He Had to Find Out

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Aug 1, 2008


Casey shivered as the car turned off the highway and approached the main gate of the resort. He glanced at his best friend John, who was quietly reading a novel next to him in the back seat.

How can he be so calm? Casey thought. I'm dying here!

The closer Casey got to his goal, the more scared he felt. As soon as Casey had heard that John's family were all nudists, he knew he had to try it. And not just try it - he wanted something far more specific. He wanted to meet a young naked female, talk to her and touch her while naked, and finally confirm that he was attracted to women. He felt like his entire manhood was at stake.

It had taken all his nerve to ask John if he could join them for the weekend. Now he could see the main gate looming over them and he was starting to feel really terrified. His hands were shaking. His mouth was dry. He tried to quell the feelings by focusing on everything else - the tall birch trees lining the road, the steep hill just past the gate, the lush valley below, and the clear sunny day that made everything look so sharp and clear.

Casey's stomach continued to flutter as they slowly descended the hill into the secluded campground below.

"Relax, Case, you'll be a pro before you know it," reassured John.

Casey faked a smile, but grabbed his friend's knee and only half-joked, "You may have to help me through this!" John just giggled at him before turning to the window and starting to wave to some people near a camper to the right.

Suddenly he heard John shouting "Michael!" as a tall lean teen wearing nothing but sneakers turned towards them, flashing a smile and starting to wave back. "John Boy!" he retorted, and came running towards the car, his thick blond hair bouncing over his eyes and his dick flopping from side to side with each step.

"What you got there?" asked the naked teen, peering at Casey in the dark shade of the car.

"I told you I was bringing Casey!" replied John. "Casey, meet Michael."

Casey blushed as Michael leaned further into the car and extended his hand. Knowing he was stark naked somehow made it seem very unreal. Casey also found himself surveying Michael's body, at least what he could see over the window's edge. He leaned over John and extended his hand in return to Michael's. "Hi Michael," he responded, showing a thin smile despite his fear.

Michael squeezed Casey's hand warmly, then turned to John and flashed a knowing grin. Casey felt a stirring in his groin, something he had hoped just wouldn't happen. Then Michael stepped back from the car and said, "Go get settled, then we can all take a swim together." Casey gulped as he imagined what that would be like. He stared at Michael's crotch, noticing his long uncut dick and tight balls.

Casey fell back against the seat, as John's father abruptly released the brake and the car started moving. Then he gasped as he realized that both John and his sister were starting to pull off their shirts.

"Come on," prodded John, "it's time!"

Casey took a deep breath and tried to ignore the prickles of fear that were running down his spine. This was what he had been waiting for all winter and spring. He couldn't back out now. Slowly he tugged at his own T-shirt. By the time he had pulled it completely over his head he noticed Beth leaning forward and lifting her butt off the seat in order to slip down her shorts and panties. He saw her budding tits in clear view, and admired her smooth young buttocks.

When Casey felt his dick starting to grow again, he turned away from Beth towards John, in a vain attempt to abort his growing excitement. But he saw that John too was already buck naked, his shirt and shorts a small heap on the floor of the car. He noticed how muscular John's trim figure was becoming, a result of his gymnastics training this year. Casey stared down at John's perky dick, still flaccid but poking forward from a small nest of dark brown pubic hair that had also sprouted this last year. Seeing John only helped to make his own dick grow harder.

I can't back out now! I want this! grumbled Casey to himself. It's the only way I am going to get it! he coached himself, as he grabbed the side of his shorts and prepared for the moment of truth.

Then suddenly he felt Beth's hand grabbing at the top of his shorts. "Come on silly, let's see what you look like!" she giggled.

"Hey!" he retorted, as he turned and looked her over more carefully this time, not failing to stare at her hairless vulva that was now visible to him.

She grinned back at him, looking down at herself and then back at him. "So now you saw me, it's my turn to see you!" she asserted gleefully.

Then he felt John nudging him from the right. "Lift your butt, we'll help," offered John, as he began to claw at the top of Casey's shorts. With a deep breath, Casey gave up and allowed the inevitable. He put his hands on the seat back in front of him, leaned forward and raised himself up a bit. He held his breath as John and Beth lowered his shorts in one quick motion, leaving his firm butt hanging out and his now very hard erection pointing towards John's parents in the front. To his horror, John's mother turned toward him and smiled pleasantly, saying nothing.

Realizing how visible he was, Casey blushed and sank back down again, only to feel Beth lean over him and take a long hard look at his throbbing dick. He looked over to John as if to ask what to do. John just grinned and said, "Well done, you're off to a good start!"

So that's how it started. Five more episodes to come. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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