
By Oliver Jennings

Published on Apr 3, 2004


Hayle (Part 3 of 4) (c) Oliver Jennings, 2004


Charlie and I were staying at Hayle and ended up sharing a room with Kai and Franziskus about six months after the incident with my dad. They were a couple of pretty rough-and-ready German lads with deep guttural voices and strong unaffected laughs. Unlike us, they weren't at Hayle for the rugby - they confessed to knowing very little about the game - they were just passing through the town on a whistle-stop tour of England.

That evening before we all turned in, Charlie and I had a few pints of Cornish ale with them in the hostel bar. The conversation was lively and humourous, but a few comments they made struck me as a little odd.

First, Kai asked about which towns in the South West had good clubs. Nothing strange in that, but when Charlie asked what kind of stuff they were looking for - good DJs or live music, for example - Kai smiled and said, "Just places where guys in couples like us can hang out, you know?"

Charlie took that to mean groups of mates looking to pull. He suggested a couple of places in Exeter.

Franziskus asked if there we'd ever seen any "action" in any of the hostels we'd stayed in and which ones were best. This time Charlie looked confused so I shrugged and answered that generally things were pretty dull. They looked disappointed and the conversation moved on.

Then, just before we went up to bed, Kai made a joke about inviting the barman up with us and Franziskus pretended he was offended. My German isn't too good but I'm sure Kai said something like, "Hey, you know I don't mean it," and Franziskus laughed and replied, "No - I meant he was already mine!"

I shared my observations with Charlie as we were undressing in the bedroom after the German lads had gone off to shower. Charlie dismissed my suspicions as conjecture and mistranslation. "Their English isn't perfect," he insisted. "And your German's not exactly fluent... it's not exactly a water-tight case..."

"Hey, I'm not wanting to put them on trial, mate. All I'm saying is that it's kind of weird finding two guys so straight-acting turning out to be gay, that's all..."

"But we don't know that they are. And if they are... well, you know... who gives a fuck?"

I smiled, picked up my toothpaste and towel and went off to the bathroom.

To my surprise, Kai and Franziskus were showering together in there. I don't just mean they were chatting while one of them showered and the other was waiting outside the cubicle: I mean they were in the shower together. There didn't seem to be anything sexual in it - they were just messing around together, squirting water at each other and laughing in that loud natural way that they had - but it wasn't the sort of thing straight guys, even very close straight guys, do together.

Maybe it was a German thing.

I smiled over at them and they said a couple of things in German together that I didn't understand.

As I started brushing my teeth, Kai called over, "We won't be long... if you two guys want to get in here..."

I looked towards him and saw that he was gesturing at the shower while blatantly checking out the package inside my boxers. I smiled again and shook my head. "You're okay... take as long as you like..."

Then Franziskus joked, "Actually, there's room for the four of us, if we all squeeze up together..." and Kai burst out laughing.

It now seemed pretty obvious that they were gay and that they assumed Charlie and I were too. I smiled and waited for their laughter to die down so I could point out that Charlie and I are so close because we're brothers rather than lovers. But by the time it had I'd decided against that - it might make them embarrassed and self-conscious to have been so openly affectionate together in front of me. So I just said, "We're pretty tired... it's been a long day..."

Kai nodded and then Franziskus, standing behind him, goosed him and the two of them laughed explosively.

While I got in with brushing my teeth, I glanced at them through them mirror, recalling to myself the time I'd peered over at Martin in this same bathroom five or six years earlier.

I was fascinated, just as I always was, by their arses, but this time my interest was heightened by the fact I was almost certain they were gay. For the first time I was looking at arses that I were very likely to have been fucked. Maybe not both of them, but more probably Franziskus's - he seemed to be the less forthright and assertive of the two of them and so would be the one, I assumed, who'd be more likely to receive the other guy's cock during gay sex.

Every time Franziskus turned his arse towards me, I imagined Kai's cock sliding into it right there as the two of them showered together. Franziskus's cheeks were firm and round and it was easy to envisage Kai's engorged organ pushing its way between them as Franziskus bent forwards to receive him. I could almost see Kai's own muscular arse flexing as he pushed his cock into his friend's; could almost hear the them whispering of their fondness for each other in German as they did so.

I realised that my own cock was starting to develop, in contrast to theirs which remained surprisingly unaffected by the fun they were having together, and I tried conjure up the stench of the school toilets. It seemed to be having some effect, although admittedly a much smaller one than usual, but then I glanced back into the mirror and saw Franziskus bending over to pick up the soap, giving me a pretty candid view of his puckered pink hole. My cock lurched upwards inside my boxers and there was no alternative but to quickly rinse my mouth and get out of there.

As I was leaving the bathroom, Kai called over to me, "Hey, Oliver... if you guys are so tired and we're keeping you awake, let us know..."

I wasn't sure what he was he was talking about but I smiled and nodded.

Franziskus added, "We'll try to be quiet, but it's been two weeks since we could be together in a bed..."

I grinned, "Oh, right... yeah, no problem..."

And I got the hell out of their before my boxers burst open in my excitement.

I couldn't believe it - this was really it! I was finally going to get to see the thing I'd been obsessing about for nearly a year!

As I headed back to the bedroom, my mind was racing as to how I could stop Charlie saying anything to them when he visited to the bathroom which might let them know the two of us were brothers and would scupper the whole thing. They had to keep thinking we were a couple, otherwise my plans would be fucked. And Franziskus wouldn't be...

But Charlie was already asleep. He'd obviously lay down on his bed in his briefs while he was waiting for me to return and had nodded off. I gently rolled him over and got him under the duvet. I didn't even glance at his arse: right then, just like dad-butts, brother-butts were out-of-bounds.

Then I switched off the light, opened the curtain slightly to allow a little of the white glow from the streetlamp into the room, and got into my own bed.

Kai and Franziskus took ages to reappear. By the time they did, I was starting to worry that they'd had second thoughts and had decided to lock the bathroom door and have sex together behind it.

But after fifteen minutes they emerged into the bedroom with their towels around them, dropped them to the floor as soon as the door was locked and embraced in a deep and passionate kiss right in the middle of the room.

Then they climbed onto Kai's bed and hugged each other's naked bodies, whispering and chuckling between long, tender kisses.

Although my cock was raging at the anticipation of what was to come, I must admit that I felt a little uncomfortable watching them engage in what should have been a private moment. I felt guilty to be witnessing them whispering their affections to one another, caressing each other's bodies and masturbating each other's cocks. This was their moment; not mine. I guess it's odd that I felt like that, since I'd long-since had no reservations about spying on other men's bums and peering at their most private spots as they bent down, but I did. Maybe it was the fact I wouldn't have minded if some guy was getting off by checking out my arse, but I'd have been really pissed off someone was watching me making out with a girl.

There was a lot of cock rubbing between them, then they took turns sucking each other, and I saw it all pretty clearly thanks to the pale light coming in from the street outside. It didn't really turn me on, I must say, but it didn't repulse me either. It was curious to see two such well-built, apparently straight guys being sexual together right in front of me and a little odd to watch them being so tender and loving with one another's bodies. But at the same time it was good to know that guys could be like together, that we didn't always have to fight and compete with one another, and that sex between two men was as passionate and varied as the sex I was more familiar with.

When Kai got off the bed and fumbled around in his rucksack, my cock strained painfully in my hand at the realisation he was looking for a condom. It was oozing precum as it never had before; it felt like it was longer and thicker than it had ever been.

As he climbed back onto the bed and the two of them laughed at something Kai said, I was almost panting in anxious expectation.

The next minute or so was a little confused: their dimly-lit bodies scrabbled around as they squirted lube on cocks and into holes and adopted their preferred positions. It took me a that long to realise that it was Kai who was bending forwards on the bed, his face staring forward at the headboard, and Franziskus who was wearing the condom on his thick, arching cock behind him.

It took a couple of minutes for Franziskus to enter Kai: he'd push forwards but Kai would grunt and mutter something in German, and then Franziskus would withdraw, wait a few seconds and then try again. Perhaps this was the less usual position for them to be in; perhaps Kai was, as I'd surmised in the bathroom, more comfortable at being the dominant partner.

I wanted to be over there with them - to be kneeling next to their bed and watching Franziskus's large cock try to work its way into Kai - but I knew that I was so excited that I'd probably climax at the sight of it before I was even halfway across the room.

Kai let out a small fart and Franziskus laughed. Kai chuckled too and said something in German like, "Why do you have to be so big? You make it so difficult..." And Franziskus laughed again.

I took my hand away from my aching cock: I knew I would come right now, without even playing with it, if I kept holding it. Even the sensation of my duvet touching the swollen, throbbing tip of it made me wince in almost uncontrollable pleasure so I had to hold the underside of the bedding high above its engorged stem, feeling the tip gently oozing precum onto my belly in a continuous dribbling stream.

When Franziskus had managed to penetrate Kai, they began fucking in earnest. Franziskus's thrusts started off slow and gentle, but, at the encouragement of Kai who very quickly began to enjoy the attention his arse was receiving, Franziskus's rhythm increased until the two of them were panting and gasping and the bed-frame thumped against the wall.

I just lay there, as though hypnotised: my eyes wide and staring and my heart thumping in my chest. My cock throbbed above my belly, untouched, but I was unable to stop my hips from gently bucking as though I were imagining myself in Franziskus's place.

Franziskus was making long, rapid thrusts in and out of Kai's arse. Every time he withdrew I could see his cock, slick and wet, emerge from his friend's round cheeks only to be pushed back in with a guttural grunt from its owner. He grabbed onto Kai's hips, holding the other man firmly in place, slamming his cock home harder and faster with every thrust he made.

I was unable to stall my orgasm any longer and it overwhelmed me right then. I could feel it building inside me but I found it impossible, no matter what repellent images I tried to summon, to quell. It rose to overtake me and all I could do was lie there and accept it: to try and stop myself from gasping as I felt my cock, still hanging untouched above my belly, squirting jets of hot semen against my teeshirt and skin.

After my cock had spent itself, I lay stunned and slightly bewildered by the intensity of my excitement and the force of my climax. I was dimly aware that Franziskus's rhythm was reaching a crescendo but drowsiness was rapidly washing over me. My chest was sodden with my cum but, since I was unable to clean myself up, I gave up to my sudden exhaustion and closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was Kai begin to gasp as he reached his own point of no return.

I was awoken early the next morning by the familiar sensation of guilt gnawing at me like a rat.

Why had I been so excited by the anticipation of watching the two of them having sex? Why had I climaxed so forcefully when I saw Franziskus fucking Kai? Why had I been powerless to think of something to repulse me like I usually did?

I lay in bed, unable to get back to sleep, wondering how things could have gone so far without me being able to stop them. The room grew lighter, Charlie started becoming unsettled as he began to wake up, and the sounds of cars outside became more regular.

I kept thinking of that toilet stench; the smell of the school loos. That's what guys' arses smelled like, didn't they? That what having sex with another guy meant having to push your cock into, didn't it?

This time the faithful and trusted weapon hadn't worked. The trigger seemed to have jammed or something. There'd been no stench when Franziskus had fucked Kai; there hadn't even been a whiff of anything unpleasant.

Maybe I'd been wrong; maybe gay sex actually wasn't that unpleasant. Maybe it was actually pretty good -

I cut that train of thought off before it could get a hold on me.

At that moment Charlie groaned as he stretched and then stumbled out of bed.

I looked over at the beds on the opposite wall; Kai and Franziskus's beds. It seemed that, after having sex, Franziskus had gone over to sleep in his own bed. Kai was alone, sprawled out, in his own.

I saw Charlie glance over at me out of the corner of my eye and I pretended I was still sleeping. He pulled a couple of things out of his bag and headed off to the bathroom.

The noise of Charlie getting up must have awoken Franziskus because he coughed a little and then climbed out of his bed. He walked over to Kai and shook him. Kai groaned and tried to turn over away from him. Franziskus chuckled and pulled away his duvet, saying something I couldn't understand. Kai groaned more loudly, protesting at his sudden involuntary nudity, and croaked, "Please," in German.

Then Franziskus picked up his things and went out of the room. Like Charlie, he threw me a glance but I maintained the pretence that I was soundly asleep.

Kai groaned again and turned over onto his stomach, clearly hoping to sleep on a little longer despite the lack of duvet, and his naked arse pointed invitingly upwards.

I peered over at it, fascinated by the knowledge that here was a freshly-fucked arse in all its glory, just a few feet away from me. Despite its exertions on the previous evening, my cock began to stiffen rapidly again at the prospect of getting a better look at it.

I got out of bed as quietly as I could, feeling my teeshirt snagging my skin where my dried cum was sticking the two together. After yanking my boxer shorts back up to cover my cock, I crept over to the bedroom door, which was half ajar, and listened to Charlie chatting with Franziskus in the bathroom along the corridor. They were far enough away for me to get a few seconds warning if one of them were to walk back towards the bedroom.

I pushed the door almost fully closed and walked over to Kai, trying hard to spread my weight so as not to make the floorboards creak.

He was breathing slowly and deeply, clearly soundly asleep again.

His arse looked even better up close: the cheeks were round and muscular and had parted just enough to reveal a little of his dark, slightly hairy crack. The lower half of that betrayed evidence of Franziskus's exertions on the previous evening: slick trails of dried lube were sticking the wiry hairs to his skin in clumps; a few faint pale brown streaks stained his skin around the area of his arsehole.

I thought, "Jesus - this is well and truly freshly-fucked!"

My own cock rose up to full size as if hoping to follow its predecessor in.

Underneath his arse, between the backs of his parted thighs, Kai's large balls looked heavy and swollen inside his loose scrotum.

I thought, "It's not exactly going to be easy to convince myself I was imagining Kai to be a girl if there's a guilty aftermath to this... not with a pair of nads like those swinging around between his legs..."

But I drove on just the same.

I bent over Kai, leaning down towards him and bringing my face up close to his arse. I think he must have felt my breath against his cheeks because he moaned and readjusted his position slightly, pushing his hips further upward so that his arse was closer to my face.

Horrified, I looked up towards his head which was turned sideways on his pillow, but found that his eyes were still closed and his breathing hadn't altered.

Figuring that his movement must have been subconscious - he was, after all, a guy who seemed to enjoy having his arse receive a little attention - I turned back toward the part of him that fascinated me.

His full, firm cheeks were just inches from my face, spread open a little further now, and between them I could see his swollen red arsehole through the tangle of hair. I imagined Franziskus's impressive cock sliding into the loose and puckered hole, as it had been last night, and felt my cock ooze a dribble of precum onto the material of my boxers at the prospect.

I was beginning to sweat.

Part of me was saying, "I can't believe you're doing this, Ollie... I can't believe you've got your face right up against another guy's arse. What about the smell? What about the school toilets?"

But another part replied that this wasn't anything like that. This had nothing to do with that.

I pressed my face downward so that it was just an inch or so from Kai's arse, my nostrils right above the sore-looking hole between his cheeks. Tentatively, I inhaled.

The smell was quite amazing: I wasn't even remotely disgusted as I'd half expected - perhaps hoped - I would be. On the contrary, it was incredibly arousing; intensely inviting. I immediately wanted more.

I pressed my face a little closer, almost touching Kai's strong cheeks with my nose. The smell absorbed me; consumed me. It was powerful and masculine: raw and potent. There was, as you would expect, a strong and undeniably anal component, but it also had musky and sexual undertones to it. The combination of the two was unexpectedly attractive and made the intermittent dribbles from my cock develop into a constant, weeping stream.

There was a faint after-scent of the rubber of the condom that had fucked him and hints of the lube and, perhaps, of Franziskus's semen that had been splattered around his hole; but these paled into insignificance against the intense and uncompromising smell of Kai himself. It was thick and cloying while at the same time being sharp and sweaty: I felt my mouth watering and heart beginning to pound.

I stuck my nose between his cheeks, expecting Kai to wake up at my intrusion but unable to stop myself. I was starting to pant against his hole: wanting to savour the rare moment I was experiencing but too overwhelmed by my pleasure to be able to protract things.

I gulped in mouthfuls of the strong, pungeant air inside his cleft and then - without even thinking about it - pushed my dribbling tongue against the hot, swollen ring of his arsehole. I began lapping at it, licking around it, tasting Kai's most intimate taste as I gasped for breath.

Kai moved a little, rolling slightly on his mattress, and I was brought to my senses. I pulled out, still panting, and saw that he still appeared to be asleep.

Charlie called out something down the corridor, making a joke with Franziskus, and - while I desperately wanted to push my face back to Kai's arse and penetrate him fully with my tongue - I realised I had little time.

I released my cock from my precum-soaked boxers and masturbated quickly, staring at the wet patch I'd made around Kai's arsehole and relishing the fading traces of his thick, manly scent in my mouth and nose.

I orgasmed after just half a dozen rapid yanks at it, gasping, "Shit, oh shit," as the white spurts started to shoot from the tip of it. I had to quickly hitch the front of my boxers back up to catch as much semen as I could inside them.

Charlie walked back into the room almost immediately and I was unable to conceal the wet front of my boxers before he saw them.

He laughed, "Wet dream, Ollie...?"

I blushed. "Well..."

Kai called over, "Hey, looks like I had one too..."

He stood up from his bed, looking almost proud of the thick strings of cum which were hanging from his erect cock. A pool of white cum made a large wet patch on his mattress where he'd been lying.

Charlie looked a little confused but Kai just chuckled. "Must be something in that Cornish ale we both had..." He looked over at me, grinning at my scarlet face, and added, "... or maybe it's just the affect of English hospitality..."

Charlie looked at me, clearly not understanding what was going on, and I managed to turn an even deeper shade of beetroot as I grabbed my shower gel, shampoo and towel.

Needless to say, after that morning, the school toilets routine didn't work any more. I knew the smell of anal sex now, and I knew how much I liked it. For the next couple of months the mere thought of Kai's arse was enough to get my cock twitching, no matter where I was, and the memory of the scent and taste of it proved to be a familiar friend during many masturbatory sessions.

And over the following couple of years, my interest in other guys' arses became far more hands-on: just looking at them was simply not enough. I'd grab my mates discarded underwear while they were showering after a rugby game and take a few short sharp snorts from around the arsehole of them. I would inhale as much as I needed to get the unique smell of the owner's backside in my memory, but not enough to make me hard. Three or four strong sniffs were usually enough. Then I'd carefully replace them and pile into the showers with the rest of them, content in the knowledge that I'd have something new to fantasize about later that evening.

I began taking a few liberties when my mates, usually drunk and insensible, stayed over with me. Stripping their shirts and jeans off became an act of gradually building tension and arousal rather than being a hurried chore, and the icing on the cake became that wonderful moment when they started snoring and I could turn them gently over and get to work exploring their widely varying arses with my nose and my tongue.

It took a couple of years for me to take that final, momentous step, though. And it seems very appropriate that it happened where it all began; in one of the shower rooms at Hayle Youth Hostel.

I was now at University and trips down to Hayle had kind of died a death, the way things do when you leave home. Apart from anything else, I was on the University rugby team and watching other amateur teams compete didn't have the appeal it once did. My dad kept going down to see matches and Charlie would often accompany him as I once had, but I usually had other things planned.

Except that one, last, weekend.


In the final part of "Hayle", I meet up with another rugby player called Steven who invites me to take a closer look at his arse in the shower room...


Comments/suggestions always welcome: southwest_ollie@yahoo.co.uk Ollie's group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ollies-group/ Ollie's website: http://stories.remoworld.com

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