Heading East Head

By Joe Lewin

Published on Jul 9, 2023



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Heading East Head

When I was younger, I hitchhiked everywhere. Most of my rides were run-of-the-mill. Some, however, were anything but. This is the first in what I plan to be a series of stories of my life On the Road.

On one memorable trip I was hitching down route 2, west of Boston. I was a sophomore at Keene State, in Keene, NH. My trip had started in Keene. I was lucky enough to get picked up by an older guy who was driving from Keene to Gardner, MA. He dropped me off at route 2 in Gardner.

It was 1980. I was about 5'9" and weighed about 130 pounds soaking wet. I wore my straight brown hair parted in the middle and down to just above my shoulders. I kept it clean. I was dressed in a golf shirt and khakis. In other words, there was nothing about me that said "scary" to anyone willing to take a chance picking up a kid. In those days, it wasn't hard to get a ride. You just had to make yourself presentable.

In short order a woman in a pickup truck picked me up. She scolded me in a motherly tone about hitchhiking and carried me past Leominster.

Route 2 from Gardner to Boston is at times a two-lane road and at times a two- or four-lane highway separated by a grass median. When she left me off, I was on the east-bound side of the single lane road; the west-bound side was on the other side of a wide greenway. I had just gotten myself situated when I noticed a yellow Gremlin cruise by on the west-bound side of the road. The kid driving (he didn't look much older than me) glanced at me as he drove by, and our eyes locked for a brief second. I didn't give it a second thought until about 5 minutes later when I saw the same yellow Gremlin coming towards me on the east-bound side of the road.

The car pulled up beside me. The passenger-side window was down. The driver smiled and asked me where I was going. "I'm trying to get to Boston," I told him. "Well," he said, "I'm just driving around so I'll take you some of the way there."

I thanked him, opened the door, put my small backpack on the floor of the front seat and jumped in. He pulled onto the road. It was about 80 degrees and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. He had Dark Side of the Moon playing through his car speakers, the bulky 8-track sticking out from the middle of the dashboard. I stretched out my legs as we started to move forward.

Within just a couple of minutes I happened to glance down at his lap. He was wearing a pair of cut-off blue jeans. They were cut close to his crotch. I did a double-take because I wasn't sure what I was really seeing: A fairly long cock was lying astride his left thigh.

"Ah," I said, "do you know your dick is showing?"

He looked down (as if he didn't know!) and then looked at me: "I don't wear underwear so that happens sometimes," he said, "does it bother you?"

"No," I stammered. "Not at all." And it didn't. While at 19 I still believed I was straight, I'd already had a couple of gay experiences--enough to know that I enjoyed the feel of a guy's lips around my cock and also enjoyed doing a little sucking myself.

We drove on listening to the music and making small talk. I stole glances at his cock--probably enough to let him know that I was more than ok with it being out.

After about 20 minutes of driving, he told me he had to take a piss. Ok, I said. We drove along a bit until he found a cut out at the side of the road and he pulled over. The cut out was bordered on the right by dense trees. He got out and walked around my side of the car. "Coming?" he asked, with a hint of a smile.

I studied him through the open window. I think he was probably a couple of years older than me, in his early twenties. He had curly hair and was dark complected. He had told me his mother and father were both from Portugal, so that explained his complexion, which was a dark olive shade. Like me, he was clean shaven. And like me he had on a clean golf shirt. As mentioned, he had on a pair of very short denim cut-offs. Later in the 80's they would become known as "Daisy Dukes" but at that time that term hadn't yet been coined. They were shorter than any shorts I'd ever wear.

He was about 6 feet tall and, like me, thin.

He had brown eyes and big, full lips. His teeth were bright white when he smiled, and he smiled a lot.

"Coming?" he said again, breaking me out of my semi-trance.

"Ah, sure," I said, even though I'm pretty sure I didn't feel like I had to pee.

We walked about 20 feet into the woods and he stopped. We could hear the cars passing by but could not see the road and there didn't seem to be anything around for miles. Then again, with the density of the trees, a house could have been within throwing distance and we wouldn't have known it. We stopped below a rock. He unzipped his shorts and pulled his cock out. It appeared to be about 4" and semi-hard.

"Well," he asked, "are you going to take a piss." I again stammered in the affirmative and reached down and unzipped my khakis. I was a bit nervous standing there beside him but pulled out my cock, which was flaccid and barely measurable. When I took it in my hand that changed--it started to get hard and as I started to squeeze what little piss I had in me out, it grew to its full six inch length.

I heard him whisper "nice." Not as nice as yours, I responded. As my cock had hardened and grown his did the same. It was now about 8.5" and it was long and thin. Like me, he was cut. But his cock was darker than mine--the same olive tone as the rest of his body.

He smiled at me as he finished pissing, making no move to put his cock back. I smiled up at him.

"Can I, Can I have a closer look," he asked. I breathed out "yes."

With that, he dropped to his knees in front of me. My last bit of pee hit him to the right of his lips. I was transfixed as I watched as his pink tongue came out of the side of his mouth and licked it off. He reached up and unbuckled my belt and undid the clasp that was holding my pants up. My pants, already unzipped, slipped down to my knees. I was standing there in the woods with my cock protruding from the pouch of my white BVD's with my pants around my knees.

He reached up with both hands and slid my underwear down past my cock. When they reached my knees he looked up at me. I nodded down at him and slipped first my left and then my right foot easily out of my Docksiders. As I did, he grasped my shorts and my pants and proceeded to roll them down my legs and helped me shuck them off.

I was now standing in front of him--he was still on his knees--and my cock was rigid. I heard him gasp a little as he moved in "to take a closer look." "Very nice," he said. "Very nice." "Thanks," I whispered.

All around us the forest had grown silent, as if the birds and insects and other noisemakers that had been so loud when we first came into the woods had all stopped to watch the vignette playing out in this little clearing, beneath the rock.

I had a little drop of precum at the tip of my cock. He looked up at me again with a slight smile on his face. I nodded almost imperceptibly but he saw me and took that as his cue. Almost simultaneously that pink tongue came through his lips again and licked the mixture from the tip of my cock. I moaned and that was all the encouragement he needed. His right hand came up and started playing with my balls, grabbing them lightly and pulling my whole package toward his face.

Those plush, gorgeous lips opened, and he slid my whole cock toward the back of his mouth. I could feel his tongue licking the underside of the shaft, the frenulum and the glans. I started to slowly move my cock in and out of his mouth. I hadn't done this too often but often enough to know I liked it slow and steady. Both his hands were now ministering to my cock and balls, playing with my balls, scratching my pubic hair, running up and down my inner thighs.

I started to feel the first signs that I might cum and warned him. He pulled off and ask: do you want to cum quick or want me to take my time? "Take your time," I sighed, "I'm in no hurry." At that, he stood up and took me by the hand. He took me around to the far side of the rock and as luck would have it there was a part of the rock that jutted out like a seat. He sat on it and pulled me back in front of him. He pulled me close by the ball sack and then swallowed both of my balls into his mouth. He let them slide out, slowly. He nibbled on them and then let them drop. He then bent his head and licked me from my left knee up to my pubes and then around my pubes down to my right knee with that luxurious tongue. He then stood up and pulled my shirt over my head. I was now completely naked. He sucked my left nipple. No one had ever done that before. The jolt of electricity that traveled down to my loins was surprising and excruciating. His hands continued to play with my cock and balls as he licked my nipples and under my arm. I was squirming and feeling good.

But I wanted a little more than just to be on the receiving end.

I grabbed him by the ears and tilted his face up toward me. "Can I...," I asked? I didn't have to complete the sentence. He stood up and pulled his shirt up over his head, throwing it on the rock. He undid the button to his shorts and they easily slid down over his huge cock and dropped to the ground. He stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.

I stepped back to take a look. His skin was a marvel. Dark from toe to top, and without a single blemish anywhere. He lifted his arms over his head to expose his pits. He had an incredibly thick, black forest of hair. Below, he had a dark black bush of pubic hair that surrounded his glorious cock and balls that hung down a few inches below. A dark treasure trail led up to his belly button and ended there. His chest was smooth but he had a black thatch of hair sticking out from each arm pit.

So, there we were: both stark naked in the woods, our cocks facing each other and both of us with huge grins on our faces. I stepped in close to his raised arms. I traced a line under each armpit to each nipple and then back again, stopping to circle the half-dollar sized areolas before tracing back to his under arms. I leaned in and breathed in his musk. My tongue darted out and licked deeply in his left pit. I then did the same to his right, stopping only to dip down and suck on first his right and then his left nipple.

All the while my two hands were playing with his balls. As I said, they were hanging low below his cock and I couldn't get enough. I was tugging on them, rolling them, pushing them together, pulling them down, pushing them up, all the while still sucking on his tits.

After a while I sank down and sat on the rock outcropping. The granite felt cool against my naked ass. It felt nice. His cock was sticking straight at me and the head was covered in pre-cum. I leaned forward and licked it off, savoring the sweet taste. My hands were still playing with his balls and I pulled his cock toward my lips.

My tongue licked the head of his penis and he moaned; I could feel his legs shaking. I opened my mouth and took his rigid cock into my mouth. My tongue was lapping the base of it. I could only take in about 4". I had not yet learned to deep throat. But I made the most of it. I licked, sucked and nibbled at his cock--taking it out and licking it like a lollipop and then sucking it back in, twirling and dancing my tongue over all that I could get into my mouth.

My hands were alternating between playing with his balls and then playing with that magnificent bushy black forest of pubic hair that surrounded his cock. I took his cock out of my mouth and sucked in some hair, licking the skin beneath. I then lowered my lips and took his balls into my mouth. I was crazed by the taste and couldn't get enough.

I felt his hands on my ears, guiding my mouth back to his cock. I took the hint and took up where I left off, licking and sucking the tip and pulling his cock in and out of my warm mouth.

"I'm going to cum," I heard him moan. I had never had anyone cum in my mouth before. I usually didn't want it but this time I was possessed. I took his balls in my hand and squeezed. I traced a line up his taint to his hole and tickled him there and continued to suck on his cock. I felt his balls tense up and then his cock started to convulse. I opened my throat and started swallowing and kept swallowing until he stopped. Then I licked his cock clean as he pulled it out of my mouth.

He stood for a moment, with his head tossed back and his cock, now growing soft in front of my mouth. I couldn't resist and leaned in and bathed his dick one more time with my tongue. He groaned as I swirled my tongue all around the head.

After a minute or so he pulled back. He reached down and placed his two hands in my two pits and gently pulled me to my feet. My cock was standing straight out and aching. He turned me around and sat on the rock, my cock at his lips. His tongue came out and licked my cock from the base to the tip, holding my cock with his right hand while his tongue slipped on top of it and under it and around it. His other hand found my balls and was gently rolling them around.

I knew I would not last long.

He pulled me closer and pressed the tip of my cock to his lips. He slid my cock back and forth across his lips, pressed it to his cheeks and then slowly opened his mouth and devoured all of it, right down to my pubes. He stopped. Then each of his hands came up and grabbed my ass cheeks. He pulled me in and pushed me out. I took the hint and started to face fuck him. Slowly at first but picking up speed at his urging. I felt his left hand move between my ass crack and then felt his middle finger probing my hole. He stopped sucking and put his middle finger in his mouth, covering it with saliva. Then he gobbled my cock back in his mouth and I continued my fucking of those beautiful lips. His tongue was up and down and all around on my cock. "Lick the tip," I urged. "Squeeze my balls."

His middle finger, now slick with saliva, found my hole and slipped in, deep. He found my nut and started to stroke it. This was too much. I yelled that I was cumming and started thrusting into his mouth. I think I dropped a gallon of jizz into his mouth and he never stopped drinking it down.

My cock started to deflate but he kept it in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head and the shaft.

Finally, he let me plop out of his mouth. He stood up and kissed me. I could taste my jism on his lips and tongue. We kissed for a few minutes. Then quietly, with few words spoken, we put our clothes back on and walked out of the woods. Cars and their drivers passed by on route 2, unaware of the incredible sex that just happened about 30 feet away from them.

He drove me another twenty minutes or so and pulled over. His cock was once again lying against his left thigh. I reached over and stroked it a couple of times, smiled at him and got out of the car.

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