He Hollered but Camron Didnt Pay

By User

Published on Feb 17, 2014


He Hollered but Camron Didn't Pay Chapter 10 By Master Jonah

Remember, although Nifty is a free site, it's not free to operate. If you enjoy the stories that they post for your reading pleasure, you need to send them some money to keep the site operational, immediately after you send your fag tax (for faggots) or contribution (for all others) to my pay pal account: gunn012345@aol.com.

I continue to get readers writing to me with suggestions regarding what they would like to see in the story or how the story line should go. I remind you all that this is a true story. The story line has already happened. I am just recalling it here, both as a way to provide entertainment to you masters (and some ideas as well) and as a vehicle for you faggots to show your appreciation to a strong alpha dominant male (via pay pal of course).

Additionally, people are asking that I send them the inside info regarding the parallel story of what happens to Cam along the way. This part of the story will ONLY be released to contributors, so stop asking unless you have made a contribution.

It's been months since my last story and several of you have continued to ask me to continue. I stopped really because the contributions in the form of fag tax, were dwindling. If you're serious about me continuing, you must send in a contribution. The normal contribution has been $25 to $50 per story?..

Well my last story ended when we were dropping terry off at camp and I had just gotten his camp counselor to suck my cock. The guys name was kyle. He had given me a nice blowjob, so I know it wasn't his first experience. And now I was torn between having kyle be used by terry, or terry used by kyle. Such a dilemma.

Anyway, we all go back to the dining hall to meet up with our parents. The lunch was burgers, potato salad, and chips. It was good, but would have been much better with a cold beer. They served what they called 'bug juice'. Kind of like a fruit punch thing. At least it was ice cold. I had a couple burgers with chips and the salad. We were only each supposed to get one, but when I went back to get my second, the counselor behind the line just looked at me, gave me an extra burger, and said nothing. How did all these guys know that I was THAT Alpha? Was it my look? My attitude? Who knows, but it was working for me.

I spotted another counselor, about my age, maybe a year older, who seemed to have the same cocky attitude as I did. We exchanged nods, and each kinda just looked at the groups that were with us. He had a family with him eating lunch as well. After a minute or so, he came over and said hi to me. He introduced himself as Mike. He asked if I was also working at the camp, and I told him no, I was just here with my family to drop off my younger brother. He told me too bad, as there were two new hot chicks that had been hired and he was looking for a wingman, so he could nail one of them.

This guy was a stud like me. I could just tell by the way he carried himself, and spoke. I told him that I probably wouldn't be able to shake my parents long enough to get laid, but wished him good luck. He assured me that no luck was needed and that he would get to fuck them both during the camping season. Then it struck me. If he were a stud like me, he would need constant servicing throughout the summer. More than just those two cunts could provide.

I moved away from the table where my parents were sitting, nodding to him to move over with me. I said, "dude I understand where you're coming from. I've used almost every pussy in my school. But sometimes when pussy is not around I use an alternate method". He kinda looked at me funny not really knowing where this conversation was going. So I waited just a moment and told him I was going to let him in on a secret that would be most beneficial for him for the rest of camp.

I told Mike that my little brother was a faggot and that I had been using his mouth to get off for a couple of years. He looked at me, then over to terry, then back at me. All of a sudden he had this big smile on his face. He said, "really? Your brother sucks cock?" I said, not only does he suck cock, he's VERY good at it too. So he says to me, "woe this is great. I had to leave my cousin at home. He's been sucking my cock for over a month. Not very good, but he tries. I use him when my bitch is on the rag, or she doesn't put out. I say, that's not the best. I also just got a blowjob from that fag kyle, the counselor that is sitting with my parents. His eyes got wide and he says, "no way". I assured him that kyle was indeed a fagboy, and had swallowed every drop of my load.

I said to him, look, you can use both of these faggots for your pleasure, but as you do, you make them write it down and send me a letter telling me what happened. I want to know how you are using these two faggots and what kinds of shit you make them do. And I want DETAILS. I asked him if he had any other experience with cocksuckers other than his cousin. He said no. He had just found out how good a faggots mouth can be when his cousin started blowing him while he was asleep a few months ago while he was sleeping over his house.

I decide not to tell him about fag gifford, or barry. I figure its best to let him explore and find out for himself. Besides not every guy that wants/gets a blowjob from a fag is an Alpha dominant guy. He might just want to get his dick sucked once in awhile. But that remains to be seen. And these two faggots will report back to me everything that goes on between them; Mike will make sure of that.

My parents were cleaning off the table with kyle and I knew that it was time to get going. I wished Mike the best of luck. I reminded him that it was important that he make both of the fags document everything that happened, and send me a letter with details. I walked over to my brother and introduced him to Mike. As they shook hands I whispered into terries ear that Mike was going to use him while he was here at camp and to make sure he did everything that Mike told him to do. Then I went over to kyle. kyle already knew Mike I assume, so I just whispered into his ear that Mike knew he was a faggot and had sucked the cum out from my cock, and that if he didn't do exactly as Mike told him to do, I was going to report him to the head counselor. The look on the poor faggots face was pure joy. He was turning as red as an apple. He was so embarrassed he couldn't even speak. Eventually he nodded and walked with my parents to deposit the garbage into the receptacle. He picked up my garbage from the table, like a good boy, and threw it away with his.

I wished Mike a great summer, and terry as well. My parents and I then departed the mess hall, walked to our car and drove home.

I couldn't wait for that first letter from camp. I was secretly hoping Mike would develop into an Alpha male, but wanted to hear the stories in any event.

Remember, there are TWO story lines going here. The second story line has to do with what happens between cam and Me. That story is private and gets sent to fag tax contributors of over $25.

The rest of you should not only be contributing your fag taxes to me, but also to Nifty as well. Just save the sob story, and send in the fucking money


Next: Chapter 11

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