He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Apr 9, 2007


when i awoke the next morning, i herd arguing out side. when i went down stairs i saw a car parked in my drive way. i didn't know who it was. i opened the door and it was a girl arguing with Paul. "hey Paul what is going on out here" i said then the girl looked at me with such an evil stare if looks could kill i would be one dead motherfucker. " So this is the guy Paul, the guy that you cheated on me with" " What" i said " Listen you need to go Angela. I don't know why you have come here trying to start something. I didn't do anything." Paul said starting to raise his voice every time he said the next word. He turned and looked at me "Jay Please go in the house and wait there i will be in in a second. " No jay you need to stay out here because Paul wants you to know something" "Paul what do you want me to know" "Paul are you going to tell Jay or do I have to" "Angela what are you talking about what does Jay have to do with all of this bullshit that.." she cut him off " Paul let's see how your child that is in my stomach feels about his dad being fagot." "your lying Angela your fucking lying you are just trying to keep me with you." "Paul i don't fucking want you but you will help me raise this child" "Paul this can't be true I...I." "Jay she is lying" "want to bet i have the papers right here. And Paul YOU ARE THE FATHER" Paul went to see what the paper said but i went in front of him and grab them first i read them and she was pregnant and it has the DNA of Paul that was taken from his saliva. I turned to Paul and looked him in the eyes and handed him the paper and went in the house. "Angela get the fuck out of here now" Paul screamed at her. You know what Paul you are going to take care of this baby. she said yelling at him going back into my house. "Jay i am so sorry i didn't know anything about that at all i swear i didn't know" " Listen Paul this can't work... i mean you have kid on the way and you have this fucking psycho-bitch coming here. your child needs you in his life and she doesn't seem like she want to share." i felt the tears start up but in the back of my mind i had to be a man and hold them in. but hey I'm gay so the started to come out. he walked toward me and then i stepped back." what's wrong with you i can't touch you now." said Paul. "Paul listen this is already a little to much at one time for me and then this just made my plate overflow OK i mean when we where in high school you never cared about me you never loved me and then all of a sudden you come to the school this year and tell me to meet you in down town. i see you and you have flowers it is just a little much then you chase me to my house we fuck..." he cut me off " no jay we didn't fuck we made love don't you get it i love you so much it is getting out of control and then i finally get you in my arms and this shit happens here but i swear to you i will never hurt you, you are the only man in this whole fucking world that matters to me. you are the reason that i exist today because i knew that it was a reason and a destiny out there to fulfill and it was you." "Paul things are getting out of control." and when i say that things where getting out of control because i smelled smoke. i turned around and then it was a fire in my back yard by the pool. i ran out side and the whole yard was up in flames i went to get the hose to put the fire out. after the fire was out i looked at Paul. He looked at me and we just stared at the yard.What the fuck was that shit there. i said, i was totally pissed. Paul you need to go now i said screaming go now ok just leave me alone because this bitch wants you and she is putting my life in danger. i love you Paul and that is the truth but she is about to kill me, and i can't have you if i'm dead. so let just end this now. He ran up to me and kissed me on the lips. please stay with me i can't be with out you i need you. Paul just fucking stop it ok it won't work just fucking leave make it better for the both of us just leave ok i hate you. you fucking knew that she was pregnat the papers where from last months and she is getting bigger so you are a fucking liar why did you come here. i can see it in your eyes... you are still with her. No i'm not with her atleast i don't want to be. siad Paul."You have been lying the whole fucking time she never left you for a woman you left her for a man. she has a right to be pissed off at you. GET OUT NOW I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGIAN".i just lost it yelling. "I wish you never came in my life i was just getting over you and ready to move on and try to fall in love but you had to come here and tell me everything that i wanted to hear. you are just like those fucking straight men telling their partners everything they wanted to hear and then fuck them over after you fucked them. we didn't make love we just had sex and that's it you are one ruthless son of a bitch your weak." he slapped me across me face. i looked at him from the floot because he smack the shit out of me there is no other way of explianing it my ass on the floor. when he realized what he did he ran to me and picked me up i pushed him away. i punched in the face he fell on the floor i opened the door and told him that i refused be in an abusive relationship with anyone friend boyfriend anyone and then i told him to leave. He said sorry then he left. The hot boy from across the street saw what happened from his patio through my back doors which are made of glass he started to walk over to see if i was ok. he was about 22 so he was more of a man than a boy. Paul saw him and just kept walking to his car. Hey are you ok said Shane my hot next door neighbor. He's fine mind your fucking bussiness said Paul. Shane then walked over to Pauls car and ducked and looked in to the window " Hey buddie listen i don't know who you are but i do know jay and i know that he is a good guy and he dosen't need a little shit pice like you so how about you do us both a favor and just drive off so that way no one gets hurt.thanks alot buddy and oh yeah don't come around here agian" Paul drove off. i see that you pack a very powerful punch. said shane. "umm yeah thanks." i said i walk to my door and then shane called me. " hey..(he ran to the door) umm i don't know if this is an opertunity or not but i just thought that always grab a chance before you won't ever get it agian. so here i go. umm. i have been checking you out for quite some time and i was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time but i...( he put his hand in his pocket and started rocking back and forth not looking at me) don't now what to say to make you interested." " when are you free tiger" i said with a smirk on my face." when ever i am on vacation from work and school is out for the week." " well i am avaliable tonight" "ok well i will come and pic you up around 7" said shane. "perfect"

Next: Chapter 4

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