He Had to Find Out

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Aug 11, 2008


Casey groaned as he doubled over, both to free his shorts from his shoes and to salvage whatever was left of his dignity. Only when the car pulled to a slow stop at their camping area did he finally lean back and begin to breathe more normally again. He was thankful that Beth had become distracted as they passed other camping sites, looking for potential friends among the other campers.

But he was annoyed with John, who continued to grin at him and even grabbed Casey's dick as the car stopped. That sure isn't helpful, he thought. How the hell can I get out of the car in this state?

As he huddled inside, John was already jumping out of the car. "Let's help unpack," he shot back at Casey, and signaled his father to pop the trunk lid.

Beth's seat was now empty too, and he watched her running across the grass to another girl who had emerged from a nearby tent. Her hair tossed in the sunlight and her cute butt danced behind her. Yes, this is what I wanted to see so badly, he thought. But I want to see one slightly older.

Casey reluctantly dragged himself out of the car and soon felt a new wave of embarrassment as he stood up beside the car, his erection pointing up at a high angle in the bright sunlight. He startled as John's mother placed her hand on his shoulder, looked in his frightened eyes and said, "Don't worry, it's not a problem here. Johnny was hard for a whole week when we first started.

As he turned towards her she quickly pulled her own T-shirt over her head and her boobs popped straight out at Casey. As his eyes widened she smiled and turned back to the car to clear out the front seat. Casey turned towards John and couldn't help giggling, a sign that his tension was beginning to break. Maybe I will survive this after all, he thought. But I want to see someone a bit younger.

He stood and watched John's lithe body, as his friend started tossing things out of the trunk, including a cooler full of food, sleeping bags, blankets, and finally a couple of tightly rolled nylon tents, which he threw on the ground beside the car. He acts as if he didn't know he was naked, thought Casey. I wonder if I will ever get used to it?

He suddenly woke up to his surroundings as John threw a blanket at him, "Don 't just stand there with your dick in the air!" kidded John. "Grab that small tent and haul it over there so we can set it up," he continued, pointing to a small clearing about forty feet from the car.

Glad to get out of the limelight, Casey picked up the tent and slowly carried it to the clearing, all the while feeling a new and delicious feeling of sun and warm air on skin, his first taste of real outdoor nudity. But he had no sooner begun to unroll the tent when Beth bounded back into the picture, dancing around him like some nimble wood sprite, obviously thrilled with her freedom. He forgot himself and stood up again, only to turn crimson once more as his penis bobbed up to its highest angle and pointed directly towards her.

He started to cover himself as she squealed "You're even bigger than

Johnny!" He cringed when she danced by him and tweaked his dick to make it bounce. Then she abruptly ran away.

Heading to some other discovery, no doubt, thought Casey. I wonder if she is going to tell everyone she meets. Casey shivered again, wondering if his embarrassment would ever end. Then he saw John coming to join him at the tent site, this time with a boner of his own.

"She's right," John said, "I think you pulled ahead of me this year. You're a bit longer now and you've got denser hair there than me. I'm jealous."

"Well I'm jealous that you seem so relaxed," replied Casey. "I'm just about shitting myself with embarrassment here. Everyone must think I am an idiot."

"I really doubt that," shot back John as he laid out the base of the tent. "It's not like everyone here hasn't seen anybody naked before."

Casey was surprised at how quickly they were all able to put up two tents - a bigger one for the parents and Beth, and the smaller for John and Casey. He took the opportunity to take a good look at John's parents' bodies. I can hardly imagine my parents doing this, he thought. And John's mother is actually quite attractive without clothes.

He was relieved when John's mother opened the cooler and started laying out a lunch at the picnic table. At last, something normal, he thought. I can probably get through this, and my dick will at least be hidden under the table.

He followed her orders when John's mother directed them to wash their hands at the nearby water tap. "Let's get started," she urged. "I don't want to waste a beautiful sunny day."

Casey lined up behind John and Beth, admiring Beth's smooth behind again as she leaned down over the tap. He soon realized that she had been fully aware she was being watched. He stepped back when she suddenly stood up and faced him directly. "You like what you see?" she teased, tapping her wet hand on his hard-on with a smirk on her face. Casey blushed once more and mumbled that he needed to wash up, motioning her to step aside.

Casey's color had faded a bit by the time he finished drying his hands, but his cock was still rock hard. He felt very self-conscious, since everyone else was already seated and watched him intently as he approached the picnic table. There were the two parents on the far side. Beth grinned at him from the near side to his left, and John on the right was making fun of him by nodding his head in time with the bouncing of Casey's cock. He had no choice but to sit between them, which he accomplished rather clumsily given the state of his erect dick. He finally managed to tuck himself under the edge of the table, and sheepishly grabbed a paper napkin and stuck it in his lap.

Casey's stomach soon felt much better with a bit of food in it, and he began to think that lunch was going reasonably well. That is, until Beth started nudging him with her right leg. That was just enough warm contact to keep him hard throughout the rest of the meal. John made things worse for Casey by doing the same from the other side. At one point he even started caressing Casey's knee with his left hand, under the table.

Despite his embarrassment, Casey began to enjoy being touched and getting more aroused. I suppose I could get used to this, he thought. No one else seems to think it is the slightest bit unusual.

He was even starting to feel more relaxed. Until John's mother drew his attention by offering him fruit for dessert, and Beth took the opportunity to slip her right hand under the table. He felt her shoulder against his as she suddenly grabbed his hard cock and squeezed.

Casey flinched, then a look of horror flashed across his face as he felt his balls tighten. "Oh shit!" he cried under his breath. Then he felt his balls start to pump and the first blast of semen shot out of his dick.

He knew he was in trouble when John's father reached down to find out what had just landed on his leg. Then he heard Beth screaming "Eewww!" in his ear as the second blast sprayed her groping hand.

He was about to apologize when John's mother shouted angrily, "Beth, leave Casey alone! He's having enough trouble adjusting!"

Casey buried his face in his hands as his dick shot out four more volleys of thick semen, one landing on John's father's toes and the rest just dribbling down Casey's own legs.

Out of the corner of his eye, Casey saw John slouch down to peer under the table. "What on earth is happening?" asked his friend.

Casey cringed as John suddenly roared with laughter. Then he heard John's mother bark at John for being so insensitive. Between his fingers, Casey could see John's father trying vainly to suppress his own laughter by holding his hand over his mouth. Casey felt himself turning three shades of red. As he looked down he noticed that even his chest was flushed. He heard Beth giggling as she wiped his semen off her hand with a serviette.

"Oh God I am so embarrassed," croaked Casey as his cock continued to dribble the last of his ejaculate onto his thigh. His dick remained rock hard.

"May we be excused?" asked John, now more under control and looking at Casey with genuine concern written on his face.

As Casey looked up he saw John's mother with a handful of napkins. "Of course dear, take a couple of extra serviettes with you and help Casey clean up," she answered. Then she turned to Casey and tried to reassure him. "Casey dear, don't feel bad, it's quite natural. You'll probably feel a little more comfortable now that some of the pressure has been released."

Casey mumbled a polite "Thank you" to John's mother and a quiet apology to John's father for coming all over him. He certainly didn't feel more comfortable. He was convinced that this was without a doubt the absolute most embarrassing moment of his entire life, and all he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die. Casey grabbed the serviettes from John and dashed quickly to their tent, his spent cock still dribbling all the way.

Tears were streaming down Casey's face as he watched John enter the tent after him. He felt the warmth of John's body as his friend sat down next to him and started gently wiping up the many gobs of cum sticking to the hairs of Casey's legs. "How can I ever look your parents in the eye again?" Casey choked.

Will Casey survive his naked weekend? Four more episodes to come. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 3

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