He Walked Into My Life

By knottedpup

Published on Jan 29, 2019


Chapter 1

I was walking down the street when I spotted this local boy sitting outside a cafe enjoying a late night snack.

With the street light illuminating on his table, I was able to see that he was very handsome and and had reddish blond hair that always makes my dick get hard. I just had to meet him.

I crossed the street and sat at a table opposite of where he was sitting.

The waiter whose introduced himself as Pierre, came over to my table and took my order. I told him to put the boys bill on my tab as well.

The boy looked to be about 16 years old. That would put him about 4 years younger than myself.

I hadn't been paying attention after I placed my order when I suddenly realized that he was standing right next to my table.

He startled me so much that I fall backwards in my chair landing hard on the concrete, hitting my head.

He quickly bent down to help me up.

Just as I blacked out I thought I saw a set of glowing eyes staring back at me.

I had no clue how long I was out for.

As I was waking up, I stretched my arms and felt the soft sheets that covered me. I realized that I was laying in a very soft bed. I had no clue where I was at.

Then I thought I heard something in my head.

I see you've finally awaken. You suffered a major head injury. I bought you back here to my Chateaux. You've been unconscious for three months

That can't be.

I'm afraid that it's all true.

I went to get up when I realized that I was only wearing a diaper.

Don't freak out about the diaper. I tried a catheter but your dick got infected.

So tell me why didn't you bring me to a hospital.

I was going to do that but a hospital wouldn't have been able to help you.

What do you mean not help me.

Well you see, it's really simple. You cracked your skull and I had to save you.

You only had a matter of minutes to live.

So your a doctor.

No, I'm not a doctor.

Then how could you have saved me.

Let's just say your a new person now.

I went through your wallet and found that your called Gavin.

Yes that's my name and what's yours.

I'm Robby Knight Alexander.

Here I got you something to eat.

I carried the tray over to where Gavin was sitting up in the bed.

Do you think I could get my clothes back.

That won't be possible as I had to throw them away. They were very bloody after everything you went through. I did go back to your hotel and collected all your belongings. They are in the drawers and closet. Your wallet and passport are in that drawer next to you.

Now you need some solid food but first drink this.

Robby handed me a drink that tasted good and I finished it quickly.

I then ate the very rare steak that he cooked for me. I ate all the vegetables. For dessert he had made me an Old English special Rum Pudding.

I'm glad that you enjoyed your meal. You may not eat like that again.

Can I take a shower and get clean up some.

Robby had to help me out of bed as I was still very weak. With his arm around my waist, he helped me into the bathroom. Now sitting on the toilet seat, Robby removed my very wet diaper. Robby also removed his clothes.

All I could do was stare at the handsome boy before me.

Robby, Knowing I was still to weak to wash my self, had given me that reason to explain why he undressed.

All I could managed was and inaudible grunt as an approval. My cock began to get hard as my face turned red from embarrassment.

Robby ensured me that it was nothing to get embarrassed about. As to prove his point he directed his eyes to his own raising and hardening cock.

Your very handsome Gavin and I look forward to getting to know you better and being long time friends and possibly more.

Oh shit, he wanted to be with me.

With the shower now at the perfect temperature. They both got in.

The shower had five spray heads coming from the four walls and ceiling.

After adjusting the spray, Robby began by washing Gavin's reddish blonde hair.

The two of them stood 5'6". Robby had more definition and muscle mass. He weighed about 148lbs compared to Gavin's slender build an 130lb frame. Gavin's bright blue eyes now had a slight red glow to them.

Rinsing out the shampoo, Robby soaped up Gavin's full body using a sudsy wash rag. He paid extra attention to Gavin's rock hard 6 1/2" x 2" cock. Slowly stroking it now. Gavin became even weaker in his knees.

Just as his legs gave out, Robby caught him in his arms and moved Gavin over to one of the two built in adjustable bench's within the shower.

Now down on his knees, Robby continued washing Gavin's slender legs and then his feet.

Unable to control himself any longer, Robby lifted both of Gavin's feet up to his mouth and he began licking and sucking on Gavin's toes and the bottom of his feet.

After spending five minutes on each foot, Robby lifted Gavin's legs up further and placed them on his shoulders as he lowered his face down between Gavin's butt cheeks. As Robby spread Gavin's cheeks further apart, Robby's tongue teased the anal entrance to Gavin's most secret place.

A low sounding moan escaped Gavin's lips as his toes curled up.

Robby redoubled his efforts by driving his tongue pass the tight entrance to Gavin's most inner self.

Feeling Robby tongue enter his anal canal caused Gavin to dig his heels into Robby's back.

This caused Robbys tongue to be pushed even further into the moaning and groaning Gavin.

Gavin extended his hands out and grabbed Robby's head pulling his face harder into his butt .

Robby took a finger from each hand and inserted them into Gavin's anus pulling his anal opening wide apart. This gave Robby better and deeper access to Gavin's very sensitive erroneous zone.

Slipping the two fingers along side his probing tongue, Robby found what he was feeling for.

Gavin suddenly cried out as Robby's fingers found his prostate. Rubbing it with both fingers and now extending his tongue to join his fingers. Gavin was experiencing a pleasure he had never imagined existed.

Robby knew that Gavin wasn't going to last much longer. So he removed his tongue but kept both fingers probing and rubbing Gavin's prostate.

Gavin was besides himself any agony and pleasure. When he felt the warmth and wetness of Robby wrapping have soft lips around his pulsing cock that was only minutes from erupting.

Robby having had many years of sucking cock. Took Gavin's entire length into his mouth and down his swallowing throat.

That was all Gavin could take. His hands now on pushing Robby's head into his cock as he thrusted his pelvis upwards into Robby's sucking mouth.

The flood gates opened as the powerful orgasm overtook Gavin's body and mind.

Convulsing as his body shook. His cock exploded pumping the first three shots straight down Robby's throat.

Feeling the cock expand as Gavin's cum went straight down his throat. Robby pulled back to catch the next three pulses in his mouth. He savored the sweetness of Gavin's cum. Before swallowing, Robby caught the four more pulses in his mouth before he pulled off.

It was to much for Gavin's brain to handle as sparks flashed brightly in his head.

Pulling up and off of Gavin's cock, Robby looked down at the passed out Gavin. After swirling Gavin's cum around in his mouth for a few seconds, Robby swallowed down another batch of Gavin's delicious tasting cum. Robby shut off the shower and dried off Gavin using a large soft towel. He then picked up Gavin and carried him back into the bedroom.

He put Gavin into a super thick and super absorbent tab style diaper.

Now all showered, powdered and diapered. Robby placed Gavin back into his bed.

After cleaning himself up. Robby went back into Gavin's room. Looking down on him, Robby knew that he had found his life partner.

The only question that remained, was would Gavin accept the choice he would receive the next time he awoke.


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I'm a young writer and feel that I'm getting better with each chapter that I write.

Next: Chapter 2

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