He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jun 24, 2007



"Jay i don't know i'm young"

"What the fuck you mean your young. So your whole big speech was a big wad of bull shit then i guess. You know what Kasey fuck you. I'm done"

I went in and slamed the door i went to the liquor cabinet and pour a glass of 151. And sat down and turned on some soap operas. Then Paul came in the house.

"what the hell happened out there Kasey is breaking down"

" I really don't give a fuck at right now. The just found out Nicks alive. Which will give Nikki more happiness on winning the spot in the elections"

"you know what fuck the "young and the restless" ok your man is out side crying his eyes out and your worrying about that sexy ass man being alive"

"aint nick sexy child i tell ya"

"so what if he is really hot. Kasey is out side those door loseing it. Can you just pause it on his body."

"sure, you know Kasey came down here last night hooping and hollaring about how much he loved me, then when i asked him today he said "i don't know i'm young"

"Oh no he didn't"

"Oh yes he did. Paul i don't have time for it. It is a one shot done deal with me being gay is hard enough. Now i have to dea with the pain of being deep in love with some one thats not even sure. I have prom comming up and the graduation. Plus six finals i really don't have time to worry about love at this point fuck the bull shit Paul. Kasey knew what he was doing. Or is it just because i am some hot fuckable guy. You know what to hell with this i am celebant now no more sex."

"Bullshit your going to break you live for the cock"

"i know right, wait a minute Paul your suppose to be helping."

"yea i'm telling you the truth. Jay you guys are young your eighteen and so is Kasey. It's young love."

"so when we were in love it was young love to huh"

"Jay i don't know about you but i am still in love with you. This is real what i have."

" Paul i still love you to but i mean, why am i the one that falls in love and then the next thing you know i'm hurt.".

"he kiddo thats the way love function you have to know who you love and how you going to make the love stay."

"yeah i guess"

" i'm going to go and get Kasey. You to need to talk"

"damn it the bold and the bueatiful was just coming on to Ridge is about to go to jail"

"boy if you don't stop playing around and talk to him"


"but shit sit down and shut up"


"i hope your kiddng jay because if your not how can anyone be in love with you if the soaps mean more."

"paul you have known me for four years now. Do you think i'm serious"

"I hope your not"

"What ever send him in"

Kasey came through the door wiping his eyes he looked at me. I looked at him and saw all the pain that he experinced. Kasey did love me. He was just confused. The whole gay scene made hi life complicated. He tryed playing it off like it didn't matter but deep down inside it was eating away at him. He started to walk closer to me. I walked over to him. I hugged him, then kissed him. He withdrew.

"Jay, um i'm really confused about alot of things right now. I think i need some time just chill out and get my self together before we can really be together. I hope you understand"

"yeah i understand. Go head and get yourself together and then when your ready let me know"

"i promise you won't be waiting forever."

"ha it better not be"

" and the answer to your question Jay if i love you or not. I do i love you more than anything life has to give."

"thank you."

"i'm going to go and get my stuff"

" Kasey wait were are you going"

"i have to go somewhere else."

"no you don't i'm not asking you to leave. You can stay here it is just as much your house as it is mines."

"thanks thats sweet but i shouldn't be around you while i am trying to fix myself"

"i guess you have a valid point"

"i'm sorry"

"no your good man"

Paul was at the door with Shane.

"how long have you been standing there"

"long enough to know that love means more than soap operas"

"ha ha very funny Paul, but "as the world turns" is coming on and Luke may have just found his man. Then the "guding light" and man that bitch Cassie"

"ok calm down it's not that serious" Said Shane

Me and Paul looked at each other then looked at Shane

"look at the blastphemy coming out that mouth" i said

"ok then never mind i said that"

Time passed me and Kasey kept in contact but never hooked up or anything like that we were still friend as he was working on finding himself. On morning i woke up and got ready for school. But my car was messed up.

"damn it" i said

I had to take the train i got on. I sat down in the chair and the i looked up. It was a yreally attractive guys looking at me with a bueatiful white smile he was really buff but had the soft smooth face of a twink. He looked like an ambercrombie and fitch model...only better. My stop was coming up and the train was going out of service my phone rang. It was my friend mike. I had to grab my books and i started to struggle. As i was getting off the train. The really hot guy droped his train ticket. I walked right into his butt as he was bent over. He stood up and i was very scared he turned arund slowly. He was at least four inches taller than me. I was so scared. I started apologizing quckily

"oh my god i'm so sorry it just that i usally don't take the train. And i was getting my books and i was on the phone see mike called me. Even though you don't know him you know he was telling me and the i walked into to your butt and i am so sorry..."

"whoa, whoa man calm down. You want to go and get some coffee sometimes"

"uh. Wait what"

"hey listen sorry if i came off wrong and your striaght"

"oh no i'm not striaght..."

"so would you like to go out for coffee sometimes"

"um, sure but i think i would at least need to know what to call you"

"right, sorry the name is Kevin"

"ok Kevin my name is Jay"

"and in order for me to call you Jay you would have to give me your number"

"right you are."

We exchanged phone numbers and went our seprate ways. I got home late from school because we had a lot of work to in SG that we had to do. Paul was over my house and so was Shane.

"well i think i'm in the wrong house."

"nope this is your house. Shane got addicted to the soaps and i was showng him the old episodes." said Paul

"well this is life after high school huh"

"no not excatly"

"you guys are a wreck"

"yea tell me about it" The phone rang. I went over to get it the caller ID said Kevin on it with his number. I remebered the number because it had many numbers that repeated.

"hello" i said

"hey jay it's Kevin, the guy you met this morning on the train"

"yeah i remeber how are you doing"

"i'm good thanks, i know it's that stupid rule about people calling two days later. But i'm not your average person. And also you droped a book too."

"haha thank you for getting it."

"um well you have my number let me know when you want to meet up and i'll bring your book also."

"well are you busy now"

"nope bored as every just finished my homework"

"oh ok well where did you want to meet up at"

"the starbucks on ebernizer st"

"sure i'll be right over"

"cool i'll bring your book to"

"thank you see you in a little bit"



I hung up the phone and Paul and Shane were staring at me.

"so Ms.Thang who was that" Said Shane

"nunya" i said

"nunya" said Paul

"yeah nun yall bussiness"

Shane grabed the phone and saw Kevin's name on the caller ID.

"Kevin is it Jay" said Shane

"what ever" i said

I walked in the kitchen and got an apple. Then Shane started to sing

"Kevin and Jay sitting in the tree F.U.C.K. ING." first comes th ooooo. The come aahhh. Who knew they could cum that far."

I threw the apple at his head almost got him to damn. I went to the starbucks and i looked around I didn't see him. I waited a little while and there he was all dressed up he had on a black striped dress shirt with the top two buttons unbottoned. Some dsquared2 jeans and some black Steve Maddens.

"wow you clean up nice" i said

"you do to" he said with a smile.

"so how are you to night"

"well i'm in my favorite store with a really hot guy all my work is done... Um i say i'm doing quite sir. What about your self."

"never better. I mean i will be graduating school soon. Going off to college. I fell pretty good."

"you never said i was hot"

"i never took my eyes of you"

"toche' i guess you win that one."

"haha no but your are byfar on of the sexist men i have ever seen in 18 years."

"so your eighteen"

"yeah i'm barely legal"

"well i hope you don't have a problem dating a thirty-five year old."


"haha no i'm kidding i'm i'm 20."

"wow you had me there."

"yeah just wanted to see you smile"

"are you always this sweet"

"i try to do the right thing with my life. Be nice, flirt with bueaty. You know the basics."

"well you seem to be on the right pace"

"yeah i try. And you seem to be also. Heres your book you dropped."

"oh thank you i was looking for it today"

"yeah. "the coldest winter ever" thats a deep book."

"yeah it started off intense and just kept going have you read it"

"yeah i read that one and also "child of god".

"wow i loved that one pretty crazy book though"

"yeah it was"

"so Mr. Tell me about your self."

"well i'm in college for psychology and criminal justice."

"well that something we have in common i'm going to school for psychology and bussiness managment"

" well then maybe we could open our own clinic together."

"yeah why not"

"so what about you Jay."

well um. I am very political. I fight for equality everday. I stand up for the less fortunate. Just trying to be robinhood i guess with out the stealing"

"well then i guess you are going to be the one that people will know for helping others"

"yeah doesn't give me much popularity in school though"

"so your not the reall hot popular guy in school"

"well no. See at my school it something called "the five".

"and the five is well each group in highschool have the five hottest most popular people. They jocks have five the stoners, cheerleaders, punks, the gays, and then surprisingly the nerds. Well i was apart of the gay five. Buti used to be apart of the jock five."

"what happen with the jock five"

"in the five you have to do what the group says. The jocks wanted to pick on the lower people they would say. I couldn't stand for it. I came out that ay and i was kicked out the jocks five."

"well i mean those guys sound like assholes. I 'm glad your not apart of them.

"well it gets worse. I became one of the gay five."

"how is that worse."

"well see in the gay five their jobs were to turn gay out that had girlfriends that were deeply in love with them record it and sendit to the girlfriend i couldn't do it. So i got kicked out that one."

"well you sound like you are very respectiable."

"yeah i try to be but i got skeletons in my closet"

"we all do."

The night continued with smiles and laughter. At the end of the night i huged him good bye and then we both planted a small kiss on the lips. I went home it was about midnight. I walked in and Paul was sitting on the stool near the kitchen bar.

"where have you been" said Paul

"um. What"

"where have you been Penny" Said Paul

"haha what are you talking Paul"

"Penny where have you been."

"um. I was with Jay Jay. Haha"

"you stupid"

"your the one asking where have i been"

"i knew where you were i was just watching "good times"."

"ok then. Umm where is Shane."

"oh that poor baby i wore him out"

"eww. Didn't need to know that"

"well i see you can still walk he's the bottom"

"uh, no. We just talked and i ended the night with a peck on the lips thats all"

"are you ready to jump into a relationship that quick after Kasey."

"Kasey told me he wouldn't make me wait for ever it has been like two months one week three days, four hours, and five minutes."

"uh, yeah you for got seconds."

"what ever, i just don't want to wat forever."

"i feel you on that one."

"beside Kevin is a realy nice guy i have never had so much fun just talking i think this is going to last a long time."

"well if he makes you happy then go for it"

"yeah but i mean what happens with Kasey"

"like you said Jay you can't wait for ever"


" good luck with that i'm head over to Shanes i'm a little horned up so he is about to get up."

"ewww. Get out. Go have your fun"

"haha buy i'll call you tommorow. I need to talk to you."

"yeah i'm free."

"ok cool it's really important"

"ok what could it be about."

The next morning Paul came over.

"hey was up Paul"

"nothing, just a few things i need to say."

"ok whats going on."

"well i never said sorry about all those things. Me shooting myself. You getting arrested.me going on to Shane. And telling you I still love you. When i am with Shane and you were with Kasey."

"Paul whats in the past is in the past. I've moved on you don't have to say sorry."

"well if i don't have to say sorry to you. Then Shane needs one."

"you and shane seem really happy."

"yeah we are. But you know that i have always been the one to be honest about things."

" and what do you have to be honest with him about"

"that i still think about you everynight."

"no Paul you can't ok. You and Shane are good together. I'm moving on with my life. Me and shane are friends and i don't want to jeprodize that. Not now. Not ever."

"well i don't think Shane would be mad at you"

The door opened

"Shane would not be mad at what?" said Shane.

Next: Chapter 13

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