He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jun 23, 2007


It was Kasey he was banging on he door in the middle of the night.

"wait before you cloe the door Jay i came all the way down here to tell you this, you matter to me more than anyone ever has. You opened your door and let me stay here even after you told my uncle you weren't going to continue with his plots. You are the one that poured yourheart out that night in the club. And I, I was the one who hurt you. I was the one that left you here to suffer. I am the one that should have proven to you that i love you. I didn't and I know you don't wanna hear it now. But you have to listen. You are going to here me out. When i left, Paul was what i though you had your eye on. And even though you told me I was the man. I didn't listen. I'm sorry. I went up there thinking that you were happy down here with Paul but that wasn't even the case. Paul was with some one else. I would have never suspected that him and Shane would be the two that would end up together but they were. While you remained here unhappy. Aaron no longer remains in my life. You whole Jet Li thing up there made him never want to see me again..." said Kasey before i cut him off.

"Ok you are just talking and it's raining you need to come inside Kasey"

"thank you." said Kasey

"listen Kasey, we have been through alot together, things that i never want to go through again. So you need to realize that you hurt me and it is unforgivable... But i do love you and that is why i want you back."

He looked up happy like a kid on christmas. He ran over to me we embraced in a long kiss. He started going for my neck. I went for his shirt. Kasey had a wonderful body. He picked me up and took me up stairs. We never broke our kiss. We fell to the bed. He ripped off my shirt while i was unbuckilng his pants.

He slid them off. I rolled over on top of him. I started kising his sotmach going down his body. Until i reached his cock. It was a pretty good size about 8 inches. I stared to lick up and down his shaft. He moaned loudly. I took him all the way in on the first go. His hips started to shake. I take it that it was like heaven for him. He grabed the back of my head shoveing me down harder as he fucked my face. I went up and kissed him he went for my neck. That has always been my hot spot. He went down on me. I felt the warmness on my cock. It was the best blowjob i had recieved yet.

"Jay, I want you to fuck me"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah i never sleep ith Aaron so i'm still a virgin i want you to take my cherry"

I went under the bed for the condoms and lube. I greased him up slowly. I put on the Magnum, and slid into him slowly. He sqeeked in pain and I with drew.

"are you sure Kasey"

"yeah just go really, really slow."

I reentered him this time moving really slowly

"Push out" i said

After that it was a breeze. When he finally got relaxed i picked up my pace. He got really brave and roled me over on my back and started riding me. Bouncing up and down on my cock. Finally he bust all over me chest then got off me and jerked me off.

"I'm cuming" I yelled

He wraped his mouth around my dick and i blew my load in his mouth. After that he Came up and laid on my chest. We fell asleep together the next morning. I woke up and Kasey was still sound asleep.

I got out of bed and took a shower.

I went down stairs and looked in the fridge. It was nothing in there to cook. It was a wholefoods right down the street. I think i can make it before Kasey wakes up. I hopped in th car and went down there picking up a few organic things some vegetarian imitation meat for breakfast lunch and dinner. While in line i saw Angela there, I looked away and then saw Shane and Paul. I called Paul.

"hey don't look now but your baby mother is in the store with you"

"wha the fu... Wait were are you." said Paul

"i'm in line dummy"

"Oh shit has she seen you"

"no Paul but i take it she wants to see you to start some trouble."

"have Shane bring your food over here you should leave before she starts acting a fool."

"ok i'm going to wait by your car"

"ok tak to you later"

I bought the food Shane was right behind me. He had a few items so his purchase was quick. He followed me out the store.

"Wow we made it out."

"yeah not yet big guy"

I looked up to see where she was and i thought i saw Aaron. But when i looked again he was gone. I must have been worn out from last night.

We went to our cars and met back up at my house. I went in and Kasey was crying. I ran over to him.

"Kasey look at me, Look at me what happened."

"I thought you left."

"no sweety i'm not going anywhere."

"Next time tell me were you are going."

"yeah, i promise i'm sorry"

"what's going on Jay"

"What do you mean"

"whenever you three are together something happened"

He is right everytime that Shane ,Paul and I are together something has happend. It did something did happen.

"Hey Paul did angela already have her baby."

"no she has like two months left"

"did you notice her belly wasn't big like it is suppose to be."

"wha... Yeah and the way she has been flipping out on me she would have told me the baby was here."

"who the hell is Angela" said Kasey

"long story baby" said i

"hey i'm going to stop pass her house and see what the hell is going on" said Paul

"I'll go with you" Said Shane

"hey guys i need to talk to you for a quick second... I really do think that i saw aaron today. What if he is here intown after us. After me. Angela already tried to burn down my old house what do you think he will do."

"well with you fast acting Jackie Chan move i don't think he will be coming here to do anything" said Shane

"yeah, i guess your right. You guys becareful"

Paul opened the door and then closed it. He was still leaning up agianst the door.

"what happened" said Kasey

"she is outside in the front drive way" said Paul

"what, oh hell no this trick is a fucking nut case. She tried to burn my old house she won't get this one" i said

I walked outside. I saw here with her arms crossed. Her stomach was as if she was pregnant.

"drop the act bitch we know your not pushing anything out of that STD infested couchie of yours"

She removed the thing from her stomach area.

"yeah i'm not pregnant. But you about to get your ass whipped"

Next thing you know two people came from around the bush in the front yard. It was these huge guys atleast 350 pounds about 6'5.

"oh shit" i said

"oh shit is right boy they about to tear that ass up." said Angela

Then Aaron came around the conner. I knew i saw him i guess he followed us home while she stayed in the store.

"remeber me asshole, let see how well you can fight now." said Aaron

"hey you guys I don't have time to fight, I'm a pacifist." i said

"you wasn't no damn pacifist when you went bruce lee on me." said Aaron

Paul came out the house and so did Shane. Thenext thing i know i'm up in the air flying across the air. I flew into the brick wall and hit my back and the big Debo looking muthafucker was charging for me. Kasey threw a glass bowl from the house and hit him upside the head. He looked at Kasey and the went for him. I had to get up i had to save Kasey. I ran in the house. And clipped the guy down the stairs that lead into the livingroom. Then i hit him with the frying pan. He was out. I went back out side and the police was there and had Paul and Shane in theback seat. The other guy was on the ground out.

"wait officer, those to guys are my friends they were protecting me. It's another guy in the houe that's outof it also they came here and tried to attack my family. They were jut helping please let them go.

"alright what happen here before i let them out"

" i sure do hope you have time officer."

"go a head"

"well Paul the long haired one use to be together and his ex girlfriend was lying about her being pregnat. She set my yard on fire and then send these loser to try and kill me. But any ways Shane the really hot onein he car we got together after words then he cheated with Paul. And then. I crashed my car and thats when i met Kasey, the love of mylife. Then Shane broke me and Kasey up. I lost my other house. Paul was shot one night. Then Shane said he was sorry we became friends agan then Kasey left we wenton a trip found him came back down with out him he told me he was sorry forleaving because he though i still loved Paul which I don't. We had really good sex last night. Then i went to g and get some food today when i got home Paul wasabout to leave and then these goones come out whn i came out and told her to leave. Thats how it happened hope you caught all that"

"wha. How the hell is sayone suppose to take notes on hat what ever this is your houe they are trespassing s fuck it your friends are free and these loser are going to here that cell ring."

"wow thanks maybe you guys aren't that bad, but did you get the girl also."

"what girl, when i got here it was just this one guy out here and the one you got in the house." said the officer.

"oh god they are still out there."

"who is "they"" said the cop

"they meaning. The people who planed this, i bet that bitch is in her culdron thinking of another spell."

"haha. Well i can put an APB out on them if we find them hold them in custody."


"Hey bye the way. Who is the sexy tall guy over there" said the officer

"who Shane" i said

"Shane is his name is it, is he seeing anyone."

"yeah he is going out with the Latino guy there Paul."

"Damn paul is one lucky bastard."

"yeah if you say so."

I walked over to Kasey and sat beside him. I put my arm around him and pulled him closer to me.

"I'm so sorry about all this Jay, I didn't think he would show up."

"hey don't you worry you pretty little head ok it doesn't matter."

"Jay what if he comes back, tonight or something. What then."

"we will just handel him"

"how we throw things at him."

"no we fight him off no more brokenthings"

"Jay i don't want him comming after you because of me if I lose you i don't know what i would do."

"listen he is coming after me because of what happened up there"

"I just don't wanna lose you, but..."

"but what Kasey. As long as long as i love you and you love me we are fine. You love me right."



Well thanks for tunning in for this episode of "He came to me that night" it will be more soon. Thanks you guys. Let me know at jamaldanahaughton2001@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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