He Had to Find Out

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Aug 21, 2008


When they reached the huge hot tub, a group of six girls, all roughly in their age bracket, began whooping and raising their arms to welcome them. "What took you so long?" one of them yelled. "We have a game we want to play with you. Hop in the tub, quick!"

Casey and John approached the hot tub at opposite sides, and both stood at the edge wondering what to do next. Casey envied the hard-on that was slowly growing between John's legs. His own member was getting frightfully limp. Here I am finally with a group of girls my own age and my dick pretends to be exhausted, he complained to himself.

"Hop in, sillies!" one of the girls urged. "We won't bite you -- at least not viciously," she added coyly. The boys climbed in and were about to sit down when everyone else stood up.

"Here's the game," announced another girl. "First we take a good look at each other now, and see who's horny and who isn't. Then we all sit back down and see what we can do to change that. Then every few minutes we all stand up again and take a look at what we have done. So take a good look at those dicks and titties, then everyone sit down."

Most of the girls squealed or giggled at the instructions. Casey went a little pale. John just stood and smiled, his dick pointing straight out, already anticipating the game. The girl next to Casey sat down first and everybody followed. Feeling safer half submerged in the hot bubbling water, Casey looked around to see what would happen next.

Slowly and subtly, everyone started to shift position. Casey felt a hand on his thigh, and a head on his left shoulder. He countered by groping the crotch of the girl to his right, and leaning his head against his neighbor to the left. John found girls on both sides of him going after his nipples, one with her fingers and the other with her tongue. Everyone found something they could do for the person next to them. And several slumped down and used their toes to stimulate someone else across the tub.

After about five minutes of playing and groping, someone called for everyone to stand again. Casey had never understood before how hard a nipple could get, and he was astonished to see so many pairs of tight, aroused girl nipples. His dick made it to half mast, so he was proud not to have been a total failure at the game. John's member was flying even higher than before, climbing up towards his stomach. The girls clapped and cheered. Then they all sat down and started again.

Fearing the worst embarrassment of all, Casey tried to get in the mood and let his penis go really hard, but every time he looked at the girls it would start to wane again. For a while he imagined being with his `dish lady', and for about a minute he surprised his neighbors by poking his fully erect penis up through the bubbling water. But by the time the second call came to stand, he had shrunk again to ultra flaccid. Casey blushed as he felt everyone focusing on his disinterested crotch. The game continued.

Casey was just about certain he would have to die in the tub to escape the humiliation that was sure to follow. Then he spotted Michael nearby next to the swimming pool, and waved him over to join them. Michael's face lit up and he hopped over to the hot tub eagerly. Casey motioned for him to slip in to his left. He leaned over and whispered in Michael's ear, "Help me out here, they're trying to make us hard and it's not working!"

Michael smiled again and replied, "No problem!" Then Casey felt Michael's hand groping him under the bubbles. Michael grabbed Casey's left hand and placed it on Michael's own growing erection. Casey visibly relaxed, and felt his heart speed up as he eagerly explored Michael's dick and balls. Within a minute his own cock was rock hard, and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat

When the call to stand up came, he rose proudly and made sure everyone saw his dick standing at full attention. Everyone clapped and cheered. Casey got embarrassed again and blushed deeply. At least I didn't die of humiliation, he thought to himself. He did enjoy looking around the circle, but found once again that what caught his attention the most was Michael's cock. Michael's didn't change much in length from its flaccid state, but it rose at a higher angle than Casey had ever seen, and the girls all seemed to like it a lot, judging by all their screaming and pointing.

The happy group was about halfway through the next round when one of the adults approached them and told them it was time to quit and let the adults have a turn at the hot tub. There were a few groans but everyone shifted gears pretty quickly. The girls decided they would all go to bed in the same campsite together, and once their plan was set they virtually ignored the boys. John and Casey decided to call it a night while their dignity remained intact, and Michael went his own way, back to the swimming pool.

Casey and his friend walked slowly in the darkness back to their campsite. The cooler late evening air was still mild enough that he didn't feel chilly without clothes. They walked in silence most of the way, until John asked Casey again whether he was finding out what he wanted yet.

"I am actually finding out far more than I wanted, and far less than I asked for," began Casey hesitantly. "I found out that I am turned on by young girls like your sister. I found out that I am turned on by older women. And I am turned on by you and Michael. But so far being with girls my own age has been nothing but a turn off sexually, though I enjoy their company."

"So what's next?" asked John.

"Well, I am not really sure," responded Casey. "Much as I would like to fool around with you tonight, I don't think I really need more sex, I am so confused about it." Casey could sense John's disappointment in the silence that followed. Perhaps that will cool him off a bit, he thought.

Once they reached the tent and snuggled in together for the night, Casey could feel John's disappointment shifting to a kind of happy calm. He didn't resist when John wrapped his arms around him and spooned him from behind. He started to feel optimistic that their friendship could be physically warm without having to be lovers.

About an hour later, Casey was half-conscious but thoroughly relaxed, and still warmly entwined with John. He heard footsteps softly approaching the tent. Michael's face suddenly appeared inside the tent flap. "Move over guys," he directed. "No way am I going to sleep alone tonight!"

With that he barged in and closed the tent flap behind him. In the dim light Casey saw Michael's erection poking out into the air at its characteristic high angle. Oh God! he thought to himself. This is going to be a real challenge. Then Michael dove in between Casey and John, and wiggled his feet down to the bottom of the bed under the heavy covers.

Before he could object, Michael turned towards Casey and embraced him warmly. Casey could feel Michael's strong erection poking him. Casey's own dick had already sprung to attention again. He returned the pressure as Michael pulled their bodies tightly together. Oh no, thought Casey. I know I want this. But why does he?

A third set of arms joined them, as Casey felt John stir and clamp himself around Michael's back. "Do you like what I brought you, Michael?" asked John softly.

"Sure do, Johnnie! Do you mind if I check him out first?" replied Michael seductively, more in Casey's ear than John's.

"Be my guest," offered John. "I tried him out this afternoon – he's delightful!" he continued as if Casey wasn't there.

"You mean you guys have been planning this all along?" shot back Casey, insistent on being included in the conversation. "Michael, I thought you were straight!" he added.

"Aw come on, no one's straight in this place." Michael replied. "Everybody does everybody. I'll bet none of the girls are asleep either."

His answer did nothing to relieve Casey's confusion, but the warmth of his body was too powerful to reject. "I guess I'll just have to understand all that later," Casey whispered as he planted his lips on Michael's and let his body take over.

He climbed on top of Michael and sank into him, pressing every part together. He felt John snuggling closer and assumed it was John's hand that was massaging his ass. Casey pressed his lips hard against Michael's and began humping with his hips. His dick was leaking precum and made Michael's stomach slippery.

John lubed his fingers with a bit of spit and started to penetrate Casey's tight asshole. Michael matched Casey's rhythm and began to moan as their bodies slid back and forth over each other. Casey pressed his face into Michael's neck and made little whimpering sounds as his arousal built. "Go for it, Casey, pop that cork all over," coached John from the side.

Then in one quick motion John rammed his middle finger full length up Casey' s tight hole. "Oh God, I am going to come!" screamed Casey as his thighs turned hot and his balls squeezed to his body, ready to shoot. Then he dug himself as deeply into Michael as he could as his cock began to spurt out gobs of warm semen. He shuddered over and over as his intense orgasm racked his body. He could feel his ass grabbing John's finger and squeezing it tightly with each contraction.

Underneath him there was a muffled cry from Michael as he too tipped over the edge. Casey could feel Michael's hard cock pumping its load into the sticky space between them. He shivered as his own orgasm subsided, and grasped Michael even tighter, to prolong the intimate connection between them.

"Bravo, bravo!" cheered John, who then climbed all over the other two, kissing them everywhere.

I think it is going to take me a lot more time to understand all this, thought Casey, as he savored the warmth of his two friends and the smell of fresh sweat and sex. Whatever it means, I don't think it is something I should fight, he concluded as John's lips found his. Life is turning out to be a lot more fun than I ever thought it could be.

So that's the first Casey and John story. Readers have suggested that a sequel might be in order that exposes John's whole family for the hot little group they really are, embracing Casey a lot closer in the process. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting on the story, or sharing what aspect you liked most. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

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