Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Aug 13, 2012


Healing Love Chapter 7: Vacation By: Mirron Tenshi

Not too long after the big Independence Day celebration, Allen felt a sickening foreboding. His insides were churning until he decided to return home early, but quickly as well. Sensing that something was horribly amiss, Allen rushed to his home and loved one to find his boyfriend and his ex together under one roof.


"MAX! TOM!!!!"

My house is a mess; chairs are broken, cupboards are opened wide and crooked, broken object's littered the floor. I can also make out drops and streaks of blood here and there.

Max is on the couch in the living room, his pan't's are torn and halfway down his legs, a few red botche's stained on'to his briefs. More than half his shirt is tethered in many rips, twanged with thin strips of red. Oh my god, how DEEP is that cut on his arm?! He's bleeding!

Tom, on the other hand, looks way more messed up. He has many cut's on his body, five gashe's at a time from what I presume was Maxs claws. The side of what I can see of Tom has black eye, and a little blood was leaking from his maw.

"Go away! Why can't you just leave us alone?!" Max yelled to him. His harm was holding Toms, which was holding dripping, crimson knife. The tigers arms was shaking as he tried pushing back.

"He's MINE!" Tom hissed through his teeth, his voice sounding far more darker than it ever was. His knife edged closer and closer to Maxs throat, "He was mine first, you filthy cat! You don't deserve him -- trash like you don't even deserve to breathe!"

"What. Is. Your. PROBLEM?!" Finally, Max kicked upward hard on his chest. Tom was sent backward, gasping.

"Weeze weeze You . . . I'm gonna fucking ki- AHHHH!" Before I even realized it, my teeth had sunk into his arm. I growled deeply into his limb. I can taste his disgusting blood as it seeped from the puncture holes. My heart was racing with that dark hatred again. I Feel like I want to tear him to shreds!

I hate feeling this. I want him gone.

He yelped in pain as I forced him down, letting go of his arm, and spat out his blood. I glared down at him as I wipe my mouth on my chef jacket sleeves. "You make me sick." I hissed. I ben't down, and dug my claws into the scruff of his neck, and dragged him on the floor. Once I took him to the open door, I pulled him up.

"Now . . . Stay out of my LIFE!" I then thrust him out, retracting my claws as I threw him out as hard as I could, a few drops of blood flying from my claws. He landed 10 feet away and I quickly slammed the door as I saw him get back up. I held my weight against the door as I flipped open my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"A homicidal dingo wrecked my house and attacked my boyfriend!"

"Ok, just tell me your address and Ill dispatch unit's immediately."

"5491 Leaf Bound St, 98407 Everett, Washington."

I heard her typing. "Alright, help will be with you presently."

"Thank you." I hung up and stood at the door. Tom hasn't tried to break back in. I don't care. If he tried to break in again, I'll break both his arms!

I turned right back around and came to my tiger -- I need to patch him up . . .

The police arrived in 5 minutes and were investigating the house all over. While Max was explaining to a couple of cops what had happened, Rick had stepped in to confirm with me; oh yeah, I forgot to say, Rick is the Lieutenant in the Police Force. "Other than the dried up drops of blood on the street, he's gone. I'll file for a nightly patrol and security posts around the street until he is found and brought in."

"Alright, thanks a lot Rick."

He padded my shoulder, "Take care, buddy." Before the police left, they helped us pick up the place.

"Ya might wanna get that knob replaced." One of them said.

"I know, my boyfriend's a carpenter, he knows how to fix it." When they were gone, Max was on the couch. I sat next to him and kissed his cheek, but still nothing. I then turned his face towards me with a finger and he looked me in the eyes. I nuzzled him before he hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry, Max. He won't get anywhere near this area without being spotted." He was silent except for a couple of sniffles, "Max . . . I love you, ok? . . . I'm so sorry you're getting hurt because of my past . . ." I felt his paw clutch on my shirt.

"Do you have any idea what he was going to do to me if you didn't come?" He said in a thick and shaky voice; he sounds terrified.

I gasped softly, my heart sank as I gripped his shirt and hugged him tighter. "He w-was going to . . . Violate me and . . . Butcher me . . . He wasn't going to give up . . . HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO RIP MY BALLS OFF AND KILL ME!!!" He exclaimed. My tiger began to sob into my shoulder, ". . . He said if he couldn't have you, then I didn't deserve to live at all . . . His eyes . . . He's possessed, Allen! Even for anyone, this kind of action isn't normal!" His voice shook as he cried.

Tom possessed? That may be a possibility. When I was with him, he was the timid and strangely aloof at times. He was afraid to state his own opinions outwardly, always trying to fit in so he wouldn't be alone. I thought by being with me, I could help him grow up.

Him doing something like this sounds extremely out of character for him. But he did vanish from me, so who knows what can be expected. People change. I never thought he would abandon me.

He has no place with me.

"A-Allen . . . I was so scared. I beat him and beat him, but he kept getting up, saying he was going to cut everything off . . . The he was going to kill me . . ."

I rubbed his back with my paw and try all I can to comfort him, "It's ok, it's alright baby. It's going to be alright, sweetie . . ."

One Week Later

Over the past few days, I've really been on edge. I keep noticing split ends on my mane, and when I brush it, it doesn't look the way I usually do it. Dark circles are beginning to show around my eyes too - I haven't been able to sleep; I keep expecting one of the windows to burst and shatter from another dingo raid. I keep trembling. I keep looking over my back. I text Max all the time to make sure he's all right.

On top of it, me and Max haven't had a chance to have sex all week, our jobs have been particularly busy this week. When I told Shiniqua about the incident when I went to go visit her, she instantly got distraught, draws out her pistol, and tell me where the son-of-a-bitch went to while Jacob sloppily gets up and announces his is going to get his tazer, not just for Tom, but for Shia in case she goes trigger crazy again, which was replied by a "Shut the hell up, y'old basted".

My nerves are affecting my job as well. I keep forgetting ingredients to each preparation, losing track of the oven, and even so far as accidentally dropping next meal -- losing not only the food, but also another dish.

"Dammit!" I groaned frustratingly while gagging on black smoke, "Not again . . ." I quickly took out a blackened pizza out of the oven, and set it aside. I leaned on the counter, and dug one paw under my mane. I can feel myself beginning to break. I'm just one, fucking step away from just snapping. "Damn, at this rate, I'm going to get fired." I felt my eyes water a little as picked up the large wooden pizza tool.

"Sander," I heard the manager call me, "Mr Fenilo wants to see you. Now." I gulped as my stomach sank. `Too late . . .'

I threw the burnt pizza out, hung up the wooden spatula, and walked out of the kitchen and towards my boss's office, trembling the whole way.

-Knock knock- "M-Mr, Fenilo, sir?"

"Come in." I opened the door, and entered the fine office. "Sander. Please have a seat." He beaconed for the chair in front of him with no sign of emotion; whether everything is ok or not. I took the seat in front of his desk. My boss, Mr Fenilo, is simply put, the Tough-but-Fair type, but every time he calls me to his office, I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach; it's just something I have.

He took out a clipboard and scanned it with his eyes. "So Sander, over the past week, I've received reports of poor performance from you. Overcooking, burning, wrong sides in the dishes. A few BROKEN dishes. And continuous delays." His eyes looked up from behind his glasses, as he put the clipboard down, and leaned in with his elbows on his desk, interlacing his fingers, and looking into my eyes, as if studying me, "This all started ever since you asked me to go home early. You want to tell me what's been going on lately?" His stare is doing no justice to my anxiety.

"W-Well, my e-ex came by re-recently a-and-" Dammit, I hate when I get so damn nervous, because then I start to stutter.

"Take a deep breath, Sander. And tell me." Mr Fenilo said firmly, as if his impatience was bound to ware thein I inhaled deeply and continued.

"I-I'm sorry sir. My ex-boyfriend recently showed up, and . . . It's a bit of a long story, but suffice it to say he's gone insane," I can feel my heart rate increase, "Last week, he broke into my home and attacked my current boyfriend with a knife. I haven't had any sleep at all. I feel like I'm on the breaking point; my nerves are driving me crazy, sir." My voice pattern became frantic, "I keep thinking he's going to break in at any moment. He tried to kill him, sir. He was REALLY going to kill him and literally rip him apart and-"

"That's . . . Enough, Sander" Mr Fenilo held his paw up to indicate I could stop talking. He then opened one of his drawers and started writing something, which I recognized was a slip of dismissal. Oh God, please don't let it be a slip of unemployment! "Sander, I can't have you in my kitchen like this. I'm afraid I'm going to have to-"

"N-No sir! I-I can do better! I'll stop screwing up, I promise! Pl-Please don't let me go!"

My boss let in one chuckle. "Sander, will you calm down? I'm not firing you. You can't work like this, and I can't let you force out a good job. I'm going to have to give you time off." The panther stopped writing and glanced up at me, "Look, Sander, you've worked for me for 5 years and you've done an excellent job. Furthermore, you've never used any of your vacation time." Mr Fenilo parted the paper, and handed the yellow slip to me. "Now I'm giving you a three week break. Take that time to calm your nerves and take it easy."

"Y-Yes sir."

"Good. Now why don't you take the rest of the day off." I nodded and left his office, and soon found my self in his car. I slumped my head back, closed my eyes and groaned weakly.

Just what am I going to be doing for three weeks? I guess that means more time with Max, but he has to work too. Besides, HE'S the one who was attacked, shouldn't he be the one stressed out?

I eventually got home while Max was still at Lowes. My body still feels shaken up. I just walked to the couch and dropped down on it. Oh, what I wouldn't give for Max to be right here right now. I just wanna-

"I'm HOOOOME!" I yelped and jumped as I heard a loud entrance. I turned to see Max has just come through the door. He seems to be in a very good mood. I sighed as I sat back down on the couch. "Hiya, sexy!" He said as he slumped down next to me, nibbling my ear playfully, but I can hardly respond. He must've taken notice, because he stopped. "Allen? Baby, what's wrong? You're all fidgety."

"Oh, it's just this thing with Tom, I've been paranoid all week. My boss at Celino's told me to take three weeks off to calm my nerves a-and-" I felt his paw on my cheek, and turned to face him, ". . . A-And . . . I . . ." I trailed off as both our mouths seem to attract each other like magnets.

He then tenderly kissed me. He mouthed around my lips and then explored into my maw. I melted away into another one of his passionate kisses, moaning quietly as his tongue hugged and wrestled mine. Damn, we have not kissed like this all week. I haven't realized just how pent up I am.

The tiger broke the kiss and looked me in the eye "Wait till you hear my news:

"You and me are flying to Japan!"

I sat up in total surprise, almost falling from the couch. "J-Japan?!"

"Yeah! I told my family about my meeting you and about what recently happened and they want to have us for two weeks!" He grinned as he tried to kiss me again, but I broke it quickly.

"Wait- Wait a- Wait a minute, what about YOUR job?"

He smiled widely as he nuzzled me, "The building's being renovated; it's relatively new and it's still not up to code, so we have it off." What came next was inevitable at this point, judging by the way he licked his muzzled and gave a very sexy growl.

Max then slipped his paw through my jeans and fondled my balls. I felt myself blush at this action. I can already feel my member wake into life, "And now, I've been dying for some fun. All. Week. Long." I purred as my sheath inflated. "Lets get this off real quick."

Max then unbuttoned my chef jacket, and stripped it off along with my shirt. In no time, he yanked down my black pants.

Now just in my boxers with a bulge on the front, I just leaned up and kissed him again as he gently picked me up and carried me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

My boxers are already a large-pitched tent as he placed me on the bed. I quickly pulled his shirt off of him, right before he moved down, and kissed me passionately. I moaned as my paws explored his pecs, and then his back.

He rolled us aside with me on top. I huffed and groaned as nipped at his lower lip. While he kissed me back, his paws dug underneath me, and worked his belt and zipper. I broke the kiss and got up from him to let Max pull down and toss his jeans aside; his tighty-whities were pointing straight out from him.

The tiger then moved in on me, and pushed me down into another hot kiss. I breathed heavily through my nose as our tongues clashed in our mouths. I held the back of his head to keep him there with one paw, kissing him as if my life depended on it!

My other paw had located his undies, where I tugged them off. Max took a moment to kick off his underpants before going back to clutching my head with both paws as if to keep me from falling.

My paws traveled from the back of his head to feeling his cheek, rubbing my fingers along his face fur. He broke the kiss, and started gnawing and licking my chin, and then down my neck. Horny growls rumbled from his chest, then purring lovingly in a mixture of hunger and affection.

Max then pressed his muzzle onto my right nipple. "Ohhh, fuck . . . !" I groaned. He sucked on my sensitive nip, rolling the perked nub on my left chest with his fingers, before switching and licking up the other one. Oh fuck, I can feel the head of my cock making a large stain in my underwear!

I voiced a sigh of pleasure and shivered as Max went down and let his teeth and tongue drag and lather on my abs.

I looked down to see my tiger then sniffing and nuzzling the anus of my shorts, I gave a little giggle before I felt my undershorts pulled on. Max was growling and tugging with his teeth. Oh god, that is so fucking hot! With one tug, my raging boner flopped right up, drooling nonstop as it jutted from my body.

The tiger then tossed my boxershorts away, and then came back to my dick. "Ohhhh!" My back arched as he just flat out swallowed my cock whole! He slide his head up and down with ease as his raspy tongue licked the underside of my cock while he dug both paws under me. I cooed and purred madly as his grabby paws squeezed my butt. I groaned and mewed as his throat and tongue worked at my hard rod while kneading my asscheeks.

Max had then went lower and licked under my ballsac. My head jerked up and fell back as I gasped and growled in my throat as Max took my sac into his mouth and suckled my orbs. I moaned wantonly as my nuts were caressed in the wet warmth.

Max then backed up and cupped my jewels in his paw; he then pressed his thumb down on my balls and slowly slid his thumb downward, restraining them in his palm and repeated the technique. I gasped and snarled as this shot my rod with a bolt of pleasure, causing it to spurt precum!

I'm just in heaven; as this point, my whole dick as soaked in pre, continually erupting with clear and slimey fluid. Max then reared up his length and gripped his cock and mine in his hand rubbed them together with his fingers. I laid my ears back as we moaned in unison as he lubricated his dick with my pre.

"Take . . . me . . ."


I then roared out in heat, "Fuck me, MAAX! I need your hot cock in my ass!!" He growled in excitement and pulled back when his rod was as soaked as mine and pulled my rear to the end of the bed and teased my hole with his glanns, palming my balls in his slimy paw. Max picked up my legs over his shoulders and pushed in. I snarled loudly and gripped the sheets as his thick cock covered my insides with ecstatic liquid.

Holy shit, I have never felt my need for anal sex in my ass being so fulfilled! It feels so fucking good! Better than it before!

I moaned in bliss as Max pulled back out and forced back in. I started to moan louder as Max slowly began making love to me for the first time in a week.

"Oh fuck, Max! You fucking stud!!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, he pulled back, and then slammed back into me!

I roared as my claws sank into the mattress as my whole body charged with electric pleasure "OH, YES!! FUCK YES!!" I shouted as he continued to thrust into me. Max leaned in, put his paws on my sides, and started to pound his pelvis into my rear. "Harder! Harder, Max!"

"Fuck, yeah, Allen. Take it you cock slut!" My cock spurted precum, as my back arched again, just as his rod punched my prostate, just as he said that.

My cock is just screaming to be released as it squirted out more pre, it leaking and flowing down my hips and puddled around my sac, which dribbled onto Max's shaft and dove right into me! I swear, I'm beginning to se stars as Max continued to screw me wild and fast with each hit to the G-Spot every time he went back in.

"Oh Max! You're making me so hot, I think I'm gonna pass out!" I breathed out as Max thrust into me again and again. He could only growl as he slapped his front on my ass again and again, his nuts hitting the base of my tail.

My tiger lean forward even closer, his whole cock driving into me, his thrusts becoming shout, quick humps as I sensed he neared his climax. "Oh Allen . . . You just feel so-o good . . ." Max grunted and groaned as he pounded me faster and harder.

After a few more powerful thrusts, his paws gripped my hips, and roared loudly as I felt a huge, hot gush in my ass. He bucked his hips into me as he continued to inject a particularly big load. I melted as I enjoyed the hot seed flooding in my insides. I can feel the warm cream leak out of my well-used hole.

My eyes closed as I let my head back, mewing in bliss when I felt him climb back on the bed. He's probably going to give me a nice a handjob or a blow-

Suddenly, I feel the top of my cock squeezed, and then my whole length feels an overwhelming pressure!

Oh my fucking god, he's riding it! He's riding it!

I released an intense roar and tore my claws into the sheets and through the mattress and pressed my head down on the pillow and I voiced out my breathing and still roaring a little as Max sat down on my meat, "Man, you are one pent up, horny kitty cat. After all, it'd be such a shame to waste all his natural lube."

He leaned forward, moving my cock with him lower and lower and moved himself up and down, using my shoulders to push himself. "Ahh! Ahhhh! AHHH!" I could only dig my claws deeper and snarl and moan as he sat back up. His insides are flexing all around my rod! He moaned and purred as he stirred his ass with my shaft!

I couldn't hold back the huge explosion in his ass for another second! My cum was already spurting out from around my lodged cock, from his tailhole, as my orgasm over flowed him from the inside, soon making a sizable puddle of mixed tiger and lion seed at the end of the bed.

The tiger then pulled himself off of my spent rod and laid next to me. We panted, hot and sweaty as one of the most awesome moments of my life lingered. I turned and rested my head on his pec, and place a paw on his stomach.

"Holy fuck . . ." I groaned out, "That. Was. Amazing." He grinned and kissed me. He chuckled weakly and purred while he stroked my mane. "I love you, Max. I'm so glad we have it off. I just hope I never see that bastard again . . ." Max nuzzled me affectionately.

"It's ok, sweetie. You're safe now. I won't let him harm us. I promise . . ." Max kissed my forehead, as my eyelids felt heavy.

". . . Why . . . Are you the one getting protective? He attacked you, not me . . ." Max kissed me softly.

"Yeah, he attacked me. But he hurt you." I purred lovingly as I held him close.

As I lay there, next to him, I found myself quickly fading, finally feeling safe enough to sleep for the first time in a whole week.

The next day, Max was making the preparations for the trip in the den and I was upstairs on the computer.

"Aaaaaand, click~" I clicked the [CONFIRM PURCHASE] tab. That should be done by the time me and Max get back home. Hehe, wait till Max sees I decided to have built in a-


Hm? Looks like I have an IM from my older sister, Haley.

Lenobia739: Hey kid, what's up? Goldenlionhart: Nothing much, except on going on vacation. Lenobia739: Cool. Where to? Goldenlionhart: Kyoto, Japan. Lenobia739: OMG, you bastard. Goldenlionhart: lol

I grinned, Haley has always wanted to go to Japan.

Lenobia739: So, off topic, who's knockin your junk nowadays?

I blushed and felt a little embarrassed. I hate it when she says that and she knows it; she's been asking that question for years just to annoy me. My sister loves gay guys, she's straight, but she's a big fan. When I told her that I was gay, she all but sprouted wings and flew circles, As a matter of fact, I think we became closer as siblings when I told her.

Goldenlionhart: Why? Can't get some yourself? Lenobia739: No, I'm just curious if you've been out lately. Goldenlionhart: Well, I'm happy to report that I've been with this sexy tiger for 2 and a half months. Lenobia739: OMG, that's awesome, dude, way to go! You guys bangin' eachother yet? Goldenlionhart: Blunt, aren't you? Lenobia739: XP Unlucky, much?

My sister is also a bit of a perv.

Goldenlionhart: You suck. Lenobia739: I also blow, too ;)

I laughed there. She always counters with that.

Goldenlionhart: Anyway, I'm going to Japan to meet his family. Lenobia739: Uh-oh. Please try not kill it this time like with the last guy. Goldenlionhart: ):-( Shut up. Lenobia739: lol Goldenlionhart: I'm not kidding. Lenobia739: Oh...Too soon? Goldenlionhart: Especially since he's back. Lenobia739: O_o Holy crap! What happened? Goldenlionhart: He hurt my wrist when I slugged him. Lenobia739: Allen, did he hurt you like last time or anyway? Goldenlionhart: No, but he attacked my boyfriend and messed up my place. Lenobia739: What else did he do? Goldenlionhart: He cut my bf on his arm, but it wasn't too deep, and he was about to ...... go way too far before I came in. Lenobia739: OMFG, did you call the police?! Goldenlionhart: -_- No, I sent for the Cub Scouts. Yes, I called the police! Lenobia739: Well, they catch him? Goldenlionhart: No, he got away, but they're setting up patrols. Lenobia739: Well alright. g2g, Be careful and have fun in Japan, kid. Goldenlionhart: K, cya.

I closed the chat and sat back. I loved chatting with my sister, she's so fun to hang out with. Then Max put his arms around my shoulders and put his head on my shoulder. "So who's Haley?" I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"She's my sister, she'd would love to meet you babe. Is Ashley able to house-sit?" He smiled and kissed back

"Yes, she's available for the whole two weeks, and I also gave your friend Rick a call. Nice guy; he said he's going to give Ashley a BP Vest and a gun incase Tom makes a move."

"Good." I kissed him again, a bit more passionately. He smooched me some more as we lapped each other. "So when do we leave?" I asked between breaths.

"Two days."

"Mmmmm" He got me to stand up and he undid my pants. I'm glad to see that Max is already nude except for that pink thong of his; luckily, I'm wearing my blue thong. He pulled my pants down and took in my scent and nuzzled my bulge. I purred and did him the favor and took off my shirt for him and threw it on the floor.

*** ~~~

"Allen, the house will be fine!" I called out. He's still reciting the Do's and Don'ts for the house to Ashley. Apparently, this is the first time he's been away from his house for more than a week. I just put mine and Allen's suitcases into her car when I heard them come out. I turned and smirked as I turned around, and saw her pushing him out the door.

"Wait! Ashley, I need to tell you I scheduled for a-" He then saw me and stopped talking. Huh. That's weird.

"Allen, you'll be late for your flight!"

Finally, she got him into her car, and we left for the airport. Ashley drove us to the airport so that we didn't leave our cars there.

"Now remember," Allen added, "If Tom comes back, don't talk to him, don't let him in, just call the police, ok?"

"I know Allen. You two, have a nice vacay, ok?" He chuckled as he hugged her.

"Bye, Ash. See you when we get back," I said as I gave her a hug. With that, we said our goodbyes and spent the next hour going through security and waiting for our flight to get boarded.

Soon, we were off the ground on our way to Kyoto.

It's only when we are in the air when I see that Allen's fidgeting badly. He looks extremely nervous. Heh, poor kitty. He's probably scared of meeting my family. I know how to calm him down.

I turned his face towards mine, and I leaned in to deliver a sweet kiss. The lion closed his eyes, while a pink patch started to glow on his cute face as he, just like always, melted away as he tenderly licked in my cheeks and tongue.

I parted the kiss and rubbed his cheek with my paw. "Just relax, they're going to love you," My paw combed into his soft mane, "But probably not as much as I do." Allen smiled and purred before he kissed me again. I pulled him in and he laid his head onto my chest. My lion slowly dozed off all the while I was petting him, and softly scratched his ears, just how he likes it.

Next: Chapter 9

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