Healing Old Wounds

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Jul 9, 2008


Disclaimer: This story and all characters are the property of the author, any similarities to actual people is completely coincidental. This story contains sexual acts between consenting males, all sexual acts include the use of condoms unless otherwise stated. If it is illegal for you to access this material, please leave the site. All questions, comments and criticism can be sent to me via three options:

  1. rubencordova83@gmail.com 2) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales 3) http://www.myspace.com/latinbjqueen

As much as I really needed sleep that night, I just couldn't. Around 3am I glanced over to where Reese was laying, peacefully a sleep. My thoughts went back to yesterday morning, the way his body felt pressed against mine. Despite the fact that he only had a towel around his waist he didn't hesitate. I started remembering the way his hair had smelt, the heat radiating from his body. I guess in the moment I hadn't noticed those things, but my brain definitely filed them away in my memory. He was laying on his stomach and had kicked the blankets off. Now the light of the moon hit his body, giving it an ethereal glow.

My eyes traveled from his broad shoulders and down his back. My gaze landed on his round butt, encased in gray boxer-briefs. At one point while I was watching him sleep he rolled over and now faced me. Instead of my eyes darting directly to his crotch, I started from the top and worked my way down. His face seemed even more beautiful as he slept, his chest was well developed with a light dusting of light brown hair and I wondered what it would feel like to run my hands across his chest. His abs looked like you could literally bounce a quarter off them and was just as lightly hairy as his chest, flowing down into a treasure trail that disappeared into his underwear. I could make out the outline of his cock, which was obviously hardening and slowly climbing its way towards his waistband. When it stopped growing I could just see the tip peeking out from its confines, I couldn't guess as to how long he was but he was quite thick. My own cock had started growing from all the visuals he was providing, my hand made its way under the covers and wrapped around my cock. I slowly stroked myself while I watched him sleep, imagining that it was his strong hand pumping my cock. I was careful not to make any noise while I jacked off but soon it didn't matter, with a deep inhale I came and squirted all over my stomach and chest. I grabbed my underwear from the floor and wiped off with them, then threw them in my hamper. My body felt more relaxed and soon I could feel sleep taking over.

After what felt like five minutes I was jarred awake by Reese's alarm clock. I rolled over facing his direction, as he got up and turned off his alarm. Seeing that it was only 6am I threw my blanket over my face and groaned in frustration.

"Why are you getting up so early? Classes don't even start until 9am!"

"I run for about a half hour in the morning and workout for another half hour, then I shower, eat and head to school. You can join me for my workout and run, you look like you could use a little more muscle definition."

"There's nothing wrong with the way I look, besides I'm not really a morning person."

I rolled over facing away from him and was starting to fall back a sleep when he pulled the blanket off me in one swift motion.

"Look KC, I didn't say there was anything wrong with the way you look and I wasn't asking you to join me. I was simply offering you a way to stay fit outside of martial arts." Explained Reese.

Turning to grab my blanket from him, I covered myself before responding.

"Look, how about I meet you in a half hour to join you in your workout. How does that sound?"

"No way! You're running with me whether you like it or not. Come on, let's go!"

Reluctantly I climbed out of bed and went to try to find something to use for the run/workout. I shuffled through my drawer and was about to make another excuse as to why I couldn't run with Reese, when I turned around he threw a muscle shirt and some running shorts at me.

"Those you can keep, I've got plenty. Besides I kinda figured you wouldn't have anything to run in."

"What made you assume that?"

"Well, when you were putting your stuff away I noticed only your Gi and nothing else that looked like work out stuff." Stated Reese.

"Someone's been paying a little too much attention to what I do and don't have. You're not getting obsessed now, are you?"

"Don't worry you're not my type. Don't forget to wear a jock. You do have one of those don't you?"

"Of course! Why do you have an extra I could use?" I joked.

"No! I just don't want you hurting your pretty little balls."

"My pretty little balls? Who has you looking at my pretty little balls?"

"That's not what I meant! What I meant to say was..."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. I know what you were trying to say." I said, diffusing the situation.

I finished getting ready and we headed out. Reese started our run slowly at first, to see just how much conditioning I already had but I could tell he was holding back. Needless to say during our run I kept pace with him almost until the end. We ran on a trail that looped around campus and ended up back at our dorm, while we walked over to the gym we talked a little more.

"Wow, KC. I didn't expect you to keep pace the whole time. You are in pretty good shape."

"Yeah well I could tell your were taking it a bit easy on me. Next time don't hold back. Besides I wouldn't mind falling behind you for a bit."

"Why is that?" Reese asked, with a confused look on his face.

"Cause then I get to see that ass of yours jiggle while you run. Talk about motivation!"

"God KC, sometimes you're so gay!"

"You know you like it. Now come on, let's get this workout over with."

We went inside the gym and immediately Reese started showing me his routine. Stopping every once in a while to fix my posture and show me how to 'maximize the effectiveness of the exercise'. His words, not mine. Ya know for a jock he really isn't what I was expecting. I know I've said that a dozen times before but, it really is surprising just how smart he is. God! He's like the perfect man: smart, funny, sexy, charming. Did I mention sexy? Unfortunately, for me, he was straight. By the time we were done with the workout I was already feeling the soreness creeping up on me. I mean I was used to a different kind of workout, not the heavy lifting kind. We headed back to our room and gathered our shower stuff, then hit the showers.

Inwardly I was really excited cause I would finally get to see Reese fully naked, but I did my best not to let it show. When we got there it was empty, remember it was only just after 7am and most classes didn't start until 9am. We stripped down and the entire time I couldn't take my eyes off of Reese. I mean he really did have the perfect body! Aside from what I go to see last night, now I saw the full package. Pun intended! He looked like he was about 5 inches soft and his cock rested on a pair of balls about the size of eggs. I watched his ass jiggle as he walked over to a shower stall and turned on the water. Surprisingly his ass wasn't the muscular type you might think a baseball player would have. Don't get me wrong, his ass was muscular but at the same time one could almost say he had an ass like a girl. I walked over to a sink and started my usual morning routine that consisted of shaving, brushing my teeth and using my face wash. When I was done I walked over to a stall and turned on the water, in my OCD fashion I washed my hair then my body and then washed my face again. By the time I was half way through Reese had already finished and was over at the sinks shaving, not having bothered to put on a towel. I looked up and noticed he was watching me, he quickly looked back at the mirror and continued shaving.

"You know KC, I'm gonna have to break your little routine you've got going. I mean do you really have to wash your face twice?"

I finished my shower and walked over to where he was standing while wrapping a towel around my waist. I leaned against the counter top and continued our conversation.

"Its just what I do, I can't really help it."

"That's bull. I think you can, you just don't want to."

"Oh really, and what makes you think that?" I questioned.

"Well for starters you didn't bother to make your bed this morning and seeing as how you have a place for everything and everything in its place, I thought that was kinda odd. Second, I saw that you left your clothes from yesterday on the floor by your bed and as OCD as you say you are I think you would have put them in your hamper. Which by the way only had a pair of underwear in it."

"OK well I didn't make my bed because someone was rushing me this morning. As for my clothes... well I dunno. I guess it just slipped my mind. Besides I ask again, why are you paying such close attention to what I do?"

"So what do you want to eat for breakfast?" Asked Reese, having turned back to the mirror to finish shaving.

"Whatever, I don't really care. Oh and nice way to avoid my question."

I waited for Reese to finish and we grabbed our stuff and headed back to our room. We dried off and I could swear out of the corner of my eye I would catch Reese watching me while I got dressed. I just chalked it up to that macho curiosity all guys have as to what the other guy is packing. I really didn't have anything on Reese in the width department but I was about a good 7 inches when hard. I could guess Reese would be about the same but just a lot thicker. When we were done dressing we headed out for some food, when we were headed to a table some of his buddies from the baseball team called out and wanted him to join them.

"Go ahead Reese, I don't mind sitting by myself today."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I lied.

As we separated and he sat down with his buddies I caught what one of them said, but what hurt more was how Reese answered.

"Who's the fag?"

"Oh that's just KC. He's my room mate." Reese responded, flatly.

I literally felt my stomach drop to the floor. I felt my face turn ten shades of red and my eyes water up. I dumped my food in the garbage and left. I walked out of the mess hall and realized I still had about an hour to spare before classes started. I sat on a bench outside and thought about what had just happened. I couldn't believe after everything he had said, that he just brushed off my being called a fag as if it were nothing. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when someone sat down next to me.

"You look kinda down. Are you ok?"

When I looked up there was this very beautiful brunette sitting next to me. She seemed very friendly and genuinely concerned. She looked to be about my age, 5'6", chocolate brown shoulder length hair that had blond highlights and hazel eyes.

"I'm ok, just nervous about my first class is all." I lied, and started fidgeting to make it believable.

"I'm Livia, but please call me Liv."

"Hi Liv, I'm Kristian but you can call me KC."

"So what class do you have up first?"

"I have an English course, and you?

"I think we might have the same class, anyway I know I just met you and all but you really did look sad. Not nervous. Care for a shoulder to cry on?" Livia offered.

"Thanks. Its just that my room mate and I made really good friends, really fast. He figured out I'm gay and basically said all kinds of things about how if anybody gave me any problems he'd handle them. Then today one of his buddies from the baseball team calls me a fag and all he says is 'oh that's just KC, my room mate'. Talk about fucked up huh?"

"Really fucked up. Fuck 'em, I mean its not like you really know him. You said you just met him, you can't expect to make a really good friend that quickly. Can you?"

"I honestly don't know. But why do I have the feeling that we're gonna be the best of friends?" I said, smiling.

"Maybe because gay guys and lesbians make really good friends, since they're not in the least bit interested in each other."

"I guess so, wow I don't think I've ever been friends with a lesbian before."

"Trust me you have, you just didn't know it. Girls are way better at hiding their sexuality than guys, we're generally better than guys at everything."

"Not giving head!"

"True, but I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm a 'Platinum Lesbian'."

"What the hell is a 'Platinum Lesbian'?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"It's a lesbian that has never done anything with a guy, not even kissing."

"Cool, I guess that would make me a 'Platinum Gay'!"

"Ha, ha... you're really funny. You know... I bet you haven't realized that I managed to cheer you up?"

"You know what, you're right! Jeez, girls are so sneaky!"

"Come on, class is about to start." Livia said, as she grabbed my hand.

We got up and headed into what was to become the most boring class we had together. I found it really odd that we hit it off so well, and that we were both majoring in Photography. What are the chances?! Anyway when the day was done we started walking back towards the dorms when of all people Reese runs up.

"KC! Dude what happened to you this morning? I looked back to see where you sat and you were gone."

"Yeah I kinda lost my appetite."

"Who's your new friend?" Reese questioned.

"Oh yeah! Reese this is Livia, Livia meet my room mate Reese."

"Hi Reese, I'd say I'm pleased to meet you but I don't like lying to people." Livia said, the comment dripping with animosity.

"Down girl! Take it easy Liv, you just met him."

"Um... I'm lost. I don't get it. What's with the hostility?" Reese said, confused.

"Nothing, I'll see you back at the room."

All of a sudden Livia turned to me and looked really pissed.

"Like hell its nothing. KC, you'd better tell him or I'll give him a piece of my mind." Shouted Livia.

"Really Liv, its ok."

"OK now I'm really confused. Tell me what?" Reese said, getting frustrated.

Wanting to get away from the situation unfolding in front of me, I turned to walk away when Livia continued the confrontation with out me.

"You know good and well why KC didn't stay in the mess hall this morning, if you don't then you're not very bright!" She said, stepping right up to Reese's face.

"Honestly I... oh shit. You heard what Jeremy said. Didn't you?" Asked Reese, his shoulders sinking a bit.

"Yeah I heard him but what I didn't hear was you backing up all the bullshit you told me about you not letting anyone give me shit." I yelled.

"I didn't realize you had heard him. Trust me, if I had known I would have done something!"

"It doesn't matter whether I heard or not, you should have said something!" I said, disgusted.

"I'm sorry but honestly, what did you want me to do! I've known Jeremy longer than I've known you!" Answered Reese.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I'll admit it hurt a little but, I wasn't about to let it show.

"Come on KC, he's not even worth wasting your time arguing with." Livia said, grabbing my hand to leave.

"Who is this bitch?" Reese yelled, frustrated.

Before the word had even left his mouth, I saw a flash of movement and Reese was laying on the ground clutching his stomach.

"I might be a bitch, but that doesn't give you the right to call me one. Just so you know, this bitch took you down with one punch. Care for some more?" Scolded Livia.

Reese just lay there looking at her then me, slowly he got up and looked at me one last time. Then he left, headed in the direction of our room.

"I really don't want to go to my room now, he'll just be there waiting for me. Can we go someplace, anyplace but here?" I pleaded.

"Come on sweetie. We can head to the athletics department and ask the coaches if we can photograph the players training. That way we can get a jump start on our assignment for class."

"Sounds good to me, besides I'll get to check out all the sweaty guys running around with their shirts off." I said, my mood lifting slightly.

"Eww, please don't remind me."

So at that we headed of towards the athletic department, not realizing that is exactly where Reese would be. Thankfully the entire time we were taking pictures we never ran into him. Hell, I think Livia purposefully steered clear from the baseball team. Both for my sake and Reese's.

"You know KC, you really ought to get yourself a digital camera. Instead of using that 35mm piece of ancient technology."

"It's all my mom could afford to get me, we never really had much money."

"Didn't you have grandparents or your dad or something?" Livia questioned.

"My dad left my mom before she knew she was pregnant. As for grandparents, they died when I was five and mom was an only child. A drunk driver hit them when they were driving home. I had stayed the weekend with them cause my mom had to work, luckily it happened after they dropped me off or I wouldn't be here today."

"I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't know." Livia said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok, I mean it happened a while ago. Besides they would have passed anyway, Grams had lung cancer and Poppa had a bad heart."

"You know, we're kinda the same. You and I."

"How so?"

"Well, my mom died right after giving birth to me. My dad raised me with the help of my Nana and Grampa but when I was ten my Nana died. A couple years later so did my Grampa. We've both suffered loss at an early age." She explained.

"No wonder we hit it off so quickly, we really are similar. You know if I were straight and took you to meet my mom, she would be begging me to marry you. I'm sure she'd be glad to meet you anyway."

"Same for my dad, I think he'd really like that you and I are friends.

When we were all done we decided to get something to eat, so we headed for the mess hall. When we went in I saw Reese sitting at the table with some of his baseball buddies. I just kept walking with Livia and we got our food and sat down. Half way through our meal someone came and sat beside me.

"Can we call a truce?" Pleaded Reese

"That all depends on you." I stated, coldly.

"Look KC, I really am sorry about what I said earlier and that I didn't do anything about Jeremy this morning. Livia, I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. I was just frustrated and I know that's not a good excuse but I really am sorry."

"Well I can forgive you if KC does." Livia said, looking to me.

They both looked at me waiting for an answer. But an answer was something I just couldn't give them. You see Livia didn't yet know about what I went through in High School but Reese did. When that guy said that word, it brought me back to that day my best friend hurt me. I could feel the tears flood my eyes as the memories came rushing back, all I could do was just look at Reese. For a split second I saw Joey's face and I just couldn't take it. I got up suddenly and ran out of the mess hall. I ran to my room and shut the door, locking it in the process. I guess I was really trying to run from my memories, but that was impossible. I collapsed on my bed and cried, it was a good half hour before I heard Livia and Reese knocking on the door.

"Come on sweetie. Open up!" Begged Livia.

I didn't respond.

"KC honey, what's the matter? You can talk to me, open up!"

Still I didn't respond to her pleading.

"KC, its Reese. I think I know why this is affecting you so much. Please, can we talk?"

Finally I walked over and opened the door. I stepped to the side to allow them to come in and closed the door behind them. Reese was the first to speak.

"I know why this affected you so much, it reminded you of the situation with Joey and Kyle. Didn't it?" Probed Reese.

I just nodded my head in agreement and saw a look of confusion on Livia's face.

"What happened? Who are Joey and Kyle? Are they Reese's baseball buddies?" Livia asked excitedly, ready to pummel Reese again.

"No they aren't. Do you mind if I tell her what you told me KC?" Reese asked me.

"Go ahead."

Reese sat down with Livia and me on his bed and he proceeded to tell her my story. A couple times I jumped in to clear up or add something he had forgotten. By the time all was said and done Livia had a bit more understanding about why I had reacted the way I did.

"Look guys I'm sorry for over reacting but I had some flash backs and when I looked at you, I saw Joey's face. It freaked me out." I said, looking at Reese then Livia.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I was the one who should have done something when Jeremy called you a fag, regardless of whether or not you heard him. I promise next time it happens, he'll regret it."

"Just don't do anything you'll regret ok? That's all I ask." I said, touching his arm.

"Don't worry KC, I'll be there too. Remember I can take down someone twice my size." Joked Livia.

"That reminds me, take a look at what you left behind."

Reese stood up and lifted his shirt. There on his stomach was a bruise the size of an orange, maybe bigger. Livia reached out to touch it and made Reese flinch.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't really mean to hurt you but I don't let anyone get away with calling me names." Livia stated, never actually having apologized for hitting him.

"Don't worry about it, it only stings when someone touches it. It was my fault anyway, I shouldn't have said what I did. It was just as bad as what Jeremy said."

"You're sure it doesn't hurt Reese?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

I reached out my hand to feel the bruise and expected him to flinch the way he had when Livia touched it, but he didn't. As my fingers ran over his smooth skin I felt a tingling sensation in my hand and I looked up at his face. I thought I could make out a faint smile as he watched me touch him, when I pulled my hand away the smile faded.

"I thought you said it hurt when someone touched it?" I asked.

"Not when you did, it just kinda tingled." He responded, his eyes seemed to sparkle.

Reese dropped his shirt and I just sat there looking up at him for what felt like forever. Sensing the odd tension in the air, Livia broke the silence.

"Well, I'd better be going. It's late and I gotta get some stuff done before I go to sleep. I'll see you later KC, and it really was nice meeting you Reese."

"Same here, Livia. Goodnight." Answered Reese.

"I'll walk you outside." I said, walking over to the door.

When we exited the dorm building Livia turned to me and looked like she was going to say something, then turned and started walking away.

"Wait a minute Liv. You look like you have something on your mind. Care to share?"

"I was just gonna ask you something but then I thought better of it."

"Go ahead and ask away." I said.

"Well... are you positively sure that Reese is straight?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You're 100 percent sure? He actually told you he was straight?" Livia continued to ask.

"Well, no. He didn't come out and say it. I just assumed he was. Liv, what's going on?"

"I might be wrong but I could swear I saw him smile while you were feeling his bruise. I think he might secretly like you. Has he said or done anything odd?" She asked, expecting me to shoot her theory down.

"Well there was this morning in the showers, I was washing off and he was shaving. When I looked over to where he was, I caught him watching me. Then there was the comment about my pretty little balls and I thought I saw him watching me as I got dressed after showering."

"Huh? He said what?"

"Well, his words came out wrong. Then there is how closely he's been paying attention to me. Like he notices my routines and if I forget something. He even gave me some of his clothes to work out in. Maybe he was just being nice." I said.

"Or maybe he has the hot's for you. Either way keep your eyes open, be on the look out for anything else that might lead you to believe he likes you."

"I will, see ya tomorrow."

"Bye." Livia shouted as she walked away.

As I headed back up to my room, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Livia was right. Did Reese have the hot's for me? I was definitely going to have to pay closer attention to him from now on. As I approached the door I wondered if it might scare him off if I tried something this very night. I decided against it, but figured I might tease him a bit and see if he takes the bait. I walked in and Reese was at his computer. I walked over and sat down on my bed, and then the idea came to me. I slipped off my shirt and pants then pulled up my chair next to Reese's.

"I'm awful sore from today's work out and run. Would you mind giving me a massage?"

"Sure, lay down. I've got some stuff I use when practice really gets me sore. I'll get it." He said, as he got up from the desk.

I laid face down on my bed and waited for Reese to come over. He started rubbing in the cream he had. He made his way up my legs one by one and his hands felt amazing on my sore muscles. Eventually he made it up to my shoulders but had to straddle my butt to work my shoulders right. As he continued working on my back and shoulders I thought I could feel the bulge in his jeans grow. Curious, I shifted under him and caused my butt to rub against him. I could swear I heard him softly moan. A few seconds later he got up from massaging me.

"I'm gonna go wash this stuff off my hands, be right back." Reese said, as he walked out the door.

It took him about 15 minutes before he came back, without the bulge he left with. Right then I knew I had him, he obviously liked me and got hard rubbing me down. He had to rub himself down in the bathroom or come back with an obvious hard-on. With this new knowledge, I wondered how long I could tease him before he gave in and confessed. Only time would tell.

So tell me, was this chapter worth the wait? Sorry I took such a long time to come out with it but as usual I hit a block. Special thanks to my editor Michael.

Next: Chapter 3

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