He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Sep 6, 2007


When I went down to the police station Adam was there doing some paper work. He had been placed on light duty aftr he was shoot. He came up to me and asked me did i need help. I told him that Shane had been kidnapped and that i wanted to put an APB out on the car i have the tag numbers and everything. I also told him that i need to see some city tapes. When i told him that they took Shane. He told me that i couldn't veiw the tapes but he would look at them and the files to see where the truck turned and wha streets they took. I don't know why he seemed to be so interested now but Adam was. But i didn't was to wait around i needed to find a way to those records i went over to Adams desk "hey adam are you sure there is no way for me to review those tapes." "sorry Jay it's a police issue." "ok thank you" "we will give you a call when we get some info." "yeah. Thanks" I left the station and went home. When i arrivd home. Adrain and Jaun was sitting down watching TV. "where have you been all night mister." "chasing a black van because theykidnapped Shane." i said "wha the fuck... We can go down to the police..." said Adrain " been there done that already, Adam won't let me see the tapes." " well Jay what are you going to do." said Jaun "get me a laptop." "wha the hell are you going to do with a laptop." said Adrain "Hack it" "Jay are you sure you want to Hack into police cameras." said Adrain. "well if i don't my soon to be husband is going to be dead." "soon to be husband" said Jaun. "yeah he proposed to me" "well i better be the best man" said Adrain "what the fuck you mean your the best man you must be loco hombre." said Jaun "hey you guy how about you throw me a fiesta and you guys both be the best man ok. But right now i need to hack some files" "hey i have a laptop" He went in his bag and got the the laptop. I went into the police department website. It asked for a pass code. I just started i hit a few buttons causeing a list of usernames and password to appear. I saw the police cheifs folder. I opened it. He had access to everything. I looked at the tapes of where they were taking Shane. I saw that Shane was not the only one they had capture they had Kevin and justin also. They were by the docs they took them into an abandon warehouse. Just then i realized that if the camera saw all this woulndn't the police now about this. I got on the phone with Adam. "hey meet me at my place hurry i need to show you something it's important. " 15 mintues later he arrives. I turn the computer around "how the hell did you get in these file i don't even have passcodes to these things." "i read "hackers for dummies" but thats not the point the point is that the police new about this and said nothing at all. Not my husband is out there at that warehouse." i said "your husband" "uh yeah he asked me to marry him i said yeah." "oh i see...umm well i better find him then huh." "listen i didn't...." "Jay... don't worry about it i fucked up and now he has you i'm fine with it really i am." "ok" "your right they would have seen this the police is holding something back." said Adam. "well talk to your buddies and tell them to get their fucking jobs done or else it will be some serious issues up in here." "i'll see what i can do." "i don't think you herd me...see i don't want you to see anything i what you to do everything to get Shane back understand" "yeah" "great then i have one more question." "go ahead" "why are you still standing there" He jumps up and walks out the door. I have never seen myself act so aggressivewhat was wrong with me have i lost it. I don't know i need to get some air and apologize to Adam I went out of the door checking for Adam he was no were to be found. I really hope i didn't hurt his feelings it was just that Shane's life was at risk and i couldn't allow for him to be hurt like that i would not allow it. Yeah sure Shane has done som pretty fucked up things in his time. But havn't we all. I'm no better than the rest. I have been in fights with people. I have hurt peoples feelings. Sometimes people take some things a little to far, and who ever took Shane is the person that has gone way to far. I walked back into the house and there was Adrian coming from upstairs and Jaun coming from the kitchen. They looked highly peturbed. I walked over to them. They seem like they were just fine. I didn't under stand it so i just left it alone. My phone rang it was Kevin he herd about it on the news what had happended to Shane. Him and Justin rushed over to my house. They wanted to know how they could help. I didn't want them to help me they have already nearly died because of me. I really don't think that I need to have them put in any more jeprody. I mean think about it what kind of friend would I be. I thought to myself and then came out with an answer. "you guys i just want you to stay at home and be safe." "bullshit Jay i'm not going home and staying safe. Shane is still out there and he is not getting any help getting found the fucking cops have everything to do with this tell me why."

Just then i had a flash back. When Kasey was around that cop that was forcing me to pay him thousands a week he told me that i would pay for what i did but if he is still arrested then how in the hell can he have access to my life. I just don't understand. It's time for me to take action i can't sit back any longer and keep letting people take control of my life it's time for me to take a stand again... " you know what you guys you don't really want to get involved with this it can get ugly quickly." i said "well then we are just going to have to get ugly quick, i'm sticking by you little bro." said Adrian "no Adrain seriously i want you guys to stay here if i get hurt fine but i have put you guys through enough hell for a life time." i siad "Jay man calm down that shit is like an adrenaline rush having people shoot at you fleeing the country how many people do you know that are in high school and have wild and crazy lives like that... i can only name one and that's you" siad Justin "listen i'm serious i really don't want you guys to get hurt you mean way to much to me and i will not have you in this fight you guys can come to the next one" i said " Jay big bro you are bringing a knife to a gun fight these are cops you are dealing with, crooked cops at that. These bastards role with some of the badest guys on these streets. Are you sure you want us to stay here i mean you already got shot once" said Jaun "yes I am sure i can't but you guys in harms way" " ok well what happens if you know we just happen to be strolling throught the docks and see something we found intresting and wanted to help be apart of it. You know be like superheros" said Kevin "don't go trying to save the world Kevin it's not as simple as you think it is." "well what are you doing aren't you trying to save the world" said Kevin "no Kev I'm saving the one i love. it is a huge diffrence" "Superheros save people all the time spiderman save Mary-Jane the Hulk save the girl he is love with. and so on and so on." said Kevin " well all of those are just one person not multiple people." "ok i'm going to put it this way i'm not going to let my little brother go down to the docks by himself and try to resuce someone by himself with no help at all. so Jay just sit the fuck down and listen here is the plan i need a major destraction, then we go in and get Shane but we are going to have to find someone that is strong enough to pick him up. After Shane is retrieved then we will set up servellince in the room where shane was once before. Once the see that he is missing they will start flipping out and then we will just show the cheif and he will have no choice but to clean the streets of these dirty cops. get got it good. we leave tonight at dark" Said Adrian He sounded like he was the godfather or something he made sure that i was not alone on this mission he was going to provide all the nessacry things i need to get the job done i would have to leave the city and i would have to do it soon i couldn't wait for school to start that i was like a week from now and wheni finally pull this stunt off they will be looking for me try to hunt me down and I could not let them catch me or my friends. i will have to have a few things done to make sure that we were all protected. I called a look alike hotline and i hired look alikes for all of us even my self. there was this set of triplets that looked almost like us except they were shorter than us and had tattoos everywhere with the help of some make up I got them right together. it looked like it was almost six of us. We decied to go ahead and start out Adrain went all out getting us all black spy wear there was no way that anyone would be jeprodized I couldn't allow it. even if i had to trick them into a trap to make sure that all of them stayed safe i wouldn't allow for all of them to hurt not even one of them to be hurt it just wasn't any question if bullets start flying let them hit me first I know that some of these people have done some really stupid and hurtful things to me but i would not let them get hurt maybe it was just some thing that I i just couldn't let happen but what I do know I have to do is get Shane and get the hell out of there and flee the city and hide somewhere. How i was going to do it and get away with it was a total nother thing. but it had to happen and it had to happen tonight who knows how much longer Shane could hold out and then my Phone rang. " you have one hour to bail the cop you put away out or you little friend here will have a whole magazine emptied in is face you here me." Then he hung up the phone. I had my answer. I had one hour to save Shane or else he will be dead and if they have taken Shane, God knows who else they would take.

well this is chapeter 23 let me know what you guys think sorry if it seems a little short but i just started school and i won't have much time to work on the story but i promise i won't have you waiting for long honestly. Also i wonder what do you guys think we look like if you have any ideas or thoughts of what we may look like email me some pictures and who knows maybe one day just one day this could be something big.

Next: Chapter 23

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