He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jun 19, 2007


Things were alot diffrent now that Kasey left. I didn't talk as much i was always upset and would just get angry with people that didn't deserve it. Paul and Shane stoped pass alot less than they use to. I was by my self. One day Paul and Shane came pass my house they where going up to Phili for some event and they bought a ticket for me.

"hey you guys i don't want to spoil the trip just go ahead" i said

"Get your depressing ass up you going with us." said Shane

"um no i'm not besides i got some things to do here."

"like what think you had more than enough time for that shit lets go get packed."

"no you guys seriously i just want to be alone."

"Hey Paul i got the legs get his arms"

"wha. Oh my god put me down"

They picked me up i was trying to break free but they had gotten stronger. They were not going to break free.

"Paul open the door."

"got it." said Paul

They threw me in the car i tried opening the door but ithad the child safety lock on it. I bang on the window but they went back into the house. Five minutes later they came back out with my suit case packed with a weeks worth of stuff.

"Hey Paul would you look at that i told you he would come" said Shane.

"You guys this isn't funny. You know you can get kidnapping charges for this."

"well we are bringing you back home." said Shane.

"yeah so sit back relax and enjoy the scenery." Paul said.

While we were driving we made a pit stop a few hours from the destination. It was a resturant that was Vegetarian. We walked in there it was really nice versus all the other places that we came across that were really run down or looked infested with roaches and rats. Paul looked at the menu.

"Shane they have your favorite the Vegan Pasta." said Paul

" yeah but it's not as good as yours." Said Shane

"what are you two dating God."

"Um. Jay as a matter fact we are." Said Paul

"Oh" i said feeling really dumb

"Um. Were sorry that we didn't tell you earlier... It's just... Well i really don't know after you went on your anger spree we hooked up." Said Shane..

"Well i'm happy for you two."

"Jay your not upset abo..."

"no Paul i'm not upset. I am really happy for you two. Two good men together as long as you guys don't run off on each other."

With that said i left out of the resturant i wasn't hungry. I went and sat in the car. Shane came out and got in with me.

"where is Paul"

"he is inside getting food for us three."

"i'm not hungry tell him to save the money"

"we will hold it for later. Any more comments"


"Jay we asked you to come so you can clear yourhead about Kasey."

"first you guys never really asked you forced me in the car and then drove off."

"ok so what we kidnapped you. Nothing yu can do now. But listen don't you think Kasey is thinking about you right now."

"who knows Shane. For all i know Kasey could be with some one else."

" Or he could be waiting to come back."

"Ha i doubt it. Kasey is never going to come back. And we are never going to find him"

"Never say never, Jay you will see Kasey again, maybe not today and maybe not tommorow but you will see him again"

"If you say so."

"I'm going to go in and help Paul with he Food then we are going the hotel to rest up."

"Yeah, i'm sorry Shane i didn't mean it like that, you know the running out thing it"s just really hard letting Kasey go."

"I know sweet heart, but i still think that Kasey loves you. Alot. Stay strong. Your a good guy."

" I try to be."

I went back in the resturaunt. I sat down at the table. I don't know what Shane said but it made me feel so much better.

"Hey, I fell like eating here" I said

"I thought you might say that that's why i got it for here"

We all sat down. The bell on the door rang. Shane looked at the door

"Um. Jay you remeber when i said that you would see Kasey again."

"yeah what about it"

"well don't look now but is it me or i that guys over there an exact replica of Kasey."

"uh what"

I turned around it was Kasey i could tell by his smooth skin and his dimples on his cheecks. I walked towards him slowly i didn't want to startle him. The bell rang again. Another guy walked in he was a very attractive guy. Kasey turned around and kissed him on the lips not thinking anyone was looking. I just turned around and then walked out the door.

"oh god Shane, what just happen" said Paul

They came out side and sat next to me.

"hey listen i'm sorry you saw that" said Shane

"It's fine he's happy it seems so you know what i'm happy" I said

"no your not" said Paul

Paul got out of the car and went back in the resturanut. He tapped Kasey on the shoulder. I watch from the car. Paul came back out side and got in. Kasey followed him.

"Jay can i talk to you" said Kasey

I got out the car and looked him in the eyes.

"yeah sure, whats up."

"Um. Well i don't even know what to say. I'm sorry that i left you. Can you forgiv me"

Kasey's boyfriend came outside

"Kasey, baby whats going on" Said his boyfriend

"Aaron i want you to meet Jay, he is an old friend of mines"

I reached out my hand, he didn't shake it Kasey looked at him like whats was his problem.

"Well Kasey it was good seeing you again. But me an the guys need to get going we are on a tight schedule."

"Wait can you spare a few minutes."

"hey i don't kno..."

"it like two minutes please"

"yeah ok"

Kasey and i went back in and sat at the table. Aaron remained outside talking to Shane and Paul.

"how hav you been Jay"

"there is no reason to lie Kasey. Ive been a complete wreck."

"oh god. I'm sorry to here that. But more i'm sorry for what i did i though you still loved Paul and i mean you and Paul are together now right."

"what... No Shane and Paul are together. Kasey when you walked out i isolated my self for people. I was a complete wreck. One minute i see you the bus comes by and then your gone. I just had my parents walk out of my life then the man that i love walks out right behind them."

"i know and i am so sorry for that, Jay you mean so much to me"

"well not enough for you to come back to be with me"

"Jay thats not the case, you have loved Paul for four years now and i was scared that if Paul made any move you would accept it"

"I told you Kasey i loved you. YOU. No one else. You should ave now better than to doubt i would leave. Paul can't take my love for you away but you did."


I was already out the door walking past Kasey bust out the door


I never looked back i just kept walking i refuse to just be some sort of game. I was not made by parker brothers, or playskool damn it. I'm a human and i have emotions. Aaron stoped me

"What happened in there." he asked

"nothing, Ok" i said

" something happened and you will tell me"

he grabed my shoulder and squeezed it. He was a very muscular man. I looked him in the eye.

"you scary little looks don't frighten me I will break you"

Shane got out of the car and so did Paul

"what the fuck is going on here" said Paul

"none of your bussiness."

"let him go or it is my bussiness" said Paul

"guys i got this thanks" i said

"Aaron let him go." said Kasey

"i'm going to give you one warning to let my shoulder go."

" or what" he said

" or this left leg will be going across the back of your head. This left fist is going to be going across you jaw and this elbow is going across that square little jaw of your also." I said with a smile

He tried to punch me i leaned back causeing him to miss. I hit him in the jaw and swung my elbow around hitting hin in the jaw again. Thus making him drop to his knees.

" how many times have you been on your knees you stupid bitch."

Then i kicked him in he back of the head and he fell to the ground

"lets go" I said

"jay" said Kasey

"what do you want now"

" i still love you"

"thats nice but your boyfriend is on the floor. You should help him"

" i will but you mea more. I want to go back to with you back home."

" What about Aaron"

" i'll call him when he wakes up and tell him we left. And that i'm sorry it had to happen like that."

" so you are going to run out on him to."

"Jay it's not the case. I don't love him i love you."

He kissed me. I held still for a minute then withdrew.

"why did you break it"

" same reason you left you had to find your destination. I found mines and it's not with you Kasey."

The three of us got in the car Shane, Paul, and I and drove off.

" Jay you stood up for yourself back there." said Paul

"yeah you did but um quick question were did you learn to fight like that"

"i trained 12 year i am still training"

I looked back Kasey was on his knees crying it seemed. I don't know why. I loved him but i felt no remorse. He moved at last minute. And then found some new jock. And then his boyfriend attacked me. I still loved him but it was time for a new man. We went to the Party and drove home. It was raining one night i was in the shower i herd a knock at the door. I went down stairs and opened the door

"Oh my god...

Well thats it for now more to come soon thanks for reading you guys love your email let me know what you guys think


Next: Chapter 11

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