Healing Old Wounds

By Ruben Cordova

Published on May 31, 2008


Disclaimer: This story and all characters are the property of the author, any similarities to actual people is completely coincidental. This story contains sexual acts between consenting males, all sexual acts include the use of condoms unless otherwise stated. If it is illegal for you to access this material, please leave the site. All questions, comments and criticism can be sent to me via three options:

1)freaky_ruben@yahoo.com 2)http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Freakys_Tales 3)http://www.myspace.com/latinbjqueen

I had just arrived at college and was overwhelmed at how large the campus is, I made my way over to the table marked room assignments and stood in line. When I reached the front I showed them my conformation sheet and they handed me a sheet of paper with my room assignment on it. Next I went through the mind numbing blur of getting my classes, buying my books, and avoiding signing up for any social groups. At least for right now, I grabbed my bags and headed for my dorm building. When I got there I stepped into the elevator, headed up to the third floor and to room 311, then knocked.

Before I continue let me give you an idea of what I look like. I just turned 18, I'm 5'11" and 175lbs of toned muscle. Not a beefcake but more along the lines of one of those lightweight UFC guys. Actually I've been taking martial arts classes for the last three years, I'll tell you why later. By the way my name is Kristian Castillo, but my friends just call me KC. I have jet black hair and hazel eyes, which I'm told change color depending on my mood. They become green when I'm happy and more brown when I'm mad. Back to my story.

A few seconds later the door opened and what stood before me was what I could only describe as being a 'God'. He looked to be about 6'4" and maybe 220lbs of pure, ripped muscle. He was standing there in just a pair of shorts so I was in heaven looking at him. He had light brown hair and eyes so icy blue they looked almost white. He stood in the doorway staring at me, while my mind was off in some fantasy I had conjured up the moment I saw him. I almost didn't hear him speak when I finally landed back on planet earth.

Guy: "I said Hi. My name's Reese, Reese Williams. You must be my room mate, come on in."

KC: "Yeah I'm Kristian Castillo, but you can just call me KC. Looks like I got the right side of the room."

Reese: "Sorry I got here last week and claimed my side first."

KC: "It's ok, actually I'm kinda OCD so it would have driven me crazy being on that side of the room. Wait... you got here last week?"

Reese: "Well I play baseball, so all the people on an athletic team had to get here a week early. You look pretty fit, you play a sport?"

KC: "Not for the school, otherwise I probably would have got here the same time as you. I've been taking martial arts classes since I was 15."

Reese: "Mind if I ask why you chose to take it up?"

Not really wanting to answer his question I quickly changed the subject.

KC: "So, you're a freshman too right?"

Reese: "Yeah, this is the freshman dorm but..."

KC: "I'm gonna unpack my things, afterwards maybe you can come with me to get a bite to eat and show me around a bit."

Reese: "Sure, you need any help?"

KC: "No, I'm good but thanks."

I moved my bags on to my bed and started unpacking them, I found the closet was half full with what was obviously Reese's clothes. I got out the clothes I was going to hang up and sorted them into piles: dress shirts, polo shirts, t-shirts, shorts, jeans and dress pants. Then I sorted each of those until the piles were separated by color, then I hung them up in the same order I first sorted them into. Reese looked up from whatever book he was reading on his bed and saw my side of the closet.

Reese: "Wow you weren't kidding when you said you were OCD! I thought you were just fucking around with me."

KC: "I wish I was only playing, I've been like this since before I can remember."

Reese: "Don't they have treatment for it or something like that?"

KC: "Yeah, but the prices are a little bit out of my league. I don't have much money and the treatment costs a lot."

Reese: "If you don't mind me asking, how are you able to afford school?"

KC: "I got a full academic scholarship, I worked my ass off in High School. I knew it would be the only way I could afford to pay for college. What about you?"

Reese: "They wanted to offer me a full athletic scholarship but I told them my parents could more than handle paying for my schooling. I told them to give it to someone who needed it."

KC: "That was nice of you, do you know if that's what they did?"

Reese: "Yeah, this guy on the team was talking about how he almost didn't come here but at the last minute they gave him a scholarship. I didn't say anything but I knew it was the one I gave up. I may have been born into a well off family but I sure as hell am not stuck up about it."

Reese was definitely turning out way different than I thought a typical jock would be, maybe he and I would get along better than I thought. I still had to tell him I'm gay though, we'll see how friendly he is after that. I took the rest of my clothes over to the dresser and put them away in my OCD manner. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Reese watching me and when he saw that each drawer had its own type of clothing he just smiled and went back to reading. After I finished with my clothes I went and set up my computer on the empty desk next to Reese's desk, I noticed he had a brand new laptop which made me feel like my desktop was from the stone age.

You see it's always been just me and my mom, my dad left my mom before he even knew she was pregnant. My mom's always been a hard worker and knew that when I got to High School that I was gonna need a computer, so she saved what she could and when I got home from my first day of High School she surprised me with a computer. That was a few years ago and with all the newer computers running with Vista and XP I was a little embarrassed with my 98SE desktop. Hey when I said my mom got me a computer I never said it was a new computer, she got it from a discount store for $300 bucks. Anyways needless to say I was hesitant to place such an ancient thing next to something so new, it didn't help when Reese saw my computer.

Reese: "Dude, does that thing still run? It looks like you've had it since the first computer was made!"

KC: "Yeah well, like I said I don't have much money and at the time this is what my mom could afford to buy me. It works great for what I need it for, I don't really need it for anything else except school."

Reese: "What about email and stuff on the Internet?"

KC: "Well I do have an email account but I don't know much about the Internet except for checking my email, I only had dial-up at home so I never really bothered to explore."

Reese: "Well the school provides Broadband to all the dorms and I guess later I could show you what you've been missing, lets go get a quick bite to eat I'm starving!"

Reese got up from his bed threw on a tank-top and a pair of sandals and we headed to the dining hall. When we got there I picked up whatever I thought might taste good and waited for Reese to choose, we walked over to pay and I slid my student ID card through the machine and waited for Reese. We found a table and sat down to eat, while we ate Reese asked me about myself and I did my best to stay away from the 'gay' topic. Realizing I knew nothing about him I started my own line of questions.

KC: "So, where are you from?"

Reese: "Here in New Mexico, my parents own a production company and with all these new movies being filmed in New Mexico business is booming."

KC: "What exactly does the company do?"

Reese: "They help up and coming directors with independent films and they own quite a bit of empty land around Albuquerque and Santa Fe. So my dad leases out the land to major studios when they need to film, matter of fact some new horror movie is being filmed as we speak. I think it's called 'Legion'."

KC: "That's pretty cool, so what position do you play in baseball?"

Reese: "Pitcher."

I damn near choked on my food when he said that, I started coughing and he patted my back.

Reese: "You ok?"

KC: "Yeah, I swallowed wrong. Food went down the wrong tube."

In my mind I was thinking that I'd play catcher to his pitcher any time he wanted. I cleared my mind of those naughty thoughts and we finished eating. We headed back up to the room and he took a look at my computer, he hooked up my computer to the router he had and boom! I finally had a fast connection. He showed me around some different sights and some places where I could get music from, legally but it was still free. He closed the browser and said he was gonna take a look at some settings to make my desktop run a little faster. I walked to my bed and laid back, I was pretty tired and forgot that there were things on my computer that I really didn't want him to see.

Reese: "What's in your folder named 'Misc'?"

KC: "Huh?"

When I realized exactly what folder he was in I sat up and looked at the screen. He had opened some pictures I had and was going through them. Picture after picture of guys fucking, sucking and cumming on each other. He turned to look at me and saw that I was embarrassed.

Reese: "Sorry, I didn't realize that was your porn folder."

He closed the window and walked over to his bed. I was stumped, I had expected more of a reaction from him. I looked over to him and he was just sitting there, but I could tell he knew I was looking at him. All of a sudden he got up, turned out the light and went to bed. Leaving me sitting in the dark wondering if this friendship that had started was now lost. I took off my clothes and climbed into bed, but I couldn't sleep. I laid there staring at the ceiling, my mind racing at a million miles an hour. After about an hour I heard Reese speak.

Reese: "You a sleep?"

KC: "I guess you couldn't sleep either."

Reese: "Nope. Can I ask you something?"

KC: "You just did."

Reese: "You know what I mean smart ass!"

KC: "Sure."

Reese: "Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

KC: "The thought crossed my mind to tell you but... I guess I was scared."

Reese: "Why?"

KC: "Can we not talk about this right now?"

Reese: "OK, but just so you know. It doesn't matter to me, I still like you."

KC: "Then why did you go to bed so quickly?"

Reese: "Cause I thought that you might be mad at me for going through your files, and because I found out you were gay when you didn't want me to know."

KC: "It's not that I didn't want you to know, its just... I can't do this right now!"

I got up and slipped on my briefs, shorts, flip-flops and a shirt and walked out of the room. As I stood waiting for the elevator, Reese came up and just stood next to me. He didn't say anything, he just stood there. The elevator seemed like it was taking forever to come up so I turned and headed for the stairwell. Before I could get there Reese stepped in front of me and just stared, not letting me pass.

Reese: "What's wrong?"

KC: "Nothing, I just needed to get out of the room."

Reese: "I'm sorry."

KC: "For what?"

Reese: "Obviously for whatever I did to make you mad."

KC: "You didn't do anything. I just... its just that... its just that some things happened in my past that makes me want to keep my private life private!"

Reese: "Come back to the room, I promise I'll stop asking questions."

Reese hung his head and disappeared back into the room, now I felt like an ass for making him feel like he was bothering me. I walked slowly back into the room and looked over to Reese's bed, he stripped down to his boxer-briefs and climbed into bed with out saying a word. I was gonna say something but decided I better not, just let the both of us settle down and I'd talk to him in the morning. Besides tomorrow was Sunday, I doubted he had practice. By now I was exhausted and sleep came easily.

I was woken up by an alarm clock buzzing, I looked over to see Reese sitting up and turning off the alarm. He climbed out of bed, grabbed a towel and his shower kit and left. Now I really felt like shit, I knew he was mad at me and I couldn't blame him. I had acted kinda like an ass last night when all he was doing was just trying to understand me. I figured I would wait till he came back from showering before I would try to talk to him. About half an hour later he came back, looking a bit less mad than when he had left. I got out of bed and apologized.

KC: "I'm sorry for the way I acted last night and how I spoke to you."

Reese: "It's cool."

There was no emotion when he spoke, hell he didn't even bother to turn around when he said it. I figured the only way to get his attention was to just tell him what had happened.

KC: "It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, that's when it happened. I had struggled all year with these feelings I had, finally I felt like I had to tell my friends or I would bust. It was me, my best friend Joey and his twin brother Kyle. We were eating lunch at their house when I just came out and said it. I told them I was gay. At fist they just looked at me and didn't say anything, then Joey got up and walked over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and then Kyle did the same, next thing I know they threw me to the ground and started kicking me and Kyle grabbed a bat from the living room. I just curled up into a ball and listened to them call me faggot, queer and a whole bunch of other things while they beat me. Eventually I must have passed out because when I woke up I was in the hospital. I had suffered broken ribs, a fractured skull, one of my lungs had collapsed and they had to operate on me and remove my spleen because it had ruptured. My heart stopped beating twice on the way to the hospital, I had been in a coma for nearly two months when I finally woke up. Luckily, other than my scar, there wasn't any permanent damage. I later found out their mom had come home from the store and walked in on them beating me, she called 911 and threw Joey and Kyle in the pantry and jammed the door shut until the police came. When the police asked them why they did what they did, they flat out said because I had told them I was gay. Eventually when their mom found out why they started beating me, she told my mom that if she wanted to press charges against them, she wouldn't try to stop her. They ended up going to juvie and now that they're 18, they've probably been transferred to regular prison. They won't get out until they're about 30. They were tried as adults because of how badly they beat me."

I was in tears when Reese turned around and finally looked at me, he walked to where I was standing and pulled me into a big hug. When he let go we sat on my bed.

Reese: "So that's why you were afraid to tell me you were gay. You thought I'd be like they were, that I'd hurt you."

KC: "Sorry, but yeah. I don't trust people so easily now, it took a lot just to tell you that."

Reese: "Like I told you last night, it doesn't matter to me. Besides if anybody here gives you trouble they've got to deal with me."

KC: "Who said you were my protector? I can handle myself now. Remember doofus?"

Reese: "Well still, anybody gives you shit I'll fuck 'em up. Then you can have your turn."

KC: "What about your buddies on the team? Won't they rag on you for hanging out with a gay guy?"

Reese: "Don't worry about them, let me handle it. Besides if they have a problem I'll threaten to quit the team, and trust me they need me."

KC: "You know... you're completely different than I thought you were gonna be. When I first met you I thought you were gonna be the typical homophobic jock, turns out your not so bad."

We spent the rest of the day just lounging around the room and he showed me some more stuff on the Internet. He helped me download some programs that would help speed up my computer and made me a profile on MySpace. He was, aside from Tom, my first official friend. He used his camera to take some pictures of me and showed me hoe to put them on my profile.

Reese: "You know... if you put the one of you with your shirt off as your default picture, you'll get a shit load of people wanting to be your friend. Plus you might just find a boyfriend!"

KC: "You just want that picture of me showing so that you can check me out when I'm not around."

Reese: "Sure... you keep telling yourself that and one day it might come true. NOT!"

KC: "Come on, admit it. You might be straight but you secretly want me."

Reese: "When you decide to stop daydreaming we can go eat dinner."

KC: "Come on let's go. I wanna call home after we eat, so lets make it quick."

After dinner I talked to mom for a bit on my cell phone, the only thing my mom did splurge on. When I was done Reese and I got ready for bed, we both had our first day of classes tomorrow and we were gonna need plenty of energy.

OK, so this is my first attempt at a story outside of the sci-fi and celebrity genres. How do you like it so far? This is my only story in which reader feedback dictates the continuation of the story. Meaning if you don't tell me how you like it, I won't write new chapters for it. Enjoy!

Next: Chapter 2

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