Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on May 10, 2012


Healing Love Chapter 4: Dating By: Mirron Tenshi

"Hi Max." Allen said as I let him in. This is the first time he's been to my house. It's nothing special, just a one-bedroom apartment. I'd rather have our date at a restaurant or something, but Allen wanted to come over.

"You got the movie?" He nodded as he held up the DVD, Eating Out.

"Right here."

"Ok. Like I said, it's not THAT good. I mean, yeah, it's alright; the acting is kinda lousy, but you know, it's worth some chuckles." The lion nodded and shrugged as he gave me the disc. I then turned on my TV, and put in the movie.

I turned around and realized I left a bunch of papers on my coffee table. "Ah! I-uh, lemme get these out of your way." I quickly took the papers off and rushed to my bedroom and threw them onto my bed.

"Is everything ok, Max?" He asked as I came back, closing the door behind me.

"Y-Yeah, everything's fine."

Allen shrugged before he sat on my couch, a few seconds before I did, and right after I started the movie. As the opening scenes shown, I gently scooted over, inching a little closer to Allen.

I glanced to the side and saw him giggle at a part in the movie. I scooted over a little more. I wonder how close I can get.

"Mmm- Awhhhh" I sort of faked a yawned as I stretched my arms out, before putting my right arm on the ledge of the couch, just behind Allen.

"Pff, hehehe." He laughed at another part of the movie, where the `distressed' woman brandished a wriggling dildo instead of the tazer she claimed to have.

Without noticing, my paw touched Allen's shoulder. At that moment, the lion moved to the side, and rested on me. I smiled as he rested his head on my chest. I couldn't help but blush as he snuggled up to me. Ashley said I shouldn't get my hopes up with Allen, but he's the one coming to me. I wonder what she meant when she said someone really hurt him before.

I looked at him before kissing the top of his head. I hope I never repeat whatever he had to go through.

A few minutes into the movie, I nuzzled Allen's ear. He giggled as he picked up his head, and kissed my neck. A low purr could be heard from him as he kissed my neck again. His slow smooches made me purr in turn. I stroked his mane as I lowered my head and kissed his cheek. Allen kissed my lips as his paw wandered underneath my shirt. I lapped onto his lips and nibbled on his lower lip while he felt my abs. His tongue brushed against my muzzle before he pulled back.

"*Sniff. Sniff Sniff . . . Is something burning?"

My eyes then went wide as I picked up the foul scent. I turned and yelped as I saw the black wisps in my kitchenette. "Oh shit!" He quickly got off of me while I jumped off the couch and rushed to the stove.


Fuck, there goes the fire alarm.

I snatched my oven mitts and yanked the stove open. "Ahhh!" I coughed and narrowed my eyes before shielded my face when a dark fog rolled from the inside of the oven. I reached in and pulled out the charcoaled chicken and rolls. "Ah, dammit!" I turned to see Allen opening all the windows, and also the front door while I went to turn the ceiling fan on. "Fffffuck." I said as I put the burnt food on the windowsill.

"I'm sorry, Max." Allen said as he padded my shoulder.

"That's ok, I hear charcoal is high in iron," He chuckled at that. At least this date doesn't looked like it's ruined, "Is takeout, ok?"

"Dammit, I still can't believe I burnt dinner." I mumbled while snapping apart my chopsticks, "Truth is, the only cooking I know is rice-o-roni and putting seasoning on chicken."

Allen smiled and rubbed my shoulder, "It's ok, Max. It's been a while since I had Chinese anyway." He said as he snapped his chopsticks, picking up one of the containers with the chow mein.

"Anyway, it's good to see someone eat Chinese food with chopsticks instead of a fork." I looked as Allen picked up the noodles with those sticks. I chuckled when he had no trouble. Still, it would've looked so cute if he had trouble with handling chopsticks, holding one in each paw and getting aggravated. Eh. He's adorable enough for me.

The lion sighed as he put down the last empty container. "Mmm, that was good." He licked his muzzle while he laid back and looked at me. Allen then gave me a look.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Yeah. You got some orange sauce on your . . . Here, I'll get it." He then leaned in, and deftly licked the right side of my lips. I giggled as his rough tongue brushed on my muzzle. I gave him a kiss on his cheek before he slowly laid himself on top of me.

Allen softly nibbled on my lower lip as he started to purr. I wrapped my arms around him as I nuzzled his mane. Allen pushed his lips onto mine and lapped gently on my mouth. I laid back as our tongues explored into our muzzles.

"Hmm?" Allen broke the kiss.


"Hang on, my paw's between the cushion." He adjusted himself before pulling back his arm, "Wha- Huh? What's this?" He then sat up.

I gasped and felt my face go hot as he held a penis-shaped object. FUCK!

"I-I-I-I I'm sorry! That's mine, I just-" I grabbed it and set it down. Dammit, I'm so embarrassed right now, I hardly feel like kissing Allen again.

"I-It's cool, Max. Lets . . . Lets just . . . Ya know, watch the movie." He was blushing too.

"Ok . . ." He then sat normally on the couch. As we continued to watch Eating Out, I grumbled at myself for being so careless. I don't have much of an apartment, so I hardly have anywhere to put that toy. Plus, last time I was playing with it, I was watching a hot porno.

I looked carefully at the lion next to me. Strangely enough, he looks like he's glancing at my dildo. I laid back down to the side, while my eyes diverted to his lap.

Oh? There's slight bulge in his jeans. After a little while, Allen leaned to his side again, resting onto me. I felt myself smile as we continued the movie.

About an hour later

The lion was chuckling as the credits started. "You're right, that was a bit cheesy," He then got up, "But, I liked it." I smiled as he stretched.

"Heh heh. And listen, Allen . . . About my, uh . . . toy . . ." Allen turned his head and looked at me curiously.

"What? It's not like I'm offended or anything . . ." He looked to the side. I can see a bit of red under his golden fur on his face, "I . . . Actually think it's . . . Kinda sexy . . ." I couldn't help but grin at how cute he's being. He moved himself so he was laying onto me, and nuzzled me.

"You know . . . I don't usually keep it in the sofa . . . At the time, I was watching a REALLY hot porn." I felt my face turn a little hot as I said this. Why am I telling him this? It just feels embarrassing . . . If it weren't for his boner pushing against my leg. I could hear faints growls coming from him. Hehehe, I wonder if I'm turning him on. "Mmm, yeah. I was so hot that time. I was shoving Jack so far up my ass – Oh yeah, I named my dildo Jack."

"Ohhh yeah . . ." Allen began to rub his groin against me. My paws rubbed his back, slipping under his shirt as he started kissing my lips. I started to give his back a light scratching. The lion growled alluringly as he nibbled on my lower lip. My paws then went to his rump. I cupped his bottom, pressing my paws to his inner thighs, before subtly slipping my paws underneath his jeans and boxers and started to rub his butt.

"The bull in the porno vid was really aggressive. I think he was grabbing his boyfriend's ass like this . . ." I started to really squeeze and dig my fingers into his hot, furry ass.

"Oh god, Max . . ." I giggled as I moved my paws around his waist, pushing his still buckled pants along his hips. He wriggled his waist in order to let my push his jeans as far as I could. I went back to grabbing and kneading his tush. I even gave his butt a quick spank on the cheek. He growled and huffed.

"Ffffuck . . ."

"S-Sorry, I-"

"No, Max . . . You're just . . . I feel so fucking horny right now . . ." I blushed as a thought occurred to me. "I . . . I usually keep Jack in a nap sack . . . Along with . . . Some lube . . ." He gave a very sexy purr.

I dipped my paw into the couch, and pulled out said bag, and set it aside before I picked up the half empty lube bottle, and my dildo. While I lubed up Jack, Allen started to unbuckle my pants and pull them away from my waist. Allen then began to get off.

"Hang on."

"Hm?" I rose up, and kissed him. In particular, I started to nibble and his lower lip, and slowly brought him back down onto me, "I want see your face while Jack goes in your rear." He gulped and nodded as he lowered down onto me, lightly nibbling on my neck while I rubbed the top of my dildo against his rear.

Gently, I started to push it into him. "Ahhh . . ." Allen huffed and cooed as I slowly inched Jack through his sphincter.

"Just tell me if I hurt you . . ." I muttered into his ear. I felt a small spurt of pre on my thigh where his cock was. His mouth opened a little, letting out a whimper as I inched Jack deeper and deeper into him. I pressed my lips to his cheeks as I deftly drilled the fake dick into his ass. Suddenly, his head jerked up, his eyes wide, teeth gritted, and his fur standing on end.

"Ah! Ohhh~" Allen panted as I rotated my toy in his rear.

"What is it, babe?" I asked.

"Right . . . Right there . . ." I smiled as I angled the base of the dildo, and started moving it back and forth. The lion gapped, moaning on the spot as I worked the toy into his anus. God, I can get off just by looking at his reations.

"Oh god . . . Max . . . !" He grabbed onto my shoulders, a strained look on his face as I pushed hard on Jack.

"Did I hurt you, Allen?" He panted and shook his head.

"I'm . . . I'm close . . ." I can feel his rod rubbing against mine; his was oozing precum like a faucet, it was wetting along the girth and my balls. He started moving his butt back against the toy, holding himself up and went into a bit of a humping rhythm, in frotting against my dick. Allen growled and whimpered, cooing as I simply held the toy in place, while he rode it above me while rubbing his meat against mine.

"Ahh . . . HaaHH . . . AH-" His eyes clenched shut, he pressed his chin to his chest, and held my shoulders tight, "AHHHH! OhhhhHH!" His dick pulsed and shot four, white ropes right onto my shirt. The first shot splattered on my chin, and then landed on my top. Allen panted as his dick finished with a trickle that dribbled onto my sack. His after glow was yet to start though, because soon after he painted my shirt, the lion lowered his head, and started licking my dick.

"Sh-Shit, Allen . . ." I let go of Jack to grasp the ledge of the couch, and then a cushion with my other paw as Allen's leonine tongue licked up my pole. I bit my lower lip as he brought closer to orgasm rather quickly. I got so hot out of watching him, it's not going to take much to get me to blow at all!

Allen just licked my junk. His tongue brushed up my orbs, and bounced them as he slurped them from below, and licking up, cleaning my fuzzy balls of his own cum and pre. He glided his tongue up my shaft 3 times, until on the fourth slurp, I snarled sharply and erupted right there. I squirted and coated his muzzle with my spunk, and then spurted a few more times on my already white-striped shirt.

We panted lightly as he gently laid himself on top of me. He purred softly as he nuzzled my neck, planting a soft, tender kiss on my throat. As he cuddled to me, I gently put my fingers on the toy still lodged up inside him, and slowly pulled it out. The lion gasped and cooed as I pulled Jack out of his tender hole, and put the lube-soaked dildo onto the table. I relaxed back down, rubbing his nice, round butt as he snuggled up to me.

". . . I was really in the moment . . ." He muttered. I looked lower to see his eyes closed, as if he's about to take a nap, "That was . . . One of the best orgasms . . . I've ever had . . ." His purring was starting to fade. I think he IS going to doze off.

"You were pretty hot yourself." He giggled a little as I moved my paw along his bare hips.

". . . Max . . . ?"

"Hm? What is it?"

". . . I might need to barrow a new shirt later . . ." I chuckled as I then stroked his mane.

"Like in the morning? It's pretty late." He breathed deep as he slowly nodded against me. Within a couple of minutes, Allen finally fell asleep. It wasn't long until my eyes were soon too heavy to keep open, and drifted off as well.

***One and a half month later*** I'm expecting Max in a few minutes. This is the best I have ever felt in years. We go out to eat together about 3 to 4 times a week now, and almost ALL of our dates end in a . . . VERY sexy way. He is an excellent kisser, but when he really goes for my maw, it leads to an orgasmic end of the day. I have never met anyone LIKE him – between my first and last ever REAL boyfriend, and plus the dates Ashley's set me on here and there. Though, everytime I go to his house, he quickly hides whatever he was doing –it looks like papers and envelopes- and then he acts like nothing's wrong; he puts up a good act, but he can't get past me and everytime I asked him if something was the matter, he would play dumb. Anyway, most of the time, I have him over to my house and we have dinner or hang out in the Jacuzzi, and then we start to make out. As for our sensual fun, we've only gotten as far as hand and blow jobs. He has never pressured me into going all the way; really, he is the best guy I can ever find myself with. Tonight, though . . . Tonight . . . I'm . . . I'm hoping to take our relationship to the next level. That is if he's ready yet; I know I'm ready to go further . . . Nervous, but ready. But is he good with it? Well, I thought I'd try to put him in the mood straight up when he comes in. I've lit up a bunch of scented candles around the house and my room and made sure all the other lights were off, with the exception of a few of them dimmed out a little. I turned the heater around the house slightly up a few notches, I rented a romantic comedy from Netflix –Eating Out II- and I even dug up an old bottle of wine my grandparents gave me on my 20th birthday, the bottle was dated from 1958. My heart was beating rapidly as the dusk turned to darkness outside. God, I am so nervous! Partly because I haven't gotten this close to anyone in years, but just the whole idea and excitement, you know?? What if he doesn't want to?? Or what if, for God's sake, I forgot how to do it! I'm cooking my signature dish, Sicili Pizza, and mini churros for dessert. I just got done with tossing the salad when the door was knocked. I jumped and almost had a heart attack. Did he ALWAYS know that hard??? I just sighed it out and went to the door. Not a few seconds after I opened the door I was answered with a sudden, open kiss. I whimpered a little but the tiger soon lapped, and dipped his tongue into my mouth. He dug his fingers into my mane as he rubbed my arm. All of a sudden my anxiety had vanished as Max's rough tongue hugged mine. I began to chuckle around the kiss. God, I just love this guy. He is just so playful! I kissed him back and hugged him inside. We broke the kiss before Max took a look around and whistled. "Wow, you certainly went to some trouble just for a date." I didn't know what to say at this point, I was kind of procrastinating until I decide to have at him; that, and I'm still slightly hazy from that kiss. He sniffed at he air and licked his muzzle. "Mm, What's cookin'?" "Si . . . Sicili Pizza." "Mmm, sounds good, you never fixed that up for me before." I chuckled and scratch at the back of my head. "W-Well, I wanted to do something special tonight . . ." `Oh jeez, why don't you just tell him you're gonna rail him now? You're usually more subtle than that, Allen.' I thought angrily `Get it together, man.' "Ahem, well, anyway, I rented Eating Out II, a-and the food won't be ready for a little while longer. You wanna watch?" Max smiled kissed me and started to lead me to the couch. "Oh, wait, I almost forgot." I pulled my paw away from his, and walked back into the kitchen and took out the wine and a couple of fancy glasses. "Hm? What's up?" He asked as he followed me. "I've been saving this wine for a while . . ." I blushed a little. Does this seem a little obvious? No matter, I can't just put it away now. "How long have you been saving it?" He asked as he leaned onto the tile counter. "Mm, for a while." I gave him his glass. We clicked the glasses together and drank. I winced as the sudden flavor hurt my mouth. Its not that it wasn't delicious, its just sometimes when you haven't tasted a certain flavor for a while, your tongue has sort of a spasm. I looked at Max and saw that he was more than surprised than I was. "Whoa!" His head shook for a second, "You had this longer than I thought." I laughed as he licked his muzzle. "Hehe, no, not really. It was a gift from my grandma and grandpa, and it's dated from 1958." He looked at the bottle and giggled. When I came around, he put his arm around me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for sharing it with me, Allen." We both walked over to the couch. I put the DVD in and sat down on the couch. He then sat and laid down on me and I wrapped my arm around him, sipping the wine and watching the movie. I picked up a distinct, fragrant smell. So I slowly took it in and realized that Max was wearing a cologne. I moved in and nuzzled and kissed his neck, causing him to purr. "You smell wonderful, babe." He just closed his eyes and purred some more as I nibbled his neck. After 45 minutes, the pizza was ready and we ate the salad while we let the pizza cool off. We then put the movie on pause to eat the pizza and talked between bites. When we finished, I refilled our glasses with more wine and I went to sprinkle cinnamon sugar onto the plate of freshly fried mini churros and took them with us back to the couch. While munching and watching the movie, I started to feel drowsy. The wine must be working at my system, along with the scented candles and heat was making me sleepy. And with Max's warmth on my body, I just dozed off. My eyes blinked open for what seemed like . . . I don't know, I think I was asleep, but at the same time, I don't know for how long, but the movie's credits are rolling. Wait . . . Where's Max? He's not on me like he was before. I jerked my body and glanced around: there wasn't any note that I could see. I jumped up and ran to the door and threw it open. There was no other car but mine. I looked in every direction, but nothing. My head lowered. I guess he wasn't ready at all.

Next: Chapter 5

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