
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

Hayden, Natalie, Ewan and Samuel had all checked out of the Sheraton the night before. They spent the evening at George's home in one of the posh suburbs of Sydney called Elizabeth Bay. Ewan and Samuel were given one of the guest rooms while Hayden and Natalie were given the other. It gave Hayden the oportunity to tell Natalie about Tyrone and what was happening between them. She didnt realise that Hayden was gay until he told her. She was surprised, but at the same time, she wasnt. Hayden explained the situation to her, and she offered her support for him. She told him that she was eager to meet Tyrone if he could ever get in touch with him again. Hayden had said so many nice things about him that Natalie was intrigued. Furthermore, he had to be an awfully interesting if he was able to make Hayden think so highly of him.

That morning, George made an appointment to have a consultation with one of the local real estate agents to discuss what they could do about getting obscure apartments for the main cast members so that it would be harder for the media to track them down. Hayden, Natalie, Ewan, Samuel, and George all met with the real estate agent for lunch. They came to the conclusion that they should all be located in different parts of Sydney to avoid being tracked, and also to be registered under assumed names. They agreed to split up to make the relocation easier. Ewan and Samuel went with one agent and Hayden and Natalie went with the other.

The agent that took care of Hayden and Natalie was named Chris. While they walked with Chris to his car, Natalie made suggestions as to what sort of area in Sydney she would be interested in staying in. Keeping in mind that George specified that the actors were not to stay too close to each other.

"I'd actually like to stay in a place that is as New York-ish as possible. One of the Australian cast members took me on a tour of the city a few nights ago and we went past this place called Kings Cross. I thought that was quite cool" Natalie told Chris.

"Uh, Kings Cross isnt the safest place to stay Ms Portman. It's full of strip clubs, bars, tattoo parlours... There's even a government endorsed place that hands out drugs", Chris told her.

"Oh, you can call me Nat by the way. And, you know what, I dont mind. The reason I'd like to stay around Kings Cross is that reminds me a lot of New York. I mean I pretty much grew up there, and by the looks of Kings Cross, it cant be more dangerous that New York is. I'd be fine there. Just as long as the apartment is clean and has nice facilities, thats all I ask" she said cheerfully.

"OK, well, we can have a look at what we have to offer in that area, Nat. How about you Mr Christensen?" Chris asked Hayden.

Hayden wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation. He was still worried about how he could manage to contact Tyrone again.

"Hayden, Chris wants to know where you wanna stay" Natalie said a little louder. Hayden heard, and snapped out of his trance.

"Oh, sorry. Um, I guess I wouldn't mind a place near the beach? Maybe like Bondi or somewhere?" Hayden said.

"OK, well we'll go have a look around Bondi as well." Chris told them.

He let them into his car and took them around the areas they asked for. By early afternoon, Natalie and Hayden had both found places that they loved. Natalie picked a studio apartment in Potts Point which was near Kings Cross and Hayden picked an ocean view apartment which also overlooked Bondi Beach. Chris, signed them into short-term leases. Natalie signed in under the name, Natalya Portova and Hayden signed in under the name Chandler Bing.

Later that afternoon, George had their belongings brought to their respective apartments. Hayden's apartment was a one bedroom, furnished pad, with a spacious balcony that looked out across the beach below. He unloaded his things while he thought about what he should do to try and get in contact with Tyrone again. He feared that he might not be able to. The past 24 hours we're incredibly stressful on all the main cast and George, but most of all on Hayden. Filming had to be cancelled that day due to the relocations and it cost George an awful lot of money and time.

After about 2 hours of unpacking and furniture rearranging, Hayden decided to have a breather. He grabbed a can of Sprite from the the fridge and plomped himself down on the couch. He picked up the remote control and turned the TV on. He skimmed past the channels to see if there was anything interesting on. Australia only had 5 free to air channels. He flicked through them to see if there was anything he liked. There was nothing worth watching so he landed on the last channel, put the remote control back on the coffee table, rested his head against the back of the couch looking up and closed his eyes.

He started going over his options on how he could get in contact with Tyrone again. There were none. He didnt know Tyrone's last name or what suburb he lived in.

Think think think. He couldnt concentrate with the TV being on. The program went to it's ad break. Hayden still had his eyes closed. He sat there, half thinking of what to do, half listening to the advertisements. There was an ad for McDonalds... Sunsilk... Washing detergent called Cold Power... A musical version of Wizard of Oz being held in Sydney... A carpet store and... Hang on.

Hayden's mind clicked. OFCOURSE! Why hadn't he thought of it before? It was the only sure way that he knew to contact Tyrone. He bolted to his room, grabbed his cap, keys and wallet and headed out the door. He was going to be able to contact Tyrone again afterall!



Next: Chapter 11: Hayden Christensen 11

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