He Walked Into My Life

By knottedpup

Published on May 26, 2019



He walked into my Life chapter 3

Prince Alexander carried Gavin's comatose and bloodied body through the big front double doors of his house.

Xavier and Thad rushed over and got in the elevator with their Prince that took everyone up to his room.

Then the Prince gave out his orders.

Get some warm water, soap and a towel Xavier.

Thad you go get Gavin one of your thickest, softest and super absorbent diapers and changing supplies.

The Prince carefully removed Gavin's bloodied and torn diaper and put it into a clear plastic bag that he sealed shut and set aside.

Xavier had returned with a bucket of warm soapy water, several towels and a sponge to help clean the blood off of Gavin's dirty body.

The Prince sensing his Guardians had followed him up, linked to them and told them to enter.

I want security doubled and the grounds searched for any signs of what could have possibly happened today. Torus, I'll leave it to you, to organize everybody. I just ask that you keep me posted.

Prince, that goes without saying. I'll give you reports as information becomes available.

May I suggest that you take pictures of your mate before you clean him up.

Torus, I think that our video monitoring systems will give us all the pictures that we need.

I'll make sure to switch the tapes and make still copies for you.

Thank you, Torus.

Torus gave out his orders to his fellow guardians who dispatched them. He meanwhile went down to the 24 hour manned monitoring room and retrieved the tape to get started on printing the pictures.

Prince Alexander carefully wiped away the blood from Gavin's body. When he turned his mate's body over and saw that his anus was puffy, red and dripping copious amounts of cum. The Prince flipped and threw the first thing he could grab, the side table lamp.

As it shattered against the bedroom wall, the noise set off the security monitoring alarms which were tripped by the college's impact.

Torus had just entered the security room when the alarm sounded. Quickly checking the monitors, Torus saw how pissed off his Prince was.

Linking. "Is everything ok, Prince"

Torus check to see if any wolves have been prowling our grounds again.

Yes Prince, I'll get on that right away.

Xavier and Thad smelled the wolves cum on Gavin but unlike their Prince. These two couldn't handle it and transformed. Then they went into a full rage. Fangs dropped, fingernails extended and their eyes grew black as coal and glowed fire red.

They were about to take off, when their Prince commanded them to stand down.

The rage was in their blood and it took the Prince several times to finally get Xavier and Thad to calm down.

All three got back to getting Gavin cleaned up. After the Prince put Gavin into the soft, thick and super absorbent diaper both Xavier and Thad stripped down to their diapers. They both laid down on each side of Gavin, then pulled the covers over all three of them.

The Prince walked up the steps to his office with the sealed bag holding Gavin's diaper. He picked up his phone and called an old friend.

The man was slightly startled when he heard a ringing coming from his study.

Quincy's white phone hadn't rung in over thirty years. But the instant he heard the ringing, he knew who was calling him.

Yes Prince Alexander, how may I be of service to you.

Quincy it's good to hear the voice of an old friend.

As it is to hear yours.

Word has it that you found your Soul Mate. Any truth to that, Prince.

It still amazes me how you always seem to know everything that's going on with me.

Apparently not everything.

That's the main reason for my call. But what I need from you, requires you to leave your peaceful sanctuary. You must leave and come over here tonight.

Must be very important. If your bringing me all the way around the world.

Quincy my jets already on stand by at Oulu international airport.

You'll fly non stop and be here tomorrow night. The limousine is already in route to your Chateau. There's no need to bring anything but your entourage. I'll put you and the boys up in the mansions cabin. If you decide to want other arrangements later on, I will accommodate you.

How long do you figure that I will be staying.

Quincy, this may be a permanent relocation for you. I want you to bring all of your boys as well.

Oh you mean my entourage.


I understand Prince. We will be ready in an hour.

Hanging up the phone, Alexander was in deep thought.

"Torus can you please bring me the things that you found in the forest"

"Yes Prince, I'll be right there"

Xavier and Thad hadn't left Gavin's side. They were both diapered and in bed on either side of him.

"How in the world did Gavin survive being out in the Sun"

"I haven't a clue Xavier"

"See, he's already fully healed Thad"

"What I'm curious about is why Gavin had wolf cum inside of him"

"I'm sure that he will explain it after he wakes up"

"I'll kill that wolf the first time I cross paths with him"

"Xavier, have you even thought that Gavin may have been the one who initiated the sex"


Prince Alexander heard the conversation between Xavier and Thad. The boys had made some very good points.

Knock knock.

"Enter Torus"

This is all we found.

Torus handed his Prince several pieces of shredded clothing, a watch, a pair of glasses and a wallet. After looking through everything. The Prince determined that this man was the third person of the thwarted break in.

I'll need you to get the cabin ready for our guests.

So you sent for Quincy.

Yes, he should arrive tomorrow at sunset. Hopefully he will be able to give us some kind of idea why Gavin didn't die.

Will you need me to pick him up.

Yes Torus. Bring them all back here and get them settled in.

Prince you need to perform the Bonding Ceremony with your mate.

You afraid that Xavier and Thad will take him first.

Your not considering that are you.

Torus don't worry about the boys. They will be mate's to my Soul Mate as well. I will be his first Bonded Soul Mate as he is my first born. Thad being his Second, he must also be Bonded Sexually to Gavin.

But when Gavin imprinted himself on Xavier. He automatically became Gavin's protector. Thus he must also Bond Sexually with him.

You have your work cut out for you Torus. I want you to train Thad as well as Xavier.

Yes Prince, both boys will start their training in an hour.

Phone ringing.

Caller I D said Falcon Laboratories.

Alexander Knight speaking.

You've left a message stating that your needing a DNA sample tested.

Yes I did.

Well you can drop it off and we will get back with you in two days.

That won't do. I need for you to come and do the test here.

That's impossible. The equipment that's used to do the test is here at the laboratory.

Thank you for your time. I'll get back with you. Click.

Torus doesn't your childhood friend Raven work as a forensics specialist in Vancouver for the VPD.

Yes but Raven is of the Avian species.

Dammit Torus, this is important. I need to get this DNA sample tested and find out what wolf fucked my Soul Mate.

Thankfully he didn't bite him or I'd have to kill him and start an interspecies war.

I'll contact Riley to see if we can meet up tonight.

Let me know, where and when.

They had been very busy that night as the security patrols had been doubled and new guards were being trained.

Only a few select human guards knew that they were working for Vampyres. It was determined that since vampyres couldn't go out in the daylight hours. They needed humans to protect over them during the daylight hours. Most of the humans who guarded the vampyres came from families who had been doing this for centuries.

It was bred into their bloodline. This was their sole purpose in life. They were looked after and well paid. For most this was their regular job.

When they were around one year old, they would be given a small amount of the vampyres blood who they would be watching over. Not enough to turn them but enough to bond them for life. The Vampyre would know their thoughts and location at all times. They also were given a sigil on their left wrist. It was of the house crest of their master. They also had an insignia of the house crest. Located just below both their ears on the necks that only vampyres and other species could see. To kill or bring harm to a protected human, meant certain death.

The guards formed new teams with at least one bonded human guard per team.

Torus had gone into town and went to the Crows Nest. It was a well known hangout with the avian species and some of the feline species.

When Torus entered the outer foyer, he was greeted by two large bouncers. Torus knew from their aura that they were wolves.

What do you want Vamp. We don't like your kind here.

I'm here to speak with Riley.

Just a sec.

The one bouncer went to his radio. Is Riley expecting anyone.

A voice called out behind the other menacing bouncer.

Clyde and Cody, let my friend pass.

They moved apart just enough so he could squeeze by the two men as they parted.

Good to see you Torus. What's it been, fifty years since the last time I saw you.

That sounds right.

I'm glad to see your alive. All kinds of stories were flying about when you didn't return home after that wild party.

Well I see you still have your sense of humor, Riley. Must have come as a shock to you on your 15th birthday when you morphed into an avian for the first time.

Yes, you should have seen me when I was learning to fly. My feathers weren't fully matured and I dropped like a rock.

So have you come to enjoy being a Falcon.

Yes most definitely.

They sat down at a booth iniand het back and ordered a couple of drinks.

The waiter who was a young male panther was staring at Torus.

But when Torus looked up at himj he blushed and just set down the drink order and left.

Seems like Sandy likes you Riley said.

Everyone in the place was looking over at the vampyre talking to their Falcon Masters youngest son, Riley.

Ok Torus what is it that really has bought you here tonight.

My Prince needs you to run a couple of DNA samples for him.

Whose samples.

First his Soul Mate, then a DNA sample from the diaper his mate aswearing. Also from two unidentified men.

I'll have to get my dad the Flock Masters permission.

Torus handed Riley a business card with his Prince's secured phone number on it. Call anytime after sundown..

Torus finished his drink in one gulp and stood up. He shook his friends hand and turned to leave.

Once outside the club Torus got into one of the Prince's BMW's and drove it back home.

Across town at the Full Moon nightclub four young men were enjoying four bloody rare porterhouse steaks.

Man I can't believe you bred that vamp boy yesterday. His hole was huge after your knot came out of his boy pussy. He was dripping out all of your cum like a river. It was a good thing that the boys diaper was still usable.

But that confuses me. How was he able to be out in daylight.

That's just it, he couldn't. So he wasn't a vampyre.

Then, what was he.

Good question cause he knew exactly what we were.

Frizz, Denver you two in my office now. You two stay here. I'll talk to you boys next.

What is this Bullshit that I'm hearing about you and your three buddies hunting on those vampyres property again.

Theirs clothes in the back dumpster covered in human blood. They have all four of yours scent on them. What the fuck you mean killing a human without my permission.

Brother, it's not like that.

Ok, this ought to be good.

This young vamp boy saw us yesterday early afternoon.

Hold it right there. Vamp boy and daylight, are you sure you don't want to change your story.


Okay, go on then.

Then he mind speaks to us about an hour later about helping him find a man running around the property.

Well we did find him and held him until the vamp boy or what ever he was showed up. He questioned him for a little while and then releases him. But tells us to not leave any mess behind and to enjoy our snack.

Ok now get on to the part where you fucked him.

What do you mean.

Don't fucking try and deny it. Your whole room smells of that boy.

Denver did my brother mark him.

No Alpha, I made sure that he didn't do anything stupid.

Stupid, this whole thing is stupid.

The head Vampyre is the Prince of the First House. He's older then our oldest wolf.

You two get out of here and take Willie and Titus with you. None of you will do another thing without my permission. Understand.

Yes Alpha.

Prince, all day and night patrols have a linked and bonded member on them.

Good work Torus.

The compliment Torus had just received from his Prince surprised him. Prince Alexander wasn't know to give compliments to anyone.

I'll go and get Xavier and Thad. I'll have them meet you down in the training center.

Ok Prince, I'll go and get the room prepared.

Prince Alexander entered his bedroom and saw that both Xavier and Thad were still in bed on each side his Soul Mate. He pulled back the sheet that was covering the three boys. They all looked so peaceful laying there in just there diapers.

This young boy, his soul mate and his first that he had ever turned into one of his kind. Was now lying there so peaceful with Thad his second and Xavier his protector.

"I'm ready for them, Prince" Torus sent.

Shaken out of his thoughts, the Prince linked to Xavier and Thad.

"Boys, you two need to wake up" "Torus is down in the training center waiting for the both of you"

Thad linked "Both of us"

"Yes, both of you"

Xavier got up and grabbed two new diapers for himself and Thad to change into. Afterwards the boys headed down to start there training with Torus.

Prince Alexander linked "Torus I'll be with my Mate if anything comes up"

Prince Alexander removed all his clothes and laid down with Gavin.Taking him into his arms, Alexander just held him against his body totally at peace.

Gavin heard his Prince mind speaking with Xavier and Thad moments after he had entered his room. They were both beginning their training to protect him. But what would he need protection from.

Now he was in the arms of his Soul Mate who was snuggled up behind him quietly resting.

Gavin reached down and released the tabs of his very wet diaper. He was able to pull his diaper free and lay it on the floor. Gavin then slowly pushed his butt back into Alexander's hard cock. It was slowly starting to enter his boy pussy.

"Are you awake my Prince"

"Yes my love" "How are you feeling"

"Full of questions, my Prince" "But right now I need you inside me"

Gavin pushed back as his Prince pushed forward.

Aaaawwwww yelled Gavin as he felt his Prince take him.

Alexander slowly sank his cock all the way in before pulling back out. Then pushing back in. Then out and in and out.

Gavin began meeting each of his Mates inward thrusts as he kept pushing back harder and harder onto Alexander's rapidly pounding cock.

This position wasn't allowing him to get as deep as he really wanted to go inside Gavin's boy pussy.

While keeping his cock fully embedded inside his Mates boy pussy, Alexander rolled Gavin on to his back. Then the Prince went up to his knees. He ended up between Gavin's spread legs resting them on his shoulders. Prince Alexander then bottomed out inside his Mates boy pussy.

"Are you ready for the ride of your life"

"Yes my Prince" "Take me" "Become one with me"

Alexander needed no more encouragement. He started pounding in and out of his Soul Mate's boy pussy.

Gavin locked his legs around his mate's back. Digging his heels into him. Reaching up, Gavin dug his nails into Alexander's back.

Alexander was fucking Gavin at blinding speeds. If you looked at them, all you saw was the blurry vision of two bodies fucking.

Gavin went into his first ever blood rage as his lust grew beyond anything he had ever experienced before.

With his own fangs extended, Gavin watched Alexander's fangs drop as he was on the verge of orgasm.

Just as Gavin was cumming he sank his fangs directly into Alexander's jugular vein.

At the same time, Alexander sank his own fangs into Gavin's jugular vein.

Both boys cocks erupted.

Gavin's shot his cum between their bodies as he sucked down his Soul Mates blood.

Alexander exploded also at the exact same time as Gavin sank his fangs into his own jugular vein.

Both boys drank each other's blood and deposited their cum into and on to their bodies.

Alexander now lusting for Gavin's cum, pulled his fangs out of his neck and slammed his mouth down onto Gavin's still spurting cock. Swallowing down the rest of his load.

Gavin removed his fangs and got into a sixty nine position with Alexander. He started licking his mates cum off his dick that had just been inside of him.

Deep throating each others cocks, the boys were soon on the edge of cumming again.

Their bodies shook and exploded. Sending cum into each other's mouths. Quickly swallowing as their mouths filled with each other's cum.

Something happened to both of them at that exact moment. The boys swallowed down each other's cum and as their blood and cum mixed and combined, the boys bodies and minds suddenly shut down.

Torus had been training Thad and Xavier now for over three hours. The boys were sore and exhausted from all Torus had put them through.

Ok you two, that's enough for tonight. We will continue again tomorrow night with finding your center and balance. It's of the most importance that you always have your balance and center. Without that you will never be able to defeat your opponent or defend Gavin.

"Prince Alexander, I've finished tonight's lesson" "Is there anything that you need from me"

Torus received no answer, so he assumed that his Prince was still enjoying the company of his mate.

Thad and Xavier went back upstairs to shower and change into other clothes.

While they were getting dressed, they both felt their link with Gavin and their Prince change.

"Torus something's wrong with Prince Alexander and Gavin"

Torus stopped what he was doing and went straight to Prince Alexander's sleeping chamber.

Thad, Xavier and Torus all arrived at the same time.

After opening the door. They saw Prince Alexander and Gavin with each other's cocks in their mouths.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for interrupting you Prince" "These two said you were in trouble"

No one got any type of response from either of them.

Torus moved closer and looked into his Prince's eyes. He was in some kind of trance state.

Xavier looked over at Gavin and saw the same lifeless expression on his face also.

"Linus and Raver, report immediately to our Prince's sleeping chambers"

Linus and Raver are two more of Prince Alexander's personal guardians. They were also a couple.

When the two showed up, they enquired about the emergency.

It seems that our Prince has performed the Bonding Ritual with his Soul Mate Gavin. But something seems to have happened to both of them.

I've never seen anything like this before, Linus told Torus.

Looking at Raver, he also was confused.

Well it's about sunrise, the shutters will be shutting in an hour. Quincy will be arriving at sunset. Maybe he can shed some light on these events.

Thad, you and Xavier go to your rooms. We will meet up tomorrow.

Linus and Raver, I want the two of you to get your captain's of the guards and post them outside of this door.

No one is to enter until we awake again.

Captain Ben Edwards and Captain Peter Regens reported to Linus and Raver. As they were taken upstairs by way of the Prince's private elevator. Both knew something serious was afoot. Never in their 10 years of service, had they been above the 2nd floor.

Now you two listen good. Behind this door is our Prince and his Bonded Soul Mate, Gavin. They are not to be disturbed by anyone until we arise tonight. You have my direct orders to kill anyone who attempts to enter these chambers.

Anyone other then the Prince's personal guardians including Thad and Xavier enter this floor, you two are ordered to stop them at all cost. Do I make myself clear.

Yes Sir, they said to Torus.

We are going to lay down for our day sleep. We will see you at sunset.

The guardians had all retired to their rooms and got ready for their day sleep.

The shutters were heard closing for the daylight hours.

Prince Alexander and Gavin's DNA was in the process of being changed from their joining. For some reason Gavin's blood and cum was forcing this change to his Prince. The Prince's blood and cum was having the same kind of effect on Gavin.

Xavier and Thad while in their day sleep experienced what could only be described as nightmares. The problem is, vampyres don't dream.

The jet that had Quincy and his entourage on board landed at Vancouver International Airport about 30 minutes after sunset.

Torus was there waiting on the tarmac for his arrival.

Torus was loading the trunk with the few things Quincy and his boys did bring.

Soon the hatch was opened and the group was off loading. Quincy got his first look of his greeter.

Welcome to Vancouver, my Prince has instructed me to get you anything that you may need or want. Do you require anything at this time.

Boys are there any requests.

Sire we are hungry.

When we arrive at the mansion grounds I'll have the boys shown to the cells. Thats where we keep our food supply. Is there anything else.

Master, we are all in need of a diaper change.

That is also not a problem. As our Prince had your new residence fully stocked with all the supplies he felt you would need. Please make a list of any additional items that you may need and you can accompany Sal and Daniel to the supply warehouse to pick up what you need.

The boys all loaded up in the back of the blacked out window limousine. While Torus got in the driver's seat.

Just before Torus put the car in gear, the passenger door opened and Quincy got in and sat down.

I hope you don't mind if I ride up front with you. Quincy asked.

Not at all and feel free to inquire about anything you want or need. Prince Alexander has told me to help you in anyway that I could.

Torus felt something when he first saw Quincy get off the jet. He was trying to remember back now. They had met before in Paris back in the year 1823.

Torus was accompanying his Prince who was searching for his Soul Mate. What they found was a clue to the bloodline of his Soul Mate. That was when he first met Quincy. His Prince and Quincy apparently had a past that Torus didn't know of.

Quincy on the other hand felt a pull that he had only experienced once before.

Now that same feeling was over taking him once again.

Quincy didn't say anything else during the rest of the drive back to the mansion. He closely studied the boy sitting behind the steering wheel. He figured Torus to be just under 200 years old. A mere child to his 1367 years of age. But there was something about this boy that was drawing him to him.

The boys in the back had just finished off a bottle of 20 year old scotch, alchohol only gives vampryes a slight buzz no matter how much they drink.

When the limousine pulled up to the 8 foot reinforced steel security gates. All their heads turned as they picked up the smell of human blood.

Two of the Prince's protected guards opened the gate to let the limousine enter.

Torus lowered the divider window between the front and back.

It would be wise of you boys not to feed on any of the protected humans who work for our Prince. Here and elsewhere. Unlike over where your from, we employ these humans. As their families have been serving us for many millenniums.

Death awaits anyone who kills or harms a bonded human with a house crest. So heed this warning.

Quincy spoke for the first time since landing, I apologize for the boys reaction. They aren't accustomed to being so close to humans.

I would hope that you inform your entourage of these changes.

They dont know that some humans are protected. I'll make sure that they know what to look for.

Boys, no harm is to come to any human that you come across unless they are trying to kill you. Then you have my permission to do what's needed to preserve your life.

Thank you Quincy for straightening that out. I'd hate to have to explain that circumstance to my Prince.

Don't forget Torus, he's my Prince as well and now the boys. My apologies.

You have nothing to apologize for.

Torus pulled up to chateau out back of the mansion. It had 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms with a kitchen, living room and dining hall. It's own private pool. It was also equipped with black out shutters and had its own security team.

The boys were introduced to the security detail that would be watching over them during the daylight hours.

Both Torus and Quincy felt the tension between the boys and one particular guard.

Torus pulled the teams two lead lieutenants aside.

Quincy as well as the boys, ease dropped in on the conversation.

Lt. Joey, Lt. Brent, I need to see all the paperwork on that new security guard immediately. I don't want him to patrol alone. One of you will always be with him. Do I make myself clear.

Snapping to attention both men saluted Torus and sounded off a Yes Sir.

The boys felt a little at ease from hearing what the one called Torus had just stated.

"Boys, keep an eye out for that one"

"Yes Sire"

Torus didn't hear the exchange just now between Quincy and his boys.

Looking at the the six boys but knowing that they were much older then they looked. Lt. Joey said, Sirs, if you'll follow me, I'll show you to the cells where you can feed.

This got the boys attention and off they went. Following the human called Lt. Joey down three flight of stairs was one of the hardest things that they had to do.

They came to a solid steel door. After pushing in a code the door slid open.

If you'll each press your hand against this pad and look into the window. The security system will be able to download your hand print and eye retinas print. This will then be transferred to all areas that the Prince has authorized that you be allowed to enter and use.

The boys all did as Lt. Joey instructed.

The boys went deeper into the cell structure which held all these prisoner's. There had to be at least two thousand men and women down there. All of them had been stripped naked.

Torus lead Quincy across the compound and into the courtyard. This lead to the back elevator that went up to the Prince's sleeping chambers.

Stepping off the elevator, Quincy saw six people standing or sitting around. Two were human and apparently guarding the Prince's sleeping chambers.

Quincy this is Linus and Raver, two more of Prince Alexander's personal guardians. These two boys are Thad, who is Prince Alexander's first borns Second and this is Xavier who Gavin imprinted. Making him his First guardian and personal bodyguard.

Have they mated yet with the one called Gavin.

No they've only swallowed his cum so far.

So I suppose our Prince is in that room

Yes as well as his Bonded Soul Mate, Gavin.

Well let's go see them.

From everyone's expression, something had gone terribly wrong. Quincy stepped up to the door only to be blocked by the two captains Ben and Peter.

It's okay you two, this is Quincy. You will give him the same respect, rights and privileges as if it was me.

Upon opening the door, Quincy would have sworn he was in a forest. The smell that had met his senses, were that of pine trees and wild blooming flowers. But there was no sight of his Prince or the Prince's mate Gavin.

Quincy turned and looked at Torus who also saw no sign of his Prince or Gavin.

Thad and Xavier followed and had entered the bedroom. Not seeing Gavin or their Prince, panic started to set in.

Quincy called out to the others that he could hear the breathing of two people.

Everyone looked at the spot Quincy was indicating but all anyone saw was a moss covered mound with flowers and grass sprouting out of it. Vine like roots extended out of the mound and attached themselves to anything made of wood.

Quincy and Torus focused on the center part of the mound and concentrating hard, they saw both their Prince and Gavin's auras.

It was strangely different from anything that either one them had ever seen in their lifetime.

At the center of one of them was the deepest blue color. Surrounding that was a lighter yellow, then a tinge of brown with a smattering of red finished off with light green and the darkest black.

The other one laying there has a mix of royal blue surrounded by full red. The next layer was a lighter yellow, then a tinge of brown with a solid layer of forest green and the darkest black.

It seemed that both bodies were in the same position that Torus, Xavier and Thad had seen them in the other night.

After a thorough investigation and checking over, it was determined that both of them were going through some sort of new transformation. It was best that their bodies not be disturb.

Thad and Xavier pulled up chairs and said that they were going to stay.

Ben, Peter. I want the two of you to go get something to eat and then take care of your morning duties. Get some sleep and report back here one hour before sunset.

Linus can you get Ben and Peter programmed into the upper levels security system. They are going to need to have access and free range. Keep them out of sensitive areas until our Prince has authorized them to have clearance. This came as a complete surprise to Ben and Peter. They both swelled up with pride. They were determined to do everything that was necessary, to show everyone that they made the right choice in picking them.

Quincy and Torus left along with the other guardians as Thad and Xavier settled in for the night.

While the boys were looking at the mass. "What do you think is happening to them Xavier"

"Like that Quincy guy said" "They are transforming"

"But into what, Xavier"

"We'll just have to wait and see"

Unseen by the two boys.

Vines had extended out from the mass and had already wrapped themselves around Thad and Xavier's chairs that they were sitting in. Slowly the vines climbed up the backside of each chair attaching themselves as they went.

It was Xavier who first notice that the mass had grown over twice it's size.

"Thad it's growing"

'"Yes it is" "Look out Thad"

But it was to late. The vines had now encompassed their bodies totally. They had crushed the chairs and dragged both of them under the mass.

"Torus Help" Thad mine screamed.

Quincy something's happening in our Prince's sleeping chamber.

Upon opening the door neither Thad or Xavier were in view, Under the mass they both could be seen struggling for a few minutes. Then they stopped.

The vines stretched out engulfing everything.

"Torus we must leave now"

Quickly stepping out into the outer room and closing the door behind them.

Linus and Raver, I need the two you, to secure the Prince's sleeping chambers. No one is to go in that room.

Yes Torus we understand.

It had been along night and everyone had now retired to their rooms.

Before Quincy went into his day sleep, he had changed all the security door locks in the cabin so they could only be opened from the

The boys and Quincy were settling in nicely. They had asked to be trained by Torus who gladly accepted.

A whole week had gone by when noises were heard coming from within the Prince's sleeping chambers.

Ben and Peter were on guard duty at this time since it was early in the afternoon.

Someone was banging on the door from within the room.

Ben and Peter had been given strict orders not to let anyone into the room but nothing was said about letting them out.

As Ben reached to open the door, it flew off it's hinges and knocked both Peter and himself off their feet.

What the two men saw standing before them looked like the boy Gavin but heI had changed. He was covered from head to toe in a bloody green like slime substance. His eyes were glowing a deep deep greenish red. Saliva was dripping off his 2" extended fangs. They also noticed that Gavin's fingernails had grown into 3" daggers.

Gavin had awaken and started struggling to free himself from the mass that covered him. Once free the scent of human blood over took his senses.

Gavin started banging on the door after he realized it was locked from the outside. Gavin was getting very angry. A rage had built up within him. Then concentrating on the door, Gavin using only his mind and sent out a blast that hit the door knocking it off it's hinges and sending it across the outer room.

Stepping through the door and looking on the ground at his feet all Gavin saw was two humans. Ben and Peter didn't exist. Gavin moved forward tackling Peter who had just regained his balance. Peter was like a rag doll in Gavin's hands.

Gavin's fangs had already dropped as he raised his head to sink them into Peter's neck. Seconds before he sank his fangs in. He saw his Prince's house Crest on the man's neck.

In a split second he was able to stop but not before he partial sank one of his fangs into Peter's neck. Just missing his jugular vein.

Gavin still in his rage pulled his head back removing his fang.

Peter's hand shot up to his neck, applying pressure that would soon stop his bleeding.

Gavin not wanting to harm anyone else ran out of the room. Coming to a secure door made out of solid oak, Gavin had no problems ripping it off it's hinges. Now making it downstairs Gavin ran through the mansion main floor.

Gavin picked up the unmistakable smell of human blood. Like a blood hound he tracked the scent down a long stair way. Three flights down Gavin came to a security door. He soon became very frustrated that he couldn't open the door.

Gavin suddenly felt several hot objects hitting him in his back. Turning around with a new rage in his eyes, Gavin charged the man but missed his chance as the man was able to escape threw another steel reinforced security door.

Gavin spotted an exhaust vent and ripped the grill cover off. The shaft lead him to the outside of the mansion.

Once outside Gavin was seen running off into the woods by two different security men.

One was Lt. Joey who backed tracked where Gavin had come from.

The other was a new face to the grounds, Sargent Jones. He picked up his phone and sent a text to an unknown source.

The shutters rose for the night and even before Torus or Quincy were fully awake they knew something had happened during the day. As they entered the outer room, they were greeted by an injured Peter and Ben. They were still guarding the door that Gavin had busted down but they had propped it back up in the opening.

What happened here Ben, asked Torus.

As Ben was giving his report, Quincy entered into the Prince's room.

Quincy saw his Prince, Thad and Xavier crawling out from under the large mound in the center of the room. They were all covered in a bloody looking greenish slime like mucus.

Quincy linked with his boys. "Bring me six humans up to the mansion quickly"

Torus the others are awakening. My boys are bringing up food.

"Linus and Raver can you bring up Quincy's boys"

Torus and Quincy helped the three get cleaned up but when the boys entered with the humans, all that you saw was a blur. Six bodies were soon drained and removed to be taken out back. They would be disposed of by the ghoul patrol.

Finally sated and their blood lust subsiding. The Prince asked how was his mate.

Prince, your mate Gavin awoke while it was still daylight. He was last seen heading towards town.

Quincy how is it possible that Gavin can go out in daylight and dammit where were the guards.

Prince, I've never heard of a vamprye that could go out in daylight. But while the four of you were in your transformation, Torus and I noticed that your aura had taken on new shades that weren't there before.

Torus also related to the Prince that Gavin almost bit Peter but he stopped at the last instant.

Captain Peter let me see what my mate did to you.

Stepping forward Peter bent his neck so that Prince Alexander could see.

Prince bent forward and licked Peter's puncture wound with his tongue. Something in the Prince saliva healed Captain Peter's wound.

Prince if I may.

Yes Quincy.

My boys can track Gavin.

Okay, what do you need Quincy.

Anything with his DNA on it.

I have just what you need.

The Prince retrieved the plastic bag that he sealed Gavin's diaper in and give it to Quincy.

Boys track and find your Prince's soul mate.. Don't forget to protect yourselves during the daytime.

When Kyle and Kenny smelled the diaper the boys all imprinted Gavin's scent to memory but there was something familiar about het scent. They all fed before they left. Dressed in all black and with comlinks so they could communicate with the mansions security. The boys were soon hot on Gavin's trail. The trail lead them all the way to the edge of town. Splitting up in to two groups of three, they discovered that Gavin had entered a bar called The Full Moon Bar and Grill

The boys were able to gain entrance through a side entrance but we're soon confronted and cornered by a dozen men who by their aura were wolves.

What are you doing here vamp boys.

Kyle the oldest told the wolf that they were here for their Prince's Soul Mate.

Now what would he'd be doing here.

We've tracked his scent here from our mansion. It's best that you don't hide him. We are on orders not to come back until we find him.

Well he's not here and the sun well be up in less then hour.

The boys then headed in the direction of Gavins scent. That bought them to the back of the club.

The six vamp boys descended down into the darkened basement of the club. They were followed by a dozen wolves. Once inside the window less room they discovered what they were searching for.

Lying on the floor was the bloodied body of Gavin. He was fully naked and had signs of healing and bullet holes. There was 10 spent rounds on the floor around his body.

The boys encircled Gavin's body while they checked him out. They tried linking with their sire but were unsuccessful.

The comlink signal couldn't penetrate the concrete basement walls.

The boys were starting to feel the affects of the morning approaching.

Kenny secured the door for the boys day sleep.

Kyle curled up next up Gavin as the rest of the boys curled up around them.

The packs Alpha recognized the scent as that of the boy his brother had fucked.

Fizz had found out that the boy he had sex with was down stairs in the basement of his brothers club with six Vampyre boys.

It wasn't until noon that the basement door was finally able to be breached.

Six Beta wolves had entered. Each of them carrying large black body bags with their Alpha leading the way.

We need to move them across the street using the sewer tunnels. Try to keep them out of the sunlight. I don't want to start a war with their Prince.

As they approached the boys,

Gavin was already awake as he lay in wait. Just before they reached the sleeping boys, Gavin in a building rage, morphed into a creature that bought fear to the Beta wolves and even the Alpha.

There before them stood what could only be described as a cross between a Vampyre and a Wolf with a hint of something mysterious.

A dark green shadow extended out from this beast before them. It encompassed all the boys bodies till nothing could seen. Vine like tentacles stretched out from the edges.

The wolves slowly backed out of the room cause the shadow form was now moving in there direction. After the shadow had left the room, it moved down the tunnel towards the sewer tunnels.

The wolves looked into the room but found it was now empty. They didn't follow what ever that was that they saw. They weren't even sure if it was one the boys.

The shadow had disappeared from sight in the tunnels under the cities streets.

The night had fallen and the boys found themselves in the basement of the mansions cabin.

Kyle and Kenny awoke first. They had both been cradling Gavin in their arms. The rest the boys got up and discovered that somehow during their day sleep, they had been transported back to the Prince's compound.

"Sire were in the cells" "Somehow Gavin bought us back during our day sleep"

Prince, my boys and Gavin are down in the cells.

They can't explain how they got back from the city. But they think that Gavin did it.

After the boys were debrief and cleaned up. They meet back over at the mansion.

Gavin had now awaken from his sleep. He was put into a nice thick and soft diaper by his soul mate, Prince Alexander.

As Gavin entered the room, he ran over to Kyle and Kenny and proceeded kissing them both passionately on the lips.

Looking at their Site Quincy.

"Quincy I ask permission to link with my two ancestors"


Gavin quickly bit both Kenny and Kyle drinking mouthfuls of both their blood. Turning his neck to the brothers, they both sank their fangs into his neck. Greedily sucking down several swallows of blood.

Once the linking was completed.

Gavin turned as did Kyle and Kenny. Going down to their knees and holding hands.

Prince Alexander, I'd like introduced my brothers, Kyle and Kenny.

Quincy how can this be.

I'm not sure but i think that their baby brother who died at birth was reborn into Gavin. He has now awaken since being turned by you.

He is still the Gavin you fell in love with but remember in Paris a little more then a century ago. Yes, that was where I discovered my soul mates bloodline.

That was the same day that their baby brother died. He somehow imprinted himself on you. He is now a part of you soul mate.

Somehow when you preformed the Sexual Bonding Ceremony his soul transferred into Gavin's body and has awaken.

If you haven't noticed Kyle and Kenney aren't normal boys. They're from an Ancient Siberian Tribe and their great great great great great great great great great grandfathers were the first ever shamans of this earth.

The shamans believed that the third offspring born, if being all male will inherit his ancestors powers. That was Kyle's and Kenny's little bother, Gavin.


You seem surprised Prince, that that was his name. And it's no surprise that that's your soul mate's name. It explains a lot of things. Your green auras. The yellow and brown auras must be the avian and wolf. The red is human. Green has to be the shahman.

So it must be that reason Gavin can walk in the sun light. You said many auras, Quincy.

Yes Prince as well as Thad and Xavier have also gained these auras. As will anyone who Gavin sexually bonds with.

What are they getting at, Quincy.

That the three of you can also go out in the sun. I would like to know the facts. But only if you'll let me do some test on Gavin.

To what extent Quincy.

To see if I can understand why and how this is possible.

Gavin will have to approve of this.

Yes of course Prince Alexander. Now we have another situation that has arisen.

Gavin must now sexually bond with Kyle and Kenney as well as Thad and Xavier.

Gavin's brothers won't be separated from him ever again. Thad, Xavier, Kenny and Kyle.

Yes Prince, all the boys said. You'll all go with my first born and become mates. Then Torus is going to train all of you in the arts of swordsmanship and other forms of defense.

Kenny and Kyle smiled at this as they were already being trained by Torus.

Quincy I'll leave it up to you to train Gavin. Once all the boys are trained. Then Torus and Quincy will train the 5 of you together. You are all to become Gavin's guardians for life.

Gavin got up with the others and instead of going upstairs, they followed Kyle over to the cabin. Once inside the boys removed all their clothes and then began kissing one another which pleased each others bodies.

Gavin fucked Kyle first, then Kenney followed by Thad and finishing off with Xavier.

Each boy had been bitten by Gavin as he filled them with cum.

Kyle, Kenney, Thad and Xavier all went into a deep sleep after being mated by Gavin.

While in their transformation state, Gavin fucked himself on all four of his guardians cocks. He bought them all to orgasm using the muscles of his boy pussy to milk the cum out of each of his guardians and mates. He cut his wrist and pressed it to each boys mouths. They each sucked from Gavin's wrist until they all had their fill.

Gavin then put each of his bonded mates into fresh clean thick and soft diapers with plenty of oil and baby powder. Then he diapered imselfh in the same manner.

Then he crawled in amongst them and fell into a deep sleep.


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