He had control over me

By Darryl J

Published on Aug 5, 2013



I was in the motel room when he arrived.

I had the swimming pool set up and the lube and toys were on the table..

He sat down on the bed and told me to get undressed and get in the pool.

As I was taking my clothes off, he started removing his shoes.

I got into the pool and started getting nervous.

I started thinking about that I hope my ass was clean enough, hoping I didn't still have some water in my ass from when I was cleaning it out, I started thinking about how rough this guy might me and what he going to have me do.

I did tell him we can do whatever but to just respect my limits....

I also told him I would try almost anything once.

I placed an ad online stating I wanted to be taught to me a kinky bottom.

I said I was looking for someone to help me relax my asshole and turn it into a pussy.

I stated I had some toys to use on myself but looking for a young guy to help guide me and cheer me on.

This is my first time using the toys in front of someone, so I need a good coach.....


About a day later I got the email I wanted.

He told me his name was Carlos and he told me he didn't speak too much english.

His spelling wasn't too good but I did understand him.

He told me he was 22, Hispanic and straight,

He told me he wanted to watch and help me open my ass.

He told me he wanted to turn me into a dirty pussy.

He said turn me into a pussy but figured he must have meant he wanted to turn my ass into a pussy.

I told him I will get a motel room on Saturday.

He told me where to get one in the area where he was and he told me what motel.

On Friday, he sent me an email asking if we are still doing this on Saturday.

I told him yes. I told him I had everything ready to do.

He sent an email back that said he would be there around 4:30.

He told me to send him my phone # so he can text me for the room #.

He also told me to go buy a small blow up swimming pool. smaller the better.

I asked him why the pool but he told me he had an idea and to trust him.

This guy had control over me. Just the way he was talking to me, I would have done anything he said.

Ok, back to the room.

Once he was naked, he stood up and walked over to the table.

He was checking out all the items I brought.

I had laid out on the table the following items....

One 7 inch dlido, color tan...

One 9 inch dildo, color red...

One Very large butt plug, color black.

One bottle of wet platinum lube.

One bottle of coconut baby oil.

some rubber gloves of different sizes.


And extra towels I brought from home.

He picked up a glove and put on his right hand.

He then picked up the lube and walked over to me.

He told me to get on my back and to lift up my legs and hold them up.

Once my legs were up, he poured a good amount of lube on my hole.

Then with his right gloved hand, he started pushing the lube in my hole.

He kept telling me to relax!! As he kept pouring and pushing more lube in my hole.

I started to try and relax as much as I could and started thinking about my hole being turned into a pussy.

He was being gentle but still rough enough to know he is in charge.

He then pulled his fingers out and took off the glove.

He pushed the glove into my asshole and told me to leave it there.

He then walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer.

He sat down on the bed and put his feet in the pool and told me to suck his dick.

As I was kneeling sucking on his dick, he was drinking his beer.

He lifted my head up and said something in spanish.

He then said "You like puta?"

I told him I did like it.

He then took a big swig of beer and spit it out all over my face.

Good thing we had the pool. Now I know why he wanted me to buy the pool.

He then said it again. "you like PUTA!!!!"

I looked at him and said yes sir.

He then told me to open my mouth!

When I did, he spit beer into my mouth and told me to swallow it.

After I swallowed it, he slid his dick back in my mouth and said I was doing good as his pussy.

While his was in my mouth he told me anytime I wanted something to drink, just ask him nicely.

My mouth was getting a little dry and he knew it.

He pulled out and spit beer into my mouth again.

This time he stood up and went to the table.

He picked up the smallest dildo and gave it to me.

He told me to put it in my ass.

I lubed up the dildo and started to put it in my hole.

I then realized I still had the glove in my hole.

I pulled it out and dropped it in the pool.

I slowly started fucking myself with the dildo.

He grabbed another beer and sat on the bed again.

His phone rang and he told my to be still.

He answered the phone and started talking spanish to whomever was on the other end.

He was laughing as he hung up the phone.

He then stood up and walked to the table again.

He put a glove on again and grabbed the bigger dildo.

He then told me to get on my knees.

He got behind me and told me to sit.

He had the bigger dildo lined up to my hole as I sat down on it.

He was saying things in spanish and then I heard him say "work that pussy"

He then pulled the dildo out and told me to stay.

I then felt something at my hole and started to sit on it.

He laughed and asked if my pussy was hungry?

I then noticed it wasn't a toy at my hole. it was his gloved hand that he wanted me to try and sit on.

I'm not sure how much he got in but it felt like the whole hand but it wasn't.

He stood up and said "You doing good pussy! we do again more later!"

He asked if I wanted another drink. i told him I did. He laughed and said "maybe we get you drunk like this. You take all my beer tonight yes?"""

I told him yes.

He then turned on the tv and told me a game is on at 6.

It was 5:45 on the clock.

He put his pants on which I didn't know why.

He said, "I rest for a minute".

He handed me the butt plug and told me to put it in my pussy.

He told me to take my time and not to cum.....

Once I got it in, I had to stay still to let the feeling of shooting calm down.

I was kneeling waiting for him to tell me what to do when his phone rang.

He told me to be silent as he answered it.

Once again he was talking spanish.

He laughed and stood up and walked to the door and opened it.

In walks this other hispanic guy who was maybe the same age as Carlos.

They were talking spanish and laughing as Carlos grabs a beer for his friend.

Carlos walks up to me and says "You want drink pussy?"

I told him no, not because I didn't want it, because I felt degraded with his friend watching.

He knew that also but he wanted me to relax and be a good pussy.

He knew the reason we are here in the motel room was to help me push my limits....

He then said something to his friend in spanish and they both started laughing.

I knew they were talking shit about me.

Carlos then takes his pants off and starts stroking his dick.

His dick starts to grow and I wanted to suck it so bad.

He got up and went to the table. he put on a glove and started saying something to his buddy.

His buddy stood up and started taking his clothes off. Once they were off, he stood in front of me and I just waited for him to tell me what to do.

I then felt Carlos grab the butt plug that was in my ass and turn it, making me moan on the dick in my mouth.

Carlos let the butt plug go and told me to push it out.

I started to reach back to pull it out but Carlos pushed my hands away and told me to "push your pussy PUTO!."

I started pushing the butt plug out. Once it got to a certain point, he would push the dildo back in telling me to push again.

Carlos then allowed it to fall out.

he then put his dick at my hole and told me to push.

I started to push back until his dick went in. He then stopped and told me to stay still.

He said something in spanish to his buddy and his buddy put his semi hard dick to my mouth and I took it in and started sucking.

Carlos leans over me, dick in my hole and with his beer in his hand and says "thirsty puto?"

I told him yes, thinking he would pour some beer in my mouth.

He then says something in spanish to his buddy and his buddy and him hold my head still as I feel Carlos pissing in my ass and then I felt this other guy pissing in my mouth and Carlos telling me to be a good bitch and keep swallowing.

Most of it came out of my mouth but I did swallow a good amount.

Carlos kept his dick in my ass the entire time this other guy was pissing in my mouth.

He took his time giving me time to swallow a little at a time.

When they were done, they grabbed another beer and asked if I wanted some.

I told them yes and Carlos spit it all over my face making the other guy laugh.

I told Carlos I had to get his piss out of my ass. Carlos told me to hold it as long as I can and then run to the toilet.

About 15 minutes pass and I can feel my stomach groaning.

I knew it was coming.

I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I just made it and sat down and out it came.

It was pretty much clean. (I was worried about it).

Carlos then yelled out, take a fast shower and get that pussy out here.

I took a quick shower and went into the room.

Carlos told me to move the pool away from the bed as close to the bathroom as possible.

I did while both of them were on the bed naked watching the game.

The new guy, I found out his name was Pedro started saying something to me.

I didn't know what he said but as I got closer to him he grabbed my head and guided to his dick. It was then that I realized he was telling me to suck his dick.

I laid down on my belly while I played with his nuts and sucked his dick.

I'm not sure how long I was sucking for but I felt Carlos get off the bed.

He grabbed a couple more beers and hands one to Pedro.

I then felt Carlos get on top of me and was trying to get his dick in my ass.

Carlos whispered "open up that pussy for me baby" Your MY pussy tonight"!

I relaxed my hole and he slid right in.

His dick felt so good in my ass. His dick wasn't in my ass for a minute and I felt him pissing in my ass again.

When he was done, He told me to get up and get in the pool on my back.

He stood next to the pool and told me to stay in it.

He said something to Pedro and Pedro got up and got the baby oil from the table and brought it over. He opened it and started squirting the oil all over me.

Carlos told me to rub it all over by body.

I was so slippery.

He put it against my asshole and squeezed it hard. I'm not sure how much oil went in my ass.

Carlos walked away and returned wearing gloves.

He went straight to my ass and started pushing his fingers inside of me.

He would look into my eyes and tell me to relax pussy.

I close my eyes and relax my whole body as I feel Pedro continue to squirt more oil on Carlos' hand while it's playing with my hole, causing my asshole to turn into a loose pussy.

I then realized, Carlos piss is still in my hole.

I start to tell him but he tells me to be quiet and just relax and enjoy.

Carlos tells Pedro something and Pedro goes and gets a bottle of beer.

Carlos removed his gloves and took the beer from Pedro.

Carlos looks in my eyes and says "Thirsty"?

I nod yes and he puts the bottle to my mouth and slowly pours some in.

He gives me a second sip of the beer.

Carlos then picks up my legs and says something to Pedro in spanish.

Pedro went to the other side of the pool where my head was and grabs my ankles holding them tight.

I look down and see Carlos rubbing the beer bottle with lube.

He put his thumb over the top of the bottle and started shaking the bottle really hard.

He then got the bottle close to my hole and really fast, stuck the bottle in my hole causing the beer to pour into my hole.

He then pulled it out and brought the bottle to my mouth and told me to drink.

He poured some into my mouth and once again, shook the bottle and stuck it in my hole.

Then Carlos pulled the bottle out and gave it to me.

He told me the game is on again so they will be over there on the bed.

He told me to stay in the pool and drink the pussy tasting beer.

He told me to hurry up and drink it all.

Once the beer was gone he told me to get freaky with the toys but dont cum.

He told me he wanted me to play with it like a pussy.

I told him I still had his piss and beer in my hole and will come out with the toys.

He told me he didn't give a fuck. He told me I wanted to get nasty, so get nasty bitch!

He told me thats why he wanted me close to the bathroom.

So I started playing with my hole using the smaller dildo.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door again.

I started to get up and go into the bathroom but Carlos told me to stay in the pool and keep that toy in my pussy.

He went to the door naked and opened it up.

In walks this kid, maybe 19 years old. he was a light skinned black kid.

He had light colored skin and looked nice and smooth.

He didn't say anything. He reached into his pocket and handed Carlos a big bag of weed and a couple of phillys.

This new kid then starts taking his clothes off while looking at me with a dildo in my ass.

He walks over to the pool and just says "suck it faggot"!!!!

I get up on my knees and start sucking his dick.

His dick was about 7 inches. His whole body was mostly smooth.

As I was sucking his dick, he started slowly fucking my mouth while calling me names.

He then sped up on fucking my mouth and said "Tell me you want my load bitch!!"

I tried saying it with his dick fucking my mouth. he said he couldn't hear me.

I tried saying it again and at the same time, he shoved his dick as far as he could in my mouth and started shooting his load, forcing me to swallow.

He then pulled out and walked over and took a hit of the blunt that the other guys were smoking. They sat and drank a beer while smoking as I was in the pool with the big red toy in my ass.

The new guy then gets up and walks over to me and tells me to suck his dick some.

I started sucking his dick till it got hard then he told me to turn around.

When I turned around, he grabbed the dildo and slowly pulled it out.

He slid part of his dick in my hole and started pissing.

When he finished, he slid the dildo back into my ass telling me to hold it in.

He told me to turn around again and made me lick his dick clean and then he got dressed said his goodbyes and left.

As soon as he left, I had that urge to shit. I'm glad this guy left but what about these 2 guys.

I told Carlos I couldn't hold it anymore.

Carlos said something to Pedro and they both got up and walked over to me.

Carlos looks at me and says """go ahead faggot, start fucking yourself. we want to watch your pussy cum for us.

We want to see you fuck the pussy juice from that cunt!"""

I laid back knowing this might get really nasty.

I got a couple loads of piss in my ass and who knows how much beer and the dildo pushing it further into my colon. I figured it's going to be shitty.

I want to just stop everything and call it a night but these guys have control over me.

I would do anything these guys tell me. they had control over me.

They are not doing anything to hurt me or anything too far where I had to say stop.

They may be treating me like a nasty pussy but they are doing it in a nice way. I really wanted to do whatever they said.

Carlos and I had a deal that if i say STOP, we stop....

So far I haven't had a reason to say stop.

I believe throughout the evening, I only said "STOP" 3 times.

Once when Carlos sat on my face with his hole on my mouth telling me to lick it.

My tongue found his hole and I felt it opening and closing. He was trying to shit in my mouth.

I went as far as I could and said STOP.

He stopped right away, we fixed what was wrong and started playing again.

Another time was when the both of them were fucking my ass at the same time.

I had to say STOP but I decided to let them try again after a break.

You will hear about those times soon.

Next part will continue me blowing a load of piss and beer from my asspussy while fucking myself with the dildo.

It will also include the times I said STOP and also nut busting....

Let me know what you think and give me some ideas on how to proceed.

I would love to hear your kinky thoughts and ideas. Darrylinct@gmail.com

This story never happened but If I found the right guy, I would love to try it.

I even bought the pool. lol

If your ever in or coming to Connecticut say hi.


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