into the relationship with Adam, we started visiting the club again to lift our spirits and to have a good time. But every time we go there, Toby would try to make a move on Adam. That's why I stop taking Adam there and tried to find some new clubs. It's been well over a year now and I was hoping Toby was over this thing he has for Adam. I guess I was wrong. You see, Adam thinks the guy is just being cool, but I know better. My man still has some things to learn about the 'gay world'. In the mean time, I have to keep watch like a hawk. Adam took me aside and tried to calm me down.

"Taylor, Toby is your friend, I don't think he would want to hurt you." Adam said, as he stared into my eyes.

"I know he's my friend, but sometimes I get this weird feeling when I'm around him." I told Adam. "It's hard to explain, I mean, I know he means well, but he let his emotions and feelings get the better part of him sometimes."

"So you want me to run in another direction every time I see him coming towards me?" Questioned Adam, with a slight smile.

"Not literally." I chuckled. "Just be careful around him."

"You know I love you, right?" Adam questioned, as he held the sides of my face with his warm hands. "And there's no man that can take me away from you, OK?"

"And I love you too, Adam, but..."

"No buts." He interrupted. "I mean what I say. Now don't let the rest of this night be a total waste, you suppose to be happy."

"I am happy." I told him.

"Good. Now let's go cut the cake." Said Adam, and then he softly kissed me on my forehead and then on my lips.

I felt better. I don't know what I was getting so worked up about. Maybe Toby is really being friendly with Adam, but no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that's true, I couldn't shake this feeling of suspicion every time I was around Toby. Anyway, I didn't let that spoil the rest of my night. An hour later or so, people were starting to leave, mostly because we are all busy working people and I'm sure they wanted some time to catch some sleep. Finally, when everyone had migrated to his or her final destinations, which I hoped was home, Adam, Portia and I were left with the task of cleaning up. The apartment wasn't totally trashed, but it did needed some fixing up.

After the apartment looked presentable, Portia left and finally, Adam and I were alone. I scanned the clock and the numbers were swiftly approaching 1am. Honestly, I felt really tired and I would love nothing better than to take a warm shower and relax in my bed.

"Man, I'm so damn tired, that it literally feels like a truck ran over me." I told Adam, laughingly as we trotted up the stairs.

"Sound like you need me to help you unwind." Adam said, slyly.

"What do you have in mind?" I questioned, trying to match his sly tone of voice.

"You'll see when we get in the shower." He said, with this cute grin.

My body knew that we were getting ready to fuck, so much that the muscles around my manhole started to have spasms. Suddenly, when Adam and I climbed into the shower together, I felt revived. I don't know where this sudden burst of energy came from, but I'm glad it did, because I'm going to need it for the next 15 minutes or so. We stood naked under the warm running water, as it cascaded from the top of our heads making its journey down our bodies to the ceramic flooring. Adam started washing my back and massaging my tired shoulder muscles with his strong hands. I closed my eyes as Adam worked his magic. These were the moments I longed for, spending quality time with my man. Adam spun me around and planted his lips onto mine and kissed me passionately, seductively pushing his tongue in mouth.

I hold onto him as he worked the insides of my mouth with his tongue, he was really into kissing me. My cock was so hard and I desperately ached for a quick release. As you know, I'm a bottom and a damn good one at that. I was ready to be fucked senseless by the man I loved with my soul. Adam sensed this and turned me back around. Suddenly, I felt his tongue flickering in and out or my manhole. I shook at the sensation I felt and my goodness, Adam was good at it too. As you may have noticed, Adam loved to take care of me sexually. I moved my ass around, pushing it towards his juicy tongue. I started moaning loading in the shower, under the running water. I couldn't believe how good Adam was making me feel.

Without warming, I felt Adam stopped rimming me for a second or so and then I felt when his powerful, strong, thick cock entered me. I gasped as he slid in bit by bit. By this time now he started groaning, as he felt his cock slipped in my warm, succulent ass. I wanted him to fuck me wild and out of control.

"Yes, Adam, fuck me hard and deep, baby!" I shouted, in shower with the water running down my face.

Talking nasty to Adam, turns him on more. He picked up his rhythm and starts ramming his thick cock up my ass. I was encouraging him to push harder and deeper, as I frenziedly stroke my cock. I couldn't contain myself any longer...

"Baby, I'm cumming!" I shouted.

Seconds later, I shot my load all over the glass and the tiled wall that was in front of me. I was so overcome by my orgasm that I shook uncontrollably for seconds after I came. That alone sent Adam closer to the edge. Immediately following a loud shout, he exploded deep within me. We were so engrossed with each other's moans and I wished the immense pleasure we felt, had lasted longer.

Suddenly, that tired feeling I had felt earlier was once upon me again. Man, I was beat. Adam and I washed clean and exit the shower. Now Adam had his own room, but it seemed like he didn't, because he always stayed in my room. I definitely didn't mind him sleeping with me, besides I needed to stay warm during the night. Sometimes I wake up horny in the early hours of the morning, before the sun was up and during those times, my hormones are raging. So as you can see, Adam is always needed in my bed, lying next to me. I loved him so damn much, and I'm not going to let anyone take him from me. We lay facing each other talking...

"Babes..." I started. "I really appreciate what you've done for me tonight."

"What part are you talking about?" He questioned slyly, as he seductively traced his fingers along my smooth chest.

"I'm referring to the party, you sex maniac." I told him, laughingly.

"Oh that!" He said, wittily. "It was an honor to do something special for you, Taylor. You mean so much to me and I'll do anything to make you happy."

"And you sure do make me happy, Adam." I told him, as I leaned forward to kiss him. "But please, be more lenient on my heart, I almost had a heart attack."

"Now we can't have that, can we?" He said, smilingly, but serious. "I love you, Taylor and I hope we can be together for a long time."

"I want that too, Adam." I told him, as I moved closer to him.

I wanted to talk some more, but I was extremely tired. I scanned the alarm clock for the last time and the numbers were disturbing, it was almost 2:30am. I had to be up at least by 6am and I just pray these few hours be enough for me to be sharp-minded at work tomorrow. I decided I'd talk to Adam about Rouge at a later time, it wasn't anything that important anyway.

Suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name. The voice sounded far away and then it sounded near. I opened my eyes slowly and realized after about 10 seconds, that it was Adam waking me up for work. The alarm must have gone off, but I didn't hear anything, I was totally out in another world. I glanced at the clock and I couldn't believe what I saw, it was 6:18am. I mean I had just closed my friggin eyes and now it was time to get dress for work, what kind of shit was that? I hurriedly climbed out of bed and rush my way through the shower. Adam was lucky that he didn't have to get up for another hour or so, but I'm sure glad he was up this early anyway, because who knows, I might have slept forever.

When I finally got to work, I was immediately confronted with clientele discrepancies. I had backed up appointments and I began to wonder how in the world I'm going to get through this day, when I was still partially asleep. As I sat at my desk, talking with one of Batel's Investment Agent, about a bankruptcy diversion plan, my secretary buzzed me and told me I had an incoming call from Jonathan. Now I was on the 22nd floor and Jonathan's office was on the 24th floor. So I understood it was a task to just to leave one floor to go to another. The best thing to do, if you didn't mind walking, was to use the telecommunication system, which were either the phone or the computer. I put the agent on hold and pressed line 2 to see what Jonathan wanted.

"Good morning Mr. Hardwells, what can I do for you?" I asked politely.

"Hey, Taylor, just want to remind you about our meeting today." He said, smilingly. "But the location have changed, I can't leave the building at all today, so I prefer that you come to my office and we'll discuss everything here."

"OK, that's sounds good." I told him, understandably. "Same time, right?"

"Yes, 2:00 sharp." He said, energetically.

"I'll be there." I told him, then I pressed the other line to resume my previous conversation with my client.

I really felt drowsy, so after I hanged up from Batel, I made myself some hot coffee to wake me up a bit. Fortunately, I didn't had to leave my office because I had a small kitchen set up at the back end of my office. I know you're thinking that management really was over doing it, but gosh, I was on the 22nd floor and the big cafeteria was on the 4th floor. So it was logical to have a small kitchen set up here in my office, especially when my job was so hectic. I'm currently working on this presentation to present to a board of directors, which involves the implementation of Global Risk Management Solutions to help under performing companies. I know some of you don't know what I'm talking about, but this is what Jonathan wanted to talk about before I showed off my work, so to speak.

I had told Jeff about it and he probably was too excited to keep his mouth shut. Jeff is a Supervisor over another department, but he and I had become good friends. The Arcadian Building has a workout center set up on a floor by itself and sometimes after work, if I wasn't too tired, I would go and flex my muscles. I met Jeff in the gym the first time I got there. He had been with the company for 4 years and I was happy to know that he was willing to be my workout partner. Jeff is an older guy, probably in his mid thirties or so and he wasn't bad looking at all. What can I say, the guy was pretty fond of me. He asked me one time, how'd such a young guy like myself got so lucky with a job like this. I must admit, what I do, I always wanted to do, so I put my heart into it, and the results were astounding.

I worked busily up until my appointment with Jonathan. By this time I was extremely hungry. I hoped this meeting doesn't last too long, because I needed to take a lunch break desperately. I rode the elevator to the 24th floor. When I got to the floor of Jonathan's office at the designated time, his secretary stopped me and told me he was in a meeting and should soon be out. Man, my stomach was growling. I really couldn't take it anymore...

"Sandra, how long have Mr. Hardwells been in this meeting." I asked his secretary a bit annoyingly.

"Oh just for 20 minutes or so. He told me when you arrive, let you know to wait for him out here." She said, smilingly.

"I see." I said, as I sat in the sofa situated in the lobby area.

A few moments later as luck would have it, Jonathan buzzed Sandra and tells her to let me know that he was going to be running late and he wanted me to go for lunch and then come back to his office afterwards. I didn't waste anytime. I hurriedly walked to my car and immediately drove off to Boston market. I wondered why the frigg I was so damn hungry? As I drove in my BMW, I began to think about Rouge. It wasn't like I thought about him that much, but at certain times of the day, his face would flash across my mind. Why the hell was I thinking about him? I purposely decided to visit that bakery before I return to work today.

Finally, I made it to Boston Market in one piece. I was surprise when I walked inside, because usually by this time, there was a long line waiting to be served. I ordered and quickly ate my food. I looked on my watch and assessed the time I had left before I returned to work. Good, I had about 25 minutes, so I decided to stop at Kelly's Bakery. I didn't know why I was going there, but I just had to. When I pulled up there and went inside, I looked all around for Rouge, but I didn't see him. I went to the counter and ordered myself a slice of strawberry cheesecake and a small orange juice. I looked around for Rouge one more time, but I still didn't see him. Why was I so interested in seeing Rouge? I couldn't fathom a logically answer.

Anyway, as I was walking back to my car, I saw this white Dodge Stratus pulled up next to me. The glass was darkly tinted, so I couldn't see who it was right away. I intentionally opened my car door slowly, so I could get a chance to see who this person was. The door suddenly opened and I was pleased to see the sight before me. It was Rogue, and he flashed this sexy grin at me. Honestly, he made me blush and I just stared as he walked towards me.

To be continued...

Hey guys, this ends chapter two of the new series, "Soulful desires". I hope it was interesting to read, as it was interesting for me to write. Stay tuned for chapter three, coming soon.

Next: Chapter 18: Soulful Desires 3

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