Hayden and Paul

By James Little

Published on Jan 30, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Hayden Christensen or Paul Walker are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hey everyone. I realize that I haven't written in a while, but I have gotten so many requests to continue the series, I just couldn't refuse. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, any feedback is appreciated.

Hayden and Paul -- Part 4

Almost three weeks had passed since Hayden got on a plane that took him to Chicago, away from New York, and away from Paul. Hayden arrived in Chicago with no delay and got through his interviews with no incident. As soon as they were over, Hayden headed up to his room and looked around aimlessly for something to do. There was no one to talk to, no one to eat with; he was completely alone. It was early in the afternoon, so he knew that Paul wasn't home, but he decided to call anyway. The answering machine picked up and Hayden was glad to hear Paul's voice again. He left a message on the machine to let Paul know he was thinking about him and then hung up. Hayden realized that he had only known Paul personally for a week, but when he got on the plane, it felt to him like it was the first time that Paul and he would be apart in a year. Hayden had an interview with a magazine over dinner that night, so had just enough time to get a quick workout in the hotel gym, grab a shower and go.

That same morning Paul drove away from the airport after just having dropped Hayden off. He went straight to the set and had to contend with all the production and direction crew barking at him for being late. He didn't really have it in him to be confrontational, so he just apologized and asked if they could start filming. After a few hours they took a break for lunch, and even though Paul had been thinking about Hayden all day long, now Hayden was all he could think about. He pulled out his cell phone to call Hayden, but then realized that he would probably be in an interview, so he decided not to bother him. Once filming was done Paul headed home, as he walked into the apartment, he almost expected Hayden to be there. Even though Hayden had not spent a whole lot of time there, the time he was there was so comfortable that it felt to Paul as though he belonged there. Paul threw his keys on the table by the door as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror next to the closet. Paul noticed he was still wearing Hayden's sweater and quickly smiled as he thought about what Hayden said in the morning as he tossed him the sweater. Paul continued into the living room and noticed the message light flashing on his machine. The reached over and pressed play as he sat down on the couch and began to flip through the mail he had brought up with him. There was one message from his agent and another one from his brother. Then Paul heard Hayden's voice and Paul almost instinctively turned his head and looked at the answering machine. He heard Hayden say "Hey Paul, I know you are still on set right now, but I just wanted to call to let you know that I was thinking about you." There was a considerable pause as Paul waited to hear if there was anything else; and then he heard Hayden's voice go on to say "Well I just wanted to let you know that I miss you, and I'll call you tonight. So I'll talk to you then." Paul lit right up and smiled having heard Hayden's voice for the first time since he left for Chicago.

Paul got up and made some food for dinner and sat down to eat. Before Hayden came around, this was how it went. Paul would be on set all day shooting, and then he would come home, and other than the few days he might go out, he would have some food and get to bed before he did it all over the next day. But today was different, after having spent a great week living with Hayden, Paul could appreciate what was missing. Paul finished his food and cleared the table and walked to the living room and sat on the couch. He looked at his watch trying to figure out when Hayden would call. He restlessly flipped though a couple of magazines, although he didn't really pay attention to anything in them, it was just a way to stop him from watching the clock. Paul decided he would get changed and ready for bed, and that he would talk to Hayden just before he went to sleep. So Paul made his way into the bedroom and started by taking off his sweater. Once he had it off, he shook it to straighten it out. Paul just looked at the sweater for a second and slowly brought it up to his face. He took a deep breath, inhaling and relishing Hayden's scent again. Paul then moved the sweater away from his face and folded it up and tossed it into the closet. He then took off his pants and walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. Hayden's evening went by just as slowly as Paul's did. Over dinner he kept trying to check the time without offending the reporter. He tired his best to be polite, but having spent a good amount of time dazed and thinking of Paul, he knew he must have come across somewhat rude. At one point during the dinner-interview, the reporter crossed her legs and her foot brushed up against Hayden's lower leg and up his thigh. At the feeling Hayden's lips curled into a smile, not because it felt good, but just because it brought all his senses back to the afternoon in the restaurant.

When Hayden finally got back to his hotel, he walked into his room and headed right for the phone. He picked it up and dialled Paul's number. Paul was walking out of his bathroom and back into the bedroom when he heard his phone ring. He didn't even let the phone ring twice before he picked it up and sat on the bed. Paul answered by saying "Hello?" Hayden sat on the bed just like Paul had and answered in a soft and tired tone "Hey." Paul asked Hayden how he was and Hayden answered that he was good. Hayden then asked the same and Paul answered the same as well. After a moment of silence Paul spoke up and said "So, I miss you Hayden." Hayden could tell how sincere Paul was just by the tone in his voice, so he answered "I miss you too Paul." They both eventually lay on the beds talking to one another. Paul asked Hayden about his flight and his interview. Hayden told Paul about his day and Paul told Hayden about getting bitched out on set. They just kept chatting, reminiscing about the past week. "I wish you could be here with me. Maybe we could recreate our first night in a hotel room." Hayden said, half- jokingly to Paul. Paul smiled in response said "I would give the world to be with you right now." They continued talking and finally Paul asked while laughingly lightly "What is the matter with us Hayden, I mean look at how heart broken we are after just twelve hours of not talking to each other." Hayden laughed at Paul's comment and said "I think it's cause we both know what we are missing now." Paul agreed and went quiet for a second. Hayden was just about to ask if Paul was still on the line when Paul said "Hayden, I hate to do this, but I should go if I want to make it to the set on time tomorrow." Hayden wished he could keep talking to Paul, but he had to be up early for another interview anyway, so he answered Paul "Yeah, I have to up early tomorrow too. So we'll talk tomorrow night then?" Paul then answered "For sure, how about around the same time?" Hayden agreed and they wished each other a goodnight and hung up the phones.

The next couple days went by with no real change. They would each go about the business during the day and would talk to each other before bed. But Hayden soon had to leave Chicago and then he made his way west for the next part of his publicity tour. The time difference between Hayden and Paul was larger, and it was making it more difficult for them to touch base everyday. They were eventually talking only every other day, and for less and less time. Another week went by and Hayden made his way to California for the last part of the tour. The day Hayden left for California Paul went to the set as usual. Once he got there he made his way to his dressing room when he heard someone call from behind him "Uh, Paul. I need a minute." Paul recognized the voice of the director and turned to see what he wanted. He said to Paul "I just wanted to let you know about the rest of our shooting plan." Paul just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "We are pretty much done filming here in New York and we are gonna finish up in Toronto." Paul's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the director's words. He fell in love with Toronto while he was filming The Skulls, but this time the city had more to offer, and that was Hayden. Paul knew that Hayden was from Toronto, and he knew that Hayden would want to go back to see his folks. And now he could go with him. Just as Paul was thinking about perfect the arrangement was the director added "Oh, but we are shooting all the special effects scenes, so we won't actually need you for a couple months, so you have a little time off." Paul couldn't believe it, he couldn't wait to get home and call Hayden to give him the good news.

That day Hayden had only a couple of interviews, so he was done in the early evening. Once he got back to his hotel room, he called Paul and being three hours behind, he caught Paul just as he was getting ready for bed. It had been so long since they talked last that they were on the phone for a solid hour. It didn't really matter what they talked about; they both really just wanted to hear the other's voice. Just as Paul was about to tell Hayden about filming in Toronto, he stopped and figured it would make a great surprise, so he decided to wait until Hayden was back in New York to tell him. "So Hayden, do you know when you are gonna finish up with your tour?" Paul asked. It was coming up on a month since they had met, and both boys thought it would be nice to do something special for their anniversary. But it with his schedule, it didn't seem like Hayden would even be in town for their anniversary. He didn't want to give Paul false hope of being back on time, but he didn't want to upset him either, so Hayden answered "I honestly don't know Paul. They just call me a couple days in advance and tell me where to go. Maybe a week, maybe more." Paul was naturally disappointed, but he knew exactly what Hayden was going through. Hayden promised he would let Paul know as soon as he knew what his schedule was like, and then they said the goodbyes.

The last time they talked, Hayden agreed to call Paul the night before their anniversary to let him know what the plan was, and he did. Unfortunately Paul was late leaving the set, and by the time he got home all Paul saw was the message light flashing on his machine. Paul threw his keys on the table and dropped his bag on the ground as he pressed the button and played his messages. As soon as he heard Hayden's voice he realized he missed his call. Disappointed, Paul walked around and sat on the couch as he listened to his message. "Hey Paul. Uh, I am just calling cause I thought you would be at home, but I guess you are still on set. I wanted to let you know that I won't be able to make it into town tomorrow cause I have a dinner interview. And actually, please don't be mad, but I think I might be out late, so is it okay if I call you the day after? I hope it is, and I am really sorry Paul, but I promise I'll make it up to you." Hearing the message Paul was even more disappointed than earlier. He hadn't spoken to Hayden in a few days as it was, now on top of missing his call, he found out that they couldn't be together, or even talk to each other the night of their anniversary. Paul thought to call Hayden back, but decided against it. It was late and he didn't really know what he would say. Paul got up and headed into the bedroom but stopped when he heard another message. "Hi, Mr. Walker, this is Cecile from Mr. Rotman's office. Mr. Rotman is meeting a producer in New York tomorrow, and he would like you to be there to meet them. They are meeting at The Emerald Restaurant at 7:30." Mr. Rotman was Paul's agent, and he knew that he was probably lining up another part for him. Paul really didn't want to go, but now that Hayden wasn't going to be in town, he really didn't have any excuse. Paul got up off the couch and walked into his bedroom. He took an envelope out of his jacket and put into the drawer on the bedside table. He went to hang up his jacket and as he opened his closet he saw all his suits hanging nicely together. That's when he remembered that The Emerald Restaurant had a dress code, and that he would have to wear a suit. Paul didn't mind dressing up so much, except he wouldn't have time to come back home before dinner, so he would have to take his suit with him and go straight from the studio.

Paul got up the next morning, and quickly realized he was alone, and right then he remembered it was his and Hayden's anniversary. He sat up in bed for a second and then got out of bed thinking. "Well, he's not here now so there is no point in thinking about it. We'll just have to celebrate when we can." Paul thought to himself. He thought to call Hayden to wish him a happy anniversary, but realized that he would still be asleep, so instead he finished getting ready and made his way to the set. He was tired, and his rationalizing in the morning didn't really stop him from being upset. He dropped his suit off in the changing room and made his way to make up and sat in the chair. The make up artist looked at him and said "Holy crap sweetheart, you look like death, what's the matter?" Paul didn't really feel up to discussing it with his makeup artist, so he answered "Nothing, just tired I guess." She smiled and did his make up and then he left for the set. Filming that day was like it was any other day, long and tiring. When the director called `cut' everyone was relieved. "Alright everyone. I think that about does it, we'll pick up filming in Toronto in a couple of weeks, you all have your schedules." That was the first good thing to happen to Paul that day, but he didn't really have the time to enjoy it. He grabbed a shower in his private bathroom and got changed into his suit. He wore a black suit and white shirt with a silver tie. On his way out he got the hairdresser to do his hair and he finally made his way to the restaurant.

He got the restaurant and told the host he was meeting Mr. Rotman and he showed Paul to an empty table. When Paul realized that the table was empty he checked his watch and saw that it wasn't quite 7:30 yet, and his agent was almost never on time. He sat down and when the waiter came around he ordered a drink. Ten minutes passed and then fifteen, and there was no sign of his agent or the producer that was supposed to join them. He went into the lobby and tried calling his agent but there was no answer so he went back to his seat. Another fifteen minutes went by and the waiter came by and said "Excuse me sir, Mr. Walker?" Paul answered "Yes" and the man went on "A gentlemen just called, he said you would be waiting. He asked me to tell you that he wouldn't be able to make it this evening. He apologized and said he would call you next week." Paul sighed when he realized that he had wasted his whole evening. He paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant. Paul was even more tired than he was in the morning. It was his anniversary, he wasn't going to see Hayden, he hadn't spoken to Hayden in days, and now he got stood up. He just wanted to go home and go to bed. He got home, parked his car and took the elevator up to his floor. He walked up to his door and noticed a letter taped on it. "Oh man, what now?" Paul asked himself. He looked at the letter and saw that it was from his landlord "Mr. Walker, We changed all the locks in the bulding today. I have your new key. I am just on the roof fixing Mrs. Cassidy`s dish, so if you get this letter c'mon up and I'll give it to you." Paul was at the end of his tether. This was the last thing he needed. He angrily ripped the note off his door and made his way back to the elevator. He got off the elevator and walked up a short flight of stairs to the door to the roof. He opened the door and called out his landlord's name "Mr. Katz? Are you up here?" Paul stepped onto the roof and he never expected what he saw next.

Right in the middle of the roof stood Hayden, dressed in a light beige suit, with a black shirt and a metallic tie the same colour of his suit. Hayden was smiling from ear to ear when he saw Paul. Paul stood there in complete surprise, he was so shocked he didn't even to know what to say, and he just stood there. Hayden laughed lightly at Paul's reaction and he said "You didn't really think I wasn't going to be here with you today did you?" Once Paul heard Hayden speak he was convinced he wasn't dreaming. He walked right up to Hayden and put his arms around him in pulled him into a hug. They stayed embraced in each other's arms silently, each just relishing the touch of the other. They soon parted and looked one another right in the eyes and Paul looked at Hayden, still in disbelief as he asked "What are you doing here? I thought you had an interview?" Hayden's smile widened and he laughed lightly as he listened to Paul. He reached down and grabbed Paul's hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it gently, he held onto Paul's hand as he answered his question "I wanted to be here today so I could tell you how much I love you Paul." Paul's smile grew even wider and his eyes glazed over with tears as he heard Hayden's words. Paul stepped in closer to Hayden, still holding his hands and said "I love you too Hayden, not just for all this, not just for saying it first, but I really love you, and I've wanted you to know that for some time." Now is was Hayden's turn to be charmed, he was touched by Paul's words and brought his face closer to Paul's and whispered "I know." Paul's hands slipped out of Hayden's hand and brought them up to his face and brought him into a kiss. Hayden gladly accepted Paul's lips on his and opened his mouth and let Paul's tongue slide in. Paul swirled his tongue inside Hayden's mouth and then drew back from the kiss. As soon as Paul's lips let go of Hayden's, they both opened their eyes and looked directly at each other. "I am so glad you are back." Paul said simply to Hayden. Hayden smiled and leaned in and kissed Paul again and said "Me too Paul." Paul looked behind Hayden and saw a table set up with dinner for two. There was a bottle of wine and a first class meal waiting for them. There was a lantern on the table that matched the other dozen that were lighting up the rooftop. Once Paul fully appreciated what Hayden had done he smiled and said "This is amazing." Hayden answered "I just wanted the best for you. C'mon let's eat."

All through dinner Paul remained amazed at how Hayden planned all that he did. "So how did you ever manage all this?" he asked. Hayden smiled and coyly answered "It was easy." Paul wasn't even really sure how much Hayden had planned so inquired further. He asked "How did you get my agent's secretary to call? And how did you know my landlord would change the locks, and how did you know that my agent wouldn't answer his phone when I called." Hayden laughed at all of Paul's questions and began to answer them "Well, some girl called you but it wasn't your agent's secretary, your landlord didn't change the locks, I wrote the note, and I didn't know your agent wouldn't answer his phone, but I am lucky he didn't." Paul wasn't quite clear on how Hayden figured it all out though, so he asked again "Okay, well how did you know my agent's name is Mr. Rotman, and that his secretary's name is Cecile? And how did you know my landlord's name is Mr. Katz?" Hayden was still smiling from Paul's first set of question and then he answered "Well I talked to Mr. Katz and told him I was setting up a blind date for you so he let me use the roof. And as for your agent and his secretary, well Paul, I guess I just listen when you talk. Paul smiled at Hayden slyness but also at how thoughtful and attentive Hayden was. He said "This is the best anniversary present you could have given me Hayden." Hayden just answered "This is as much for me as it is for you, and this is not your present anyways." Paul couldn't believe there was anymore after all this and he asked "If this isn't my present, than what is?" Hayden just smiled wickedly and answered "You'll just have to wait."

Dinner was great, the food was great, the atmosphere was great, and the scenery was great. Paul was starting to appreciate what it was that Hayden loved so much about the skyline. All throughout the meal, both boys would use any excuse to stop and touch each other. They were rubbing their legs up against the other's and when they had the chance would let their fingers interlock. Eventually the meal was finished and Paul and Hayden leaned into the table and their lips met and Paul thanked Hayden again. Paul stood up and grabbed his chair; then he walked around to the other side of the table and put his chair right next to Hayden's. He slouched in his chair and leaned up against Hayden as they both looked at the skyline. They stayed in that position, just relishing each other's presence for sometime. Paul said "I could stay like this forever." Hayden then answered "Well we can stay here as long as you want, and when you are ready we can go downstairs for dessert." Paul looked up at Hayden when he mentioned dessert and Hayden told him "Yeah dessert is waiting for us in your apartment when you are ready." Paul smiled and answered "Okay, let me just stay like this for a little while longer and then we can go." They sat there in each other's arms for some time and then Paul stood up and said "Alright, let's go get dessert." Hayden smiled thinking about what was next to come and then lead the way back downstairs to Paul's apartment.

They got down to the apartment and Hayden unlocked the door and as he did Paul laughed to himself. He realized that he didn't even try his key, he just saw the note and went up to the roof. It was a good thing he did though, and not just because he saw Hayden, but also because he would have ruined the surprise to come if he had walked into his apartment. Hayden opened the door and they both walked in. Paul was greeted with a sight as beautiful as the roof. The apartment was dim and there was a bottle of champagne on ice in the dinning room and a number of candles lighting the table. They walked into the dining room and Hayden asked Paul to pour some champagne as he walked into the kitchen. Hayden walked back with two dishes in his hands just as Paul finished pouring the drinks. Hayden put down the chocolate mousse he made earlier and lifted his glass, prompting Paul to do the same. Hayden toasted "Here's to a night to remember." Paul then added "And to many more." They tapped their glasses and took a sip of their champagne. They sat down and started to eat their dessert. "Mmm, this is amazing!" Paul said as soon as he took a bite of the mousse. Hayden answered "I'm glad you like it." Paul looked straight at Hayden and said "Come here." Hayden looked at him a bit confused but didn't question him at all. He got up and walked over to Paul. Paul pushed his chair back and brought Hayden down onto his lap. Paul took a spoon of the mousse and brought it up to Hayden's mouth; Hayden split his lips and let Paul slide the spoon in. He closed his lips and Paul slid out the spoon. Hayden let the chocolate melt on his tongue and once Paul put the spoon back down brought his hands up and pulled Hayden into a kiss. He slid his tongue into Hayden's mouth and could taste the sweetness of the mousse, but he enjoyed the sweetness of Hayden's mouth much more. They each swallowed a combination the each other's saliva and the chocolate mouse before they pulled apart. Hayden was balancing himself on Paul's lap with his hand lying gently on Paul's chest. As Hayden pulled away from their kiss, his hand slowly ran across Paul's chest, and down to Paul's hand. Hayden stood while still holding Paul's hand and then pulled Paul up. Finally Hayden spoke, he said "Let's get to the last part of the evening shall we?" Paul was surprised again to hear that there was more. Hayden reached over and grabbed his unfinished mousse and led Paul to the bedroom door. Hayden stopped right in front of the bedroom door and turned an smiled at Paul as he said "Close your eyes, I'll tell you when to open them." Paul smiled in anticipation and complied as he closed his eyes.

Hayden opened the bedroom door and led Paul in. He let go of his hand and he went to the stereo and played some music. Hayden then put the dish with the mouse in it on the nightstand and went to stand next to Paul. "Okay, you can open your eyes." Paul didn't think anything could top the set up on the roof, but he was wrong. The lights in the room were off; the only dim light coming from a number of candles scattered throughout the room. The bed was outfitted with white satin sheets, with white rose petals over it. Paul was speechless for the second time that night. His smile was stretched as far as possible, and he kept turning around, trying to absorb everything in the room. Hayden broke the silence and asked "So you like it." Paul laughed lightly, trying to get the words out; he looked at Hayden and just said "I want you so bad right now." Hayden could do nothing but smile at the comment. Paul turned so he was facing Hayden and Hayden brought his hands up to slide his suit jacket off and Paul grabbed his hands to stop him. He asked "Let me?" Hayden obliged and let Paul take over. Paul slid Hayden's jacket off and tossed it onto a chair in the corner. He then brought his hands up to Hayden's tie, but as he did he ran his hand across Hayden's stomach and up his chest. Paul then tossed the tie to the chair. Paul stepped in closer and laid his lips on Hayden's as he started to unbutton his shirt. He finally got it off, leaving Hayden's beautiful sculpted chest bare, and then Paul lowered his hands to Hayden's belt. They were still locked together and as Paul worked on the belt while Hayden slipped his shoes off and kicked them aside. Paul let Hayden's pants slide down and then Hayden stepped out of them before Paul tossed them with all the others clothes. Hayden took off his socks and was then standing there in just his boxers. He leaned into Paul and Paul ran his hands over Hayden's bare back as they kissed. They remained lip-locked as Hayden lifted his arms and slid Paul's jacket off just as Paul had done to him. Hayden then undid Paul's tie and tossed it aside to. Hayden stepped back to get access to Paul's shirt and started to unbutton it. Once all the buttons were undone, Hayden ran his hands behind the shirt and onto Paul's back. Hayden continued kissing Paul but slowly made his way down. He started kissing his neck, and then his upper chest, then down his stomach, kissing every muscle. Hayden was then on his knees as Paul threw his shirt aside. Hayden brought his hands up and started to undo Paul's belt, button and fly. When Hayden slid Paul's pants down, he saw Paul's package straining behind the confines of his boxer briefs. Hayden stood up and ran his hand across Paul's member as he brought his hands back to Paul's stomach. Paul kicked his shoes and pants off and his socks.

Paul led Hayden to the bed and they both got on top of it. They were both propped up on their knees in front of each other on the bed. They held each other's heads in place as they kissed. Paul brought his hands down and around Hayden's back. Hayden lowered his lips and started to kiss Paul behind his ear and then down to the most sensitive part on his neck. Paul pulled Hayden in even closer and tighter as he felt Hayden's lips on his neck. Their members were swollen and trapped behind the fabric of their boxers. They were so close that their packages were thrust against each other. As Hayden continued to suck and kiss Paul's neck he brought his hands down Paul's sides and to the band of the boxers. He didn't even have to look at Paul for consent as he had before, and he just slid his hands under the bands slowly and pulled them down. Paul's package was freed from its confines and the erect member stood straight up and against Hayden's covered member. Hayden thrust forward again, grinding Paul's cock between them. This elicited a moan from Paul. Paul brought his hands down and pulled his boxers off the rest of the way and tossed them aside. Paul then brought his hands from behind Hayden and under his arms. He guided Hayden to recline onto the pillows at the top of the bed. Paul put on leg on either side of Hayden and leaned in for a kiss, forcing his erect member to press against Hayden's stomach. Paul then kissed down Hayden's neck, then his chest and down his stomach. Paul then kissed down to the band of the Hayden's boxer briefs, and bit them with his teeth. He looked up at Hayden and saw Hayden smile. Paul grabbed a tighter hold with his teeth and pulled them down passed Hayden's straining meat. Paul then brought his hands up and pulled them down the rest of the way, and off. Paul threw Hayden's boxers over his shoulder and then brought his face back down to Hayden's crotch. He kissed down from Hayden's navel and to the base of his dick. Hayden's dick stood straight in the air and it rested next to Paul's face as Paul kissed the base.

Paul then moved back over on top of Hayden. He brought his lips up to Hayden's lips and his hands up to Hayden's neck. Hayden's hands roamed all over Paul's back as Paul held him in place. Their erect cocks were rubbing up against each other, making them even harder. Paul brought one hand down from Hayden's neck and in between them. He grabbed hold of both their cocks and stroked them up and down gently. Hayden moaned at the feeling of Paul's hand around his member. Hayden then brought his hand off of Paul's back and around to his chest and stomach. He gently pushed up, making Paul sit up curiously. Hayden sat up a bit and said "I have something I want to do." With that Hayden grabbed Paul by the sides and turned him so they had switched positions. Now Paul was lying on the bed and Hayden was sitting on top of him. Hayden reached over and grabbed the dish of chocolate mousse. He put his finger in and scooped out a bit. Hayden then brought his finger up to Paul's mouth as Paul willingly split his lips and let Hayden's finger in. Paul sucked off the mousse from Hayden's finger and swallowed. Hayden then dipped his finger into the dish again and grabbed another finger full and brought it up to Paul's chest. He drew a line down Paul's chest and passed his stomach, to the base of his hard cock, and then up to the head to with the chocolate. Hayden brought his fingers up to Paul's mouth again and he licked them clean. Hayden now had one leg on either side of Paul. He started by kissing him on the lips and then moved down his neck and then to the top of his chest. Hayden extended his tongue and licked the first bit of chocolate off. Hayden then slowly licked and kissed the chocolate off Paul's chest. All the while Paul could barely control himself, the feeling of having Hayden's lips and tongue over his body was amazing. Hayden then followed the line to Paul's stomach. Once he had licked off all the chocolate, Hayden kissed and sucked each ab muscle with care. Hayden then continued to follow the line downwards, and finally he reached his prize, in front of him stood Paul's stiff chocolate covered cock. Without touching it, Hayden leaned in and kissed the base of Paul's cock, taking in the chocolate at the same time. Hayden licked his way up slowly, finally reaching the head of Paul's dick. Hayden brought his hands up and grabbed a tight hold of the base of Paul's cock. He then opened his mouth and wrapped it around the head of Paul's dick. As soon as Paul felt Hayden's warm mouth surround his dick, he let out a moan of pleasure

Hayden sucked gently on the head of Paul's cock and Hayden knew Paul was close when he started to squirm under him. Just as Hayden started to pick up the pace, Paul brought his hand to Hayden's head and pulled him up. Hayden looked curiously at Paul and asked "What's the matter?" Paul smiled and answered "Nothing, I just don't want to finish yet." Hayden smiled when he realized nothing was wrong. Paul pulled Hayden up to him and they met in a kiss again. Paul moved his lips off of Hayden's and then down to Hayden's neck. As Paul sucked Hayden neck gently, Hayden held Paul's head in place. Paul whispered into Hayden's ear "I want to try some more of your chocolate mousse." Hayden smiled knowing exactly what Paul was referring to. Paul helped Hayden off of him and then he lay Hayden back down onto the bed. Paul then reached for the chocolate mousse and grabbed some with his fingers. He went right for Hayden's dick and covered it with the chocolate. He licked the chocolate off his fingers and then grabbed the base of Hayden's cock and brought his lips closer. Paul opened his mouth and put it over the head of Hayden's dick. He closed his lips tightly around the head and sucked the mousse off. He then drew back, keeping his lips tightly sealed on Hayden's member. Then Paul went down again, this time down a few more inches. Paul pulled back again and then went down one last time, and this time his lips went all the way to the base of Hayden's cock, and he could feel the head of his member in his throat. Paul swallowed hard, constricting his throat around the head of Hayden's cock. Hayden moaned at the feeling and he could feel that he was close. Paul then withdrew, needing some air. He held Hayden's dick in his hand as this time he went down to Hayden's balls. Paul started by kissing the sac gently, and then he started licked them, bathing them with his tongue. Paul then took one into his mouth as he sucked it, and then the next. Hayden was in ecstasy, and the feeling was causing him to thrash about on the bed. Paul didn't want Hayden to cum yet either, so he let go of his balls go and moved back up to kiss him.

Hayden wrapped his arms around Paul and Paul did the same to Hayden. Their tongues were tangled together, in and out of each other's mouths. Their sweat and saliva soaked bodies and cocks were rubbing against each other. They were now lying on their sides, their hands roaming up and down over each other. Paul pulled back from Hayden and said "I want to try something." He laid Hayden back down on the bed and then got up. He turned around so that he was facing Hayden's erect dick and so that his own was pointing at Hayden's mouth. Hayden smiled at Paul's ingenuity. Paul started by licking up and down Hayden's shaft; then he took the entire thing down his throat like he had before. Meanwhile, Hayden reached up and grabbed a hold of Paul's dick. He teased Paul by flicking his tongue all around the head. Then Hayden took just the head into his mouth as he wrapped his hand around the shaft and stroked it slowly up and down. This really was the perfect arrangement. For both boys the only thing better than being pleasured by the other, was providing that same pleasure. Paul then took Hayden's balls into his hand and started rolling them in his hand as he kept taking his dick all the way down his throat, and back up only when he needed air. Hayden's tongue and lips worked wonders of the head of Paul's dick, and soon Hayden felt Paul tense up in his hand. Paul moaned to signal he was close and Hayden kept his lips sealed tightly around Paul's cock because he didn't want any of Paul's juice to escape. Hayden swirled his tongue around the head and he quickly felt Paul spasm on top of him. Paul didn't want to let go of Hayden's dick, but couldn't help it. He pulled his mouth off Hayden's dick just long enough to groan "Aahhhhhhh. Hayyyyydennn. Mmmmmmm." Paul's dick shot load after load into Hayden mouth. Hayden absolutely loved the taste of Paul's cum, it was sweet and more importantly, it was Paul's. Hayden did his best to swallow it all, but had to loosen his grip on Paul's cock to avoid choking on the juice. When Hayden let go, Paul had a few more shots left, it had been a month after all. Hayden still had his first wrapped tightly around Paul's cock, and he directed as much of the cum to his mouth as possible, but a couple of shots landed on his face and cheeks. Paul had already gone back to his task of pleasuring Hayden, and Hayden then took Paul's softening member back into his mouth and sucked on it gently. The feeling of Hayden's lips on his sensitive cock made Paul moan loudly again. Hayden could feel it in his cock when Paul moaned, and the feeling was great. Paul's last moan was enough to put Hayden over the edge. He panted and said "Uhhhhh. Paaaauuuullll. I'm gonnaaaaa cummmmm!!!" and hearing that Paul picked up the pace. At that moment Hayden shot his cum directly down Paul's throat. Paul too had to pull up so he could get some air. Hayden shot the rest of his load into Paul's mouth, but as he was trying to swallow it all, a drop or two escaped his mouth and down the side of Hayden's dick. Paul swallowed what he had in his mouth and then licked up what was on Hayden's dick.

They both collapsed on the bed and breathed deeply for a few minutes. Paul turned around so he was now face to face with Hayden, and when he did he saw his cum on his face. He said "I'm sorry, I guess I got you." With that, Paul leaned in and licked his own cum from Hayden's face. As he did, he made his way to Hayden's lips and they met in a kiss. Hayden got a taste of the cum that Paul had licked of his face, and he could also still taste his own on Paul's tongue. Paul rolled Hayden on top of him and held his head in place as they continued their kiss. Their tongues wrestled each other a few minutes and then they split apart. Once their kiss broke, Hayden rolled off of Paul and lay next to him. "Thanks Paul, that was amazing." Paul turned to face Hayden and he answered "Yeah it was, but you are even more amazing than that. I love you." Hayden smiled widely and answered "I love you too." They got under the covers and snuggled up against each other and soon fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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