He-Man in the Labyrinth - celebrity

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Aug 29, 2024


He-Man in the Labyrinth Chapter 6: A Rescue Evan Andrews 2024

This is a fan fiction.

I was never the big Masters of the Universe fanboy. I was too old at the time it came out. (And face it, the cheap 2D animation wasn't that much of a turn on.) But given the staying power of the lead character in the collective imagination, I suppose I had to visit him in a story eventually.

I don't own the rights to Masters of the Universe or to He-Man. This is just a fantasy. But, this story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the character or any actor that has portrayed him.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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"Let me see if I've got this right," Thundarr the barbarian said. "You know where to find a guy who knows how to get to the Temple?"

"I said that we heard that he'd been to the Temple," He-Man corrected.

"And he left?" Zandor said. "That sounds improbable."

"I'm just telling you what we heard."

"What you heard," Blackstar said. "I think I want to hear some more about that..."

"Alright. Mini Muscle and I were hiding in the rocks..."


Actually, they were tucked behind one rather large rock—large because it had to hide He-Man's bulk as well as Mini Muscle--when they heard a passing guard patrol discussing their gang's newest captive.

(In the Ring of Ones, it was man on man. As you got further into the Labyrinth teams of horny men joined in couples (as He-Man knew), then thruples, and finally in gangs. These last tended to have retreats, lairs, and even strongholds where they made use of the men foolish enough to try to get through to the Temple alone, or in too small of groups.

"I never had a man throw himself at us like this one did, Herman" the first guard said. "At first I thought it had to be part of a cunning plan of some sort."

"Me too, Cornel. I kept looking for someone painted purple dancing on a harpsichord. As it turns out, though, we lucked out when we nabbed him, especially given what a hot slut he's turned out to be. I hope we keep him," Herman said

"Oh, we will. Marius said that little pig's been to the Temple—and not only been to but actually been in the Temple--he just won't talk about it. Powers on high, I hope we keep him—if only for the fun of fucking him into talking."

He-Man's eyes flashed, but Mini Muscle pressed a finger against the hero's lips.

`Shh,' the little stud silently mouthed.

"Fuck, dude," Cornel laughed, "How can he talk when we're constantly gang banging him? Hard to use your tongue when it's wrapped around a big dick."

"I guess so. It's not like you heard me complaining. It's Marius that's up in arms..."

And that said the guards passed out of earshot.


"And then you came rushing back to tell us all about this windfall?" Blackstar said.

"Of course not. First, I took my partner's advice."

"Which was?"

"My advice was that before we did anything we needed lots more information," Mini Muscle said, "So we followed the patrol back to their stronghold, and then we settled down to watch."

"And fuck," Thundarr ventured.

He-Man rolled his eyes. Of course he'd spent the time fucking his partner (and getting fucked in return) but that didn't mean he hadn't been paying attention.


"Wow," Mini Muscle whispered as his hand worked over the 7 ½ inches of dick he'd released from his loincloth, "Look at that slut go! Those guards weren't lying."

He-Man, whose own distended loincloth showed that the man-slut's antics were affecting him too, nodded.

"Yeah, he has to be the one they were talking about," the hero said.

The other three captives weren't being ignored, of course (they were too hot for that), but the line to use their asses was much shorter.

"Okay, we know where he is, and it doesn't look like he'll be leaving anytime soon. What next?"

"We keep watching," Mini Muscle said.

"Voyeur," He-Man said. "Okay, you watch, and I'll..." and the blond hero bent over and took his partner's shaft in his mouth.

"Uhhhhhhhh!" Mini Muscle groaned.

Keeping under cover, the dynamic duo discovered that Marius' motley crew followed a predictable schedule. Marius had come up with some way to mark the hours in the otherwise timeless Labyrinth. A dozen men were in the lair at any given period, some eating or taking advantage of the hot spring in a side grotto, and some making use of the captives. While they did that, another dozen patrolled the gang's territory—looking for incursions from other gangs or for easy prey to add to their fuck stable. The end of a watch period was heralded by a blast from a horn from the compound's watchtower.

"All very orderly," He-Man observed. "Marius must have been a soldier of some sort."

"Soldier, not general?" Mini Muscle said.

"Definitely soldier, he takes his turn going on patrol. What general does that?"

"Okay, so there'll be twelve in the stronghold in the middle of the watches," Mini Muscle said. "That's a lot of muscle to have to get past."

"And two dozen will be a lot to get away from."

"When, precisely, did you start being cautious?" Mini Muscle asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"I guess your nature's rubbed off on me."

"Rubbed off, did you say?" Mini Muscle shooting He-Man a come-hither look.

"You're insatiable."


"So it's like I said. Half the gang's on patrol duty at any given time," He-Man said. "And the ones that stay behind drop their guard..."

"Seriously drop their guard," Mini Muscle agreed. "When they're not on patrol, most spend their time fucking their captives. Yeshova, they're so secure they don't even post guards."

"So, enough men could hit the compound, grab the Temple Slut, and be gone before the gang even knew what was happening," He-Man said.

"And then it's off to the Temple," Mini Muscle finished.

The audience—Thundarr, massive and blond; Zandor, with his mane of copper hair; dark alluring Blackstar; built ,hung, and tattooed Rafiki; and He-Man's old fuckbuddy Gabriel.

"I count five," Rafiki said looking up and down the line. "Much fewer than twelve."

Rafiki was another thinker, like Mini Muscle, but He-Man got a vibe similar to the Prophet's when he looked at the stud with that orange loincloth bright against his tattooed black skin. For a moment the hero wondered if Rafiki could see the future—and, if so, if he was.

"Seven, when you count in Mini Muscle and me," the hero corrected.

"Seven men, then. Against twelve. Have you planned for what happens if we fail? Have you considered that if any of us are caught our asses'll be taking up residence alongside the Temple Slut in the gang's muscle fuck harem?"

"Do you have a better plan for how to get to the Temple? I mean, we all want to get there, but if you're not willing to fight—"

"Fuck, He-Man," Thundarr reminded him. "We don't fight here in the Labyrinth. Remember?"

"Maybe being overpowered before being fucked all those times when I arrived got me confused," He-Man said. "We'll just have to fuck our way through."

Gabriel, leering at the bulge in He-Man's loincloth, said, "I guess it's worth a try."

"Of course it is," Rafiki said after a moment's silence. "No, consider this. All the men exiled to the Labyrinth quickly fall under its spell and are consumed by a `Fuck or be fucked' agenda, right?"

He-Man's potential crew nodded, and the little shaman rubbed at the full and getting fuller pouch of his own loincloth, "At the same time we're all desperate to get to the Temple, too. Again, am I right?"

The crew nodded again.

"So if we do something outside of that, then we'll have surprise working for us. And men in the fuck or be fucked Labyrinth, when they're overpowered assume the submissive role. Right?"

The crew considered that for a moment, but Mini Muscle pushed the conversation forward.


"The only problem is how many of the dozen left in the stronghold can we overpower."

"Twelve men is nothing," Thundarr said. "I'll take half on the left and let you all deal with the others."

"Don't forget about the twelve others out on patrol," Mini Muscle cautioned. "The timing on this has to be spot on."

"Pah!" Blackstar grinned. "As Thundarr says, a dozen men is nothing—timing or no timing!"

"Then why are you—why are you mighty fuckers all still lingering in the Ring of Ones?" Gabriel asked archly.

"Why, you little..." Thundarr started, but He-Man stepped in and took control of the meeting back.

"It's a fair question, fellow warriors," the blond hero soothed. "I spent I don't know how long trying to get across just the Ring of Twos, and I kept paying for my arrogance with my ass. Then I took the Prophet's advice and took a partner. Together, we've managed to cross the Rings of Twos and of Threes, and we only turned back from the Ring of Manies when we stumbled over this opportunity. With a crew this size, we can go even further. Rescue the Prisoner, who let me remind you, has been to the Temple! (And it sounded like he might have done it alone!) Our compulsions aside, remember that the Temple houses the Stone of Return."

"First I've heard of a Stone of Return," Thundarr said.

Mini Muscle spoke up again.

"In the Temple your need and desire to fuck goes into overdrive," the little guy said. "The place is full of men trying to resist the urge to fuck everything in sight in order to get to the true center of the Labyrinth."

"The Stone?" Zandor said.

"The Stone," Mini Muscle agreed.

"What's so important about some stone?"

"Well, if a man stands on top of the Stone of Return and shoots his wad, then, poof, he disappears in a flash. Some have proposed that it acts like the reverse of how we all got here."

"Gone," He-Man said. "Returned. Think about that, brothers. Working together, we CAN get to the Stone and escape this fucking fuck prison (as someone recently described the Labyrinth)."

"Gone," Rafiki said thoughtfully.

"Home," Zandor said dreamily. "Home to my family. Count me in."

"Home to my dream!" Thundarr said. "I'm with you."

"Home to my destiny," Blackstar said. "I, too, will brave these trials."

"What about you two?" He-Man said to Rafiki and Gabriel.

"I'd follow your dick anywhere," Gabriel said.

(He-Man had been concerned that Mini Muscle might be jealous of his old pig bottom fuck buddy, but happily the little stud had taken the relationship in stride.)

"I'm game, too," Rafiki said.

"So, seven," He-Man said, and he raised an eyebrow at Mini Muscle. "We have a story in Eternia about a band of Seven sworn brothers who brought down a mighty city."

"Seven," Mini Muscle said, calculating for all he was worth, "I suppose we might—I say might—just pull this off. I'm with you."

But He-Man could tell his little buddy still had qualms about the plan. The rescue, and the assault on the Temple, and the trial of the Stone.


If it had been hard to sneak two men through the rings, it proved harder still to sneak seven (especially when half of them were burly studs) through the rings unseen. They got noticed a few times, but after the team had overpowered a selection of legendary fucklords and their crews, people started avoided THEM. The plan worked as well as it did because He-Man's raiders made sure they let men they fucked know that the team's ultimate goal was getting into the Temple, and that they never mentioned Temple Slut.

Now they lay in hiding overlooking Marius' compound, again watching the Temple Slut in action.

"Does he ever stop getting fucked?" Zandor asked as he unabashedly jerked off.

"Yeah, when they cum on his face," Blackstar said.

"Which happens pretty often, if I'm any judge," Thundarr snickered.

He-Man shot a glance at Mini Muscle, remembering the first time he'd painted the hot little stud's face with his Eternian seed. His buddy had worn the white ropes of sperm well, and they'd had a hell of a good time licking each other's bodies clean afterwards.

Gabriel and Rafiki said nothing, but He-Man saw they too had their hard dicks out and were stroking them.

"Keep watching," He-Man said. "We'll only have one chance to pull this off, and we need to be aware of all their potential weaknesses."

Then as the brigands flipped their pig fuckslave onto his stomach again, and a fat black cock rammed into his cunt, He-Man worked his own piece out and let his fingers pleasure himself.


"So," Mini Muscle said, "After all that time watching..."

"And jerking off," Zandor said with a grin.

"And jerking off," Mini Muscle agreed. "After all that, you tell me our best plan is "Get `em!""

"FIDO," Rafiki said.

"Say what?" Blackstar said.

"FIDO. It stands for "Fuck it, drive on,"" Rafiki explained. "Sometimes the best plan is the most straightforward. Hit `em; hit 'em hard; and keep going."

"Exactly," He-Man said. "We pounce, we nab, and we get the hell out."

"What if we lose somebody?" Mini Muscle said, and frowning faces turned towards him. "No, really. We have to consider the possibility."

He-Man looked at Gabriel who, he knew (and who knew it better), was maybe as big an ass-whore as their target.

Thundarr, imperiously, said, "Then we lose him. FIDO!"

He-Man was beginning to be sorry Rafiki had taught the barbarian that phrase, but he took control again and said, "We won't lose anyone."

And nobody on the team gainsaid him.


He-Man's crew waited for what they'd decided was the perfect time to pounce. About an hour (counted by heartbeats) after the new patrol went out. Before that, Mini Muscle would lead half the crew to the cliffs above the hot springs grotto, while the other half waited for the sign. When that came, Mini Muscle would send an avalanche of rocks down to seal the grotto and the others would descend on those bandits busy screwing the captive pigs in their open air fuckateria. (They even had names for the brigands' captives now: Temple Slut was called Porc, and with him were the ginger Roan, almond-eyed Hiro, and dark skinned, dark haired Tizio.)

As they waited for Mini Muscle's signal, He-Man's squad (Thundarr, Zandor, and Blackstar) watched. Porc was at all times the center of attention. He was currently parked on two ass-piercing cocks while two others teased his insatiable mouth, taking turns filling it. Roan was getting bred like a bitch by a fat black dick, and Tizio lay on his back, legs spread, covered (and drilled) by a blond sea raider. On the sidelines Hiro stoically waited his turn to get fucked again.

The signal came. Mini Muscle and his team of Gabriel and Rafiki sent the boulders from the cliff over the grotto crashing down, and which time He-Man and his muscle squad charged.

He-Man grabbed the blond raider (then screwing Tizio) around the throat and pulled him off and his fucking cock out of the black stud's cunt. The hero squeezed until the raider's eyes rolled up and then tossed him aside to land in a senseless pile on the ground. He then with a single fluid motion snatched the naked boy up to a sitting position.

"Whah...?" Tizio said.

"Hush," He-Man ordered. "It's a rescue."

Tizio looked confused, but he kept his mouth shut.

Zandor finished knocking out the black stud who had been breeding the ginger, Roan.

Thundarr and Blackstar, on the other hand, had gone straight for Porc. Rights to the jaw took down the two facefucking studs. Then the avenging pair fell on the two brigands fucking Porc's man-pussy.

"Hold them," Thundarr told the professional pig, and Porc clenched his ass around the gang bangers' meat while the unknown men in furry loincloths finished them off.

"My cock!" one of the brigands managed to cry out before Thundarr got down to business.

Fists flew, blood spattered, and in short order, the cunt-trapped men slid into unconsciousness.

Porc looked up, took in his rescuers' bulging loincloths and said, "Is it your turn to fuck me?"

"Dammit, Porc," Thundarr roared, "We've come to get you out of here!"

He scooped the cum covered prisoner up into a brides hold and started for the stronghold gates.

Blackstar, keeping up with the barbarian, had the presence of mind to tell Porc," We'll fuck you in our own good time, little pig."

Porc smiled dreamily, "Fucked..."

Meanwhile the rest of the crew was covering the retreat.

"Muscle?" He-Man called up the cliff.

"The ones in the cave are all cooped up," his buddy called back.

"Okay, then we're outta here! Meet us at the rendezvous."

He-Man and Zandor pulled the other three captives to their feet.

"You can either stay here and go back to being this gang's pussy boys, or you can come with us," He-Man said.

"We're heading for the Temple," Zandor said. "The Temple and home!"

As their muscular deliverers ran away, the three captives followed as best they could, stumbling on unsteady legs.


"What have you done?!" Porc demanded when they got to the rendezvous.

"We rescued you," He-Man said. This was not the response he'd expected.


"Right," Thundarr said. "We're going to the Temple, and you're going to show us the way and how to get in."

"You do want to go to the Temple, don't you?" Mini Muscle said cautiously.

At the mention of the Temple, Porc suddenly shuddered and unexpectedly blew his load without being touched.

"Oh fuck, yeah. The Temple. Let's go. Now!" Porc moaned as the dregs of his orgasm ran down his cock. "I need fucked. Really fucked!

"We'll fuck you whenever you need it," Blackstar said, ever the gentleman.

"It won't be like being fucked in the Temple," Porc said, and a dreamy look came into his eyes.

"Then let's move out," He-Man said. "Muscle, can you confuse our trail?"

"Like a pro, partner. I'll make sure you get to the fucking Temple."

`And I hope you can handle it,' he prayed.


For Thundarr, Zandor, and Blackstar, just google them up. Gabriel, you've already been introduced to. Rafiki is based on wrestler, Lio Rush. Porc is based on gay porn star Jeff Palmer. His fellow fuckslaves are AI images I pulled off the web.

Next: Chapter 7

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