He Wants to Be Owned

By george Robinson

Published on May 29, 2020


He wants to be owned ch3

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I would like to thank Craig and Jay for their ideas which I am giving serious consideration too.

Connor was true to his word and had Paul waiting for him, naked, at the bandstand on many occasions. He even took a few mates from time to time. On those occasions, Paul got home with a very sore arsehole and numb lips having been fucked and made to suck numerous cocks relentlessly..

One day, Dusty sent a multi text to all of the class asking for suggestions or ideas to what they could do to their bitch. Dusty's phone never stopped ringing as he sat at his desk while Paul kept eyeing him but afraid to complain about the ringing phone. At lunch time, Dusty was sitting in the cafeteria when Conor approached him. "Hi Dusty, Have you ever thought of shaving the bitch, except his head hair of course" Dusty's eyes lit up and simply replied " good one Con"

When he got back to the classroom, Dusty waved at Paul to come over to him and without any hesitation Paul hurried to Paul's desk." Listen up bitch, before you go home today, call at the store and get a shaving kit and a tube of Bengay and a hair removing cream. We are going to have some fun tonight at your place and while you're shopping you might as well get some beer in '' Paul's face had the look of a worried man because he knew that he should not be supplying alcohol to minors and why the Bengay.

At around 7.00pm that night Dusty sauntered over to Paul's house. Leo and two other lads were already there and subjecting Paul to a session of spitroasting.

Dusty took charge immediately and asked Leo to fetch a bowl of water from the bathroom. Paul was ordered to stand on the coffee table. Leo brought the water as asked and also produced a cut throat razor. " Hey Dusty, how about using this?" exclaimed Leo. Dusty readily agreed and their entertainment started. Between the four of them they removed every hair on their bitches body except his arse. Dusty had told them to leave their bitches arse alone. He had plans for that. To Paul's absolute dismay he watched Dusty mix some Bengay with hair removing cream.

"Right then you bitch, ram that mixture up your hole now" retorted Dusty. Within seconds Paul had shoved most of the mixture up is hole and was clearly in distress from the reaction on his tortured face. The four lads rolled around on the floor in uncontrollable laughter. For the half hour Paul was made to suck cock while having to endure the burning sensation he felt in his arsehole.. Fucking him was out of the question as none of his tormentors wanted Bengay on their tools. Paul was really struggling with this burning pain and started begging Dusty to allow him to go and find relief. Time and again Paul begged for help until Dusty said"ok you want relief...go sit in the bird bath in the front garden". Paul has an ornimental bird bath in the centre of his lawn. It was a fairly large concrete object standing about three foot in height. Paul looked at Dusty with pathetic eyes `` Please don't do this to me please!" pleaded Paul. " You want relief ...bird bath or leave the cream where it is'' replied Dusty. For less than a minute, Paul pondered his choice then bolted out outside and submerged his arse into the cold soothing water which was obviously bringing satisfactory relief. He fingered his hole violently to remove the offending substance until he no longer felt the burning sensation. It was then that he realized that he was sitting in his front garden, stark naked and in full view of any passing strangers or neighbours and was thankfully for the semi darkness which at least gave a little cover. He shot back to the house and tried to pass the four lads who were standing at the front door enjoying every moment of the spectacle and in an act of sheer devilment deliberately blocked his way into the house. Paul was getting more and more concerned that his neighbours would see him in this compromising position as his tormentors were not trying to be silent in their actions. After a few minutes, Dusty told his mates to let their bitch in. He was made to stand on the coffee table while the lads did a final inspection and declared ...job done.with high fives all round. They then left but not before Dusty gave him a final instruction. " make sure you are always hairless like this, you will be inspected regularly and if just one hair is found on your body you will regret it"

Monday morning arrived and as class began, Paul's phone pinged. It was a message from Dusty ..Straight after you do registration ..... Come to the front of the class and strip so everyone can see you have been deflowered. Show your rear as well as your front..... Paul obeyed the order and stripped naked but constantly kept an eye on the door which gave Leo an idea. He texted Dusty to get his opinion of his idea and got Dusty's approval. " hey bitch" yelled Leo, get outside into the corridor and wank off till you cum. You can then lick the jism off the floor before you come into the classroom and dress" That is what Paul did but with increased anxiety.. He had never wanked as fast in all his life. This had nothing to do with sexual enjoyment but everything to do with getting back into the classroom as quickly as possible.

The rest of the day was pretty normal for Paul. He sucked a few cocks and did some teaching.

Weeks and then months passed with Paul's class abused him in so many ways. He was inspected every other day in front of his class/masters.

One morning Dusty walked into the classroom before classes had actually started. He was taken aback to find Paul in the stock room crying. At that moment, his humanity overpowered his need to fuck his teacher, for that was the original intention why he had come to the classroom early. "Sir" Dusty said in a quite considerate voice. " Sir what's wrong" Paul turned smartly around to see his master exhibiting an expression he had ever seen before. " I can't go on like this any more Dusty...I just can't take any more abuse. My sexual needs are now destroying me " said Paul, still crying. Dusty told him that he would sort it out and that he would not be told to do anything until he had spoken to his mates. " Paul thanked him and dried his tears followed by a tiny smile of gratitute. Dusty knew that he had to act urgently. He had just witnessed his teacher crying and that he had a serious mental problem. He sent a multi text to the entire class to meet in the cafeteria that lunch time as well as an instruction not to make Paul do anything. Lunch time arrived and everyone congregated in a corner of the facility. Dusty explained the situation at length and expressed his concerns regarding their teacher's mental health. After everyone had been given the chance to speak a vote was taken. That afternoon, after Paul had taken registration Paul approached Paul's desk and simply said " Sir, we have all voted on what happens next and I can now tell you that you will not be abused any longer by anyone in this room" Paul rose from his seat and disappeared into the stockroom where the class could clearly here gentle sobbing noises. Minutes later Paul reappeared and addressed the class to express his gratitute.

At the end of school, Paul was walking home when he was joined by Dusty. " how are feeling sir" enquired Dusty. "Much better Dusty and thanks for your help. if you or your mates need a blow job anytime, call me, ok"." thank you sir, but I think I would like to keep that offer for myself" replied the grateful young lad.

Next: Chapter 4

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