He Walked Into My Life

By knottedpup

Published on Jan 31, 2019


Chapter 2

Three more months had past by before Gavin awoke again.

It was strange, these dreams I was having. They were so real, as if I was right there experiencing them as they happened.

I had met this amazing boy at an outside cafe. Now I'm lying in his bed covered by his silky soft sheets. I don't know if I'm awake or asleep. I remembered him helping me take a shower and experiencing the most intense orgasm that I'd ever had. I keep tasting this thick metallic taste in my mouth. My body feels like it's been in a train wreck. I have moments of awareness when my host is changing my diaper that he has put me in. At first I couldn't understand why he was doing this. Then I couldn't understand why I was fighting it. Now I look forward to him doing it. He is so gentle and loving as he removes my soaking wet diapers. He's very gentle when he cleans me up. But before he powders me, he always wraps those lovely lips around my super hard cock. He expertly deep throats me while using the muscles in his throat to massage my cock. Lapping at my shaft with his unnaturally long silky tongue. The way he brings me to those amazing orgasms, but what puzzles me is that I'm not sure if they are only dreams.

How long has it been since I've awaken. Has it been only a few hours, several weeks or even months. My mind has brief recollections of the first night that I fell. How he rushed me to this underground compound that was full of activity. How everything stopped what they were doing when he entered carrying my lifeless body. As I was rushed into this operating room of sorts, my memory only saw boys standing around and bits and pieces of what transpired during my time in the room.

I do remember a group of older men wearing robes of some sort. They came in and gave my host the okay to do what he felt was best. But he would be responsible for me from then on.

I remember a sharp pain and then a thick metallic taste in my mouth. At that exact moment, my mind flashed memories of a thousands things from the past. It was like actually being there. Through the Alexander the Great Era, through the creation of the false religion xtainity, through the death of many from the Black Plaque, through the Medievil times, through the genocide of the xtain crusades, through the Salem witch trails, through the independence of the new world from the Red Coats. Through the civil war, WW1 and WW2, Korean war all the way up to the present day.

It all past by in just moments but I retained the memory as if I had actually lived through them. The one thing that stood out in all that I experienced was that my host was in all of those memories.

The pain that I experienced for the next several days was beyond anything that I thought I could deal with. Each time I awoke, I was screaming in pain before I would black out again.

My host had a few visitors stop by during my recovery. I guess that's what I'll call it. They would look at me, then discuss his choices. This one visitor he had, I knew him from somewhere but couldn't place where from. They were discussing me and the fact that I hadn't yet awaken. I was in something they called a Crossover Coma. It happens when someone of Royal Blood is turned.

What the hell do they mean by turned. And what royal blood. This is so weird. It's like I'm a different person now.

Dam, there's that thick metallic taste again.

I just had the most wonderful blow job again, while getting my diaper changed. I really liked these diapers now. They are so soft and absorbent. I just love how they feel when I pee in them. They get nice and warm. I've also noticed that I haven't taken a poop since I've been in these diapers. I think it's just the fact that I'm probably only on a liquid diet.

My eyes opened suddenly from a sound of something metal sliding up into the wall behind me. Looking around frantically and wondering where the hell I was at.

Easy there, nothing to be scared of. Just the grates raising for the night.

Looking to my left, I saw a boy who was wearing sun glasses. I thought it strange but before I could ask him why he had shades on, the door to the room opened.

Thad, can you bring me a change of clothes for our guest.

Does that include another diaper as well.

Gavin would you like to wear a diaper under your house clothes. It's okay if you do. Mostly everyone who lives here does.

Does that include you, Gavin asked.

Pulling down his zipper on his pants, Gavin was able to see that his host was indeed wearing diapers. Do you have any less bulky diapers. That are still absorbent and soft I've grown to like wearing them very much.


Thad, I believe Gavin is your size. Bring him one of yours and help him get dressed.

Yes Prince.

Did I just hear him call you Prince.

Yes, I'm known to my people as Prince Alexander of the 1st House of Order.

What has happened to me.

There was a knock on the door.

Come in Thad

Get Gavin situated and bring him up to the banquet hall so he can have breakfast. Remember Thad, you are now Gavin's Second and responsible for him.

Yes Prince.

After you've both had your breakfast, Thad will take you to get checked out. Then I want the two of you to meet me in my office. One of my guardians will escort you until you have made your decision.

Gavin while your a guest in my house, no-one will bring you any harm. You may see some strange things while you are here. But remember that no harm will come to you.

Gavin was thinking about what was just said to him. Strange things, I will be safe while I'm here, no harm will come to me.

What the hell is my host some kind of serial killer or something.

Just as he thought that last part, both his host and Thad giggled about something. But Gavin didn't hear any one say anything funny.

Can I see a mirror. I want to look at my head where I hit it on the concrete.

There's a mirror up in the office. When we go see the Prince you can use they one there.

Thad had been told by his Prince not to allow Gavin to see himself until after he's had a chance to talk to him first.

Here let's get you changed and dressed.

Thinking nothing of it, Thad pulled the tabs back and unfolded Gavin's diaper. Grabbing the cleaning supplies, Thad started wiping up Gavin's Piss. Then what seemed effortlessly to Gavin, Thad lifted up both of his legs and slid one of his super slim and absorbent stream line diapers under his butt. Taking baby oil, Thad applied it liberally all over his privates and surrounding areas.

Gavin didn't mean to do it but with Thad's oiled hands on his privates he got hard.

Is that for me Gavin. You didn't have to get hard. Here let me take care of that. Thad grabbed Gavin's hard cock in his hand and slowly stated stroking him.

Gavin was moaning quietly as Thad's oiled hands started moving up and down faster and faster.

Thad sensing that Gavin was about to explode, lowered his mouth onto the cum shooting cock just as it erupted.

Thad caught all six pulses that shot into his mouth. He savored every drop before swallowing it down.

Thad was now linked with his First. Next he was hoping that he would be Bonded to him. Of course only with his Prince's permission. Now soft, Thad pointed his firsts cock down then powdered his entire diaper area before taping up the streamline diaper.

Grabbing Gavin's hand, the two of them skipped off to the elevator. Thad having access pushed in his security code.The elevator started ascending to the Banquet Halls.

Once off the elevator, the boys were met by Prince Alexander's Head Guardian, Torus. He escorted them to were they would be having there breakfast.

There must have been thirty people sitting and eating at the table.

As Gavin went by each person sitting there, they each bowed their head at him.

Looking at Thad, Gavin thought "is all this for real"

But when a reply of "It does take some getting use to" came to his mind while looking at the smiling face of Thad.

Gavin freaked out. He turned and ran in the opposite direction putting as much space between him and Thad as he possibly could.

Thad was muttering to himself. How he had just fucked up. His Prince would be so disappointed in him.

With all eyes staring at Thad's first.

Thad regained his composure as he slowly approached a trembling Gavin.

Speaking aloud this time, Thad quietly talked to Gavin in a soothing and calm voice.

It's ok Gavin, I'm sorry if I freaked you out. I have certain abilities and one is that I can speak to one's mind.

That was you, (heads turned momentarily) Gavin said in a little to loud of a voice.

Yes, now let us have our breakfast.

Once seated, a way to pretty young boy, who could have been no older then 14 years old placed two glasses of what looked like tomato juice in front off them.

I warmed them as you requested Thad.

Is this our Prince's first born.

"Mind your place, Xavier"

Please forgive me, I have other duties to attend to.

Xavier with a sad look on his face left through the side door.

"Why were you so mean to that boy" Gavin not realizing mind linked. Then got up and chased after the boy.

Gavin found Xavier crying behind the refrigerator sitting on the floor. Getting down on his knees, Gavin took the boy in his arms.

Xavier didn't see Gavin enter the kitchen chasing after him until his warm arms encircled his body, Xavier looked up.

Unable to speak, Xavier just starred at his Prince's first born who was holding him in his arms.

Then this big man walked up and looked down at Xavier. Boy you need to get back to work now or I swear that you'll be back out on the streets homeless in no time at all.

This pissed Gavin off something terrible. Jumping up to his feet Gavin yelled at the big man as the dishes, pots and pans behind him rattled on the shelves and tables as Xavier coward behind Gavin.

The big man was shocked that such a little boy would be challenging him. But before he opened his mouth to put this boy in his place. Thad came running up to them.

Is this one in your charge. You need to get him out of my kitchen now. You don't have to worry about Xavier, I'll discipline him.

Xavier was visibly shaking after hearing that statement.

Gavin heard this and turned back to the big man and shouted, you'll do no such thing. (As more things rattled and a few fell onto the floor ) Gavin grabbed Xavier by the hand and left out through a side door.

Thad followed them outside.

"Prince, you might want too come down stairs" "Your first born has caused a pretty big mess down here" Torus linked.

"Yes I've been watching all of this unfold on the monitors" "I'm glad to see Thad hasn't given up" Better keep an eye out for them and I'll go down and have a talk with Deter"

"Yes Prince"

Gavin found a nice place to sit down with Xavier and started talking to him. He told Xavier that he wouldn't be homeless and that he would live with him.

Thad heard everything that was bring said between them. He was trying to figure out how much trouble he was going to be in with his Prince.

Xavier heard Gavin's stomach growl.

We need to get you some food fast.

On hearing this, Thad stepped forward and handed Xavier, Gavin's breakfast.

Here drink this. I made it especially for you this morning.

It was that same thick drink but didn't have as much of a metallic taste this time.

Gavin got a rush from the drink but also became instantly horny. Overcome with lust, Gavin grabbed a hold of Xavier and threw him to the ground. Gavin began kissing Xavier on his lips and sticking his tongue in his mouth.

This caused some of the drink that Gavin just had, to transfer to Xavier who also was overcome with lust filled desires.

The two boys tore at each other's clothes. Until they were both only wearing diapers. Opening their diapers and finally able to take each other's cocks into their mouths. The boys began sucking each other ravenously.

Torus and two other guardians watched the boys in their lust crazed sex.

Right there on the lawn in the middle of the night. Xavier and Gavin were sucking each other's cocks.

It was a lust filled ten minutes when both boys bodies shuddered. Giving forth six blast of cum into each other's mouths. Once they swallowed. An electrical charge transferred between them. The boys were now linked permanently.

Prince Alexander, stood at the top of the steps watching the two boys enthusiastically go at each other's bodies.

Well this Gavin is full of surprises he thought to himself. His family tree went back to 6570 BCE. His ancestry line had a trait that he couldn't quit pin point as of yet.

He also seemed to process telepathy and telekinesis by his display in the kitchen.

Gavin and Xavier rolled over onto their backs with broad smiles on both their faces. That was until they opened their eyes.

Xavier saw his Prince staring down at him and immediately got on his knees and bowed to him.

When Gavin looked at his host, he suddenly felt guilt in his heart.

I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. Gavin spat out.

For Prince Alexander's part he only smiled.

You two come with me.

Gavin got up off the ground and took Xavier by the hand. Gavin pulled Xavier to his feet and started following behind his host.

Xavier tried furiously to pull loose from Gavin's hand. This was his Prince. There's no way he meant for him to come along.

"Xavier stop resisting my First Born" "You were included in my invitation"

Gavin noticed that Xavier was desperately trying to free himself but suddenly all his struggle went from his body. Now he almost happily followed.

Prince Alexander spoke aloud this time. You too Thad, please join us.

Thad jolted out of his day dream like state when his Prince spoke to him. He quickly caught up with the other's and fell in step with them.

Prince Alexander sent out a message to all of his Guardians to join him in his upstairs office.

Stepping over to a bookcase. The Prince pulled on a hidden switch, that opened a secret elevator door.

Thad, Gavin, Xavier and the Prince all got on the elevator. Taking out a key, Prince Alexander used it to open a hidden panel. It revealed a set of buttons of which he pressed one. The elevator started to go upward. After it stopped, everyone got off.

The Prince opened a pair of big cherry wood doors using his thumb print. Everyone entered into a large office of unimaginable taste. To say it was luxurious would be putting it mildly. First there was the engraved entrance doors. They were made out of cherry with mahogany inlay with gold leaf design. They were eight feet tall by four feet wide and an amazing four inches thick. They were each held up with eight solid brass hinges. The doors were keyed for DNA entrance only. Everything in the room was keyed to voice operation plus only to those with DNA authorization. State of the Art electronics, seventy two inch wide screen plasma TV with three hundred and sixty degree wall mount access. The control council table had a built in flat screen computer interfaced into the table with shatter proof glass inlay to protect it. Virtual reality graphic display and hologram display. The table was made out of solid oak that sat twelve people. Four black leather reclining chairs with built in massage controls. Along the back wall was floor to ceiling three inch thick bomb proof see through poly steel windows.

It had it's own elevator entrance plus two other secret entrances and exits.

After Gavin and Xavier took in the beauty of the room, Prince Alexander got everyone settled.

First I want to announce that Xavier is now linked to my first born, Gavin.

Gavin was sick and tied of all these cloak and dagger games. Just as he was about to stand up, Prince Alexander spoke again.

Now Gavin here had an accident on the night that he met me for the first time. Even though I had been watching him for over two decades.

Gavin was shocked after hearing that.

Gavin was hurt to the point that I had to turn him or he would die. I received the council's permission, since Gavin was incapable of providing it. Gavin is also of Royal blood which is one of the reasons I was drawn to him. Now Gavin hasn't a clue what's happened to him. So I've bought together everyone who needs to know what is said here today. So here we all are.

Gavin, it's your time to ask any of us any question you want.. Gavin was still stunned by everything he had just heard.

What did you mean when you said turned.

When you fell out of your chair, you crack your skull and you had a brain hemorrhage. You only had about two hours to live. So I bought you to our underground headquarters to seek permission to save my soul mate by making you my First Born. What that entails, is I had to bite your jugular vein and suck your blood out. Then at a precise moment while you are still alive, I slit the vein in my wrist which caused my blood to flow. I pressed my wrist to your mouth and you drank my blood to the point I had to rip my wrist out of your sucking mouth.

You then went through your transformation. That's when I bought you here. You had your own room. But when you didn't wake up after a few days. I called for.

Gavin suddenly stood up and yelled Mr. Jeffrey Dean Morgan my next door neighbor.

Prince Alexander, nodded his head but continued on with what he was saying.

Well it turns out that your family ancestry goes back as far as my family tree. Your an Original Walker and have abilities far beyond anything anybody had seen in a long while. That's why it took you so long to go through your transformation.

My royal blood was combining withyour royal blood. So the short of it. Your a Vampyre.

Now Thad here, I made your First. What gat means is he will be responsible for you. He will answer your questions and help guide you so that you'll be able to adjust to your new life.

Thad your doing a great job. Just don't doubt yourself. If you need anything come to me or my guardians for help.

Xavier is no longer working in the kitchen. He is now head of my First Born's protection detail.

So Torus, I want you to start his guardian training first thing in the morning.

Xavier your going to be my first borns Head Guardian. It will be your job to be his protection, friend and companion. Within a years time, Gavin will have a total of six guardians not including you. They will be all couples. So choose your team wisely caused you will determine their future.

What does First Born mean.

A First Born is when a Prince of Royal blood turns his Soul Mate into a Vampyre.

You are also in your own rite a Prince as well.

What did you mean by soul mate.

From the day you were born. I was drawn to you by absolute love that flowed though my body. Every century or so. True soul mate's cross paths. You crossed mine when you were born in Whistler, B.C. 22 years ago. I was in the and area when you were born. Like a magnet to metal. I was drawn to you. Once I found you, I marked you with my crest. I'm sure that your family doctor found a strange birthmark.

Yes a star within a star on my left ankle. Prince Alexander raised his left hand and showed Gavin his ring.

On it was a star within a star. The exact copy of his birthmark.

What about Mr Jeffrey. Gavin asked.

I needed someone that I could trust and keep an eye on you and not become to suspicious.

Is Mr. Jeffrey a Vampyre.

Yes he is. He's a young Vampyre of only twenty two years. I gave him the option of staying his age, being turned and linked to me for life. Or stay a human and get paid $100,000 a year to keep an eye on you.

What's that thick metallic drink you've been giving me.

A blood cocktail unlike what Xavier gave you which was my blood. That's why you experienced your blood lust. You drank your Soul Mate's blood.

So I'm a Vampyre. What if I don't want to be a Vampyre.

Well, then you can go watch the Sun rise in the morning.

Will I have to kill people to survive.

Yes you will but we have cells here. Plus they are all criminals that would have slipped through the cracks. Nobody will miss them or cry over their death.

I don't think I can do that. Why haven't you allowed me to look into a mirror.

Cause your not the age you once were. You have regressed back to a 14 year old boy.

Haven't you noticed that everyone here is very young looking.

I need to think about all of this. I'm going for a walk outside and try to decide what to do. Don't wait up for me. I might just want to watch the sun rise one more time.

As my first born, I can force you to stay inside. But since you never gave me your permission to do this to you, I'll let You make your own decision.

So with tears running down his face, Gavin stood up and walked away with Torus as an escort.

Go with him Thad and Xavier.

Xavier you'll still get the training to be a guardian.

I don't know how far I walked but I came to a cliff that looked of to the eastern sky. It would be dawn in another two hours.

Thad had begged me to not do this but said he must return before sunrise. He kissed me and said that he would see me again. Xavier kissed me and said he fully understood what and why I was doing this. As I myself was just food for an inexperienced new born Vampyre. Who left me for dead. But he had somehow in his clumsiness, given me his blood and made me a Vampyre. If it wasn't for Deter finding him before sunrise, I myself would be dead.

I watched both of them leave. Only Torus remained behind.

Shouldn't you be leaving as well.

It's all good. I have a place within a few minutes of here. I'll be okay.

You do know he Loves You. He's been distraught over you for twenty two years. Now the first night that you could be together. You decide to do the Sun Walk.

He'll fine someone else. Plus you don't understand. I was in love with a boy back home and now he will never get that chance to know that.

But your wrong, we can bring him here.

It doesn't matter anymore. My life as I knew it, is forever gone.

The horizon started to get brighter as the suns rays started peeking over the tree line far off in the distance.

I was all alone now sitting on the cliff. It was then that I heard a thought in my head. "I'm so sorry Gavin that I've made you do this" "If I had to do it over again" "I'd never have marked you" "Good bye my LOVE"

The sun had started to clear the horizon and I started feeling the heat on my body. It was extremely hot and unpleasant but I wasn't on fire. Maybe the sun had to be higher in there sky. I don't know how long I sat there but around high noon, I had many small blisters all over my body. I tried to get up but could only crawl. I went over to a the shade where there was a small creek. I got some water and feel asleep.

I woke up about two hours later and was very hungry, so I figured I would head back to the house and see if I could get some more of that thick blood Xavier gave me late last night.

When I was about the hundred feet from the house. Four wolves started following me but for some reason, I wasn't afraid of them. So when I got to the hedge that surrounded the patio garden. I sat down and waited for the wolves to come to me. One by one they all came up to me. Each one licked my face and I gave them all puppy kisses in return.

Now my stomach was in knots and rumbling something awful. The wolves heard this and backed away from me

Don't worry boys, I'm not going to drink your blood. So I got up and walked over to the side door that was an entrance to the kitchen. When I spotted the cook Deter bringing in three q tough and looking dudes. Creeping in slowly and quietly, I was able to get in close enough to hear what they said.

Okay, They are all still in their day sleep. If you go through this tunnel system, you'll be able to get in through this ventilation shaft. You must chop off their heads and you must do it before sunset. You have four hours. I've over ridden the system and security is trapped in the lower levels. All employees are locked in the banquet hall.

The three man team went through the hidden door. Deter went to the downstairs office to open up the safe with the combination he had acquired.

I was standing right behind him as he was crouching there. When suddenly my stomach rumbled again. I can't explain what came over me. The smell of his blood pumping through his veins was to much to me. Before Deter was even able to turn his head around to see where that sound had come from. I sank the fangs that had dropped out of my gums straight into his jugular vein. As blood rushed out of his veins and filled my sucking mouth, I locked my arms around his chest and legs around his torso.

Deter made a valiant attempt to throw me off his body but I had him in a death grip. His blood tasted so good. The images of Deter's plans to kill off all the vampyres in the house. Including his Prince and then take over all of his Prince's holdings. It had just made me that much madder.

Deter's body had stopped jerking around and his blood flow was slowing. I pulled out my fangs and they retracted back into my gums. Then I went looking for the other three men.

I remembered where the elevator was that Thad used to take us up to the Banquet Halls. So I got on the elevator through the secret door. I don't know how but I had memorized the security code Thad had used in order to use this elevator.

I arrived at my Prince's floor and easily found the vent shaft that they were climbing up through.

They may have thought that they were being quiet but with my new abilities. They were as loud as a herd of buffalos.

They managed to remove the grate. They weren't expecting the likes of me to be waiting for them.

The first guy had to turn around in order to drop down to the floor. He didn't even get a chance to scream. I sank my fangs into his jugular and I instantly saw the man's memories. This man had just left his house to come here. He had been raping his girlfriend's little ten year old boy. All the while she was in the room encouraging the man to fuck her little faggot son. I discarded him off to the side, so not to alert the next man. The blood that I had just consumed was flowing through my veins. It gave me extraordinary power.

The next guy, I didn't even wait for him to lower himself down. I just pulled him out of the vent and threw him to the floor hard.

Sitting up and looking at me, he said what the fuck little boy, your dead now.

Those would be the last words that he ever spoke. I tackled him to the floor and sank my fangs into his throat.

His partner had stuck his head out the vent. Looking to the left he saw his one friends body laying lifeless. Then seeing his other friend's throats spewing blood as some little boy sucked his blood up.

He slowly went down the shaft and got back downstairs before I was finished.

Her ran out the side door and off into the near by forest.

Running out the door after the man. I started calling out for the wolves but with no luck. I decide to try mind speaking.

"Boys, this is the Vampyre boy you just met" "There's an intruder that came here to kill, Prince Alexander" "I was hoping that you could detain him while I come find you"

It didn't take long for me to get a response.

"Over here Vampyre boy"

When I got to where the wolves had the man. He was on the ground with what I figured a broken arm.

Please help boy. I've got money and I can get you anything you want.

Walking up to the man, I reached down and picked him up off the ground with both hands.

Who sent you to murder my Soul Mate and friend's. Don't lie to me or you'll end up as dinner to my friends here.

Deter the cook, he said we would get millions from the safe up in your Mate's room.

I had already scanned his mind and he was telling the truth

Ok, I won't kill you. Your free to go.

The man took off running. Laughing to himself, what a fool that little boy was.

I'd suggest you give him a few minutes head start before you have your fun. Please don't leave a mess.

So three of the wolves took off to have fun and a snack but one stayed behind.

" I didn't realize that you could come out in daylight vamp boy" " I mean no disrespect to you either" "As I don't usually associate with your kind".

I'm known as Gavin, First Born to Prince Alexander.

" Well I'm Frizz". "My older brother Alex is our pack leader"

I was staring at his impressive cock and his big balls between his hind legs. Realizing that I was in a blood lust from all the blood I had consumed.

" You looking at my junk, vamp boy".

Yes I am. I've never had the opportunity to see a wolves cock this close before. Only my dogs Zathur's cock have I had the pleasure to play with.

" Very interesting, why don't you get down on your hands and knees and crawl over here and get yourself a better look"

Not one to pass up the opportunity. Gavin did what he was told. Getting up real close, Gavin licked the wolves cock head. Then opened his mouth and swallowed about six inches of the wolf's cock.

Frizz reached out with his paws and mouth and pulled down Gavin's shorts and diaper only using his teeth. He began licking in between Gavin's butt cheeks getting his tongue deep in the vamp's boy pussy.

Gavin was besides himself with lust. So he pulled his mouth off of Frizz cock and turned around to present his boy pussy to Frizz.

"Please breed me Frizz" "I want to know what it's like to be knotted by a wolf" "Then pump me full of your hot semen like my dog Zathur did to me"

"You know that this will make you my bitch don't you vamp boy"

"We will discuss that later" "Don't you dare bite me" "I've already been claimed"

Frizz lined up his wolf cock and rammed it all the way to the hilt in Gavin's boy hole. Rapidly fucking Gavin like a Jack hammer. Frizz knot grew quickly until it started banging against Gavin's boy hole.

Gavin's boy pussy slowly stretched wide enough to let Frizz's super size knot gain entrance into his new bitches boy Pussy.

Gavin let out a fairly loud scream as Frizz's knot locked them together. Gavin now had Frizz's knot and 12" cock deep inside of him.

The other wolves had returned just in time to see Frizz's knot disappear inside the vamp boys pussy.

Frizz came close several times to biting Gavin against his better judgement.

But it finally took Denver to stop him from biting me.

Frizz finally lifted his leg up and over Gavin's back, so they were now knotted butt to butt.

So much cum had been pumped into Gavin that he started leaking down his legs.

With one good tug, Frizz pulled his shrinking knot out of his new bitches boy pussy. The wolf known as Denver had transformed back into a boy and refastened Gavin's diaper to catch all of the wolfs cum as it dripped out. Now lying on the ground. One by one all of the wolves pissed on Gavin. He also swallowed piss from all of the wolves.

"Where do you hang out. I'll come and see you"

"Full moon night club in Blackcomb Heights" "Tell them that your a guest of Frizz"

After the wolves left. Gavin picked himself up off the ground and went deep into the woods. After traveling a couple of miles, Gavin couldn't go any further. An exhausted Gavin covered himself with a pile of leaves. Finally collapsing and went into a very deep sleep.

The shutters rose and instantly there was pandemonium all through the house. There were three bodies. One of the bodies was their three year cook, Deter.

The Prince was surprised that they found two more bodies in the foyer of their floor. It was in the room that leads to all the upstairs room's where the guardians and Prince slept.

What they couldn't figure out was who killed them.

Torus came through the front door.

"It's your Prince" "I've picked up his scent"

Leaving instructions for the bodies to be taken downstairs and for security to be doubled. Everyone else headed out the door in the direction of Gavin's scent.

Xavier found him first before everyone else arrived.

Prince Alexander picked up the comatose body of his Soul Mate, Gavin.

He couldn't understand this. In all scenarios Gavin should be DEAD.

This story is dedicated to my daddy, Robby. Love Gavin.

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Contact me at Knottedpup@yahoo.comAll flames and trolls will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 3

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