He Was There, Willow

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Feb 15, 2010


He Was There, Willow, by justjames17.

The doorbell chimed and I walked to the door and opened it, through the mesh security door I saw him. The sight was entrancing, tall, slender and dark of complexion with lustrous thick black wavy hair, parted in the center with large bangs sweeping his noble forehead and framing an amazingly handsome face with huge dark eyes. My heart did a flip-flop when I saw him and he smiled exposing his white even teeth, I felt a shiver run through me as I fumbled with the key to unlock the security door. He spoke, his words very English but with a cute foreign accent as he showed me the name tag on his shirt, "Good day sir, I am called Willow and I'm from Ultra Electricity, I have an offer you might find attractive."

I thought to myself, "Not half as attractive as you, you handsome spunk."

I nodded still unable to untangle my tongue and mind from the initial shock of seeing this stunning sub-continental spunk, he handed me a brochure, which I took, still drinking in his incredible appearance, and held it in my trembling palsied fingers. Fingers that longed to stroke those smooth mahogany coloured cheeks and that slender yet muscular throat rising from the pale yellow open necked polo shirt that set off his dark shiny smooth complexion. My tongue wriggled in my mouth as I thought of how he would taste as I licked him, my ears deaf to the sales spiel he was giving me. I was becoming incredibly aroused and had to stick my hand in my pocket to hide my burgeoning boner as we stood there on the front veranda.

Finally I shook myself and invited him inside leading him into the lounge where we sat side by side as he went on about the advantages of dealing with Ulta. My knee slowly edged across till it touched his, he wore beige cargo shorts and my blue denim covered knee touched his brown bare one. Willow didn't flinch or pull away but continued his dissertation about rates and advantages of switching companies. I thought that maybe he was so involved in his speech he hadn't noticed my contact so I moved my leg up and down jigging my foot, he didn't react and I was feeling more hopeful and confident.

Suddenly I felt Willow press his knee to mine in response I looked into his face and saw a smile on those dark luscious lips, a sweet smile not lascivious or sneering and I smiled back encouragingly. Willow lost track of his repartee and his dark complexion darkened even more as he blushed charmingly, I gently rested my hand on his bony knee feeling his hot firm flesh as I slowly slid it up his muscular thigh pushing that baggy short's leg up as I did. His smooth thigh was hairless and I felt his wiry muscles moving under my hand as I squeezed and caressed him. Willow sighed and sank back as his legs parted opening wide allowing me access to his mid section.

I could see the crotch of his baggy shorts pointing up towards his chin and knew he was fully aroused, his chest rose and fell faster and his breath was hissing through his nostrils as he sat back eyes closed and mouth slightly open allowing his pink tongue to poke out as it slipped back and forth on those luscious pouting pads of flesh. I longed to kiss him and taste his sweet saliva but feared I'd frighten him with such an intimate move, not all lads enjoyed kissing even though they were open to sexy fun like wanking or sucking cock. My fingers were now up inside the baggy shorts leg and I found his hot bulging balls in the pouch of his tight cotton briefs, a soft whimper exuded from his sweet lips and I felt his briefs tighten as his raging boner jerked in response.

I whispered, "Would it be ok if I unzip and remove your cargos Willow?"

He moaned and again I felt his dick bounce in response, I took that as permission so I removed my hand from his balls and fumbled with the button of his shorts, it opened and I slid down the zipper but slowly my fingers caressing his raging rock hard rod as I unzipped him. There he was, a towering pale blue cotton covered tube of throbbing manhood, the cotton straining over his knob darkened and saturated with sweet juice showing his eagerness. I could smell the hot humidity of his crotch and I could see his thudding heartbeat as his engorged erection pulsed, below that 7inch tower of hot eager muscle the briefs bulged out in a round tennis ball sized swelling where his sperm filled orbs nestled in their soft silky sack.

Willow raised his rump up off the cushions as I tugged off the cargo shorts slipping them down his so smooth thighs and over his lightly haired shins pulling them over his multi coloured trainers and dropping them on the carpet as I nuzzled my face against his throbbing aromatic tool. Willow moaned in response as his rigid rod pulsed crazily oozing copious lubricant through the stretched cotton. The hot scent of his aroused genitals attacked my olfactory senses driving me on to suckle him through his undies; I tasted Willow's essence and found it addictive and sucked hard creating a vacuum as I siphoned his thick dick.

Willow was squirming and arching his unbelievably supple body, muscles writhed tensing and relaxing under that smooth gleaming mahogany epidermis, the sight was hypnotic and drew my hands to caress and feel every inch of him. Willow's reaction to my caressing was constant soft moaning and the flexing of his incredible muscles as my fingers lightly traced their way over his adorable body. He lay there accepting everything I did, my mouth watered to taste him and I bent down and run my tongue up his flexing abs, his slightly sweaty skin coated my tongue with delicate saltiness and I couldn't get enough. I tongue bathed him all over, legs, feet, arms torso and his handsome face before I urged him to roll over on his tummy exposing his broad shoulders, tapering back and the delicious dimpled mounds of his buttocks to my ravenous eyes before easing his briefs down exposing those wondrous orbs of hot bronzed flesh and muscle.

My hands clutched those full firm arse cheeks, my fingers dug into the smooth malleable muscle and flesh squeezing him gently as I pulled his buttocks apart exposing the deep cleft between. His crevice was silky smooth with a few dark soft hairs, a halo, surrounding his tiny paradisiacal portal, the entry to his burning hot inner being. I watched that tiny pucker winking at me as it flexed and my tongue begged to be allowed out to play, I bent in inhaling his fragrant cleanliness, the faintest musky aroma assailed my nose as I inhaled deeply. Willow giggled at the sound if me sniffing his crack, "I hope I'm clean back there."

I murmured, "Oh yeah soooo clean and sweet Willow. Your name suits you so well your incredible body is as supple and beautiful as a willow."

I breathed heavily blowing warm air on his winking muscle before licking from his smooth shiny perineum up that enticing valley to his sphincter, Willow shuddered and gurgled his delight as I moaned in lust. His ring flexed and squirmed on my tongue seemingly begging it to enter his tight, tasty, twitchy twat. I eagerly prodded and poked at that tight muscle and Willow began pushing out encouraging my efforts, soon my tongue tip was sliding about in his entrance as his muscle squeezed and relaxed an my wet wobbling appendage. I tasted him; his juices were tart and slightly bitter but certainly not off putting and his gurgles of pleasure made me feel happy I could make him feel so good.

Willow's squirming and arching had me excited, his sounds of unbridled pleasure egged me on spurring me to make him happier, my tongue was aching as was my jaw and I had to withdraw from his hot gyrating arse, moans of displeasure sounded as his buttocks flexed giving brief glimpses of that dark moist passageway. I grasped Willow by his prominent bony hips and gently encouraged him to roll onto his back exposing his rampantly rigid rod. The sight of his tool made me gasp, it was incredibly beautiful, about 7inches the shaft a silky bronze, looking like finely beaten metal, his foreskin rolled back exposing a hot pink knob that oozed pre cum copiously onto his firm flat lower abdomen. Beneath that sexy spunk shooter was a tight brillo pad of fine black curled pubic hair, shining in the light where it covered his prominent pubis.

I watched that bronze boner jerk and bounce as it flexed excitedly to his pounding heart and his excited arousal, Willow was close to popping and I wondered if I dared take that tasty tostle in my hungry mouth. I looked up his muscular tensed torso to see his dark eyes looking back at me intently his long lashes almost glowed as he blinked, his purple lips parted as he gasped for breath showing the tips of his incredibly white teeth, his tongue tip slipped out to moisten those so kissable pouty lips and I bent in to taste his saliva as my tongue touched his. Willow took my tongue eagerly into his hot mouth and our tongues tangoed together in a dance of delight, we swapped saliva as we pashed hotly.

My crotch met his and our pulsating pricks rubbed together, our oozing juices lubricating each other as they slipped back and forth, Willow's eyes closed and he sucked my tongue fiercely I felt it was being torn from its roots and I gurgled a moan in response. Willow's moist mouth released my appendage and he whispered hoarsely, "Take me and make me yours."

I kissed him and moved my hips back then slipped my born into the hot sweaty cleavage between those firm clasping buttocks, Willow yelped, "Yes!"

I edged in rubbing my knob up and down searching fore his entrance and found it flexing crazily in his eagerness, that tight puckered portal gripped the top of my knob nibbling on its sensitive tip eliciting moans of lust from me as I pressed forward. My erection so hard it was like a lance hardly bending as his anus resisted momentarily before opening and accepting the invasion. I groaned in delight as his baking hot silky flesh absorbed my hard on, the anal muscles palpitating pleasurably on my pole. I slowly eased inside him going deeper then pulling back a little, pressing forward again gaining depth until eventually my whole dick was encompassed by his molten hot buttery insides. We lay coupled together our eager lips pashing with tongues lashing and slithering together.

Willow's tight taut body arched up against my weight as he groaned into my mouth, his anus clenched my cock like a fleshy vise strangling and trapping my prick inside his molten hot guts. He released that crushing grip and I slid back feeling his tight ring rolling on my throbbing tool, the sensation caused me to clench my teeth to stop my balls emptying prematurely. His tight body was urging me to unload and drench his insides wit my sperm, he wanted my babies and I wanted to give him them. Pashing, biting and sucking on whatever we could find, nipples, ears, throats, collar bones anything and everything that could be reached as we frantically fondled and rooted like sex crazed bunnies.

Of course the inevitable climax occurred and my best endeavours to hold back collapsed in a grunting moaning wreck as my aching gonads emptied unknown numbers of sperm spurts. Willow's tight hot chute throbbed and milked me dry and the feel of my sex sensitized schlong slipping about bathed in baby batter nearly sent me insane with pleasure. Finally my erection wilted and willow's inner muscles expelled my penis with a faint fart and a drool of creamy cum that I wiped up with a tissue. Willow sat up his trim body glistening with perspiration as I helped him to his feet, I looked at the clock above the fireplace and saw it was time I had to leave and go to a club meeting, I apologized to Willow, "I'm terribly sorry Willow but I'm running late I didn't realize the time, our sexual fun made my mind go into melt down mode. I really must go and I haven't even got time to shower but if you would like to come back tomorrow I'll look over what your company has to offer."

Willow looked disappointed but then he smiled and said, "I'll return tomorrow that would be great."

We both hurriedly dressed and exited though the front door, I climbed into my car and Willow walked next door to carry on his sales job. I found it hard to concentrate driving to the meeting and my mind kept conjuring visions of the naked Willow all night. My cock kept stiffening and I was glad when the meeting was over and I headed home to get into bed and wank off a huge load thinking of Willow.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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