He Wants to Be Owned

By george Robinson

Published on Apr 7, 2020


He wants to be owned ch 2

Here's hoping that ch 1 has whetted your appetite for more.

As always, this is a fictitious story and any resemblance is purely100% coincidental

And as always with my stories, email gar7028@gmail.com. With any comments, good or bad

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Paul was standing at the trail sign dressed in a bright orange pair of very tight shorts, a very tight white t-shirt and a pair of open sandals, as previously ordered, when his master's arrived. The joy on Dusty's face was incredible. The first words spoken were by Dusty. "Hi bitch, get the top off now". Paul complied instantly. The three of them started to walk down the track with the two lads constantly kicking their bitch up the backside. After getting a short way down the trail Dusty screamed at his bitch. "Bitch, might as well get the shorts off too". Paul complied, again as quickly as he could . Now bollock naked, his bum hole was a sweet target for his masters and they took full advantage of it. Paul was told to continue walking in the normal way should they meet an oncoming person.

They walked about a mile down the track till they came to a clearing with a reasonably sized pond/lake. Leo suggested that they go skinny dipping so both lads shed their clothes and all three started to splash about in the cool water. It wasn't long before Leo bend Paul forward slightly and started to fuck the arse off him. The actual act could not be seen as they were both waist deep in the water, but It was obvious that Paul was being ravished by his young student. As Leo continued to fuck Paul, three lads about the same age as Dusty and Leo appeared in the clearing and stopped. They watched intently at the activity going on in the pond/lake. One of the lads spoke to Dusty saying " is the older guy being fucked by the other guy" "sure is'' replied Dusty. "do you fancy a good fuck or perhap and blowjob" Dusty said. "Wow, would we.'' replied all three lads in unison. Dusty shouted over to Leo to fetch their bitch out of the water. This was when Paul first noticed the three lads and he quietly asked Leo who they were. Leo said he didn't know but they would soon find out. As two naked males emerged from the water, the lads had already exposed their rampant cocks and awaited their onslaught of this older man. For the next thirty minutes, Paul a spitroasted by the three visitors without mercy. When they had had their fill of homo sex, the whole group sat around an open fire that Dusty had set up.

Turned out that( Martin, Shane, Harry,) the names of the three lads, attended another school and they promised not to divulge anything they had experienced so long as they could fuck him again at some time. The lads exchanged phone numbers with the pedge that they would be able to fuck the bitch again.. As they departed, grinning like cheshire cats, they waved to Paul in a most disrespectful wanking action. The lads spent a long day finding ways to humiliate their bitch. Using him as a target with mud balls, making him slap his cock continuously as well as many other ideas. As the sun sunk in the sky they all headed back down the track with Paul being kept naked until it became too dangerous to go any further without clothes. The lads pondered on keeping him naked but decided against it.

Monday morning duly arrived and Paul, naked as instructed, opened the curtains wide, again as instructed, made breakfast and at the appointed time got dressed for school. It was if he had a sixth sense he knew something bad was going to happen that day. He had an ominous nagging in his head but he could do nothing to relieve it. As he entered the school, he saw standing in his path to his classroom half of his class leering at him. This made him feel very uncomfortable. One of the group spoke to Paul as he passed. " we hear you had an interesting time down the woods yesterday bitch. We have something special for you tonight too bitch". Paul stopped and asked what that was, but the reply was short and distinct. "You'll find out tonight bitch " Paul's mind went into overdrive trying to imagine what his master's had planned but there were too many variables to work anything out, but he knew he would be at the butt end of it.. The teacher spent all day doing his job and not once did any of the class order him to do anything which Paul found nerve racking. The school bell rang at the end of classes and everyone headed home. Paul walked home expecting something to happen on the way but absolutely nothing happened. When Paul finally got in doors he stripped as per standing order then started to cook a meal. His phone beeped signifying a text message had arrived. Don't bother eating. We have plans for you this evening and bring your wallet. Dress casual when told too. The message was from Dusty. Around 6.30 pm Paul received his orders to get dressed and go to the bandstand in the park. He put on a pair of chinos, a loose fitting shirt and trainers then headed for the park. On arriving he approached the bandstand to see around 13 teenages larking about. Dusty saw him first and waved for him to come over and shouted for him to run. Paul immediately ran towards his master/students. The park had a few people enjoying a warm evening but that was not going to stop these lads having their fun. Paul was ushered into the center of a scrum of boys who immediately started to strip Paul naked. Once he was naked he was bent over and one by one each lad fucked him or rammed their cocks down his throat. After about an hour, all of his assailants had filled either his mouth or arsehole with their seed and he was told to dress, which he did very quickly. That was when Dusty told Paul that he was going to buy everyone a burger at the burger bar in town. The gang walked into town and entered the burger bar. Dusty, being in charge, asked for a large enough table in a secluded corner. He was directed to a long table capable of seating all the lads including Paul. The orders were taken and they waited for the food to be brought. Before Paul had a chance to take a bite from his burger, Dusty ordered him to get under the table. Once under the table he was ordered to start sucking any cocks that were exposed. That meant all of them and he had to swallow all spunk and ensure none went on the floor. If it did he had to lick it up. Just to get Paul going, he was told that the gang was thinking of getting him naked under the table. This revelation had Paul's Stress levels going through the roof, to the point where he tugged Dusty's jeans and told him he didn't want to be naked under the table. Dusty replied with a stern word about photos showing him sucking a 15 year old student's cock. This would be guaranteed prison time as a peodofile . Paul realized that his perverted obsession to be submissive now had him in a blackmail situation with no way to get out of the situation. In a state of mild panic he apologized to Dusty begging him not to send him to jail. "Ok, " said Dusty, " suck some more cocks while I talk to the lads. Little did Paul know, but the threat of getting him naked there and then was only a way of causing him grief;they: had no intentions of doing such a stupid thing but Paul didn't know that. He sucked cocks for well over an hour till Dusty decided the event was at an end. Paul was told to come from under the table and they all left the burger bar with Paul picking up the tab. It was dark now and the only light was the odd street lights. The group had gradually broken up as they headed for their own homes. Eventually it was only Dusty and Leo that walked with their slave. Then, being only ¼ of a mile from home, Leo told Paul to strip. He was going to fuck him when they got home and didn't want to waste anytime getting his fuck naked, so Paul had to strip while moving. This was to prove difficult. He was told to throw his clothes into the gardens they were passing. Paul compiled without question thinking of what Dusty had told him earlier. He was soon naked and constantly scanning all around him, scared stiff of being observed in such an embarrassing situation. The two lads were close to wetting themselves with laughter. Relief came in sight as they approached Paul's house. Before he had a chance of putting the key in the door, Leo had bent him over and was shagging his tender arse for all he was worth. It wasn't until Leo and Dusty had filled this cavity that he was allowed to go in doors. Paul was grateful that there was a large bush just in front of his door which would give some limited cover. When Dusty got home and into his room, he lay on his bed thinking hard about what had happened at the burger bar, particularly the time he had to speak to his bitch with regards to not him not wanting to be naked under the table. He knew that the photos he had threatened Paul with were not nearly as good as he had made out, and it was possible that Paul might be thinking the same as he was. He resolved that better photographs were the order of the day and he would organize that at school the next day. At school the next day Dusty set about getting the photos he really needed to secure Paul as his bitch for as long as he wanted too.. He set in place minor details before morning break, but had to wait for lunch time to put the major element in place.

Lunch time arrived and Dusty's plan swung into action Whe at the start of lunch in the canteen the same 15 year old student, mentioned by Dusty the night before, collared Paul and took him around the back of the building.

There Paul was ordered to strip and then to suck Connor's (the 15 year old lad) cock. While this action was taking place, Dusy and Leo were concealed behind garbage bins videoing the whole exhibition. At the end of lunch break, Dusty whispered in Paul's ear, "be ready to receive a video on your phone during class". Sure enough as the afternoon class began, Paul's phone tinkled. He opened the link and to his horror he watched a naked teacher sucking a students cock. This was followed by a text from Dusty you will obey every order or ...well you know where this video is going.

The ominous message found it's spot as Paul's worried expression glowed for all to see. At the end of the day , Dusty walked home with his bitch. He took Paul's phone and deleted the video and the text. Paul was to have no evidence that he was being blackmailed. Dusty was adamant that his bitch would comply with every order regardless of what that order was. As a reward for his assistance in getting the video, Connor was given free access to Paul, day or night and Paul was told to do as Connor ordered him to do and to the letter. Connor, like most teenagers, wanted to play with his new toy straight away so he phoned Paul. He told Paul to get to the park pronto." Be at the bandstand when I get there and be naked." This order should not prove to be a problem as it was 10.30 at night and dark, so to be naked then would not be too dangerous. As ordered, Paul shot off down to the bandstand, stripped and awaited his new master to arrive. Connor eventually arrived at the appointed place and with not a word spoken proceeded to shag this 22 year old guy. Connor may only have been 15 but he was certainly well endowed. He shagged Paul rigged till exhaustion called a halt. He sent Paul home with a warning that this would happen again.

Next: Chapter 3

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