
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 12, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

The guards looked like they werent in the mood to play games so Tyrone obeyed them. But as he left, he served the receptionist a cold look. She sat there smugly, as if she had done something heroic. The guards escorted Tyrone towards the entrance.

"What have I done?" Tyrone asked them.

"I'm afraid we're gonna have to ask you to leave", one of the guards said.

"What? Leave? Why what did I do?" Tyrone pleaded.

"They're our orders pal" the other guard said. "Now, if you want to leave voluntarily, you can, otherwise we will have to escort you off the premises."

"Fine, I'll leave. But can you just tell me what I did?" Tyrone was getting a little pissed off.

"I'm sorry, we cant talk about it" the guard said.

"Ugh... Fine! I'll leave." Tyrone turned on his heel and made his way out of the precinct back to his car.

As he walked back to his car, he tried to come to grips with the fact that he might ever see Hayden again. Well it was fun while it lasted. He had a slight drag in his step. He squinted as he reached the road, looked both ways and jogged over to his car in between a gap in the traffic.

He unlocked his car, got in, put his bag on the passenger seat and dropped his head on the steering wheel. The sat like that for five minutes. Thinking hard about Hayden and that, for the first time, he admitted to himself that he had fallen for Hayden. All he wanted to do was to see him again. Even if it was just to see him. To see him and not speak. Just to see his eyes one more time. A tear welled in his eye and rolled down his left cheek. He put his key in the ignition and turned the car on. He wasnt even sure where he was going, he just wanted to drive. He pulled out of the parking space in and with the traffic.

Hayden put his cap on and burst out through the doors of his apartment block. He hustled to the kerbside and flagged down the first cab that he saw. He jumped into the backseat.

"Where to mate?" the cabbie asked.

"Can you heard for the Sheraton on the Park please?" Hayden asked.

"Sure", and with that, the cab driver started the meter and drove off.

As they approached the area near the Sheraton, Hayden looked up and studied the the streets that they were passing. He seemed to be looking for something.

"Hey, buddy, can you let me out here?", he said all of a sudden. The cabbie acknowledged and pulled up on the side of the road.

"OK, that will be $27.40" the cabbie said.

Hayden passed him a $10 and a $20 bill and stepped out of the cab. He looked up at the building across the road.

It was the Theatre Royal.

He quickly glanced at both sides of the street and ran across to the other side.

The Theatre Royal was a very glamourous venue. The walls inside were made of a granite sandstone-like rock that was spray painted gold. The floor was an off-white marble colour. The stairs that led to the stalls seats and the upper balcony circled around the wall. Hayden quickly surveyed his surroundings, checking to see where the box office was.

It was to his right.

The box office itself was a black marble stand. Sitting behind the desk was a girl, probably in her early twenties. She had shoulder length dark blonde hair, big bright eyes and her face was slighty dusted with faint freckles. She looked up from the book that she was reading.

"Hi, can I help you at all?" she asked.

"I hope you can. I'm looking for a guy that works here sometimes... Apparently." Hayden didnt realise it but he sounded slightly out of breath.

"Uh, OK, there are a few people who work here casually. What's his name?" she asked.

"Tyrone" Hayden replied.

"Oh, yes. Tyrone works here. But he's not working here again until next week. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Um, I am pretty sure you cant do this, but he's a friend of mine. Well, we met recently and I lost his phone number and this was the only way I knew to contact him. Could you possibly give me his mobile phone number? If not, I will just leave a message for him" Hayden said.

The girl stopped to think for a moment. The American sounding guy seemed genuine. Plus he was cute too, so, why shouldn't she help him.

"OK, well, sure why not. You seem harmless enough. I'm Kristy by the way. Tyrone and I are good friends too." Kristy said reaching down under the desk. She pulled her own mobile phone out of her bag and scrolled through the numbers.

"Oh my god, you're a lifesaver!"

"I'll write it down for you if you like?" Kristy said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. She started to write Tyrone's number down.

"Great, thank you soooooooo much! I wish there was a way I could repay you." Hayden said, almost falling over his own words.

"Ah, dont worry about it" Kristy said.

Hayden looked around the inside of the theatre. "Do you know where the nearest public phone is at all Kristy?", he asked her.

"Sure, its just outside the doors to the right" Kristy pointed towards the door. She handed him the piece of paper.

"OK great. Listen, thank you again so much! I really need to contact him! Thanks again!" Hayden had the widest, most sincere smile across his face. He quickly made his towards the doors and walked out.

Kristy waited to make sure that he had left the theatre before she picked up her phone again.

She pressed '"Dial".

Tyrone was driving aimlessly when his phone rang. He looked at the display and it read "Kristy". He attached his hands free set to his ear and answered the phone.

"Hey Kristy...", he said trying to sound cheerful but clearly disinterested.

"Hi Ty! How are ya?" she asked.

"Um, I've had better days" he said.

"Oh, poor diddums. What are you up to?"

"Oh I'm just driving. Why? What's up?"

"Im at the Theatre Royal at the moment. Listen I dont want to keep your phone busy for too long. But I may have dont something really naughty...."

Tyrone became intrigued.

"OhhhhhhK...", he said, expecting something shocking.

"Well, I was just calling to tell you that this American guy came into the box office today saying that he knew you and that he need to contact you".

Tyrone's eyes widened.

"Did he say who he was?"

"No, he seemd to be in a rush. Anyway, I dont know if I did the right thing here, but I gave him your phone number. He's probably trying to call you right now from a public phone so I better go OK?"

"Oh OK. Thank you so much for doing that!"

"Aww that's OK. Bye Tyrone!" she hung up.

All of a sudden Tyrone felt all warm inside. So Hayden MUST have lost his phone number after all. Tyrone felt so much better that it wasn't something else that kept Hayden from contacting him. He pulled his car over and turned his engine off. Soon enough his phone rang again. The display showed "Private Number". Tyrone answered.


"TYRONE!". It was Hayden.

"Hayden!? What happened?" Tyrone said in disbelief.

"Long story. Listen, are you busy tonight?" Hayden sounded rushed.

"No, not really, why?"

"Can you meet me at my apartment?"

"Apartment? What? You have an apartment?"

"I cant talk about it now. I'm calling from a public phone and it looks like my credit is about to run out. Get a pen out and write my address down."

"Oh OK, hang on a second." Tyrone flicked open his glove box to find a pen. He raked out all the rubbish that was in there including the condoms, a car manual, some chewing gum and his sunglasses case. He finally found a pen. He then pulled his diary out of his bag to write the address in.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, shoot"

"Apartment 412... Number 27... Brighton Boulevarde... Bondi Beach... Did you get all that down?"

"Yep. Do you have a phone number there?"

"No, I havent had one connected"


"Come over after 7pm. OK?" Hayden said.

"OK, I'll be there. Cya then!" Tyrone replied.

"See you soon! Bye!"

Tyrone hung up. Hayden put the handset of the public phone back it its arm. He was smiling like an idiot. He turned around walked to the road and picked up another taxi to get back home to Bondi.

In another part of the city, Tyrone too was overjoyed. He turned his car on again and made his way home.

Next: Chapter 12: Hayden Christensen 12

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