
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 9, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 33

Wednesday, August, 12, 2009.

TJ and I waited for Dad's flight to disembark. I scanned every face that came out of the plane. I kept telling myself I was going to be cool about this. I am not going to tackle him.

I saw him and smiled. As soon as he was clear of the line I launched myself to him. I humped and wrapped myself around him and kissed his neck. I looked over his shoulder a saw some lady give us that disgusted stare.

"Sorry Dad but I missed you." I stated loud enough to so that woman could hear. I enjoy making people feel like fools sometimes.

"I missed you too kiddo."

"Hey TJ I am surprised you're here."

"Hi Uncle Jare. I gotta make sure my little brother doesn't get in any trouble."

"Sure you didn't just want to get out of school?" Dad asked. School had started on Monday.

"Where's Nancy? I thought she was coming." I asked as he picked up his bag.

A look came over his face. "I'll explain on the way home."

I gave Dad the keys. I was too excited to drive. We didn't talk until we cleared Lexington and where headed down route 64. I couldn't stop touching him as we drove. I needed to make sure he was real. Normally T.J would be teasing me but I think he understood.

"So you were going to tell me about Nancy?" I asked Dad.

"Nancy has been feeling under the weather lately. The doctor didn't think it wise for her to fly."

"Oh." I said thinking to myself that's no reason to miss Grandpa's interment. I gave a slight frown.

I saw Dad look at me he smiled. "You're going to be a brother." He smiled. "Again." He added as looked in the mirror at TJ.

I whooped. "Way to go Dad."

"Congrats, Uncle Jare. Nice to know you're not shooting blanks." TJ grinned.

"Thanks guys."

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"Too soon to tell. It's only six weeks."

"That means you knocked her up before you got married." Said TJ doing the math.

"Leave it to you to bring that up, Dick breath." I said to TJ.

"You're so lucky you're my brother or I'd be kicking your ass." TJ joked back.

"So when did this brother stuff start?" Dad asked.

"About three weeks ago." I answered.

"Yeah. I figured since Prune Twat won't let me see my other sibs I might as well at least hang with Noah. It's like having a Sister and brother anyway."

"Fuck you bitch." I said laughing.

"Why won't she allow you to see your brother and sister?"

TJ explained the whole situation. I could see tears in TJ eyes when he talked about them. I knew he really missed his little brother and sister. I think it was mostly Seth he missed though. He took Seth everywhere when he could.

"I'm sorry TJ that your mother is being that unreasonable."

"Not your fault. She has gotten worse when she joined that Christ's Apostolic Church." TJ said trying to hold back tears.

We were talked a little but not much the rest of the way home. We pulled into the drive around noon. Dad took his bag into the house. Made a call to Nancy. Dad asked if she wanted to say hi to me. I figured she declined when he hung up saying I love you.

Dad changed into some jeans and a button-up shirt and we took the horses for a for a ride. We just stayed on the old road that ran along the back of end of the farm. We then cut up the power line to a trail that led down to a coal mine. Once there, Dad got off his horse and tied up his horse.

"Stay here guys." Dad said as he walked to an office.

"Why did we come here?" I asked TJ.

"Mac Daniels property starts at that ridge there. So most of the mine goes underneath it. So you guys get a nice chunk of cash from it."

"I didn't know that."

"The Mac Daniels owns like 200 acres. They are like the biggest property owners in Hazard. "

"So Dad came to pick up a check?"

"They refused to sell to the company but allowed them to mine the area as long as they don't fuck up nature shit. Also they are not allowed to mine under the farm. So your Dad probably checking up on that crap."

I didn't realize the extent of what was owned by my family. I knew Grandpa never really farmed the land. I just assumed any income came from Grandma being the principle and all that. From what TJ told me Grandma gets a l lot of money from rents and stuff like that.

For the next half hour, we watched the operations of the coal mine. The air was dusty. I hope I don't get black lung from breathing in the coal dust filled air. Dad finally came out of the office. He got on his horse and we went back the way we came.

"TJ your Dad in the office?" Dad asked TJ as we went up the old road behind the farm.

He is in Louisville getting some tests done Doc Brian asked for. Why?"

"Just need him to go over the contract with mining company." It can wait.

Uncle teddy had been tired and achy lately so he went to the doctor last week. He was quiet about didn't say much to TJ or me, other than he had to get a few tests done in Louisville. We just chalked it up to him being an old shit. He was over forty after all.

We stabled and tended to the horses. Dad said he was going to lie down. TJ and I Flipped through the channels. We argued over Nascar or Soccer. We wrestled for it. You would think that TJ is always going to win in that but not true. I won about half on the matches.

After the wrestling match we watched Nascar. "You rednecks and your Nascar. I don't get the attraction."

"Hey bro that's stereo typing shit."

"Yeah, but it's one that rings true."

"No it doesn't. I like it."

"I rest my case." I giggled. TJ threw a couch pillow at me and laughed.

"Cock sucker." He said.

"Damn good one too."

"Yeah if you say so."

I watched as TJ got excited as we watched a car crash. I couldn't help worry about the driver and was talking about how the car flipped this way and that way and how another car went right under the car flipping and didn't get hit. I don't get the attraction to watching it. Must be a straight boy thing.

TJ and I argued over some dumb shit about the stupidity of car racing during the commercial. He was pro of course I was against. Dad had come in in the middle of our argument.

"Do I need to separate you two." Dad said sitting between us on the sectional.

"No why?"

"I just don't want you two get to blows over this."

We both looked at him as if he was crazy. He wasn't used to us being together. TJ and I argue over dumb shit. But never get angry or even near to physically fighting. It was all good natured fun to us. We both started laughing.

"I guess you to really are like brothers." He said realizing we were nowhere near fighting seriously.

"Duh." We said in unison which cracked us up again.

Nascar came back on. TJ and Dad really got into it. I was cringing throughout it. TJ and I had been watching now for two hours. There had been another crash so they went to some commentary crap for thirty minutes.

"How much longer is this going to be on?"

"Depends on if there's another crash. If there isn't about another three hours."

"In that case I am going to go work out." No way was I going to sit here for another three hours.

The next morning TJ and I got up. His Dad was staying overnight at the hospital for his tests so TJ used that as an excuse to stay with me. Not that he needed one. He brought his suit because today was the memorial service for Grandpa.

Grandpa and Grandma had both prearranged the interment. They both wanted to be cremated. Grandpa was big on life so he wanted just a memorial service at church and his ashes to be put in the family plot on the farm.

We arrived at the church at ten. The services started at eleven. The limo dropped off Grandma, Dad, TJ and myself off at the curb in front of our church. Not much to my surprise Ruth was there.

Ruth of course stormed over. "Why wasn't I conferred with the arrangements."

I mean what the fuck. Grandma just lost her husband of forty plus years and she is acting like a total bitch. Grandma was barely holding it together. We all knew it was coming the band you try and prepare for it but you can't really. We all were holding back the tears.

"You had no say in the matter it was taken care of long ago." Grandma said. You can tell she was holding back words.

"Either way you should have called me."

"why you never went to see him?" I said. I couldn't hold back and allow her to put on her fake indignation.

"Mind your manners faggot."

"Watch your mouth Ruth or I will break your fucking jaw." Dad said softly so no one heard him.

Ruth huffed and grabbed TJ. "You're sitting with your family."

"Your right I am." He said.

A smile started to play over Ruth's mouth. She was thinking she had won a small battle.

"I am sitting with my brother, Noah, my grandmother and uncle." He said pulling his arm from her claws, I mean grasp.

"Your right. We will all sit as a family. We need to put on show of support for each other."

"If you're sitting with the family then I will sit in the back." I said.

" Good." she said

I am sitting with my brother. I don't wanna be near you." Said TJ.

Dad smiled at us. "You'll find me there too."

"Then it's just mother and me."

Grandma hadn't said a word. She looked at Ruth. It was a sad look. "Ruth Anne you gave up the right of being with family when you decided to hurt my grandson. I rather you either do not attend or sit elsewhere."

We left Ruth there standing by herself. She looked lost. I should have felt bad for her but to be honest with myself and whomever I let read this. I hoped she got hit by a bus.

The service was simple. People got up and Talked about Grandpa. The Mayor talked about how kind and considerate he was towards others and always there for people when they needed help. It didn't matter if he knew them or not.

He was apparently a character too and liked to play jokes. People talked about some of the funny stuff he did to people. A Nam buddy, who traveled across country to be there, told a story of how they slept naked because it was so hot. One night he threw a smoke bomb in the tent in the middle of the night. They all came running out of the tent butt naked.

There was some laughter but mostly it was fond memories. I could see Ruth fuming in my mind as she sat several seats behind us. Unfortunately, we had to hear her talk about her memories. Most of which Dad said were fabrication or stretched truth. Dad talked too about life with Grandpa mostly fond memories.

Grandma and I declined at the idea or sharing memories. Grandma couldn't do it without falling apart. I couldn't or wouldn't because of obvious reasons. I was still the pariah of the town. The choir and congregation then sung Grandpas favorite hymn `It Is Well with My Soul'.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to know, It is well, it is well, with my soul.) Refrain: It is well, (it is well), With my soul, (with my soul) It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live: If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life, Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, The sky, not the grave, is our goal; Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord! Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, A song in the night, oh my soul!

After the church part we all went to the farm where grandpa was to interred in the family plot on the property. There was a long line of cars. We waited in the house while people had to walk the distance from their parked cars all the way up Lower Messer and Town Mountain Road.

About an hour later there was about four hundred people gathered as we made our way out to the family grave yard. It over looked a creek in the north west section of the property. We listened to the Minister give the interment prayers. The only flowers were actually weeds Queen Anne's lace. Grandpa loved them. He often said that when he saw the field covered in them it looked like snow. Other than that there were no flowers. Grandma had requested that they send money to the Alzheimer's association instead.

All but the closest of friends and family left. There was maybe sixty people who stayed. We were divided between the house and the yard. The adults were in the house us kids in the yard. The whole football team came. Which made me feel good. Grandma of course had to yell at them, being the principal and all. She was touched by them playing hooky to be there though. Even Connor and posse were being nice.

The only Bad part was That Ruth was there. She thought she was being polite. I just stayed out of her way. I pretty much stayed out in the yard with the kids. The only time I went in was to use the bathroom when I came out Ruth and grandma were there.

"Mother when will the will be read?"

"There isn't a will Ruth."

"Do you mean to tell me that Father did not make out a will?"

"There was no need to since he already signed everything over Jared."

"What do you mean everything?"

"I mean just that, the property, the mineral rights, stocks, bonds and whatever else there is."

"What about me? Don't I get anything?"

She then saw me standing there. "This is all your fault. You deceived him into doing this with your evilness."

"Ruth it was done three years ago when he discovered he had Alzheimer's." Grandma said.

"I don't believe you. He has you lying for him." She said ranting like a mad woman. She threw her glass of gin at me. The glass broke as it hit my head. I felt a little sting.

"Ruth Anne I think you need to leave." Grandma said very calmly coming over to me.

"I will not. I have a right to be here."

"You lost any rights here." Dad said storming into the kitchen. He hadn't noticed me yet.

"Either you shut up or you leave now." Dad said in a hushed angry tone.

"She needs to leave. Look what she did to Noah." Grandma said while pulling a bloody towel off of my forehead.

"Oh please he'll live unfortunately." Ruth said sarcastically.

"Leave Ruth." grandma said.

"No. I am mourning my father with family and friends."

Your leaving." Dad said grabbing her arm and dragging her out the back door. I watched as he shoved her out. "If you're not off my property in three minutes I am calling the police."

"Don't bother calling the police. I will gladly arrest her." Said Uncle Marc as he came into the kitchen dressed in his uniform.

I could see Ruth through the window staring at them. She was contemplating on if they were bluffing or not. She turned around and walked to the steps of the deck. I guess she figured it out that they were not bluffing.

"TJ, I am going and you're going with me. I refuse to have you corrupted by these heathens."

"Go fuck yourself lady." TJ yelled back and turned to talk to his buddies.

Ruth stormed down the steps and around the house. By now the bleeding had stopped and I went out front with Dad and my adopted uncle and watched to make sure Ruth left.

Two minutes had gone by before Ruth appeared. Dad had his arm across my shoulders when Ruth appeared I started laughing. She was covered in mud. She stomped to her Lexus as if she was dressed in silk robes not in mud a covered dress. Dad and Marc were laughing too.

I felt Dad pull me into a hug. "love you Noah." He said kissing my forehead.

"Love you too Dad."

"Hey where does a guy get some love too." Said TJ laughing.

"Anytime you need love I got plenty to share with you TJ." Dad said pulling him into a three-way hug and kissing his forehead too.

"Uhg too much mushy shit." TJ said. I knew he loved it though, so did Dad.

"You missed her fall guys. It was fucking hilarious." TJ said breaking away and doing a dramatic showing of Ruth falling.

"You know TJ she still is your mother." Dad said after the laughter died down.

"She was never a mother just a mutha." TJ said getting a bit annoyed at being reminded of it.

"Seriously Uncle Jare, she was more interested in appearances than being a mother. So as far as I am concerned I had only a Dad."

Dad, TJ, Sam and I went to the river to chill after the guests had left. Dad had decided to join us when he heard us talking about going there to watch the sunset. He thought it might be a nice thing to remember as he had to leave early tomorrow to get back to Afghanistan. He still had five days but he wanted to spend time with Nancy. I was cool with that.

We sat there on the rock. The rock was really only big enough for three so I sat between Dad's legs. I was still only 5' 10". I hadn't had that last growth spurt yet. I leaned back against Dad's chest. His arms instinctively went around me.

The colors playing across the water were mixed. They looked like some modern art painting I had seen by Grace Hartigan. It wasn't my style. I liked defined art. I want to know what I am looking at but this was a nice blending of colors on the water.

I could help think about that. It is what life was like, a blending of colors. Different people make up the colors and make life into a painting full of colors. Some just happen to be black like Ruth. Grandpa was like all the bright colors.

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer and critic should live by:

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." Joss Whedon

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." ? Angelica Hopes

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 34

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