Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Jun 6, 2012


Healing Love Chapter 5: Always Be There By: Mirron Tenshi

It's a dark and cold night. A sullen lion stands at his doorstep, wanting to cry but couldn't. It would seem that he has just lost his own chance of happiness. He looks around, trying to forsake the worst possibility, but he finds it almost unavoidable.


I walked back into the house and closed the door softly behind me.

My body feels heavy. I want to cry, but at the same time, I'm not sure if this should really surprise me. What good is crying going to do me?

To tell the truth, this isn't the first time this had happened.

. . . He was just gone. Just like Max is now. He just . . . Left me behind . . . I went into a dark place for three years after that . . . Looking back, I may have taken it a little hard, but I couldn't help it. He ditched me . . .

Since that time, I never wanted to open my heart to anyone again . . . Until now anyway . . . My mistake.

Fine. I see the way it is.

This is why I haven't been out fishing in the sea for so long, because I didn't want to feel this pain again. I know I'm just jumping to conclusions, but I can't help but feel that this . . . This Just happened to me again . . .

I grabbed the wine bottle by the neck; there was enough for 2 more drinks. I raised it as if to throw it.

. . . No, I don't want to throw it. That just means I'll have to clean it up later, and wine isn't really easy to clean afterwards. Besides, I'm not in the mood to drink myself silly . . . I don't know . . . Maybe I'm overreacting.

So I just set it back down and walked to the TV to turn it off. I went around the house and blew out the candles one by one. When I had finished, I walked up the stairs, having that heavy and sad feeling weighing down in my gut. I walked into my candle lit room, see if I can't lose some sleep.

"Well, about time you got here. I was beginning to feel cold and lonely up here."


My head jerked up when I heard his voice. As if I wasn't surprised enough, this was just too much: Max was leaning on the bed post poll at the foot of the bed, wearing absolutely nothing but a bright pink thong and that sexy smile of his.

"M-Max?! I-I- Y-You- I thought you were gone!"

"What are you talking about? I'm right here." My heart ached from the change in events.

He's still here . . . Max didn't leave . . . He's right here . . .

I just walked over to the tiger and wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. NOW I cry. I didn't even care that he was one digit away from completely nude. My head was buzzing with overwhelming emotion.

"I thought you left . . . I thought you were gone . . . " Max pulled back, holding my arms and looking at me with a concerned face.

"Allen, wait, what's wrong?" I sniffled as tears began to well in my eyes, "What's the matter? Did I do something?" I pressed my face against his chest and shook my head. I wish I can just stop crying. I feel so weak right now.

"I thought you left . . . I thought you had enough of me . . ." My eyes clenched shut as tears dripped down.

"Hey, heeyy." I felt him start stroking my mane, "It's ok, baby . . . I'm right here."

I parted from Max, and sat down on the bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Max pulling up his jeans. When his pants were on, he came over, and sat right next to me. He put his arm on me, nuzzling me gently. "Sniffle I'm sorry . . . I'm being such a baby-"

"No you're not." He interrupted me, "It's ok, Allen. It's alright . . ." The tiger kissed me on the cheek. He just sat there, rubbing my back, and nuzzling me and giving me a kiss now and then.

"Allen . . ." He said after a few minutes, "Ashley mentioned that someone's hurt you before." I sniffled and then nodded, "Will . . . You tell me what happened?"

The last thing I like doing is bring this up, but Max deserves to know. He's here for me, and he's comforting me. I'm not keeping him in the dark.

I sighed and leaned forward, "A long time ago, I was in my first, real relationship a dingo. His name was Tom Johnson . . ." I wiped my eyes for a moment, "He . . . He said he loved me . . . He said that he would always be there for me. He told me we would never hurt me . . . After about 5 months since we been with each other, Tom started getting more and more distant with me. A while after that, Tom just disappeared out of nowhere . . ." I felt my eyes water a little more, "I emailed him, and I called him, a-and I sent him letters . . . But nothing. H-He never called me back, never replied to my emails, and didn't return my letters. I started getting scared; I began to thought something horrible must have happened to him," I sniffled again before continuing, "I kept asking his friends where he was, but they pretty much played dumb with me." I closed my eyes shut and huffed, "Finally, I had to corner one of his friends. He said that Tom told him not to tell me where he went . . ." I took a few seconds, trying to get myself to say the worst part, ". . . He said that Tom went to Australia with his wife."

Max gasped lightly as he put both paws on me. "Ohhh . . . Allen . . ." The tiger pressed to me, hugging me gently.

I sobbed a little before holding back again, "Just what WAS I to him??" I started to cry a little, hardly able to control the volume of my voice, "I-I devoted myself just for him . . . Was he just faking me the whole time?! W-Was I just a few hand and blow jobs to him?!" Max held onto me while I sobbed. The tiger nuzzle me and kissed my cheek.

I haven't cried since I was 17 and I sure as hell don't want to start now, especially in front of Max. It's been seven years since this happened, why am I crying about it now? What he must think of me . . .

"Allen, I'm so sorry." I sniffled as I felt him hold me. I shook my head a little, "Nooo . . . Baby, no . . ." He kissed me softy and nuzzled his cheek on mine. I put my head onto his chest as he gently rubbed my arm.

I just laid there on the bed, resting on Max as he stroked me. Every now and then, he kissed my head and pet along my back.

"Wanna watch the rest of the movie?" I sniffed and nodded against him. He padded my shoulder, "Ok, you wait here, and I'll go and get the movie real quick." I got up from him, wiping my eyes as he got up from the bed.

"Sorry for dozing off . . ." The tiger smiled as he scratched my cheek a little.

"Not at all, babe. You were actually really cute sleeping like a little cub. I'll be right back." He then went and walked out of the bedroom.

About a minute later, Max came back and put the movie in the DVD player. He was also carrying our two glasses, each half full of that wine. Max then came to the bed, carefully treading onto the mattress before giving me my glass. The tiger laid back onto a pillow, taking a sip as I snuggled next to him and rested on him. I started to purr while he started the part of the movie where I dozed off on.

As the movie played, we didn't really bother with the rest of our wine, we just set the glasses aside. Max put his arm around me as I nuzzled his soft, furry chest.

I was feeling bettered sooner than I expected. I'm glad, because I'm sick of crying about what happened so long ago. As we watched the movie, Max would occasionally kiss me, holding me close, stroking my mane gently. As I laid onto him, I can't help but notice the pink straps on his hips from the jeans he was wearing. That's right, he's still wearing a thong . . . Understanding, sexy, caring, kinky, lovable, frisky . . . He's everything I can ever want . . .

The movie ended with the two males kissing, and that one guy and the pro-gay girl began making out. I nuzzled Max while giving him a deep purr, "Thank you, Max . . . Thank you for bearing with me . . ."

"Hey now, that's what I'm here for, Allen; you," He kissed me lightly and cuddled up to me, "Don't ever apologize for hurting, Allen . . ." I smiled and pressed my lips to his. He gently lapped with mine. I could feel his groin go firm as I nibbled on his tongue.

The tiger purred alluringly before easing on the lip-to-lip, "Mm . . . Go ahead . . . And feel me . . . Allen . . ." I can feel myself get hard from this.

I dipped my paw along his lower abdomen, and slipped below his denim. I felt the smooth fabric on his hidden, round bulge. I brushed my palm on his loins while the kiss before more intimate. His other paw touched my arm, undoing the button, and pulling down his zipper while I felt his nice equipment.

Max moved his legs to push off his jeans. I looked to the side, and looked at his beautiful athletic body. I didn't look long though; I still had my shirt to take off. I backed up a little to pull off my top. With my shirt off, I undid my belt and my pants, and removed them, now just down to my boxers. I got back to his muzzle, opening his mouth and allowing me go in for another kiss. He caressed me as we locked our maws, letting in a moan as the tiger wrapped his tongue around my own. His paws explored my back, feeling me gently as I licked the inside of his mouth. I felt Max's paw go into my shorts, and start to cup my left buttcheek. My boxers began to feel tighter as a tent rose on my groin, rubbing against what I presumed to be HIS erection.

". . . Max . . ."


"I . . ." My heart pounded with anticipation, "I . . . I want to . . . I wanna make love to you . . ." The tiger pulled his head back. The look in his eyes told me he understood what I mean.

"Allen . . . I . . . Are you sure?" I nodded as I nuzzled him.

"I want this night to be special . . ."

"So . . . That's what you meant . . ." He smiled and kissed me. Max brought my head closer to his, and whispered into my ear, "And for the record . . . You are already something special . . ." I blushed as his paw went to tug my cotton shorts down. I was starting to tremble as I reached for the night stand, picking up the bottle of lube I set aside earlier.

My heart thumped as I took the delicate bottom piece on his hips, and carefully took off his thong. I put his skimpy thong on the nightstand, and sat up to take my shorts off. I heard him purr loudly as he laid there, looking at me getting completely naked with a full hardon. Max picked up the lube, and leaned forward as he popped the tab open. I watched him turn the bottle upside down, and dribbled the clear slick onto my hard member.

I gasped as I felt the cold fluid on my dick. The tiger then began to rub my cock all over with the slippery lubricant. I huffed and shuddered as he spread on a nice, even coat on my tool. Max looked up, smiling up at me before giving my mouth a kiss, and then laying back onto the bed. The tiger then spread his legs, lifting his knees up to put his feet on the bed. God, he's such a sexy beast.

I gulped before crawling up to him, taking my cock into my paw as I neared him. I put the head of my member up to his pucker before placing my paws on the bed, over his shoulders, and pushed in.

A growl escaped from my mouth as I very slowly inched my glanns in past his sphincter. The tiger beneath me huffed as I inched deeper into him.

"A-Are you good?" I asked him. Max smiled and chuckled before nodding.

"Yeah . . . It's ok to go deeper." I nodded, and steadily drove my rod deeper into him. I moaned and panted as his insides squeezed my cock. Shit . . . He's so tight . . .

When my pelvis pressed onto his butt, I panted as I looked into his green eyes. We're joined now . . . Together like this . . . I'm inside him . . .

The tiger put his paws on my shoulders and pulled me down. I opened my muzzle, and met his in a open kiss. His tongue slipped into my muzzle, gluing his lips to mine as I moved my lower body backward. Slowly, I inched my hard penis out of his anus, and then pushed back into him. He let out a moan from within our joined muzzles. Before I could say anything, I felt his dick on my belly give a hard throb, followed by a small spurt of precum.

Max felt and rubbed my back as I rocked my hips back and forth, gently sliding my rod backward, and then slowly hilting him, and then back again, feeling the harm, wet embrace of his innards around my cock, holding tight on my tool as if to keep me there as I moved. My cock spurted precum now and then, eliciting a moan or a growl from my muzzle before resuming to kiss my lover.

I growled lovingly while he hung on to me, holding me as I mated with him. He kissed me continuously as I held myself up above him, pushing my loins into his anus again and again. We shared this hot, close, tender moment for what seemed like hours, just with me making long, slow, sweet love to him.

As I continued to mount him, I find myself picking up the pace of my hips moving back and forth. My paws eventually found the edge of the bed, where I gripped it firmly. I can feel Max's claws lightly scratching my back, making me purr as my lower body began to quicken.

The tiger stopped kissing me as he began to gasp and moan. He squirmed under me as he held me tighter, his legs pressing onto the bed on either side of me. My furry abs rubbed on his sandwiched member as I moved, smearing his pre on my belly. "Oh Allen . . ." I shuddered and spurted more precum into him when he said my name.

My hips found a climbing rhythm in my actions, humping into my tiger while I hung onto to the mattress. I began to fuck into his ass quicker, him giving loud groans each time I hilted him. I growled and snarled as his innards closed around my cock, squeezing my member as I went in and out repeatedly. Max panted and moaned more as my balls slapped his rear. He didn't need to say anything, I was already pushing harder and harder into him.

In a sudden movement, Max hugged me tightly, his body flexing and him giving a harsh yowl. At that moment, I moaned out, but ended in a huge roar as I pushed my pelvis all the way into him. I gushed my fluids deep into him, spurting into his rear, which seemed to suck my cum out of me like a vacuum. I moaned at the top of my lungs after my roar while his lower body jerked before I felt a rush of sudden warmth on my stomach, his cock pulsing against my abdomen as his seed seeped into my fur. My hips jerked as I ejaculated inside Max before I felt myself feel suddenly drained. I feel so hot . . . Sweaty, even, and I can feel Max the same way, tired and spent just as I am.

I gently just laid ontop of Max, feeling the world around me start to blur as my eyelids became too heavy to keep open . . . I can hear Max muttering something, but I cannot comprehend his words . . . This is . . . I can't . . .

-Hours later-

My eyes blinked, opening. The first thing I can see is light, coming from my window. I took notice that I'm right up against the tiger, spooning him from behind. I closed my eyes again, purring as I edged my mouth behind his neck, kissing him. I heard him purr and giggled a little as I nuzzled him. I put my arm around him and helf him close as I felt his body strain and shudder a little, before he grunted then sighed.

". . . Morning, Allen . . ." I smiled as I nibbled him a little. "Some night, huh?" He asked softly. I took a deep breath while I nodded. His paw felt and then held mine.

". . . . . I . . ." I muttered into his fur, ". . . I love you . . ." My eyes opened.

Did I just say that I . . . Love him? I felt myself blush as he turned his head to look at me. ". . . What?" My heart started to thump as I held him tight.

". . . I love you, Max . . . I love you . . ." My heart felt fluttery and overwhelmed as I muttered this. This . . . This feels . . . It just feels good to say, "I love you . . ."

I can feel it . . . It's true . . . I'm really falling for him.

He moved himself so that he was facing me. His emerald eyes looked into me. I can see a pink flush on his face as he looked at me. "I . . ." Max then pushed his face into my chest, ". . . I love you too, Allen . . ." My heart skipped a beat before I hugged him close against me.

After a moment of this deep joy, I felt a dark feeling wash over me.

I once thought I loved someone too . . . What if . . . What if I drive Max away? . . . I love him . . . But what if he just . . . Disappears from me? Just like Tom?

"Max . . . I don't want to hurt again." My tiger looked at me curiously.

"Huh?" I felt my eyes water as I held him close.

"The last time I let someone this close to me . . . I don't . . . I don't want to feel that hurt anymore . . ." I sniffled as I nuzzled his shoulder, "I love you . . . Please don't let me feel that hurt again . . ."

"Allen . . ." He softly purred and brought my face to look into him. His thumb wiped onto my cheek, brushing a tear from under my eye, "Don't worry . . ." He moved in and gently kissed me. My body felt lighter as he lapped my lips. "I promise, Allen . . . I'll never . . . Ever hurt you like he did . . ." I closed my eyes and nuzzled his neck as he kissed my forehead.

Just like that. My heart has been opened after being locked for so long . . . I love him.

Three more weeks has come and gone.

Max and I have really been getting close. I feel myself smiling more than I have in a long time. Hehe, he's such a playful kitten, always eager to see me on our dates, holding my paw when we walk together. I feel like an infatuated teen. I'm openly gay, but I still feel a little shy at times.

Although, there is something distracting me when I visit him. Every time I come over to his house, there's a pile of envelopes and papers on his desk. Then he quickly picks it all up, and stashes it into his bedroom. It's really starting to worry me, and he continues to hide these things from me. No matter what I say, he keeps saying nothing's wrong. I've asked Ashley if she knew anything, but all she says Max has been going through a rough ride, but his mood has improved since that day at the movies.

I do love him, and I want to help him, but I think being overbearing was why my last boyfriend went out on me. I'm giving Max some space, but there's only so much time I'll restrain myself from prying into the matter.

I sighed as I stirred the sizzling Italian stir-fry. I picked up a bottle of garlic salt and started to delicately sprinkle it into the bubbling sauces. I'm at the kitchen at Celino's.

I wonder why Max won't talk to me. We ARE close, we're as good as a couple, so why the cagey act? Does he not trust me? I've been holding back on asking him more than I should, but I think maybe-


"OWW! Dammit!" I growled in pain when something suddenly slapped by back! I staggered on the stove and tipped the pan over just narrowly avoiding burning my paw, and spilling the stir-fry all over. I winced as the slapped took its stinging toll on me.

There's only one animal I know who'd slap me on the back like that. I straightened my back and rubbed my spine. "Jeez, Shiniqua, why'd you do THAT for?"

There she is, my old friend, Shiniqua. A stout, plump grizzly bear, Shiniqua is a little shorter than I am and is always seen with a bandana on her head no matter where she was. She was the Aunt Jemima type; it's a style she chose and lives as very well.

"`Cause I haven't seen ya in while, Boy! C'mere Allen, I haven't seen ya in days." I bent over and embraced her warmly while she hugged me.

She was my babysitter when me, my sister and brother were cubs. I've always been fond of her, as a matter of fact. Every time I did something wrong, though, she'd wallop me on the back like she did a minute ago, which was very rare considering I've always been a well-behaved cub. Her late husband was alright, he found me tolerable and nice, but I didn't know him for long because he passed away when I was 7 years old. She lived with her brother, Jacob; he was good with me, he never failed to amuse me with his unrulely and possibly exaggerated stories about his days in the ghetto. They've always treated me like I was her favorite little grandchild, out of my other two siblings. I just loved that she was always there for me whenever I needed some humorous but wise advice.

I pulled back from the hug and smiled as she kissed me, "Now lemme look at'chu." She said as she sized me up. Shiniqua smiled and chuckled, "Whai look at'chu, baby, you lookin better'n ages."

"Yeah, I've been doing great. I'm sorry for not visiting." She smiled and padded my arm.

"Aww, is aight, baby." She took a cutting board, a knife, and a few veggies and began cutting them up. Shiniqua didn't work at the restaurant like I do, just once or twice a month; she just likes cooking with me, and luckily, my boss allows her here. When I was a kid, I was always her little helper in the kitchen, and sometimes, she calls me over to her house if she's doing a big dinner of sorts.

"So why you haven't been comin' ov'r anymore, huneh? Been `bout 2 months since I seen you." She asked as I started to wipe up the mess from her walloping me.

"I'm sorry, Shiniqua. I met someone, and that's been keeping ME busy. Oh, wait-" I reached over and took the onion she was about to chop up, "No onions in this one, here, dice this turnip." She chuckled as she took up the white veggie.

"Aight, hunny, you the cook, here." I just finished cleaning the stove when one of the waiters came up to the pick-up.

"Where's my dish, Sander?"

"Sorry, I spilled the fry, I'm gonna have to restart." The waiter groaned at me.

"C'mooon, Sander, what're we paying you fo-"

"Ehhh, shut'cho mouth, boy." Shiniqua said to him, "Ya git yo dish, boy, just go some'ere an try look fancy ova dere. Yeah, dats right, Heah heah heah!" She laughed as the waiter just went away. I can't help by grin and giggled as I got a new pan and restarted the fry.

"Shiniqua, I swear." She chuckled as she put in the vegetables she chopped.

"Sweeaaar, nuthin," She took a bottle of stock, and started lightly splashing the fry, making it sizzle, "So you seein, someone, babe?"

"Yeah, I've-" Woop, hang on. I don't think I've told her I'm gay. Weird, I guess it just never came up. I don't really know what she thinks of gay furs, but I'm sure she'd still like me as is, "I've been seeing this orange tiger." Shiniqua kept listening and working at the same time, she's good at multi-tasking.

"An' how's that goin' fo ya?" I started to feel my face get hot a little, I hate lying and keeping secrets, especially to Shiniqua. She's close to me, and there's always a 50/50 chance that telling her I'm gay will go wrong.

"Been going great."

"M-hm." Shiniqua walked away and started washing the greasy pan I messed up. "He treatin' you right now?"

My heart jumped a little there. It was so sudden and too quick for me to comprehend that she could possibly already know that I'm a homosexual. "U-Um, `he' who?" I turned to see her giving me a look as if I asked her the dumbest question on earth, she then flicked at my ear with her fingers. "Ow!" I rubbed my ear while she put her paws on her thick hips.

"Yo boyfriend, Boy, who da heck you think I'm talkin' `bout?" My face went red.

"I-I-I, just- So you know??" Shiniqua looked at me, walked over and padded the back of my shoulder, smiling and laughing.

"Breathe, hunny, breathe. Calm down, hon. Mai Lord, you hadn't been this uppidy since you knocked ova my favorite glass, baby."

I gulped and scratched the back of my head. Shiniqua just laughed again and shook her own head.

"Hunny, you need ta light up, Boy. I ain't got no problem wit gay guys. Shoot, gimme SOME credit, dayum!"

I couldn't help but smile and giggle "How long have you known about me?" Shiniqua scoffed at the question.

"Oh, I've always known about chu. Fo one thing, I never see you wit a gurl, never talked about any crushes you had or acted like you were infatuated wit anyone, never much intrested in sports, you was always more well behaved than all the other keeds. Then yous go likin them Barbies an' all. Now don't chu go thinkin' you made it obvious, you was very subtle."

I finally finished up the stir-fry, plated it, and put on the chef's counter for it, and tapped the bell. "Stir-fry up." I took the next meal ticket and set to work on two orders of ravioli. "If I was so subtle, how'd you know?"

Shiniqua giggled some more. "You so cute. Honey, when you get to be my age, you pick up a 6th sense or whateva."

"Pfff, What about Jacob? He's older than you are."

"Heeh! Dat old jig never had no sense no how to begin with." I laughed. I really started to feel good with her again, feeling closer to her than I have in many years. I'm so happy and relieved that she knew all this time and never minded, she's probably the closest animal to me and she still loves me even though she knew that I was gay.

"If you've known all this time, why didn't you let me know?"

"You didn't ask!"

"Well neither did you!" Shiniqua started to laugh again.

"Ah, mercy." I folded in the last ravioli and walked over to hug her. She laughed and hugged back and kissed my cheek again.

"Thanks, Shiniqua." I said in a low and grateful voice. She padded my shoulder as I walked back to my station. I let the ravioli cook while I started to chop some turnips for a salad.

"Plus I saw you kissing that dingo on time. Name wus Tim, wasn't it?" I paused my slicing half way. My smile instantly faded away.

". . . It was Tom . . ." I stared down at the white vegetable I was on as I tightened my grip on the knife's handle until it shook a little.

"Oh . . ." Shiniqua was looking at me, "Whateva happened wid him?"

"He's . . ." I cut the turnip faster as Tom's face appeared in my mind, tensing up and it showed in my voice tone, "He's somewhere else . . . Far away. And I hope I never have to see his- AHH Shit!" I snarled as I cut my finger with the knife. "Dammit!" I put my finger to my mouth before Shiniqua took me aside.

"Aight now, lets clean dat up b'fore you bleed inta the sauce." She took me to the employee restroom and got the first aid. "Now pressure that while I git the proxcide." I held a cotton swap harshly on my cut. I hissed when she dabbed it with the peroxide, watching the red-pink foam bubble on the cut before wrapping it with a bandaid.

"Hunny. I gots no idea what dat dingo did to ya. But if dat tiger o yors hurts you like HE did, you let me know right away, got it?" I nodded as she put the First Aid away.

"He's different, Shiniqua . . . I've . . . Never felt this way to anyone before . . . Not even Tom . . . This guy . . . I love him, Shiniqua . . ."

"Allen, hunny. Dere ain't nuthin more dangerous or betta, or tricky than luv. It can make you feel yo in da clouds, or it can hurt like hell. If yo not prepared fo anything, it'll wipe you out, babe."

"Heh. I've already felt the hurt part. Now I'm feeling like I'm in the clouds." I looked up and saw her looking a little stern.

"Well, he better be a good'un. I don't wanna see ya hurt again."

I unlocked my front door and walked into my house. I sighed and cracked my neck before I started unbuttoning my chef's jacket.

I glanced to the side, and I spotted a small, fancy shop bag on the table with a note on one of the strings. I picked up the little note - the writing was in very neat cursive, as if the writer took their sweet time in writing it. It said:

"To my sweet kitty cat"

The signature was a small tiger face in neat curves. I smiled as I pulled out the light yellow tissue paper, and inserted my paw into the gift bag.

I felt something soft and stretchy.

I fished out a neon blue thong with four straps on the sides. My cheeks went hot as I looked the small wear. ". . . Hehehe . . ." I shook my head as I spread out the thong. "Where does he GETS these things?"

Hmmm . . . Well, I suppose he's the only one who's going to see me in it.

I undid my pants and slid them down with my boxers. Half naked, I bent over and put one leg through one side and then the other. I rose the thong up, and secured and stretched it on around my junk.

It feels a little snug, but it kinda fits me. I walked to the full length mirror and examined myself. It looks like it's clinging onto my body, showing my package in a smooth, round bulge. I turned around and lifted my chef's jacket, flexing my butt a little and picked up my legs to move them around.

It's a perfect fit; I've actually never worn a thong before. It's like being completely naked but with my member was being caressed and cradled in the exquisite material while my ass felt exposed and vulnerable. I can hardly feel the strand between my cheeks.

I went back over to my pants. Hehe, I'll surprise Max the next time we get together. I just buckled my belt when the door knocked loudly. Ooh! That must be Max! He said he might be coming over tonight.

I went over to the door and opened it. "Hiya-" My glee instantly disappeared, feeling a drop in my stomach as I saw who was right in front of me.

Next: Chapter 6

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