He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on May 6, 2007


As i waited for shane to come and pick me up paul would call tell me how sorry he was i never picked the phone up. Later shanew came over and he was looking nice he had on a complete armani exchange outfit. He had a white armani tshirt with jeans a white moto jacket and some armani dress shoes i have never seen a man that sexy in my life. He looked at me and smiled and asked "are you ready". I swalloed and said yes shaking my head life like i was mentally weird. Shane pulled up in an audits a4 3.0 i nearly died it was all shieny and clean. We got in the car but as i looked in the rear veiw mirrior i saw a car there that i had never seen in this area this was a very rich neighborhood but this car was all broken down. Not to sound snobby but it would arrouse suspection. I told shane to wait that i need to check something out. He looked at me strangley and got out the car. He started to walk over to the car that was all beat up he looked inside it was a homless man in the car when shane tried to help the man that man he got really violent. " stay away from me all you rich bastard do is by your big house and your fancy cars well no more for you big spender." he said then he pulled out a blade and stabed shane. The blood gushed out onto his armani out fit turning the white dark red i screamed out holding him the man came up to try and stab me also. But out of no where Paul knocked the man over causing the blade to fly out of his hands by one minute later shane was becoming really cold he had lost so much blood i just sat there holding his wound trying to stop the bleeding. The ambulance arrived the immediately picked him up and started working on shane the police arrived and arrested the homless guy. Paul walked over to me and held me i cried in his arms. I never understood why but it just felt right to cry on his shoulder was this telling him that maybe i didn't love him anymore. Or maybe that he wanted to show me that he still cared about me. What ever the case i kept crying. Paul told me to get in the car and he would drive me to the hospital. When we arrived to the hospital it was packed. People everywhere. I looked around seeing where they might have taken shane. The hope of that was hopless. I eventually asked the nurse he told me that he could not give out that type of information. "why can't you damnit he is in this fucking hospital right now trying to save my life and you little fucking inconsiderable pricked little fuck is telling me that you can't give out that informaton." Paul grabed my arm because security was coming when i saw security coming i thought what the hell they are going to ask me to leave anyways. That pissed me off even worse at that point i reached out trying to grab the nurse. " yeah they are really going to need security now." The next thing i know i am up in the air and they are pulling me through the doors. Paul came out there and sat next to me on the curb by the emergency room. "all i wanted to do is see my boyfriend" " I'm sorry jay it's ok. He will be fine." " you know people say that all the time Paul and you know what it is never ok and that what makes it so funny. People go through life wanting things to go one way and when it doesnt. Everyone tells them it is going to be ok it's not the fucking movies Paul. If shane dies in there it's because of me. Because i wanted to see why that car was there. And don't touch dare say that it's not your fault jay. Because it is and everyone knows it. Just then someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was a doctor the doctor that was working on shane. " i saw your little performance in there he must mean alot to you. Even though im not suppose to be giving you this information Shane is ok. We have him stable it was a lot of bleeding he needs blood badly." " what is his blood type" i said "Shane has B positive blood." shit at that point i didn't know what to do the man that for some reason i was falling in love with so early was about to die if he didnt have the blood type he needed. "i give it to him" said Paul. I turned and looked at him. Paul was serious i had never seen him look so serious in my whole life his stare was so convincing. He was going to do it i didn't know why but if it was going to save Shane's life i didn't care. Just as i though the night was getting better the bitch shows up. "and where might you think your going." paul turned around looked at her in the eyes. Listen your not my mother your not god your nothing to me. And i know you have something to do with this all of this and when i find out why you set Shane up to get killed and why you tried to kill jay i am going to make you suffer so badly." he walked away from her and the doctor took him inside the hospital and prepared him for the transfusion. Paul was a perfect match maybe the night was going t be better afterwords. I sat there and watch through the glass as two of the men i loved layed there. Why did Paul do it what was his porpose. But at that time i had to much to concentrate on. As i saw the needle come from out of Paul's arm draining his blood giving it to Shane. I couldn't help but to think of how much i loved him yeah sure i was pretty young and he was my first love but how could i not love him i knew then the reason why Paul was doing this it's because he loved me. He was trying to prove to me that he did care about my feelings. And also because he want me to change my perception of him. What can i say any man that is that dedicated to one person has to be worth a second chance. Then reality smacked me. I was with Shane and he was the whole reason why Paul was giving blood. What do i do should i stick with Shane and tell Paul we should just be friends. Or should it be the other way. When they finish drawing blood from Paul he came out of the room and sat down next to me. " i fell light headed." he said. " Paul take it easy i don't want you to hurt your self. Paul..." . "yeah whats up" " W... Why you do it Paul . What made you do it i know you hate Shane." He cut me off. " i did it because i want to do whats right not for you not for Shane. I know she has something to do with what happen to Shane tonight. She is like this vulture that comes and eats you while you are still alive. She is not going to stop. Jay no doubt in my mind that i love you t death i would do anything for you when we made love that night it was more than love it was me trying to become the same as you. Jay listen i'm sorry that when i was in high school i treated you so badly. I always thought i was gay but i never knew if i should react back then things were diffrent then." Paul then started to tear up. I believed him i wanted him so badly but it wouldn't be right for me to run off with Paul and forget Shane. Oh but how badly did paul make my cock go crazy i wanted him to fuck me like he did tha first night. Man it felt so good for him to just hold me as he thrusted in and out of me. I long for that day for so long and it happened and i loved ever minute of it. But what about Shane like i have known him for a while even though we have been dating for like i don't know seven hours. It not like i was about to sleep with him that soon. As Paul moved close to me i should have moved back but i didn't i stood there and allowed him to hold my head in his hands look me in the eye tell me he loves me and then kisses me. His lips were so soft like he had just put lip balm on or something his tounge worked it's way into my mouth i should have stoped him but i didn't i knew i wanted him. When the doctor came out to tell me about Shane's status i broke free of Pauls lips. The doctor walked over to us and said....

To be continued i did get some feed back

From the first two writtings. But for this one i would like for my readers to tell me what they want to happen to Shane weather he lives or dies let me know people thanks much love to all

Next: Chapter 5

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