
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 7, 2016


The normal stuff applies here. Copy write by me do no reprint or repost. If you're not supposed to be reading adult material whether by age or residence do so at your own risk. I hold no responsibility for that.

All persons in this story are fictional. Though the places and some events are real, this story is complete fictional and has no bearing on the attitudes or opinions of any place or event mentioned.

For any comments please feel free to contact me at RandyWadestory@gmail.com I try to answer as many as I can even if it just a thank you.


Chapter 10

Over the next month I rode on a high of popularity with my classmates. They held me as the reason for the down fall of The Fairy Godmother. It was more so true with the jocks. I was also popular with the geek population Seems Coach Hardy gave anyone that was a jock a hard way to go.

I went with the flow. The only one who seemed to have issues with me was Pork and a few of his cronies. He no longer hung out with TJ or sat at the same table as us. He would go out of his way to try and instigate a reaction out of me.

I just laughed it off. Well I portrayed that attitude. It really did bother me. Come one be honest that kind of shit is annoying as fuck. Anyone who says it doesn't is lying to themselves. I admit it annoys me. I just chose to not react. Seems to piss him off more anyway.

Pork would never get directly in my face. I mean I laid him out once. The only thing he had on me was that extra 100 pounds. he would just make that little fag cough as I passed in the hallway. Or make jokes with the asswipes he was now hanging with.

My tutoring of Sam went great he now holds a B average in most of his classes. I asked Grandma have him tested for dyslexia. Which she did. He is dyslexic. So now that we and his teachers know the problem they are a little more understanding and patient.

I started tutor other students after school. I would get done about the same time football practice was over. Mr. Catelli, my history teacher is now the football coach. We had to double up on gym teachers until after Christmas. Life was going good. To good. I was worried.

The bulldogs where on a winning streak with no losses. I t was homecoming week. Which I don't really get. Considering every two or three games are at home. I was surprised though, when Linda Vincent started hanging at our table.

Sam and her flirted back and forth for a week. The home coming week though things changed drastically. I don't know if I was pissed or hurt more. Sam picked me up twenty minutes late. I went to get in the truck but Linda was there in my seat.

"Hey bro. You don't mind riding in the back do you?" Sam smiled.

WTF dude its 40 out. With the open truck and wind it will be like 30. I shrugged though and got in the back. The back was filthy. By the time we got to school I was freezing and my jeans where dirty and I had grease on my favorite CK shirt.

"Oh Noah you know the grunge look is not in." Linda giggled. Sam laughed. Too. "Ya bro. when was the last time those jeans saw a washer?"

That hurt. Things that make me pissed. when I get pissed I either do one of two things I cuss someone out or just say fuck it and walk away.

I walked away. I went in the locker room. Put on my sweats went out and started running. I didn't bother running beside Sam I just ran. He didn't even notice. I did an extra two laps and was still done before Sam.

I took a quick shower. I was pulling up my pants when he came in. he said something I didn't really pay attention I just gave a non-committal answer. I was to pissed and hurt.

While he was in the shower I walked out the locker room. Linda was there smiling. I wanted to smack that smile off her face. Yeah I admit I was a little jealous but why was Sam all of the sudden acting like was his charity case friend. He made fun of me he has never done that before. That's what hurt that's what pissed me off.

I walked right passed her like she wasn't even there. Pretty much how she treats me. You get what you give, as they say. I wasn't really think that way at the moment though. I just wanted to get away from her. I didn't want to be around Sam right now either.

I came around the corn and saw TJ. I said hi to him and his new side kick Hank. Like I said before TJ were more friendly towards each other at school and Hank and I had American history together. We all bumped.

TJ looked at me and frowned. TJ was one of those people that read people's faces. I learned that once I got to know him better. TJ was a nice guy when not around his mother.

"Where's Sam? You guys always are together Noah." Hank asked.

"Ask Linda." I said. I guess with a little too much edge.

"Cuz, let me talk to about a family thing." TJ said pulling me away from the group.

"Bro, chill man. Don't let that shit get to you."

"What shit?"

"Linda and Sam."

"It ain't."

"come on Bro. I see how you look at Sam. I saw2 you guys in the locker room after you run."

I got blood red. He seen me and Sam jerk or worse me suck his dick. Fuck he knows I am gay now. That means four people know. Yeah I told grandma.

"Relax bro. It's cool. I won't say anything to anyone. Even your dad or Grandma."

"they know."


"Listen Cuz. for what it's worth I am on your side. Unofficially if you get my drift."

I saw Sam and Linda walking up to the group laughing and giggling. I knew my eyes narrowed I couldn't help it. I knew Sam would get a girlfriend eventually. I was ok with that. I wasn't okay with being totally replaced and ignored and made fun of.

"Chill." TJ said as we joined the group.

"Oh Noah if you want to hang with us at homecoming I have a friend that might be your date if you cleaned up."

"Yeah bro seriously when was the last time those pants were washed.?"

"Yesterday. They were clean before I got into the back of your truck." I said then walked away.

I went into homeroom and sat in my normal spot. Since coach hardy was no longer at the school his homeroom class was split up. TJ was now in mine.

TJ followed me in and sat in the seat normally Sam would sit in.

"Hope you don't mind but I think it's better if I sit here."


"Family." He said.

"family." I answered.

That word had a meaning to TJ and me. It meant no matter what we were family he had my back I had his.

Sam came in a saw TJ sitting next to me. He took up the seat in front of me instead.

He blabbed away to me and TJ about how Linda did this and Linda did that how great she was.

I wanted to just knock him of his ass to shut him the fuck up. he was killing me.

I got through my morning classes. We had to do a water color in art today. I guess mine was reflecting my mood.

"That's a little gloomy, but it is nicely done." Miss. Moss said. Art reflects the mood I guess. I feel as though I lost my best friend. My only friend. We I guess I did.

I got to the lunch table and took my seat. Sam's seat was still empty. It was the only empty seat at the table. I was eating my first slice of pizza when Sam and Linda came up.

"Hey bro you mind if Linda sits there?"

Is he serious? I looked at him and then Linda. I got up took my tray. Linda sat down as did he. I shook my head went to the trash dumped my food and went to the Library.

After school I did my tutoring. I went out and saw Sam driving off with Linda in the truck. WTF he was my ride. I turned and started my hike home. It was cold and there was spots of ice along the path. I couldn't run. It was way to slippery.

By the time I got home I frozen. I could barely feel my fingertips. Grandpa was having a really bad day too. So I had to keep an eye on him cook dinner do my homework and I was in a total emotional melt down.

I heard a car pull in. I figured it was Grandma. Boy was I wrong. It was her. You know the devil woman, Ruth. she stood in the kitchen door way. Just when you think the day was going to hell. The devil shows up and it is hell.

"Grandma isn't home yet."

"Don't get fresh with me, Boy."

"I am not getting fresh. I know you're not here to see me. you rather seen me being buried. Dead or alive."

" She stepped forward you better watch your trash mouth Boy."

"Ruth I am trying to do my homework. I don't have the time or the inclination to trade insults with you unless you have decided to act like a decent person. Please leave me alone."

"I will not allow some piece trailer park trash talk to that way." She said and smacked me across my face.

"That was a freebee the next time you touch me I will knock you on your ass. Now get the fuck away from me before I do it."

"Ruth if I ever see you hit any child again you will live to regret it. That being said unless you have important business here I suggest you leave right now. Before I forget you are my daughter."

Ruth handed my grandmother a sealed legal envelope.

"Give that to Jared," "He will be home for a few days around Halloween you can give it to him then."

Grandma finished Dinner so I could do the lit report I had to do. Grandma took over Fairy Godmother's class. Until someone could be hired. she said if we wanted to finish reading The Great Gatsby we could on our own. She started on Shakespeare. Our first play was A Midsummer's Night Dream.

Our assignment was what character we felt we related to the most. I had picked Puck. I understood him he was not really liked by the other fairy's. kind of on the inside but yet not. He was always into some type of mischief. Even when he tried to do the right thing it turned to shit. That was me. I was Puck.

I felt like shit. I need my Dad. It wasn't a talk night. We talked every two days unless he was out in the field. It might be several days between talks.

I loved dad. I loved my Uncle Jared. Same guy I know but yet different. In my mind My dad was always my dad. Uncle Jared became my dad but yet will always be that guy that when I was 7 took me everywhere. With Uncle Jared I am that little boy.

"Grandma, I need to talk to Daddy. I know he was out in the field and all but I need to talk to him."

"Grandma smiled. After dinner try calling your Daddy. If he can answer the phone he will."

"He'll be tired Grandma. I don't want to bother him."

"Sit sweetheart."

I did as I was told.

"Noah. Jared is completely devoted to you. He was that way when you stayed with us when you were 7. You were his world. You still are. The only difference now is that he is your father."

I had tears in my eyes. I knew it. I need my uncle, my dad, my hero, my mentor, the only person I trusted right now. I needed my daddy.

"Remember sweetie, I know what goes on in my school. Linda is a phase Sam will get tired of her. You're the one he really love's he just doesn't know it yet."

"Sam's straight."

"Maybe, but he still loves you."

"Just trust him he will see."

"TJ knows I am gay." "TJ and I talk every day. He is worried about you too. Trust him he has good instincts."

I felt a little better. I still wanted to talk to my dad. No I needed to he made things right. He told me the truth.

We ate dinner, nothing special just boneless chicken, some corn and baked potatoes. Grandpa was doing better after his nap. He wore as much as he ate but mentally he was there.

At 8 I called my dad's cell no answer. I left a message. Again at 9 at 10.

At 10:20 my phone rang. The caller said DAD.


"Noah, what's the natter kiddo.?"

I spilled my guts dad didn't say a word until I was finished. I even told him how Sam dumped me after school and I walked home and almost froze.

"Want to know what I would do?"

"I'd leave earlier."

"Dad it's fucking freezing out and that's a walk."

"Bro, did that walk plenty of times. It's even worse when it snows."


"Let me call you back."

While I was waiting for my dad to call me back I got a text for TJ. 'pick you up at 6:15 you buy breakfast.' 'Family.'

I texted back 'family.'

Dad called back I knew he was tired I could hear it in his voice. I tried to sat I was alright but he did his thing and had me saying more than I wanted to say. In short Dad told me the truth. I was in love with Sam.

My dad always made things right. When I was hurt when I was 7 for three months he made my hurts better. I didn't know it then but he was being my dad then. He was making the bad things not bad, he was my protector. My idol. My hero. He still is today. My god watch over him.

I heard TJ pull up in front of the house. I ran out with my bag and jumped in shot gun. We bumped and TJ took off. I never rode with TJ. It was an experience. He loved to go fast. In spite of that he was a good driver.

We pulled up to Huddle House there was a few cars there, we sat, ordered and ate. We didn't say anything. There really wasn't much to say. I mean here I am sitting with my cousin, the son of an aunt who hates me. I would rather be sucking off Sam.

I looked up from my plate and TJ was staring at me.


"Do you work out?"

"On Dad's weight in the barn twice a week. Why?" I said finishing my last piece of bacon.

"Let's go, you're working out with me from now on."

I paid for breakfast and we rushed to the car. It was so fucking cold. Kentucky mountains are no joke. TJ speed down 15 and pulled onto Bulldog Lane.

We pulled into a spot and I noticed that Sam's truck was there. It was 6:45 he was usually running at this time. I shrugged it off. Who cares. Right? Yeah I know, I am not fooling you guys. I cared but I didn't want to. I followed TJ into the school gym. To small area off the locker rooms. It was a weight room I never noticed before. TJ peeled off his shirt. I couldn't help notice. He was fit as fuck.

"don't drool bro."

"you wish."

"I know I am one, hot fit, mother fucker. No wishing involved." TJ said laughing. I know that sounded a bit conceited but TJ was just being TJ, He was actually a bit modest. In his defense though TJ was all the above.

I pulled off my shirt. I wasn't as big of fit as TJ but I like to think I have a nice body. I am proud of it.

"Spot me." TJ said as me got on the bench to do so free weights.

After he did ten reps, we switched places. I did my ten. By now the small weight room had a few others in there. We all rotated around to various machines and weights.

"Hey TJ, you hanging out with the loser cousin today?"

"Fuck you, Mosey."

"Won't Fagboy get jealous?"

I was about to say something but TJ beat me too it.

"You seem a little preoccupied with other guy's sexual preference there Mosey."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe if you actually listened in sex-ed you might know."

TJ signaled me to follow him. We went into the locker room.

"That mother fucker is asking for some serious bruising."

"I hear that."

TJ stripped, so did I. We jumped in the shower. I couldn't help not to Check TJ out. I have to tell you, he had a nice body. Plump, round ass, thick legs with a dusting of dark hair. He was not hung, about average but he did have a nice set of balls. He had a trail of dark hair that went down from his belly button to nice, thick but neatly trimmed pubes.

We finished our showers, dried off, dressed and left the locker room. We walked down the hall to the main entrance.

"Dude not to be mean but you shouldn't eye guys like that in the shower."

"Like what?"

"Dude I don't care myself but You looked at me like I was your next meal."

"Oh sorry."

"It's cool. Like I said I am okay with you being gay. Some guy's though, catch you looking like at them like that will beat the fuck out of you."

I must have had some kind of look on my face that said 'I am such a fag'. TJ stopped just as we got to the main hall that lead out.

"Bro seriously. It's cool. We all check out other guy's." I had that WTF look on my face.

"Got to size up the competition. You know what I mean?" he added with a chuckle.

I nodded that I understood what he was saying. It was a gay thing it was what he said.

"So what do you think?" he asked as we left the school it was just before 8 so there still weren't to many people there.

"About what?"

"My bod bro. How do you think I rank." He said. "Why ask me?"

He gave me the look that basically said DUH. Like dude it's obvious why I asked you. I laughed. Shook my head in disbelief. TJ was a confident guy. I guess he just needed an ego boost.

"I do you in a heartbeat. If you weren't my cousin." I said.


The rest of the jock group started to arrive. We were all joking around like guys do, trading insults and stuff. Sam strolled up to us with Linda hanging on his arm. I wanted to puke.

"Hello to all of you studs." Linda said with that syrupy tone of hers. I swear I was going to barf.

"Didn't run today Sam?" TJ asked.

"nah man Linda said it was too cold for her to be standing out there. We went and had some breakfast instead."

"Oh didn't see you at Huddle's. Noah and I were there."

"Oh I prefer France's. Huddle House is for the losers and is so trashy." Linda said.

Did she just call TJ and me loser and Trashy? I am really beginning to hate this cunt. I looked at TJ.

TJ smiled. "Everyone is in entitled to their own opinion."

Sam was all smiles. He joked with the other jocks. Every once in a while Linda would interject a comment that really did not fit the conversations.

"Noah I am so glad you took my advice and got rid of that grunge look. Goodwill has some decent clothing that you can afford. you might find more in style."

That was it I couldn't take any more of her barbed comments and insults.

"Unlike you Linda. I couldn't give a flying fuck what people think about me. So keep your suggestions and comments to yourself." I said without emotion.

"Noah there's no reason to be rude. Linda was just trying to help you." Sam said.

Is he serious? Does he actually believe that's what she was doing? Is he that blind and whipped?" I guess he is.

"Whatever dude."

"It's ok Samuel. He is just jealous because you have a girlfriend and he doesn't. Once we find him a girl he will be okay."

"Nah, He doesn't want a girlfriend. He likes dick. He wants a boyfriend." Sam laughed at his little joke. The fucker just outed me.

I looked at Sam in disbelief. TJ took a step back. I know I had that look that I was about lay my best friend out, correction former best friend out.

"Asshole." I said and walked into school.

I couldn't believe he just outed me. He had promised it was our secret. That he wouldn't tell anyone.

"Noah you're a faggot?"

I ignored her and walked away. I was outed humiliated by someone I trusted and yes was in love with. I walked into home room TJ followed me. TJ sat next me. Like yesterday. Sam's former seat.

Sam came in and sat in front of me. He turned to talk but the look on TJ's and mine's faced must have registered that we weren't in the mood to talk because he turned around.

I saw some of the other kids talking and pointedly looking at me. So it was to begin. I was back to where I started. I wasn't the school loser though. I was now the school loser fag.

Sam turned around again. "Noah, could you be a little nicer to Linda? She feels as if you don't like her?"

I just stared at him in disbelief. He outed me. she just called me a faggot and he wants me to be nice to her? TJ grabbed my arm to get my attention.


Sam turned around.

No one said anything to me directly but people would get quiet or give me that look and whisper. I pretty much went into what I my Invisible mode. Which meant if I acted like I was invisible people would leave me alone.

Pork though took the opportunity though. "I knew you were a fag. Better not be checking me out in the shower I kick your ass, Fagboy.

"Nothing to worry about Pork. Can't check something that's covered up by fat rolls." I retorted and kept walking down the hall to his 'buddies' laughter.

I saw my Grandma in the hallway watching me. I nodded and she smiled that way that said, 'I am so sorry sweetie' I shrugged and got to my economics class.

I sat in my normal seat. Hank came in and saw me and sat next to me. he didn't say anything but I knew he wanted to know if it was true that I was a fag. I paid little attention to what Mr. Boring said.

I already knew the difference between traditional economy, market economy, command economy and mixed economy. So. I was off in my own little world when The bell rang. I was hungry but I was not looking forward to being around Sam. I really was not wanting to be around Linda. I never thought about really hitting a girl but for her I might make an exception.

I got my lunch, Chili Mac. Eh better than nothing. I took my tray to the table I usually sit at. TJ was in the spot where Sam usually sat. I took my normal seat. Leaving two empty seats. TJ nodded. I knew what TJ was up to he was letting me know in his subtle way 'Family' he had my back. The guys acted cool. Like I wasn't outed this morning. I knew they all heard what was being said by the other students but they didn't care or seemed to act like they didn't.

Hank sat down across from TJ in the corner. His tray had nothing but cookies pudding and some chocolate milk. He looked at my tray and TJ's we both had the chili mac.

"How can you guys eat that shit?"

"Hungry." TJ said using his spork to put some in his mouth.

Sam and Linda strolled up. Sam was holding two trays. He saw there was only one seat left and frowned.

"Noah can you make room for Linda." He said to me. A repeat of yesterday.

"Actually he can't we are talking." TJ said. He was waiting for that. I could tell because he was smiling ear to ear. TJ doesn't smile.

"Where's Linda going to sit?"

"Not to be mean bro but this is the jock table. You don't see us sitting with our girls here do you?" a guy named Conner said next to TJ.

"yeah get real bro. Con is right. It's the unspoken rule jocks not chicks. How we gonna talk shit about them if they are here?" said another guy.

"Then what's Noah doing here? He into dicks not chicks?" Sam said. Outing me again. I knew he was pissed but fuck dude. I didn't say shit.

TJ stood up and moved to get right in front of Sam. "I though Noah was your friend Meets. That's the second time you outed him today. I suggest you and your girl go sit somewhere else. We rather have Noah here."

"Ok we will. We got no time for a fag anyway." Said Linda.

Ok maybe I was wrong but I couldn't take that bitch's nasty comments anymore. This 2008 the fag shit is old. I am also getting tired of Sam outing me so turnaround is fair play right.

"Funny you said that Linda because Sam had time enough for one when he wanted his dick sucked or wanted to suck one." I said. I figured fuck it everyone knows I am gay. So why deny it. If Sam outed me people might as well know all the facts.

I didn't bother to even look at Sam. I went back to eating my lunch. I didn't see it coming but Sam sucker punched me. before I could react hank was up and on Sam. TJ pulled Hank off of Sam.

Of course we all ended up in the principal's office. Grandma was pissed. I had a black eye Sam had one and a bloody nose. Hank looked like a scared a rabbit. TJ though was smiling. Me well I felt I was the victim here so, I felt safe.

"Someone what to explain what caused all of this?" Grandma said. I didn't say a word.

Ty spoke up.

"Sure I will. It's simple to understand. Noah didn't give up his seat for the princess when Sam asked him too. So Sam got pissed and sucker punched Noah, after he outed Noah twice today. Hank defended Noah. I pulled Hank off of Sam."

TJ pretty said what happened. He didn't go into detail. Stated the facts as he saw it. Got to love the Wat TJ did it. Pretty much blamed Linda and Sam. Which pretty much was to blame.

"Oh and Linda Snow called Noah a derogatory name." TJ added for good measure.

"Is this true Noah?"

I didn't really want to answer. In truth I still was still in love with Sam. I didn't want to rat him out. Though I couldn't call TJ a liar. Especially since he told the truth.

"Pretty much ma'am."

"Henry what do you have to say?"

Hank looked like he wanted to cry. He was shaking.

"Grandma, Hank jumped on Sam to protect me. That's all he did." I said. I knew that if Hank started talking he would start crying.

"Is that true Hank?" Grandma asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said so quietly I barely heard him.

"So What I gather is this. Sam you outed Noah this morning. Then outed him again at lunch. When Noah refused to move from his seat you got angry and hit him. Hank you then and defended Noah's honor, so to speak."

"I didn't out him I was joking around. No one took me seriously."

"Dude. Where the fuck you been? People been talking shit about Noah all morning." TJ

said. He was pissed now.

"TJ language."

"Sorry Grands but that Pissed me off. Noah was supposed to be his friend. Since Sam started hanging around the princess he has been treating Noah like he was dog crap. He broke the golden bro code."

"Bro code?" Grandma asked.

"Bro's before ho's."

"I have to tell you Mr. Meets that I have been hearing the same thing all morning. I don't miss much. Hank and TJ wait outside."

TJ and hank went out to the front office.

"Sam do you have anything you want to say?"

"I want to say I am sorry Noah; I was acting like a total douche. I know I can't take it back but I will make it up to you. I promise."

"Noah?" Grandma said.

"You hurt me Sam in so many ways. I thought we were friends. You outed me. Called me a fag. Joke or not people believe it now. Laughed at Linda's nasty so called jokes about me. You made me feel like wasn't your friend. Like it was all fake to get what you wanted. You didn't even care that you left me here to walk home in the cold. Didn't bother to pick me up or call this morning. Even if I had a ride with TJ you totally didn't think past Linda. I can forgive you Sam, but I don't if I can trust you again you betray me."

Sam was looking down at his feet. I knew what I said hurt him. It hurt me to say it. It was true though he hurt me so much. I trusted him and he betrayed that trust. I want to forgive him and I probably will. I don't know if I can ever trust him again. I need my dad.

"Fair enough, Noah. Maybe someday you can trust me again too. I get that I broke your confidence."

"You broke more than my confidence you broke my heart. I'm in love with you." OH fuck me, I just told Sam I was in love with him. I just came out. I wasn't thinking. I was running on pure emotion.

I "Buried my head in my lap. I was crying. My emotions were all over the place. I had no control. This wasn't me. What happened. I always had control. I felt Grandma pull me into her arms.

"It's ok sweetheart let it all out." Oh boy did I let it all out. every pain, torcher humiliation I endured in my whole life was there. Once I finally settled down I looked at Sam.

He had tears running down his face too.

"I am so sorry Noah. I love you too. I am straight. I can't you know. I am sorry."

I nodded. Grandma let me use her bathroom to get cleaned up. When I came out Linda was there sitting next to Sam. She smiled at me and reached for his hand. He moved it away from her. She frowned slightly. I can tell she didn't like that.

"Glad your back Noah." Grandma said.

I smiled at grandma and ignored Linda. I did though enjoy that she was rebuffed by Sam.

"Noah sit down please."

"Linda it has come to my attention that you have used several words that are considered to be derogatory towards Noah."

"No I didn't use any such words."

"So you didn't use the words Fag or faggot?"

"They're not derogatory. That's what he is."

"Young lady. You greatly misinformed. Those words are very much derogatory. They are hurtful demeaning and against hazard school system policy to be used. You owe Noah an apology."

"No I don't he said nasty lies about My Samuel."

I must have looked confused because my Grandma when she looked at me, she saw she wasn't going to get an answer from me.

"What were those lies Linda?"

"He said that Samuel and him sucked each other things."

"It's true. We did." Sam said quickly

"You're a fag too? I let you fuck me. Now I will get the Fag disease."

"Linda Snow. You are suspended for three days. You are not to set foot on this campus until those three days are up."

"I am the homecoming queen. I have to be here Friday night and you can't a stop me."

"You are no longer Homecoming Queen. I believe the runner up as Carol Davies. She will take your place."

She was about to say something more. Grandma headed her off.

"If you say one more word I will extend your suspension longer."

In the end of all of this Grandma suspended Hank and Sam for two days. As she put it the fight was instigated by Linda. TJ and I got three days' detention in the library for our part in all of it.

Didn't bother me I was there anyway tutoring. I did forgive Sam. It would take a long time though before I trusted him again if I ever could.

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Next: Chapter 11

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