Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Sep 6, 2013


Healing Love Chapter 14: Winter's Coming By: Mirron Tenshi

Thanksgiving as come and gone. And our lion's younger brother has finally accepted his brother for who he is after 11 whole years. As soon as Thanksgiving ended, Allen's neighborhood as been struck in the face by frost. And now we go on.


Boy, am I glad that Jordan's FINALLY gotten over my sexuality, though I wish he didn't take his recent break-up out on me and Max. After that night, Jordan got into a better mood for the next few days that he was here. I took the liberty of clearing it up with Haley, Max, and Shiniqua so that they won't hate him later on -- I'm sure they have their own piece to tell him, but I'd rather just leave it be. When it was time for him and Haley to go, he actually seemed sad to leave. Heck, he even did something he hasn't done in what seems to be ages: a goodbye hug. Now that his days as a homophobe are through, he'll be less of a pain in the ass, heheh.

Now it's getting very cold around here. The surface of my pool has frozen over already. Winter is my favorite season; I just love the snow! It's so scarce for 8 to 9 months out of the year.

I woke up in bed and yawned loudly, pouting as I saw Max already gone. I guess he's already at Lowe's.

I got up out of bed and went downstairs, picking up a rather sweet aroma before I entered the kitchen, to find Max mixing some hot chocolate. Just wearing a T-Shirt, and a pair of his snappy briefs.

"Hey there sexy." He said when he saw me.

I yawned again "Hi sweetie," I came up to him and gave him a kiss, "Shouldn't you be at work?" He grinned as he kissed my cheek.

"Can't, we're snowed in." My ears perked before I dashed to the window next to the door. He's right, we're snowed in! I then threw open the door, and made an attempt to jump out of there.

"WOOHOO!" I ran out to the snow, before I suddenly realized something. I only got m boxers on. I yelped as I sprinted back inside, feeling my feet going numb, a chill roaming my fur as I slammed the door shut. "Aah! Hahh ahh!! Cold cold COLD!" I said as I danced on the carpet before I jumped onto the couch, rubbing my paws along the soles of my feet.

"That didn't take long." He said as he slurped his hot beverage. Max giggled as he knelt down, and offered his cocoa to me, which I accepted for a small sip. He nuzzled me affectionately as I stood up.

"Hey, I grew up in California. You don't see this kinda stuff in the magical land of Los Angeles." I giggled as I kissed him. We then went up stairs to get dressed in snow clothes, and went outside to play in the snow.

When Allen and me went outside, he really gave me even more reason to love this cold season. He's just so cute, playing in the knee-deep snow, throwing it in the air and rapidly shifting in it. I usually hate digging in the icy powder, but Allen just can't seem to get enough of the snow. I personally like hot and breezy weather, seasons to warm up my fur. I grunted as he suddenly threw a few snowballs at me. I shook myself of the snow while he laughed. "Aw, what's the matter, babe? I thought you liked getting hit with white stuff!" I giggled as I squat down to scoop up a snowball. About half an hour later, some of our neighbors came out with their kids, and it turned into a snowball war. My cute fuzzy lion looks like he's having the time of his life. I'm just glad I was on his team, and not just because I love that winter-crazed cat. Seriously, he's scary with a ball of compressed ice. --- It started to get dark. When the neighbors decided to call off the fight, Me and Allen started making a snowman. Allen looked like he was exhausted, but I still had him run into the house real quick to get some clothes and a carrot. Ah dammit, he's using my oreos for the eyes, mouth, and buttons; guess I had that coming when I smashed a snowball down his shirt. When he came back with the stuff, he was looking a little crabby, which was instantaneously resolved when I passionately kissed his sweet muzzle. We finally finished our snowman at around 8 pm, and decided to call it a day. We were both freezing from our soaked clothes, which we shivered as we stripped out and hung up our clothes in the kitchen. We entered the shower, and turned up the hot water. We didn't really bother with any soap or shampoo. As soon as I face him, he put his arms onto my shoulders, and he gently pushed his mouth onto mine. I closed my eyes as I opened my mouth, and purred as slowly kissed me. He moaned sweetly as maw pushed against mine. I place my paws onto his hips, drawing him closer as the hot water rushed through out fur. His eyes were closed, looking almost like he could fall asleep any second, right here in the shower. ". . ." Allen broke the kiss as he tenderly muttered, "You know what one of the best things about snow days are?" I smiled as I held him close to me, "It makes a hot shower feel amazing . . ." I purred lovingly while I licked deftly at his lips, "You know what's even more amazing, Allen?" "Mmm . . . Do tell . . ." I then glued my lips against him, and locked him into a passionate kiss. He moaned quietly as we licked the inside of our maws. He ground his hips into mine, purring madly as we made out. I swear, we're making the steam rise in here. We parted our lips again, Allen's tongue lingering for a couple seconds before returning to his muzzle. I looked into his chocolate eyes, and said, "Freezing in the snow, then melting in a hot shower, and sharing this moment with you." He smiled and nuzzled my cheek before bringing his lips to mine once more. After what seemed like hours of pleasurable mouthing, we got out of the shower, and dried off. When Allen got into bed, I came in second and spooned with him cuddling him. I then reached down and fondled him. He chuckled weakly while I nibbled his neck. "I . . . Max . . . I'm tired, sweetie." "What? C'mon, Allen, since when are you too tired to have sex with me?" He chuckled and turned his head to kiss me. "You're so cute when you're horny, but I overdid it in the snow today." He then tried to settle down to sleep, "Goodnight sweetie." Oh, no you don't. You're not getting off that easily. I then started to rub my crotch on his furry butt while nibbling his ear, my meat getting more stimulated as the soft flesh ran through his silk-like fur. He purred as I wrapped one arm around him, and started massaging his balls. "No, Max, I said I'm tired." 'I know, but I'm still hot for you, babe.' I thought as I then started to rub his right nipple. He moaned a little as I slowly turned him on. "C'mon, Max . . . I . . . said . . . Nah . . . Ohhhhh" His protests became more and more weaker until I got him to lay on his front. I mounted on top of him and started to nuzzled his mane as he purred louder while I rubbed my boner on his butt. I nibbled and licked down his back, making him purr and giggle. I then softly placed my paws on his round bottom and started to lick his soft furry ass. He purred longingly as I licked his soft cheeks. "Ohhhhhhh . . ." I took a moment to grab a bottle of lube and then I resumed to bathe his butt as I rubbed lube on my cock. "Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah." He gasped when I slipped my tongue around and into his pucker. He mewled as I tenderly licked his cherry. I purred as I very slowly made out with his rear end, licking oh so slowly savoring his clean flesh I stopped licking him and got up, lifting his rear up with me, setting him up just on his knees while his upper torso remained lying down. I felt myself spurt pre as I saw him in that slutty position, causing me to growl hotly. "You ready?" "No, but that's not gonna stop you, is it?" "Nope." I said as I placed my paws on his sides and held on as I pushed into him. He grunted and huffed out. Allen adjusted himself to relax his rear muscles, before he sighed and purred. I held myself above him, mounting the lion as I moved my hips back, and pushed back into him, "Oh, you're so tight, babe." He mewed as I stirred my front around on his rump, elating a gasp from him before he mewled. "What's the matter, hun? You *Unh* tired too?" I smirked at his taunt before I pulled out once more and slammed into him. He arched his back and growled a little. "AHhh!" I grinned as I kept myself at that spot. He purred I heard his purring escalate quickly, his paws gripping the sheets, his tail twitching and curling. Allen buried his face into his pillow, muffling a rather loud moan. He whimpered in relief as I pulled back. I reached my paw down, and fondled his him. As I suspected: hard as a rock. I went backward, very slowly, and then slammed into him again. His head shot up as a kitten-like yelp jumped out of his maw. I began to hump into him in a repetitive pattern with raw force. His tight, moist anus squeezes my cock, sucking in my sensitive flesh as it slips in and out of him. I can't even hold back any moans as my hips clocked in on his ass over and over again, as if they would keep bucking into him even if I wanted to stop. Allen just kept moaning as he laid there and took my rod, almost begging for me to jam his rear. He panted as he absorbed my impacts in his body, one paw clutching the bed with the other tucked underneath him, probably jerking him off. The bed started to rock back and forth, hitting the wall as I rapidly slipped my length in and out of Allen's hot butt. I slapped his ass with my paw as I pounded him more and more, my dick in a world of pure ecstasy. "You're so fucking hot, Allen." Oh fuck yeah . . . this feels great! The first time we've been able to fuck in almost a week! He started to move his lower body back and forth, thrusting his backside against me. I moved my paw over to his on the bed, and interlaced my fingers with his while my other paw held myself up above him. He and I moaned out as I made love to him, his anus pulling on my dick as if to keep me bound there forever. Suddenly, his tunnel rubbed my G-Spot a few times too many before he made my balls draw up into me, and pour my secret juices into him. I growled through my teeth as his asshole even spurted around my dick, gushing with my fresh, white cum. Oh God, his rear feels like heaven when I cum inside him. He groaned pleasantly as I filled his insides with the contents of my nuts. When my climax subsided, I pulled my still hard cock out of his overflowing taint, lowered my head, and pressed my muzzle to his cream filled ass. "Awwww~~!" My lion whined out as my lips rubbed around his sperm-coated entrance. He mewed like a kitten as I lapped and cleaned his tailhole. He writhed and squirmed as I pleasured his fine ass. "Ohhhh, Max!" Allen moaned out. His arm jumped up and down under him faster and faster. I then slipped my tongue out and started slurping his loosened hole. "Fuck, babe . . . Ah! Ohhhhhh fuck yeah! Ah! OH! AH! He moaned more, hissing before his ass clenched around my length. His body jerked as he snarled sharply as his hot, thick and lion milk shot onto the bed, spilling his seed all over the sheets beneath him. I slithered my tongue out of his taint, and climbed over to lay right next to him. Allen panted as he rested on the bed while I spooned him. By now, I take it that he's way exhausted. I purred and nuzzled his mane as he rest on me. "That was great babe." He said nothing. I looked at him to find out he was out cold, purring softly as he slept. I chuckled as I rubbed under his chin. "Good thing we're snowed in, honey. Because I don't think you can get to work on time tomorrow after tonight."

One week has gone by since then, and all of the snow melts away! NO dammit! Fuck. I love the snow, I hate it when it goes away, and winter just started, too!

Now that the snow is gone melted, I'm feeling a bit depressed. I sighed as I looked sadly out my window, staring at the blank and grey overcast, hoping to see one, solitary little flake "I'm so sorry, babe," Said Max as he sat down next to me, "But the news say it's not going to snow for another few weeks." I drooped my ears and slumped away from the window. He put one arm around me and kissed my neck.

"You know how is some hot places, like Los Angeles, you'd think you would get rain during the winter," I said, "Right?"


"Wrong." I retorted, "Where I grew up, you'd be lucky if you get a morning fog on Christmas Day. At least here, it MIGHT snow during the winter." He chuckled at me and snuggled up to me.

"Hey, just be glad we don't live in Canada. It's a nice place, but I hear their winters are harsh."

"Yeah, come talk to me when you've had to wear a tank top on New Years Eve." He giggled and kissed my neck again, nibbling me this time. I can't help but smile as his lips lapped and tickle my throat. I purred as he tenderly nibbled on my ear while scratching my belly.

"Aw c'mon babe," He said in his sexy tone, "I know what'll make you what'll cheer you up." I smiled as I got up a little, and sat on his lap. Just when I was about to put my mouth to his for a hot kiss that would melt a whole glacier, he held up a sundae between us. "Ice creeeaaaam!!!" My slumped before flicking his ear with my fingers and getting off of him.

"You deceptive, sexy bastard." Max then put the bowl on the coffee table.

"Yeah, right!" He then forced himself upon me, slipping us off the couch while his tail wrapped around mine, "C'mere, golden boy!"

"Whooa! Max~~! Hehehe~!"

-A few days later-

Twas a week before Christmas, but nothing to show, for outside had lacked sufficient snow. Dammit, I hate a green Christmas.

I groaned as I woke up out of bed. I yawned as I got up and looked out the window. Just like yesterday, no ice powder, but Max is entering the house. Curious, I got dressed and I went down stairs. "Hey, babe, why aren't you at work?" I met him at the bottom of the stairs, and exchanged a kiss with him.

"Something came up. Anyway, get in the car, we're going somewhere."


I exited the house, and entered his SUV. He kept me waiting for about 20 min before I see him come out of the house, and lock the door.

Soon we're pulling out of the driveway, and Max tossed a blindfold onto my lap. I groaned and slumped back "Ugghh, Max, I'm not in the mood for a surprise party." He laughed.

"Good thing we're not going to one then. Now put it on." We were on the road for what seemed like several hours. I kept making several guesses of where Max is taking me. Where ever it was, my ears kept popping.

Finally, the car stopped. Max got out first and he led me out. I felt a shiver as I felt myself leave the warm car. Before I could say anything, he is already unwrapping the black cloth, and letting me see just where we are.

"Oh my God!"

Next: Chapter 15

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