He Walked Into My Life

By knottedpup

Published on Feb 15, 2020


I see the way you look at Torus, Quincy. Why don't you just go over there and tell him how you feel. We both know that he's your soul mate.

I know Sebastian would understand. After all this time that has passed, I'm sure he's wondered himself why you haven't seeked out your true love yet.

Dammit Prince, why did you have to bring up his name?

You two were boyfriends and once you both became vampryer's, all that changed. You two did the bonding ritual and it was proven that neither of you were soul mates.

Quincy enough. Sebastian left you.

And he said it best. He wanted to go seek his fortune. Now your just being stubborn.

Torus is your true soul mate and he needs your love. So stop this silly bullshit and go talk to him.

Is that an order Prince?

Does it need to be?

No Prince. Just give me some time to get things right in my mind.

Sounds fair.

How's Gavin's training going?

He's as far as I can take him. He has abilities that have just amazed the heck out of me. He can completely disappear into the shadow realm. I'm positive now that is how he bought back his brothers and my entourage from town during the daytime. I think it's time that Torus and I begin training all the boys together as one unit.

Where do you think these skills he has came from.

It has to be from his ancestry line. Ever since the bonding ritual with you, Thad, Xavier and his brothers his new abilities have awakened. I don't know if any of us will ever know his true potential.

Okay, get together with Torus and start training the boys as a group.

Prince there's a call for you from Flock Master Brock.

I'll take it in my office.

Good evening Flock Master Brock. What do I owe the pleasure of your call.

Cut the pleasantries Prince. I'm only calling because Riley has discovered the identification of the wolf who bred your soulmate. Before I tell you, I need to ask you to think this through fully before you decide what action your going to take. Try not to be so impulsive in this matter or in this situation as your species in known to do.

Is this why your telling me Flock Master instead of Riley.

Yes it is.

Alex is the Wolf Packs Alpha in this area.

So you want me to believe that the packs, Alpha wolf would risk an interspecies war by breeding my Soul Mate.

No Prince, it was his younger brother Frizz who bred Gavin, your first born.

I'll need to have a few words with the boy first before I decide whether to break a few of his bones.

Now Prince that is exactly the reaction I'm talking about.

I've talked with Alpha Alex and he's already talked to Frizz about the matter. He's not even sure if it was a vampryer. He said the incident happened during daylight hours.

If that's the case, then how could his DNA have been inside my soul mate?

Quincy raised his eyebrows at that lie the Prince just told.

Well, I'll set up a meet with Alpha Alex and you at the Crow's Nest for tomorrow nights new moon.

Okay, I'll be bringing my first born Gavin, my friend Quincy and a few others with me. I want Alex to also bring Frizz with him.

Are you telling me that your not going to bring your guardians with you.

They'll be around, don't worry.

Good then till tomorrow evening.

Hangs up phone.


What Quincy?

Do you think its wise to have this meeting? The last time you met with an Alpha wolf, you practically ripped him apart.

Well he had that coming. Plus you'll be there by my side to stop me.

You forgetting about Kyle and Kenny. They will rip this Frizz boy into shreads once they find out what happened to their baby brother. It won't matter that he's a wolf either.

Not if you and I tell them not too.

Has Gavin ever told you what happened that day.

Yes he did. He said after he ripped the bodies of the three men apart and drank their blood, he went into a blood lust and doesn't remember what happened after that. Just waking up covered in blood, cum and lying under a pile of leaves.

Well this meeting is going to be interesting if anything.

Ring Ring

Hello, who dare call me on my private line at this hour.

Alpha Alex its Flock Master Brock.

Lets cut out the titles Flock Master, just call me Alex.

Okay Alex, only if you call me Brock.


What did the Prince say.

He agreed to the meeting.

But, I know there's a But. There always is a But with Vampyres

Your right, he wants you to bring your brother Frizz with you.

Who is the Prince bringing?

He's bringing his first born and someone named Quincy.

No guardians

No, he'll have his guardians with him.

It's set up for just after sunset tomorrow at The Crow's Nest.

I'll be there.

Torus and Quincy had Thad, Xavier, Kyle, Kenny and Gavin all training together now. They were teaching them to work in unison with each other. Protecting each others blind spots at the same time they were attacking their opponents.

Quincys other boys also trained along side the others as well.

They all had acquired excellent sword fighting skills.

Many of the human guards showed interest in also having Torus and Quincy teach them.

So it was decided that from then on, the guards would all train once a week with Torus or Quincy until such a time they were good enough to take on the training amongst themselves.

All the boys were cleaning up after their intense workout that they had just been put through. Soapy wash rags and hands scrubbed backs and tummies. As they went further down and started washing butts and cocks, Gavin dropped to his knees in front of his two brother's.

Kenny and Kyle standing side by side looked down at their little brother opening his mouth in an attempt to get both of their cocks into his mouth at the same time.

Meanwhile Thad and Xavier were washing one another very intimately with fingers sliding over cock heads and slipping into butt holes. It was so natural when their lips met the others. Their opened up their mouths as tongues dueled with each other.

Kenny and Kyle were amazed that Gavin had managed to get both brothers cocks inside his mouth at the same time. He was lapping and licking up and down both boys shafts.

Kenny and Kyle were working together as they took turns sinking their cocks into Gavin's throat.

Gavin was gagging at first but soon got his gag reflex under control. Both brothers used one hand each as they placed them on top of Gavin's head while thrusting their cocks in and out of their brothers tight throat.

Thad and Xavier were now on the tile floor of the shower room. They were sucking each others cocks with wild abandonment.

The boys moaning and groaning was echoing off of the tiled walls as they all cried out. Their orgasms overtook them all. Their bodies shook as their balls drew up tight and their cocks expanded. Throbbing at every heart beat in their chest. Their white pearly cum shot forth like a water pistol out of the heads of their cocks. Their eyes rolled into the back of their head as all nerves were twitching throughout their bodies.

Gavin's throat and mouth was flooded by his brothers explosive orgasms. He locked his arms around his brother's butts. Pulling their ever so hard pumping cocks deeper into his mouth and throat. Gavin wasn't about to lose a drop. He thrusted two soapy covered fingers up into Kenny and Kyle's butt holes and rubbed their magic spot. Gavin wanted to ensure that he got all their delicious cum.

Thad and Xavier were also sharing an intense orgasm between them as well. They each had a soapy finger from each hand buried inside each others butt holes all the way to their third knuckle. Shooting copious amounts of cum down each others throats before pulling back to deposit the last pulses into each others mouths. They swooned as the sweet tasting cum passed across their tongues. The boys ended their mutual orgasm with a tongue dueling share kissed between them. Sharing their cum with the other.

Kenny and Kyle's minds had reached overload as they shut down at the apex of this momentous climax they had just shared together.

Gavin caught both his brothers and gently laid them down on the showers tiled floor. He crawled between them as he wrapped his arms around them.

Thad and Xavier were now sitting as well.

"Thad, Xavier" "I can see the love connection that the two of you share" "I give you permission to go to our Prince and ask him to give you two his consent"

"What do you mean Gavin"

"Are you two that blinded by the love you two share for each other"

Thad and Xavier were looking into the others eyes as Gavin made this last statement.

Now with their shared orgasms past, their lips touch together. A current of electricity passed between them. Their eyes opened even wider then before as the current passed through them.

The Prince, Quincy and Torus had watched the boys shared sexual experience for the last thirty minutes.

The Prince had watched all the sex going on between Thad and Xavier, he also saw what Gavin knew. These two were Soul Mates. They had been blinded by their dedication to their Prince and now Gavin had seen this.

But when Gavin linked and bonded with them, it allowed the two boys to be released from their respective roles.

"Permission Granted"

Thad and Xavier as did everyone else their looked up and saw their Prince with their personal trainers, Torus and Quincy.

Gavin having got up off the floor, went over to his mate and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

The Prince pressed his lips back against Gavin's as they shared a moment of their love for one another.

Thad and Xavier were now standing and saw the exchange between the two.

After Gavin finished the kiss, he went to his brothers who were now drying off.

Thad and Xavier stepped forward and in an impulse kneeled before their Prince who had given them purpose in this new life they both had.

Rise you two. I can see the special bond between the two of you. It is one that is only shared by Soul Mates. As I've already said, I give you permission as Prince to seal this bond of love.

I'll expect the two of you to be moving up stairs into the wing set aside for my mates guardians. In a shared room of course.

Oh yes, the boys screamed out with joy.

Torus get Linus to take the boys to look at which room they want.

Boys, I want you to make a list of what you want to put in your room and give it to Linus when your finished. And boys, don't be shy if there's something special you two want.

Even a TV and a laptop that we can share.

Torus make sure the boys get a 55" wide screen tv and each get a new state of the art laptop.

No Prince thats to much.

Nonsense, you two are responsible for my mates safety and guidance.

Thank you Prince. May we go and look now.

Yes go on.

Grabbing each others hands, the boys skipped off to seek out the room they would share together.

Torus, I want you to take Quincy and go check out The Crows Nest. Between the two of you, I'll need your help with security at tomorrow night's meeting. I want to bring everyone who will benefit from this gathering.

Kenny and Kyle, I'll expect the two of you on your best behavior. This matter concerns your brother Gavin. For some reasons that we don't understand, a wolf had sex with him. It was the day of his Sun Walk. In which we all know, that he survived. We have the identity of the wolf. But I need to know that the two of you won't go off half cocked.

You have our word both boys said.

Good cause I'll hold you both to that.

Torus and Quincy went down to the garage and backed the Denali out to take into town on their scouting excursion. The pair didn't say two words to each other on the whole ride their. The tension in the air between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Both of them knew that they wanted the other.

Torus didn't make a move on Quincy for fear of being rejected by him. It's been very frustrating for him to be so close to Quincy during the boys training sessions. Torus was either hard or semi hard all of the time throughout the training. Having to smell the lust that was pouring out of Quincy's sweat glands was torturing for him.

Quincy didn't make a move cause he knew if he did, their Princes orders wouldn't get finished.

They arrived downtown and decided to park in their Prince's reserved parking space outside of Club Alexander. No one since the club had opened had ever parked their.

Two towering men over 6'6" tall glanced at the young vamp and told him he needed to move the vehicle.

Torus glanced at the bouncer as he walked by and said. I'd check the plate before you attempt to do anything PUP. It will save our Prince a visit to your Alpha.

A low growling was heard as Torus walked by. These two were wolves. They also make the best bouncers at most of the clubs. They are easy to spot by their size and ever so present brown Aura. Quincy took the left side and Torus went to the right. The two scanned the entire area. They were looking for any possible weaknesses in the area that possible attacks could come from.

Quincy noticed two boys had been watching him from the shadows of the alley. One was a vampyre and the other was a werecat, Panther to be exact.

Torus also had eyes watching him. Two young wolves on the prowl but there was another boy cowering behind them. His red aura proved him to be human. Maybe 12 years old.

Quincy and Torus met up with each other again eight blocks away on the other end of the Downtown restaurant and nightclub district. I see that you also have company following you as well.

Yes and I passed several other boys out and about.

They look like Vagrants or Vaga's as we call them in Europe.

Yes, it's a shame that they must live like this.

All a sudden, the four Vaga's jumped out and encircled Torus and Quincy.

Look what we have here boys. A couple of lost vampyre's. An old man and a youngster.

Boys what are your intentions here? We don't want to harm you.

What a joke. It is you two who need to be afraid. This is our territory and we don't like outsiders walking around unwelcomed. Plus we outnumber you.

As Torus and Quincy looked around again, they noticed about a dozen or so more boys had come out of the shadows. Boys you are about to attack Prince Alexander's head guardian Torus of the first house.

Yeah right. You want us to believe that he would actually venture down here to this crappy area.

Boys, I'm not the one you need to worry about. It's my friend here who you should be scared of.

This old man, you got us really scared.

Well, just so you know little boy, this old man is an Ancient Quincy. He is also of the second house. Whom I'm sure your friend here knows is the house of Vladd the Impaler.

If I was you, I'd go check with the bouncers back at Club Alexander.

Not really believing that these two were who they said they were, one of the wolves headed back to check.

He returned shortly afterwards.

Guys they are friends of Prince Alexander, but that still doesn't prove they are who they say they are.

So what is it going to be boys, Quincy said as he withdrew his two razor sharp katanas from under his cloak.

The boy looked over towards the called Torus who also had his matching swords out and ready.

The move was so quick that the boys miss it.

Throwing up there hands, the boys backed away slowly.

Your lucky we have to get our friend here back to safety they said.

Good choice boys. Now tomorrow night it would be smart that you not be prowling around here. I'd hate for any of you to actually get hurt. Tell your friends that the Prince is coming.

The four boys left and went into the building across the street and disappeared.

Torus and Quincy thought it a good idea to check out the building. What they discovered was the windows were all busted out on all 6 floors above the first floor. There were to stairways that lead down below the first floor.

Torus and Quincy headed that way. They picked up the auras of many more vampyre boys then they thought would be there. Not wanting any more conflict. They slowly backed out and went up the stairs to exit the building.

They went back to Club Alexander. Standing around the Prince's Denali were several people. They saw two boys walking towards them.

Torus and Quincy didn't say anything. As they opened the doors to get in the car, a man in the group spoke up.

What gives you two the right to park in the Prince's Reserved space.

Who are you to ask such questions of us?

I'm Telly, manager of Club Alexander.

Well Telly, I'm Torus. Prince Alexander's head guardian and this is an Ancient of the second house.

Oh shit, that's the House of Vladd the Impaler. Guys, this can only be one person, Ancient Quincy.

The Vampyres that were still present heard the name and silent gasps went out.

With the approaching daylight coming closer and the two needed to return.

The roar of the Denali's engine made those standing around take notice and step away. Torus put the car in gear and off they went.

Once back to the estate, Quincy and Torus went upstairs to write out their findings and to plan out the security for their Prince to review later.

Once finished, Quincy was making himself a drink when Torus called out saying he could use one himself.

Quincy bought two glasses of bourbon over to the couch Torus was sitting on. He handed the one drink to Torus. Then sat down next to him with the other one.

I never knew there were so many young vampryers and other species living the way those boys were. It also surprised me that they would have those human boys with them as well.

We have the same problem in Europe, Torus. There mostly mistakes made by the young inexperienced species who didn't have a sire to teach them. Most are accidents and many of the vampyres are killed by the sun cause they simply don't know any better.

Well something should be done to help them. Maybe you should mention that to our Prince.

The room grew silent as they were sitting side by side on the couch sipping their drinks. The tension that was in the room could be cut with a knife.

Torus wanted Quincy but didn't want to make the first move, just in case he had gotten Quincys signals wrong.

Quincy said, fuck this shit to himself.

He downed his drink and pulled Torus into his body. Pressing his lips to Torus mouth. He ravished him as he took him to new heights of delights.

Torus felt the intense heat coming off of Quincy as he kissed him. The lust between them was spiraling out of control.

The two boy were over flowing with sexual lust. Their shredded clothes now lay scattered all over the floor.

The two boys were soon sucking each others hard cocks.

Quincy's fingers zeroed in on Torus ever so tight boy hole. Only using the sweat from between Torus butt cheeks, Quincy pushed his two middle fingers deep into Torus boy hole.

Groaning and moaning could be heard throughout the entire upstairs.

Torus pulled off Quincys cock long enough to cry out for Quincy to fuck his boy hole.

Lust was pouring out of Quincys pours as he flipped Torus over onto his back. He lined up his 8" cock with Torus boy hole and thrust forward burying himself to the hilt.

Torus groaned as he locked his heels around Quincys waist and he dug his nails into his mates back.

Quincy started out fucking Torus slow and deep. It had been over a millennium since the last time he enjoyed being with someone he cared for. His cock was hitting Torus sensitive pleasure spots deep inside him.

Torus mind was transported to a plain of pure pleasure. He never knew that it could feel this good.

Quincy slowly picked up his pace as he pushed his hard cock as deep as he could inside of Torus hot boy hole.

Torus clawed at Quincys back drawing blood as the cock inside him repeatedly hit his joy button over and over again.

Quincys fucking motions were now just a blur as he pummeled Torus boy hole going faster and deeper with energy stroke.

Quincys balls drew up tight against his dick which had grown bigger. With one last thrust Quincy came deep inside his soul mate. His eyes had turned jet black as he sank his teeth into Torus jugular vein. He sucked deeply. Slowly draining him of his blood.

As Torus felt Quincys hot cum filling him, he was overcome with a sexual rage that made him drive his fangs into Quincys neck.

With the boys entangled and Torus still impaled on Quincys cock, they drank each others blood. The shutters came down singling the coming sunrise.

Quincy slid in behind his soul mate with his cock still deep inside of him as they shared a bloody good night kiss.

This was the position they were in when they went into their day sleep.

Gavin and Alexander were tenderly kissing each other as they listened to the knock down, drag out sex that was taking place down the hall.

I'm so glad that you finally talked to those two my Prince. It's was getting unbearable just to be in the same room as them. Our training sessions were more a fight then actually training.

That's good cause now you'll know what to expect when the real thing happens.

Alex, I never thanked you for saving my life so many months ago. I was wondering if I could get permission to seek out my old boyfriend, Edward. He was in a very abusive family situation and I wanted to go see if I can help him any.

It is not wise for you to show your face around your old neighborhood. It would be very dangerous if you were seen by anyone who knew you, like your family.

Oh Alex, there's no need to worry about any of that. Edward and I were living away from our families. It was only us. We were going to school together. We shared a flat. I must go to him and see.

But you have been gone for almost a month now. You don't know for sure where he's even at.

I need to find out Alex, please.

Okay you can go but not until I do some checking out first. And you'll take your whole entourage with you. That's not up for debate.

Thanks Alex.

That's another thing. Only call me Alex in private. The last person who tried to pull that bullshit, ended up living out his miserable life in Greenland.

Across town in a dingy bar sat three men around a table that were sharing a picture of pina coladas. They were waiting on a fourth man to show up. Out of nowhere he was sitting in the empty chair at the head of the table.

Glad that all of you could come here this morning. What have you discovered so far Lt. Baker.

Our surveillance team followed the three man crew to an impressive gated and guarded estate owned by someone that goes by the name of Prince Alexander at about 10am.

We did hear what sounded like wolves coming from the woods near the estate so that's a possibility were still considering .

There were no signs of the three men who entered the property ever leaving. Plus they never returned to pick up their car that they parked outside the property.

The chef apparently no longer works there as he also hasn't been seen since the other men's disappearance. We believe that whatever happened to the three also happened to him.

I have two of my best men heading out their tonight to set up surveillance and camerason the property.

I thought it was strange for these four men to just disappear like they did. We've had them under surveillance for more than two years and for them to just vanish like they did. That brings suspicion to those living at that estate.

Okay, good work. Keep me informed and let me know when you have the surveillance in place. I want the surveillance linked to my office.

I'll have tech support set up your link.

The Lt. and his team stayed and had lunch at their host request. They went over there next steps

Mr. Grayling had underlying motives behind the reasons for this meeting. The men that had disappeared were only the foot in the door so to speak. This gave him the authority to put the estate under his watchful eye. He knew that the family that owned this estate was filthy rich and if he could link them to the disappearance of the four men. Grayling could confiscate the estate and you can be sure that most of that money would end up in his offshore bank account.

Mr. Grayling was a Deputy Attorney General.

He had the ears of the Assistant Director of Justice who had the ears of the Minster of Justice.

Gavin woke up about five hours before sunset. He slipped out of the arms of his Prince. He went to the ensuite bathroom and removed his wet diaper. He put on one of the new super absorbent and thin day diapers that Xavier and Thad uses.

Gavin went over to the cottage his brothers stayed at by way of the underground tunnel systems. He bought had bought two more diapers with him. He opened the door to the room that was shared by his brothers Kyle and Kenny. A smile came to his face when he saw his two brothers cuddling together.

As Gavin was finishing taping the tabs on both his brothers diapers, he got a surprise when both Kenny and Kyle woke up and opened their eyes. Good afternoon brother's. It's nice to not be the only day walker.

What do you mean Gavin.

It's only 4pm in the afternoon Kyle.

You mean the sun's still up.

Yes Kenny. Would you like to go see it.

Do you think we can. It's been what Kyle.

Well, you were born in 1813 and I was in 1812. So it's been over 200 years Kenny.

The boys got up and walked back to the main house by the way of the tunnel system. But stopped at the cells and fed first. When they arrived at the mansion, they went to the main floor.

Gavin ask Lt. Joey if he had any extra pairs of sunglasses.

Just a moment. Lt Joey got on his radio and called down to the front gate. They had two extra pairs of sunglasses there. Lt. Joey went down to the front gate and returned shortly afterwards.

Thank you Lt. Joey

Not a problem Gavin.

Can I ask a question.

Sure, go ahead.

I was always taught that vampyres can't go out in the sunlight But you on the other hand can and now I see your brothers Kenny and Kyle are awake before the sun has set. Yes. That's why I need the sunglasses. They want to see if they can go outside.

The boys put on their sunglasses including Gavin.

One more thing Gavin if I may.

Yes Lt. Joey

So how is it now all of sudden that they can be up during the day time.

That's a mystery that were trying to figure out. Were hoping that Quincy will be able to give us some answers soon.

The four of them were downstairs now.

Lt. If you could open the two doors and stand aside but stay close just in case we need to get my brothers back inside fast.

Okay you two, if you start to feel hot or a burning sensation stop and we will get you back inside.

Slowly Kenny and Kyle stepped forward towards the open front doors. Lt. Joey was standing on the top step of the landing.

As they stepped out the rays from the sun first touched the boys feet.

Are you two okay, want to go back inside.

No no, its find. It's just been a really long time since I've felt the warmth of the sun.

How about you Kyle. Gavin said looking up only to see that he was already standing halfway through the door. The sun rays now at waist level.

Kenny stepped up next to Kyle with Gavin standing between the two of them holding their hands. The brothers took a few more tentative steps out into the full sunlight.

How does it feel you two.

It's a little hot on my skin and even though we have the sunglasses on, the sun is somewhat bright and hurting my eyes.

Yes little brother, it's getting a little uncomfortable.

Lt Joey, give me hand.

Lt Joey quickly moved to help the brothers back inside closing the doors behind them.

Once back inside, Gavin took his brothers to the kitchen and went inside the walkin refrigerator.

Ah this feels good.

So how was it. Seeing the sun after such a long time.

Actually pretty weird to be honest. But I'm sure its something that we can get use to.

I'll check with the Prince to see if there is any special type of clothing that you two can wear during the day to protect you from the sun.

The boys went over the the private elevator and went the upstairs rooms. Captain's Ben and Captain Peter came walking into the Prince's office. They got a surprise to see not only Gavin sitting there but his two older brothers as well.

Sirs, I didn't realize that the three of you would be up already.

It's alright captain's. You both have met my big brothers Kyle and Kenney haven't you?

Not officially but in passing.

It's good to meet you two sirs.

Please just call us by our names.

Captain's was there any that you needed.

Actually yes there was. Last night on our night watches we noticed tracks from several men outside the estate's fences that weren't ours.

Today we noticed two cars parked on the side of the service road.

What do you suspect.

We think that we are either being watched or about to be watched.

Kenny, you and Kyle go back over to the cottage by way of the tunnel's. Get changed and meet me back at our Prince's office.

Captain's, show me the tracks and where the cars were parked.

Gavin, Ben and Peter got into the all terrain six wheel drive vehicle. There first stop was the foot prints outside the fences.

Gavin followed the tracks through the woods and ended up next to the service road where the car tire tracks were at.

Captain's Ben and Peter were pretty impressed with Gavin's tracking skills.

I see that you've found the tire tracks we were going to take you to see next.

Did you two notice the fourth set of prints, they weren't made when the other three sets were but several days before.

No we didn't.

Well this man is a big man and has a distinctive limp in his step.

How can you tell that? Do you have tracking skills we don't know about.

Well according to my brothers, I'm from a long line of Shamans. Also I'm the first third born male in over a millennium, I'm supposed to inherit my ancestors powers and skills once I come of age. But I haven't a clue when that is to take place.

Well I must say that you are an impressive young vampryer with skills that are far beyond anything I have seen.

I'm not sure how I do it but I would be glad to show you what I know.

We would like that very much but I think it's best if we run this past Torus first.

If you think that is wise, then I agree.

Captain's Ben and Peter arrived back with Gavin as the shutters opened signaling the sun had set.

Torus awoke to Quincys insistence thrusting of his hard cock inside his boy hole. It was a quick fuck as they needed to get up and go over security for tonight's meeting.

Quincys three boys minus Kenny and Kyle were waiting for their Sire outside of Torus room with big smiles on their faces.

Good evening Sire they all said. Were very happy that you have bonded with your soul mate Torus.

What will become of us now that you have mated?

As agreed, you three are now free to pursue your own destined lives.

We have decided to stay here an serve our Prince if this is acceptable.

Let's ask him. Quincy, Torus and his boys met up with Prince Alexander and walked into the office to go over the security details for the meeting tonight.

Kenny and Kyle dressed only in their diapers were already sitting down when the group entered the office.

It smells like burnt flesh in here.

Oh that would be us. We woke up early and Gavin asked us if we wanted to see the sun. So we did and it was somewhat hot on our skin.

So that means you two are also day walkers. By the way, where is my mate.

He went with the captains an hour ago to check on something that they came across.

Just then Gavin came walking in with captain's Ben and Peter.

Okay everyone let's go over security for tonight's meeting. Gavin, Quincy, Kenny, Kyle and Torus will be with me. Captain's you'll set up a double patrol here while we are gone.

Linus and Raver along with Sal and Daniel will take up roof top positions that are designated on the maps layout. From there you'll be able to see anyone coming or going from all directions.

Oh Prince.

Is there a problem Quincy.

There might be. As per my agreement with my boys. Once I have sexually bonded with my soul mate, my boys are released from all obligations and free to pursue their individual destinies.


Stepping forward the three boys knelt before their Prince.

Speaking as one they said, Prince it would give us great honor if you'd allow us to stay an serve you in any capacity you choose for us.

Accepted, now stand.

You three boys will take up positions on the ground and guard against any attack coming from the exits

We will stay in contact by mind link.

What about us.

Thad, you and Xavier will stay here at the estate to support captain's Ben and Peter along with the rest of security. You'll follow the captains orders but take the lead if the estate is attacked.

But Prince, you told us that our place is protecting Gavin. Why are we not doing our assigned job?

Kenny and Kyle will be with Gavin. We discovered tonight that they can now walk in daylight. We think their mating with Gavin and the boys connected blood line has a lot to do with it.

Prince, the captains think that someone may be watching us. They found three sets of shoe prints outside our estates fences. Which lead to two individual car tires tracks a half mile away. When they showed me them, I found a fourth set of tracks that had been there prior to the three other sets.

Interesting analysis Gavin.

Captain's, that's great work. I want remote camera's set up immediately in the area where the tracks were found. Have them linked to our surveillance system and my office.

Yes Prince. We will get on that immediately.

Anything else we need to know.

Yes Prince. My brothers need protective clothing to go out in the daylight until they can handle the suns intensity.

Excuse me Prince Alexander.

Yes Captain Peter.

We have our black out camouflage uniforms. Lt. Joey is about Gavin's brothers size.

Good. I want you to go get two of the Lt Joey's outfits and give them to Kenny and Kyle to wear. Tell Lt Joey that we will replace them once the boys get fitted for their own.

We all need to get showered and changed. Everyone needs to be ready to go in an hour. We will meet down in the garage in one hour.

We all separated and went to our own rooms to take showers and get ready.

We shared a shower, the Prince and I using our vampryer speed had time to give each other a satisfying blow job before getting dressed and meeting everyone downstairs.

Torus pulled up to the front double doors of the estate driving the Prince's black stretch limousine. It had been customized with blacked out windows in all but the front one. That one had a 90% black out tint on it.

Quincy got in the back with his Prince along with Linus and Raver. Gavin got in from the other side and slid over next to his mate and laid his head on his chest. Sal and Daniel got in the seats that were facing the back of the limousine. Quincys boys Marcus, Phillip and Ferris got into the seat upfront next to their Sires soulmate. Kenny and Kyle were sitting in the doors side seats.

Everyone was comfortable in the back but uncertainty of what the night would bring was mostly on their minds.

Torus pulled out and up to the front gate.

The Prince pushing a button lowered his window. Captain's, I have a feeling that you'll need to be very attentive tonight.

Yes Prince. We have already set up thirty additional cameras not only where the tracks were but around the entire property along with motion sensor trip alarms.

Very good Captain.

We also felt it was best if Thad and Xavier joined the group of men patrolling outside the estate's fences where the tracks were discovered.

Good job captain's. Use the comlinks to get in touch with either Torus or Quincy if any assistant or help is needed.

Yes Prince.

Torus pulled out and the 12' tall reinforced solid steel gates closed. The estate was now on full lock down. Guarded by the Prince's mix of bonded and unbonded Guards.

Thad and Xavier each had comlinks along with the rest of the Prince's bonded guards.

Unseen by the guards was a pair of unbonded guards who slipped off to met up with three individuals dressed in camouflage carry large black bags. They showed them to an area where they could access the wall unseen to set up their surveillance cameras and antennas to send the signal back to Mr. Grayling as ordered.

Torus slowed down and stopped as they reached the outskirts of the entertainment district. The different teams got out of the limousine and went to their prearranged spots.

Torus sat their for another ten minutes before his Prince told him to continue on.

It was a beehive of activity at the Crows Nest as it was decided not to close the club for this meeting on one of their busiest nights.

The limousine pulled up and parked in front of the club in a reserved space set aside for the nights meeting.

There was a long line of people who waited outside to be let into the club. Some humans mixed in with different types of species. But none were vampyres. Were cats, were wolves and avians accounted for most of the species present.

Rumor had gotten out that some meeting of importance was happening here tonight. And of course, everyone had to be there.

Torus got out first and opened the door in the back to let the others get out. Kenny and Kyle dressed in their all black outfits stepped out first. They were soon joined by their Sire, Quincy. Next Gavin got out who turned and extended his hand back into the limousine to help his soulmate Prince Alexander get out next.

The group flanked their Prince with Torus and Kenny leading. Then their Prince with Gavin at his side. A step behind was Quincy and Kyle brining up the rear.

The group of six vampryers walked up to the three imposing bouncers.

The Prince with a simply gester, raised his left hand and showed the bouncers his ring on his index finger.

The gasp the three wolves gave was ever so slight but wasn't missed by any of the vampryers. They quickly opened the rope and allowed this group to pass.

The many who waited in line that were close enough, saw the unmistakable blue aura in many shades but was confused by the other aura shades mixed in.

The Prince's group was meet by Flock Master Brock.

Glad you could make it Prince. This is all of your group.

A slight nod was the only answer given.

Flock Master Brock lead the group to a cordoned off area in the back of the club.

All eyes were on this group as they were escorted to a table set up for the meeting.

Refusing to sit until the others arrived, they all remained standing.

I'm not one to be kept waiting Flock Master Brock. If this wolf wishes this incident be settle he better show himself now or were leaving.

Calm down Prince, he's in the next room.

Flock Master Brock went over to a door and knocked. He then said it was time.

The door opened and four of the largest wolves that the Prince had ever seen stepped out and took up positions at the four corners of the room.

Next, Alpha Alex stepped out with his brother Frizz and his friend Denver in tow.

Flock Master Brock gestured to his two avian seconds to pull close the divider. Now concealed from the others in the room, this meeting got under way.

Introductions were made around the room and when Frizz was bought forward he was met by Gavin's brothers Kenny and Kyle who stepped in front of their Prince before he could move forward. Kenny and Kyle momentarily forgot their promise they had made to their Prince and sire. So this is the pup who deviled our baby brother by breeding him.

Stand down you two.

Kenny and Kyle stepped back away from the pup but kept a close eye on him.

Alpha Alex pushed his brother forward. Now tell the Prince what you told me.

Lowering his head Frizz answered the Prince.

Yes it was I who bred your mate but he begged for my cock. I told him it would make him my bitch.

No one saw the move but a trickle of blood from a slice in his face dripped off of Frizz chin. It quickly healed but was a very painful cut to the bone none the less.

Frizz continued. Pointing to Gavin. He was covered in blood and his eyes were glowing red as tears of blood escaped from them. He had us retrieve a man who had run off. He questioned him then told him he could go but then told us to enjoy our snack. By this time he had removed his diaper and stripped naked. On all fours he begged me to bred him like his dog Zues use to do to him.

I was over taken with my own lust. Seeing this young boy before him begging to be my bitch. I knew not of his true nature but only to give him what he wanted. I must confess that I did transform into my wolf and sank my knot deep into this boys pussy. If it wasn't for my friend and beta Denver, I would have bitten him and sealed my death.

Prince I didn't know that he was your first born or soulmate as he didn't have your mark plus the fact he was out in daylight. I beg for you to forgive me and I'll do anything you ask of me to prevent an interspecies war.

I've been irresponsible ever since I was a pup. If you give me this chance to redeem myself. I'll promise to put aside my foolishness and become the person that you and my brother can respect.

Frizz was visibly shaking as he stared into the jet black eyes of the Prince whose 3" fangs had dropped and were dripping venom from their tips.

After Frizz had finished, The Prince started to to settle down, Gavin came forward and reached his hand into the crotch of the boy who had bred him on that day of death.

For a moment as everyone else looked on at what was happening right before them. Gavin was flooded by the memories of that night. Frizz had spoken the truth.

Gavin let go of Frizz sheathed cock which surprisingly didn't get hard and turned to his soulmate.

Prince, the boy speaks the truth of what happened during my blood lust that day of death where I killed those three men. It's not his fault but mine.

Prince Alexander and Alpha Alex along with Flock Master Brock had heard and witnessed what was just said and done.

Frizz turned to Gavin which caused Kenny and Kyle to move forward before Gavin linked with them "Its alright brothers" "He means no harm"

I'm sorry for what I did to you, please forgive me.

Nonsense, I was in my first bloodlust and from what I know now, I would have had your beta Denver knot me next if he hadn't rediapered me.

All is forgiven

Gavin turned to his Prince. Isn't that right Prince Alexander.

With glowing eyes that no one in the room could read but one. The Prince roared and began to laugh out load as what had just transpired brought back memories of his first blood lust where he had sex with six young vampryer boys he went feeding with.

Flock Master Brock and Alpha Alex had also joined in on the humorous laugh as they each saw there own experiences of their first lust.

Yes all is forgiven as I just remembered my first blood lust.

Flock Master Brock and Alpha Alex. I thank you both for setting up this meeting so we could discuss and put this matter to rest. I hope that it doesn't take another intense moment for us to meet again.

Alpha Alex stood an extended his hand in a sign of friendship which Prince Alexander gladly took. Flock Master Brock was the next to shake hands with the Prince.

Riley the Flock Master called out. Go get us all rounds of my best scotch. This calls for a drink.

The divider was opened to the rest of the club. Curious eyes glanced at those special guests gathered around the table.

With everyone's glasses raised, Flock Master Brock said, To new friends and long lasting friendships.

Here here went around the table as glasses clanked together.

What had started off as a very tense situation was now a more relaxed atmosphere.

Old friendship were continued and new friendships were formed.

Outside was another story.

While all this had been going on inside. Several small groups of boys were gathering close to where Prince Alexander's security detail was positioned outside. Some of the boys were taking swipes at the security detail. Taunting them. Trying to instigate them into a fight.

But none of the detail was really worried about them as they were more of a nuisance than anything else.

Marcus, Philip and Ferris had noticed that several human boys were among the other species of boys that seemed to be gathering more in this area.

From the rooftops, Prince Alexander's four guardians saw trouble gathering off in the distance as two rival gangs came together but didn't fight.

Gavin had sensed something was going on outside and slipped out but this had not gone unnoticed by his brothers as well as Frizz and Denver who followed them out the back door.

Once outside Gavin linked with the others. "What's the matter out here" "I can feel a great uneasiness in the air"

"Gavin, it looks like two rival gangs down the next street are joining forces and might be intent on causing problems for the boys in this area"

"We can't let that happen"

"Gavin they are only Vagrants" "Throwaways that mean nothing but trouble"

"No, they are of our kind and should be protected and given the same rights as the rest of us" "I will not stand by and watch any of them get hurt" "Especially if I could've helped them" "Besides that their are over two dozen human boys with them who have no defenses at all"

"But Gavin those gangs would be no match against the Vagrants" "They are much stronger then any of them are"

"That's not the point" "The confrontation can't happen" "We can't expose ourselves to the population" "We must stop this before it starts"

Gavin called his brothers Kenny and Kyle to join him. He told Frizz and Denver that this didn't involve them.

No Gavin, we are friends now and we have your back. Plus we know many of these boys, that hang around here.

Okay then let's go. Ok The group of five boys consisted of two wolves and three vampryers with extra abilities not fully yet understood.

"Linus stay here and keep protecting the Prince" "I'm going to see if I can help any"

Once Gavin's small group rounded the back of the building they were confronted by six older boys about 17 - 20 years old who were definitely human harassing a small group of young homeless boys about 12 - 14 years old who had been hiding in the shadows.

We walked right up to the small group of young men and Gavin told the older boys to leave our friends alone.

Oh so you are part of the rift raft that is occupying our new territory.

This area doesn't belong to you and it would be in your best interest if you were to just turnaround and leave.

Haha Haha, even with the ten of you now. You still aren't any match for us five.

I'll give you one last chance to leave.

Or what little boy they said.

We'll have to make you leave then.

Gavin went over to the five young boys who were forced back into the corner by these approaching young men.

You have nothing to fear from the five of us. Where do you boys stays.

At the abandoned building across from the club called the Crows Nest.

So those other boys take care of you.

Yes they are our friends and protect us. But we didn't get back in time tonight and were caught between the two gangs that control most of this area.

Well like I said, we won't let anyone hurt you and will get you back to your friends.

The five young men formed a semi circle around us that cut us off from all escape routes. Except one. Straight thru them.

The group pulled out knives from their pockets and one of of them was carrying a small caliber gun.

What do you plan on doing with those weapons guys.

Why cut you little boys up a little before making you all our bitches.

Hey Frizz he just used your line.

The five of them had now come closer as I gather the boys into a group around me.

My body began to send out tendrils of black shadow like vines that engulfed the surrounding light around us. Soon the boys and I disappeared from everyone's sight. All that was left was this dark spiraling cloud like shadow that sucked in every thing that it touched.

"Don't hurt them to bad guys" "I'm going to take our friends back to safety"

As I moved passed my friends and family, the boys were able to watch everything that was going on from inside the shadow cloud that was around them and somehow protecting them.

I'm taking you back to your friends now.

But what about your friends they asked.

Oh you need not worry about them. They promised not to hurt those boys to much.

Screams were heard along with gun shots and cries for help. But it was only a matter of minutes when only silence had settled in again.

The boys and I were nothing but a dark dust cloud slowly moving down the alley and then across the street. Those that witnessed the sight couldn't figure out what it was.

As I crossed the street just down from the Crows Nest a larger group of boys exited the back of the abandoned building that boys told me they lived at.

So I traveled around back followed closely by the group until I reached a point I wouldn't be see by anyone other then these boys.

I slowed my spinning shadow and pulled back my tendrils of darkness. What at first was a confusing blur soon turned into the five human boys that had been missing.

The group first reaction was to attack me but when the five boys came to my defense and encircled me, the others stopped.

No Conrad, if it wasn't for him and his friends. Oh no your friends, you need to go back and save them.

You mean them I said pointing behind me at the approaching group of boys.

So who are you.

Conrad stand down. These are our friends.

Frizz, Denver you know these vampryer boys?

Yes we do and you can see that theybsaved these boys from certain torture and rape.

But you won't have to worry about those five anymore as we convinced them to not venture into our territory again.

"Gavin, the Prince is looking for you and your brothers " "Also the Alpha wolf Alex is looking for his brother and friend "

Guys were going to have to leave but I'd like to come back tomorrow night and talk to you futher about possibly helping you out.

Okay, we'll meet you back here tomorrow at sunset.

Frizz and Denver will accompany me.

We headed back to the club and standing out front was our Prince and Alpha Alex.

Linus tells me that you boys had a little confrontation with a few of the district's gang members.

A small group of human boys were in trouble and we only did what was necessary to save them.

Come on you three, were heading home.

Prince can't we stop at Club Alexander before we head back. I heard Torus and Quincy talked about it. They said it belongs to you.

Okay we will stop by for a couple of drinks.

Alpha Alex can Frizz and Denver join us.

Prince Alexander would that be alright with you.

Yes that's find.

I hope that I don't need to tell you two, to be on your best behavior.

No Alpha.

Have fun and Alpha, I'll expect to see you in two nights out to our estate. I'll send our car around to pick you up.

Until then.

The group got into the limo and drove the four blocks to Club Alexander. The Prince's guardians followed by way of the roof tops.

Soon enough they had arrived. They parked in both of the reserved spaces out front of Club.

The Prince along with his full complement of guardians entered the club.

Gavin, Frizz and Denver were flanked by Kenny and Kyle.

The two groups of boys sat at the two empty tables behind a roped off area.

Two very young boys came over to take drink orders. One was a vampryer boy and the other was a beautiful lithe feline boy.

After they left to get their drinks. The two groups noticed that they were getting many stares from the rest of the crowd at the club.

An older man approached the tables to tell the group that these tables were reserved for the owners of the club.

Prince Alexander quickly scanned the mans mind and found his name to be Winston.

I'm so sorry gentlemen but these are reserved tables for the owners.

Winston forgive me for not letting you know that I was coming by tonight as Prince Alexander extended his left hand to Winston displaying his family Crest. The one of Prince Alexander. The exact same one that was imprinted under his left ear and on the sign out front.

Kissing the ring and asking for forgiveness at his oversight.

A sinking feeling of gloom passed before him as he saw his life flash by.

Just then our two cocktail waiters came back with a tray full of the drinks we ordered.

Winston saw this as a chance to slip away quietly and quickly.

Gavin asked the young feline his name.

Its Jamie sir.

Looking at his Prince. "May I dance with this young boy without you getting jealous"

"Of course Gavin"

Jamie put your tray down and come dance with me.

I can't do that, I'll get fired and I need this job.

Nonsense, Gavin said grabbing the boys hand after putting his tray down himself. Gavin was followed by his two brothers as he went out to the dance floor. Gavin pulled the Panthers lithe body into his as he began to dance and twirl around with the grace of a ballet dancer. Not realizing that he was doing it, Gavin levitated with Jamie in his arms about four inches above the wooden floor. A few of those closest to the boys had witnessed this rare occurence.

Jamie was trembling slightly while he was in the arms of this vampyre boy. As his body pressed against the boys, he could feel the boys hard dick pressing and rubbing against his own. His own dick was becoming just as rigid as the boys. Gavin pulled Jamie even closer as he ground his cock harder into the boys crotch. Both boys shuddered and shot forth several pulses of cum into their diapers.

Luckily Jamie had borrowed a pair of diapers from his friend and roommate Justin who at this moment was sandwiched tightly between Kenny and Kyle.

After two more dances the small group of boys left the dance floor and rejoined their friends.

Jamie and Justin grabbed their trays and went back to work hoping that they still had their jobs.

The head bar manager came over and roughly grabbed Jamie and Justin around the neck. He pulled the boys roughly.

Gavin was livid and before anyone even saw him move. He was on top of the man with his fangs out and dripping venom down on the older vampryers neck.

If you ever lay a hand on them or any other boy again I'll rip your throat apart.

Gavin eased off of the older vampryer and told Jamie to go to the bar and get himself a drink as well as his buddy Justin. They were joining our group tonight .

We were getting many more stares as the night progressed.

Just as Justin and Jamie returned, Winston reappeared.

Excuse me Prince are these two Vagrants bothering you. I'll have them fired immediately.

The two boys cringed when they were called Vagrants.

Does it look to you that my soulmates friends, who asked these boys to join us are bothering me.

Winston immediately knew he had crossed the line.

Oh forgive Prince I've mistaken.

I can understand that happening once.

Oh yes Prince I'll leave you to enjoy the company of your friends.

Winston knowing he screwed up excused himself to take care of other duties.

The music quieted down as a blue spot light panned on the Prince's table.

Everyone it gives me great honor to introduce to you the owner of our Club, Prince Alexander himself and his friends.

Applause erupted from the dance floor as everyone was in awe at the appearance of their Prince coming to the club for the first time in the 10 years that it had been open.

The applause died down and the music started playing again.

The Prince rose and took Gavin out to the dance floor. They received nods and smiles from those they passed. The Prince returned the greetings with his own nods.

Torus accompanied by Quincy joined them.

Linus and Raver stayed at the table and kept watch over the rest of the patrons.

Justin and Jamie also joined the others on the dance floor. They were unsure of their future at the club as they knew the bar manager would get back at them the first chance he got .

After the fourth dance, the group went back to their tables.

Linus contact Sal and Daniel and let them know were coming out and to pull the limousine upfront.

"Daniel get Sal and bring the car around front"

Everybody got up and were heading for the door. Gavin noticed that Justin and Jamie were going off to the back part of the club.

I'll be right back Prince.

What are you two waiting for the Prince said.

Kenny and Kyle quickly followed Gavin.

The bar manager was yelling at the two boys when Gavin came around the corner.

You two are fired. Get your things and be gone. Don't worry about your room cause my friend runs that place and you can consider yourself evicted.

Gavin had seen and heard enough.

He walked up to the two boys. Grab your things, your coming home with us to live at the estate.

As for you, your fired. Get out here this instant.

I'll get you back for this, you just wait and see.

Please donate to nifty archives. Email me any thoughts you may have. I'm already working on chapter 5 as it will reveal a surprise turn.

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