He Wants to Be Owned

By george Robinson

Published on Mar 28, 2020


He wants to be owned

This story is pure fiction. Any comments that you would like to make, either good or bad email. To gar7028@gmail.com.

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Paul Grieves, was a teacher at the local school and had just moved into his new house a few weeks ago. His house was just across the road where one of his young students lives. At night, when his bedroom light is on and the blinds are still wide open he could see him from his sitting room naked above the waist and if he went upstairs he could see that he is either wearing tight underwear or occasionally totally naked and it excites him.. Paul was a 22 year old submissive man that hoped that one day one of his students would somehow discover his secret. He left little clues now and again but to date none of them had clicked on., One day Dusty, the young lad from across the road, was talking to his best mate Leo. They seemed to be getting rather excited and being a curious man Paul asked them if they had a problem. " No sir." Said Dusty. Dusty looked at him with a menacing stay and spoke again. " A mate of mine from St Thomas's school has told me that you had to leave your last school because of rather embarrassing reasons , if I can put it like that sir". Paul thought hard and fast as to how to reply. "Well it wasn't an ideal way to leave but no matter, I am here now to serve the community." Dusty was like lightning in his reply. " Let me be frank with you sir..my mate from stThomas's told me that you are a sub, a slut. you take orders from alpha/males, at least that's what my mate told me." " Please keep that to yourself. I don't want the principal to know that I am a submissive. Paul confessed. I have been leaving little clues about my submissive addictions for sometime but it was gossip that has exposed my compulsive needs. Paul was quite satisfied if not nervous with this outcome but secretly looked forward to what might happen."

. He knew he could expect some interaction from two of his students and relished the idea of being owned by two very handsome studs. After dressing, he headed down stairs, he made breakfast and with a nervous spring in his step, whistled a happy tune. As he ate breakfast, his phone rang.

He pressed the connect button on his phone to hear Dusty's voice " good morning bitch...we are going to have some fucking fun today slut so listen, first of all don't wear underwear anymore...make sure you comply with every instruction or we will simply forget about your obsession, and will let your secret out and leave you on your own.". Dusty rang off and Paul's excitement about serving his masters went to dismay at the prospect of being ignored and being left alone and the prospect of the principal finding out about his perverted needs. Time came for Paul to go to work. He decided that as it was such a fine day he would walk to the school as it was only 10 minutes away. The two lads, to Paul's surprise, were waiting for him and they all walked to school together. As Dusty, Leo, both shirtless because of the heat from sun.on.this glorious day proceeded along the road with Paul, Dusty suddenly pushed Paul off the sidewalk and into some bushes. Dusty shed his shorts, and boxers leaving him stark naked. He moved to Paul' ,with his throbbing hot cock exposed and ordered him to start sucking. Leo, grabbed his cell phone and started videoing the whole event. Paul sucked his student's rampant cock like a man possessed. He sucked until Dusty, wearing an evil grin, shot his load down the throat of his teacher. Leo quickly pushed his jeans down to his ankles and rammed his throbbing cock down Paul's throat knowing that as a submissive he had to obey his masters. They could have great fun in class at Paul's expense if handled properly, but if too many people knew of Paul's submissiveness it might become public and that would bring an end to any possible fun. He had enjoyed the blowjob off Paul and anticipated a lot more so he decided that only those people he could trust would be let in on Paul's submissiveness, at least for now. Dusty struggled in class to subdue his appetite for exposing his teacher to the whole class but resisted the idea until he noticed a very large bulge in Paul's pants. He knew his teacher had an erection and he decided that his mates in class should know. Dusty text Paul with a simple message, [ get your cock out now and show the class your fucking erection bitch.] Paul, being a true submissive, simply couldn't ignore the order so with a sense of true trepidation stepped to the front of the class and allowed his cock and balls to drop out of his pants. With a sharp intake of air from a shocked class, Paul, racked with embarrassment, stood there waiting for further instructions. Dusty, realizing the response from his classmates was one of shock, jumped forward to stand by his teacher/bitch. "Ok guys..you weren't expecting that. ...listen up...let me explain why this bitch has exposed his cock to you all.. This cunt is a sub, a submissive ,a whore, a slut. He is also my bitch and will do what I tell him to do. I am prepared to let all of you have a bit of him...hands up if you do." explained Dusty. Seconds later a classroom of hormonal teens were raising their arms in total approval. " Great" said Dusty " one very important condition guys...no one absolutly no one should find out about this. He'll be our faggot and no one elses. If anyone else finds out, our fun will be stopped. He will be sacked and we could be in a lot of trouble, Is that understood guys' ' exclaimed Dusty. Again there was a unanimous show of hands. It was also agreed by unanimous vote that Paul would be referred to as BITCH by his masters /students except when teachers or others were present. With an evil smile beaming from his face, Dusty handed his bitch a tube. "Tell the class what that is "ordered Dusty. Paul looked at the name on the tube and as the colour faded from his face, simply said "Bengay". " Drop your pants bitch, get a fingerful or the ointment and ram it up your arse, and it will stay there till morning break" exclaimed Dusty with evil in his words. The sub knew he had to obey so with a steely look he pushed a fingerful up his arse. In seconds, from the expression on his face it was obvious that the compound was having a devastating effect on Paul's rear end. He was ordered to continue with the morning's work. his class noted the pain that Paul was taking and giggled their way though the first part of the day. Suddenly the bell rang signifying morning break. Without a word being spoken, Paul shot from his chair and into the corridor as fast as his legs would carry him. A couple of the lads followed him expecting him to make for the staff toilets, but Paul raced past the toilets and eventually disappeared into the janitors workroom. When the lads reached the janitor's room there was no teacher there. They walked to an open door which led outside. There with no trousers on was their bitch set in a high squat position and a hose piper stuck up his arsehole. On hearing the lads laughing he looked around to display a pure contentment smile clearly indicating that he had achieved relief from his morning ordeal with the Bengay. That smile was soon removed when one of the lads, Daniel, told his teacher to take his jacket, shirt and tie off. Paul complied with the order at once but with a worried look taking away his contentment smile. Now in a totally naked state outside the janior's workshop, he was then told to fuck his arse with the hose pipe and leave the water running. Again Paul obeyed the order but was now feeling concerned about being bitch to a classroom full of hormone fueled teens. His mind raced wondering if he had made a terrible error of judgement in letting Dusty know of his sexual addiction and perverted needs. He continued to fuck his hole until the bell sounded, indictating the morning break was over. Daniel told him to get dressed and they quickly returned to the classroom. The moment the classroom door was closed, Daniel shot to his feet and told Paul to tell the class in full detail what he had been doing during the break. The teacher's humiliation was palpable as he rose to his feet to obey Daniel's order. The more he spoke the harder the class howled with laughter. Paul's misgivings as to his situation were employing a good portion of his brain power as he tried to carry on teaching but his perverted obsessions always prevailed and when he was told to suck a cock, he obeyed without question. At the end of the day, Paul walked home occasionally being touched up by his students/ masters. One even pinned him to a lamp post and pulled his cock and balls out of his trousers with the order to start wanking. Paul knew he was in serious danger of being seen and arrested, but fortunately after only a few minutes, Dusty joined him and ordered him to put his junk back in his trousers. Paul felt a sense of relief when he finally got home. He wished Dusty a pleasant evening and they parted company.

As dusk started to consume the sky, Paul received a text from Dusty. It read strip bitch,open all your curtains and open your front door as wide as possible and wait for my next text. Don't try hiding....if you're seen naked so be it. Paul complied with the order with some trepidation. Dusty could see his bitch walking round his living room as naked a jay bird. He text his bitch again. Come to the front door and wank off till you cum. Paul fears of exposing himself to the neighbours. Seconds later the 22 year old teacher appeared at his front door cock in hand and wanked it as fast as he could. The speed had nothing to do with sexual enjoyment but more about completing his task as soon as possible. In a very short period of time spunk was flying from Paul's cock end and he retreated back in his living room hoping that none of the neighbours had witnessed him wanking off in public. Dusty stood at his bedroom window during Paul's performance and pissed himself from start to finish. He phoned Leo to tell him what he had just made their bitch do. Quick as a flash, Leo told Dusty he was coming over to fuck their teacher. Minutes later, Dusty saw Leo arrive on his bike at Paul's open front door. He wasted no time rushing into the house. Dusty had a good view of Leo bending Paul over the settee and dropping his pants. For the next 15 minutes Leo fucked Paul's arse with all the vigor he could muster and just to add more humiliation, he dragged Paul outside his front door and continued to ravage his arse. Paul was then made to suck Leo's cock clean, again at the front door. Dusty stood at his bedroom window, protected by the darkness of his room enjoying the spectacle while wanking his 7 inch cock.

Friday afternoon arrived and the school shed it's students at the start of the summer recess. "1 days of no school and plenty of activities to pursue. As paul was having supper, his phone buzzed. He answered it to hear Dusty say " listen up bitch, you're going hiking in the woods tomorrow. Wear a really tight pair of shorts and if you don't have a pair get down to the mll and get a pair 1 size smaller than you are and a tight top. Tomorrow, go to the trail sign next to the food hall and wait until my buddy and I arrive...understand." Paul answered with a whimpering yes, a moment before Dusty hung up. Dusty stud by his bedroom window watching Paul strut around his home naked. That was the way he had been told to do whenever he was in doors.. Dusty noted that his bitch was getting dressed and immediately knew that Paul was about to go out, and sure enough , he got in his car and drove off in the direction of the shopping mall. 20 minutes later he returned to his house carrying a small parcel. Dusty, full of curiosity, phoned his bitch to ask what was in the parcel. Paul said it was a pair of shorts as instructed. Before Paul could get in doors, Dusty stopped him and told him to strip outside and put the shorts on. Fortunately it was now dark and the only illumination was from the street lights. Paul obeyed without question and stripped as quickly as he could. He was soon wearing very tight shorts. Dusty told him to get under a street light so he could see better. Again Paul obeyed but very sheeply. Sure enough Dusty could see a large bulge wear Paul's cock and balls were. All waited for the morning to arrive, some more eager than others.

Next: Chapter 2

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