He Knew All About Me

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 15, 2020



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He Knew All About Me

I had been working at the desk adjacent to his since I was hired by our firm seven months previously. When we were first introduced, Adam was very cordial, and he let me know that he had been with the firm for about a year. After that, we hardly spoke to each other. I'd say his age was about twenty-five to my twenty-three.

Every so often, we had a cup of coffee together at break time, but that was it. If anyone were to ask me about him, I'd be unable to tell them anything. That never bothered me. I didn't think we could ever be friends. Besides, I had a slew of buddies, and I didn't need him.

I'm gay, so maybe I have a woman's intuition. About a month after I joined the firm, I began to have a nagging feeling that I was being followed. The feeling wasn't constant, but it was pretty regular. I had the sense of being observed at odd times; when I was driving home, when I went to visit my widowed mother, when I went to the gym to work out, and especially, when I drove to my favorite gay bar to socialize with my friends on Friday and/or Saturday nights. Once I reached my destination, the feeling of being followed, left me. It was as if the follower didn't want to be where I was, or he didn't want to intrude on my privacy. I began to believe that I was suffering from paranoia.

Late in the morning, one Monday, Adam asked me what I was doing for lunch. I was very surprised.

"I usually go around the corner to Dunkin' Donuts for a cup of coffee with a muffin or a donut. I have my big meal in the evening," I explained.

"Would you mind if I join you today, Jamie?" he asked, very timidly. It sounded more like a plea than a question, so I got the feeling that the guy might be very lonely, and overly shy. What could I say?

"Sure," I answered him.

Our `luncheon' together was an eye-opener. I got surprise after surprise. The biggest surprise was that Adam did most of the talking.

"I'm not seeing anyone right now," he began. "I've always been on the timid side, and I don't have many friends. I hardly ever go out after work," he lamented.

That confirmed my hunch that he was very shy. The guy was obviously reaching out to me to be his friend. I had to let him know a few things, so he wouldn't expect that we would become bosom buddies.

I trusted in his discretion, so I said, "Adam, I'm gay, but I'm in the closet at work, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't out me. I'd love to have a drink with you some evening, but I only go to gay bars."

I left it at that to get his reaction. He grinned at me, and I realized that he had a winning smile.

"Sure, I knew you were gay," he said. "Up to now, the few dates I've had, have been with women, but I wouldn't mind having a drink with you and your friends at a gay bar. Would you mind if I went with you this Friday or Saturday night to The Hot Spot in The Village? That's your favorite watering hole, isn't it?"

I almost choked on my donut. Adam knew I was gay, even though I was in the closet at work. Stranger yet, he knew which gay bar was my favorite, and what nights I went there. My first impulse was to ask him how he knew all that, but I kept my mouth shut. Maybe the feeling I had of being followed was real. What if Adam had been following me for a while now? I needed time to think. I was too disturbed to give him an immediate answer.

"Tell you what," I said. "I'll check with some of my friends tonight, and find out what their plans are for the weekend. I'll let you know tomorrow if you can join us."

"Thanks," he said. "If not this weekend, maybe I can join you and your friends another time. I'd really appreciate it."

As angry as I was at the thought that Adam may have been spying on me, he seemed so lonely and so pitiful to me that my heart went out to him.

I was compelled to say, "Sure, that's no problem."

The next morning, without consulting any of my buddies, I told Adam that I was going to The Hot Spot Friday evening right after work. "I'll probably have a couple of beers at the bar, and then have dinner there. After dinner, I'll hang around a little more, socializing with my friends. Would you like to join me? We'll leave right from the office."

Adam's face lit up like the neon lights on Broadway.

"We both come to work by subway," he said. "How will we get there?"

How did he know that I came to work on the subway? I could have come by bus, taxi, Uber, or my own transportation. Once again, I was disturbed that he knew something about me that we had never discussed. I got myself together and answered him.

"The same way. We'll come and go by subway."

Adam was very different the rest of the work week. He made every attempt to be friendly and engage me in conversation. He went to lunch with me every day. As the week went on, he became more and more excited about going out with me Friday evening. His excitement was rubbing off on me. Also, during that week, I had an epiphany.

First off, I realized that Adam was a really nice guy, and he wasn't bad looking. I began to look forward to having lunch with him every day. Then I completely forget that I had accused him (in my mind) of following me around. Finally, I began to think of Friday night as having a date with him, and I looked forward to it just as much as he did. How strange is that?

After dinner, Friday evening, I took Adam to the piano bar and introduced him to some of my friends as my co-worker. Adam surprised me again. He was very witty, a great raconteur, and my friends loved him. More than one of them made him promise to come back the following week, and he told them that he would. My friend Danny whispered in my ear, "Adam's a great guy, Jamie, but more than that, he's a great catch."

"Oh, no," I said. "He's straight."

Danny laughed. "He's as bent as a corkscrew, and he has serious hots for you. My God, man. It's so obvious."

It wasn't obvious to me, and my brain was further rattled trying to figure him out. I determined to have a blunt conversation with him at lunch on Monday.

Whether Adam planned it, or it was an accident, but by the end of the evening he was stinking drunk. Danny actually volunteered to take him home with him.

"No," I said. "I'll take him home with me. He's my responsibility."

I completely forgot that I had no sofa, only a love seat, and only one queen- sized bed.

I sprung for UBER, and the driver and I had to carry Adam into my apartment. We laid him on my bed, and the driver took off after I gave him an extra tip. I couldn't let him sleep in his clothes, so I undressed him to his boxers. Wow! I had no idea what a hunk he was. He must certainly work out a lot. I was shocked to find myself hard and fully aroused, but I would never take advantage of a drunken, sleeping man.

I moved him to one side of my bed and covered him with the top sheet. I went into the bathroom to piss out all the booze I had drunk. When I got back to the bedroom I started to undress. I got as far as my jockey shorts and stopped. I usually slept nude, but I didn't think that would be wise under the circumstances.

As I was climbing into bed, I heard Adam mumble, "I need to pee. I need to pee badly."

What could I do? I helped him get out of bed. He leaned on me all the way to the bathroom. I sat him on the commode. I reasoned that he would be better off peeing sitting down, and not risk falling and hurting himself. Also, by sitting down I was sure he wouldn't piss all over the floor.

I pulled his boxers down and gawked. Adam's cut cock was humongous. It was flaccid at the moment and at least five inches long. That was impressive enough, but he had the fattest rod I had ever seen. I pictured that thing entering me, and I shivered. Even so, I wanted to have him inside me badly. I tried to rid myself of that thought. He had made it clear that he only dated women, so he must be straight.

When he was through peeing, I tried to pull up his boxers. He fought me and kicked off his underwear. I could care less. I just wanted to go to sleep. I got him back into the bed with much difficulty. As soon as he hit the pillow, he was fast asleep. I shut the lights, but before I joined him, I made a decision. I took off my briefs. I fell asleep as fast as he did.

When we went to sleep, we were lying a good foot apart, but when I woke up about three in the morning, I was shocked. Adam had his head on my chest and his arm around my waist. His fat cock was erect and pressing hard against my thigh. I desperately needed to pee again, and against my better judgment, I would have to disturb him.

I pulled myself away from him, and he rolled over. I ran to the bathroom, did my thing, and got right back into bed. As soon as I did, he rolled over again and resumed the position he was in when I awoke. However, there was a difference. His arm did not encircle my waist. It was way down across my hips, and dangerously close to my cock.

I was on my back, and by instinct I rolled over, facing him. My cock fell right into the palm of his hand. He did nothing. He just held it.

Suddenly he began to cry and he whispered in my ear, "I love you Jamie. I've loved you since the moment we met." He continued to cry.

"I know you do," I whispered back. "Let's get a good night's sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning." My gay instinct kicked in again, and I encircled him with my whole body.

In spite of the millions of things going through my mind (and his too, I imagine), we both fell sound asleep. When we woke up, it was mid-morning, and we were at opposite ends of the bed.

Adam jumped up, and headed straight to the bathroom. When he got out, he was wearing his boxers.

"How'd these get in the bathroom?" he asked?

"Don't you remember?"

"I don't remember anything after my fourth scotch and soda at the bar. How'd we get to your apartment?"

Now I got disturbed again. How did he know that this was my apartment? It could be my mother's or a friend's. I wondered if he remembered his confession of love. Even if he didn't, I now knew how he felt. What I didn't know is how I felt about it.

"Let's get dressed," I said. "I'll make us breakfast, and then we'll have a long talk."

"Would you have an extra toothbrush?" he asked

I always kept a supply for tricks who slept over, and I gave him one. We both took care of our morning things, and after we were dressed, I sat him at the kitchen table while I proceeded to make breakfast.

Adam avoided looking at me. Finally, he mumbled, "I'm so sorry for all the trouble I'm causing you."

"No need to apologize. Who hasn't tied one on once in a while?"

I served us orange juice, and made scrambled eggs, toast and coffee. We didn't talk at all.

When we were done, he said, "Thanks. That was delicious."

I was done with the silence and the small talk. I needed to clear the air. I took hold of his hand and asked bluntly, "Adam have you been following me around?"

He gasped. "How did you know?" he asked. "Please," he whined. "Let me explain."

"Go right ahead. I'm all ears."

"I always considered myself to be straight," he began, "but when we met, emotions awakened in me that were foreign to me. I realized after a few days that I was lusting to have sex with you. I finally accepted that I was gay. I guess I had been afraid to face it until then. No wonder I always had trouble with women, and I'm still a virgin."

Adam paused to gather his thoughts, and I held his hand tighter. That encouraged him to go on.

"It also became obvious to me that we weren't going to become buddies at work, so I began to follow you around, secretly, of course. I thought that if I learned your habits, I could somehow insinuate myself into your life.

"Can you imagine how dumbstruck I was when I followed you to The Hot Spot, and I realized that you were gay, and what hope that gave me? I thought of walking into The Hot Spot one evening. I'd pretend to meet you accidently, but I was too chicken to go into a gay bar alone. I worked hard to wrangle an invitation out of you."

He paused again as if he didn't have much more to say. We were both very quiet, each of us lost in his own thoughts. Finally, he asked, "Have you nothing to say? You can at least ask me to get out of your apartment."

"Not before I have my say," I said. "Now you listen to me. It's time you broke out of that prison you've built around you. I don't know how you can be so blind, but don't you see what a wonderful person you are? If you let people in, they'll love you. Last night, my friends thought you were a great guy. One of them thought that we were on a real date, and he urged me not to let you get away."

"Really?" he whispered.

"Let me continue. "You're also very magical. You worked your magic on me, and in this past week, I fell in love with you. I finally realized it when we were in bed together; naked I might add. If you weren't drunk, I would have taken advantage of you."

Adam began to sob. His cheeks were very wet. He screamed out. "Help me, Jamie. I'm a virgin, and I don't want to be one anymore. Please be my first. I love you. I swear."

I jumped up, and pulled him out of his chair. I grabbed him in a bear hug and placed my lips on his. It took him a moment to understand that I intended for us to tongue each other, but he caught on fast.

I whispered in his ear, "It's too bad we got dressed. I think we should take our clothes off and head for my shower. Your whole-body smells of booze."

He smiled at me, and I led him into my bathroom.

Adam seemed to be in a stupor, and I had to support him while I adjusted the water temperature in the shower. When we finally jumped under the cascading water, Adam asked. "Can I hold your cock? Mine is the only one I've ever held, and I want to feel someone else's. I'm cut, so it's a bonus that yours is uncut."

"You can hold it, and you can also soap up my whole body. Here, I'll show you what to do."

I took a bar of soap and started to bathe my new love, actually, he was my first love. I soaped his massive erect cock, which had reached eight inches. Then I did the same to his balls, and the crack of his ass. The poor guy was whimpering. I washed the soap off, and gave a few tentative strokes to his cock. Then I turned him around, fell to my knees and began to rim him. By now he was sobbing like a newborn infant. I guess, in a sense, he was newborn.

"Please," he said through his sobs, "let me do that to you."

I'm an old softy, so I let him. I wanted us to proceed making love in my bed, so I rinsed us off, and shut the taps. I dried him and he dried me.

When we fell on my bed, we wrapped up in each other's arms. "I'm going to suck your cock, and before you cum, I want to fuck you," I said.

Adam was quiet so I started to work my way down his body. I kissed him for a while, and then I put my tongue in his ear. I sucked his ear, and I heard Adam whimpering. I went farther down his body to his nipples. Now he began to make little screeching sounds. I knew that the eroticism was working. Finally, I reached his pubes, but I by-passed his cock. I kissed him up and down the inside of his thighs and legs, and zeroed in on his toes. I took each one into my mouth. When I was done with that, I rolled him over. I began to kiss his southern cheeks, and now I began to rim him in earnest. I tried to enter his ass with the tip of my tongue. His moaning became unbearable, so I rolled him over and began to suck his cock, at least, what part of it I could get into me.

When his balls began to shrink, I jumped out of bed and got a tube of KY Jelly out of my bedside table. I was glad it was a full tube. I knew I would use lots of it. I reached three gooey fingers in his ass. When I felt he was stretched enough, and he was somewhat relaxed, and his moans of pleasure began anew, I withdrew my fingers. I placed a pillow under his ass, raised his legs to my shoulders and entered him bareback. He only flinched once. When I was all the way in, I leaned over him, and we kissed. I held perfectly still, letting him enjoy the moment, which clearly, he was. He was purring softly.

"How does it feel not to be a virgin anymore?" I asked.

He couldn't talk so he just smiled and kissed me. Finally, I began to stroke. He picked up the rhythm quickly enough, and my love starved bed-partner came before I did. His jism squished between us. He contracted his ass with each spurt, and I couldn't hold back. I exploded violently up his ass. We held each other tightly, even after I fell out.

My mind and my body were boggled. I realized that I had just made love, real love, not just had sex like some school boy. With that epiphany came racks of sobbing. This time, it came from me. We lay fused together for what seemed like hours. Finally, I asked, "Do you think you could fuck me now?"

Without answering, he pushed me off him. We switched positions, and he expertly repeated everything I had done to him. He whispered in my ear that my cock tasted like an all-day sucker, and someday, he'd like to suck me all day indeed. It took a lot more goo and a lot of instructions from me, but finally his cock was fully into me.

"Fuck me hard," I yelled at him. "Don't be a wuss." Adam did fuck me hard and with purpose. He cried the whole time and kept telling me how happy I had made him.

Adam was a changed man after that day. He became the happiest, most affable man in the office. Everybody liked him. I actually existed in his shadow. My friends became his friends. They loved him and kept telling me how lucky we were to have found each other.

When our leases were up, we moved into a larger apartment together. With two incomes we could well afford it now.

I don't know if I can ever forgive him for secretly following me around all those months, but I was glad he did, or I would never have known true love.

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