Hay and Straw

By ten.xmg@eyinoj

Published on Sep 19, 2019


Hay and Straw Chapter 7 & 8

Chapter 7 The Trip

The sun was setting on what would be our last day at the hay and straw experience. I was wondering around on the fields behind the stalls, lost in my thoughts. The air smelled fresh and felt cool. I had just gotten out of the meeting with our teachers, in which I had taken all the blame for the incident earlier, just as I had promised Felix. I still remembered the fat grin on his face during the entire meeting with our teachers. While I felt like sinking into the ground while he leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and his legs spread apart, in an undeniable gesture of dominance and self-confidence. The power dynamic of the situation made me sick, seeing him raveling in his privilege while all the punishment was falling on me. He walked out there without facing any consequence while I had to endure the usual disciplinary measures for instigating a violent incident.

I walked around to the edge of the plane as it was getting darker. I noticed someone standing there next to a little shag. I got closer and realized it was Ben. "Tom" he said, as I recognized me. He was still wearing the trekking clothes from yesterday, except he traded the boots for sneakers. I was still in the shorts and top I had gotten from the cabin guy and barefoot. "You looked bruised" Ben said. "Felix got you good, it seems." "He sure did." I said, trying to act like it didn't get to me. "You know us dudes, sometimes we just need to let off some steam." I said, in an attempt to evoke the old dynamic within our group, a dynamic that had pretty much died during this class trip. "Sure..." Ben said in disbelief. I doubled-down. "See, you wouldn't understand. You are not strong, you don't even hit the gym. So you best avoid these kind of situations." Ben just smiled and shook his head. I got a little angry. "Oh, so you think you could beat me in a fight?" I asked. "I didn't say that." He said. "I'm not interested in fighting." He continued, as he walked into the shag next to us. I followed him. "So why are you being all cocky on me all of a sudden?" I asked. He stays calm, collected and stood in front of me, with his hands in his pockets. "I don't know, Tommy, you're trying to convince me that you are somehow more of a man than me because you could beat me in a fight or something, but you swallowed my nut three times, so I can't really take you seriously." He said.

I startled. I wanted to say something back to him but I didn't know what. Because he was right. Losing in a fight is far less humiliating and emasculating than sucking a dick. He knew that. I knew that. "Fuck you, man!" I said, since I didn't have anything better to say. He laughed. "I don't want to argue with you. I have a peace offering here." He said and pulled out a joint. "Go ahead, light it up." I smiled and walked over to him. "Well, I guess I deserved that." I said and took the joint and lighted it up. I inhaled a few times and wanted to pass it over to Ben, but he said. "I'll go later, you go ahead for now." He walked up and down in the shag, going through the stuff. "Are you looking for something?" I asked. "No, just looking around. I am always fascinated by the things you sometimes find in these old places like these." I kept smoking and suddenly I realize I had smoked the whole thing by myself. "Dude, I'm so sorry, I finished all your shit!" I said. "Never mind." Ben said as he walked over to an old couch that was standing in the middle of the shag and sat down on it. I followed him and sat down next to him. "I guess it's better to be honest. Weed always makes me super horny." Ben laughed. I laughed too. "Yeah, me too, dude." I said, as I laid back on the couch. "Really?" he asked. "Then you must be getting really horny right now. That was some pretty strong weed." I could feel my head spinning as the effect of the THC was settling in. Fuck, he was right. It was quite strong. I looked over to Ben and I could see him massaging his crotch.

"Dude, I'm high as fuck!" I said. "What was that?" Ben smiled. "Oh just my special treat from the Netherlands. It makes you high and extra horny." I could feel that. I began massaging my crotch as well. There we were, sitting next to each other. Both playing with our stuff. "Shit man, I am getting hard as fuck. This stuff really does make me horny." I said. Ben turned his head to me and I looked into his deep blue eyes. "Well, if you are really THAT horny, I guess I could let you suck my dick again." He said with a smile. I was so high, I could barely articulate myself. "Dude, how is that gonna help me get off?" I asked. Ben laughed. "Well, it probably won't." he agreed. "But at least I'll get to cum. That's all I really care about." He said laughingly. "Dude, that's mean!" I laughed. "What is mean about it? Men are selfish when it comes to sex. We just wanna bust a nut and that's that. Don't you agree?" he asked. I look at him massaging his crotch. I was more or less staring. "I guess..." I said absently. "So you can go ahead and suck me. This way at least one of us is gonna get off. That's better than both of us not cumming, isn't it?" Ben said.

I kept getting more and more horny. "Well, I guess sucking your dick is better than nothing." I said. I could see a big smile on Ben's face. I had to smile too. Ben opened his belt, unbuttoned his pants und pulled them down. He pulled down his boxer shorts as well and I could see it hard white cock jumping towards me. I was still kind of slow, since I was so high, but that didn't keep Ben from moving forward. He grabbed the back of my head with his hand and pushed my down into his crotch. He rubbed my face in his crotch, painting it with his scent of his balls, pubes and dick. I couldn't help it as a horny sigh escaped my body. He grabbed his hard dick with his right hand and held it in front of my mouth. "Suck it, man. Suck it good!" he said. I smiled at him again as I took his dick in my mouth but this time he didn't smile back.

I sucked on him and it felt so good. I felt the smooth hardness of his cock in my mouth. I could hear his moaning. But it seemed like I was to slow for him, because after a few moments, be began to hold my head firmly with both of his hands and began to fuck my mouth. I pulled out my dick from my pants while he was mouth-fucking me and began to jerk myself off. After a few minutes I got of his dick to catch my breath. I fell back into the couch, breathing heavily. "Dude, you are brutal!" I said. He laughed. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Dude, your weed made me so fucking horny, I'd suck anyone right now." I laughed, without realizing how gay that sounded. Why didn't I say fuck' instead of suck'? Ben laughed at my ill-placed joke. "Well, it's only me here, but you can suck me all night." He said. I laughed and got back down on him and he continued to mouth-fuck me. Apparently that was what he liked. I was beginning to learn the differences in preferences. I knew Felix enjoyed to get his dick sucked, just relaxing laid-back and let me do all the work. Chris liked that too, but he preferred me working his dick with my mouth and both of my hands, since his dick was so big. And Ben liked to use my mouth like a pussy. Just fuck it. I was wondering what I would like if I'd ever get the chance to get my dick sucked.

After some minutes of mouth-fucking me, Ben gave me break again. I laid-back on the couch again to catch my breath. I looked at Ben while he was jerking off his dick. I was doing the same. "How about giving something back, dude!" I said and held my dick. He looked at it. "Wanna try to suck me? I know you wouldn't believe it, but it's actually kind of fun." I said, hoping I'd be able to convince him. He got up and slowly moved his head towards my dick. I was getting hot, really hot as his face was getting closer to my raging hard-on. He looked at it for a while without touching it. And then he smiled at me. "Maybe later. First you do me again." He said and got up, now standing in front me as I was still sitting on the couch. He pulled my head back to his crotch and began to mouth-fuck me again. After a while he said: "Get naked!" I was so high, I just did what he said without thinking about it. I got off the couch and took all of my clothes off while Ben was stayed fully dressed. I was just about to get back on the couch as he pushed me down to my knees and stuffed his hard cock back into my mouth.

He was become more aggressive, more dominant. Slowly the playfulness faded and the situation somehow turned into something else. "Fuck yeah! Take it" he said. "Take my white cock you naked chimp!" he said. I pushed him back a little. "Dude, not cool!" I said. Before I knew what was happening Ben slapped me across the face. "Shut up you worthless Nigger!" he shouted at me. "You will do what I say!" I was in shock and then I got angry. "Man, fuck you!" I said and tried to stand up, but I was so high, that I could barely get up. And now it dawned on me. He must have drugged me on purpose. I pushed my back onto my knees. "I said shut up, Nigger! Open your stupid monkey lips and suck in my white dick like you were meant to do." He said. I looked at him and then at his dick. This hard white weapon, pointing directly at my face. The power, the dominance, the energy. I slowly moved towards the head of Ben's white cock and gently kissed it, while a wave of well-known submission overcame me. Ben's cock, hard, white, demanding to be sucked, demanding to be serviced, pointing directly into my face. And me knowing it was my duty to make this white boy cum again. I looked up at Ben and smiled again. "Yes Sir!" I said. He nodded and pushed his dick back in my mouth as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of him entering. "Suck it you dirty Nigger!" he said, as he began to mouth-fuck me again.

"I can't tell you how much I love this." Ben said. "Having you on your knees, naked, worshipping my cock, like a little slut. Like a real slave!" all the while he kept fucking my face. "Oh yeah, that feels good. Not just having you suck me. This is the best kind of retribution I could imagine. For all the times you mistreated me. For all the times you punched and slapped me. For all the times you made me feel like the fifth wheel." I looked up at him, listening to every word he said, while taking every inch of his dick, over and over again. And he look down at my, into my eyes. "Can't believe I ever looked up to you. Can't believe I ever thought you were cool. When, at the end of the date, you have always been and always will be an inferior Nigger." He said. Tears began to form in my eyes, as he continued to brutally mouth-fuck me. "Well, know the tables have finally turned. Now things are how they have always meant to be. I am on top and you are at the bottom where you and all Niggers belong!" he said. I didn't object, I didn't stop. I just let him use me. "You know it's true, don't you? Every word I say is true, isn't it?" he asked, pulling out his cock, so I could answer. "Y...yes Sir!" I managed to stutter, my throat sore from all the mouth fucking. "Damn right it is!" he said, and slapped his dick across my face a few times, before stuffing it back in my mouth. He went on like this for a while, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my mouth until he finally came. "Oh yeah, here it comes, swallow it, swallow all of my nut!" he screamed. Of course I did as he said and let him retract from his orgasm in my mouth. "See, I told you, you'd make me cum!" he said.

Ben pulled his dick out of my mouth and stuffed it back into his pants. He walked over to the sofa and I crawled behind him, as I was not able to get up that quickly. He sat down on the sofa and relaxed. I slowly got up, wanting to sit down next to him. But he wouldn't let me. He pushed me back to the ground. "You're my fucking slave now, bitch! You don't get to sit next to me." Ben said. "Lie on your back!" He said. I lied down on my back on the floor, parallel to the couch. Next thing I knew, Ben stuffed his sneakers in my face. "Yeah, that's it, Nigger! That's where you belong. At the feet of your white master!" Ben said, his chest filling with pride. He rubbed his dirty sneakers in my face. He kept pressing his right foot in my face, while is left food was wondering towards my exposed and still fully erect dick. I could feel the weight of his left foot pressing down on my dick, I could feel the hart material of the sole of his shoe. "See that? That's all your miserable black dick gets. The feeling of my sneakers. I hope you enjoy it." He laughed. "That is just how it is. Some guys are alphas and some ore cocksuckers." he said. He pressed his right left foot on my dick and balls again, using more force. I moaned in pain and pleasure and responded to his abuse my beginning to lick the sole of the sneakers on his right foot, still firmly placed on my face. He noticed that with satisfaction. "That's right monkey boy, lick my dirty sneakers!" he said, as he laid back to relax. He pulled out another joint from his pocket. "See, now this is the right setting for me to enjoy my splif. With a naked Nigger at my feet, servicing me." He said.

The picture must have been the most demeaning thing. A naked black boy lying in front of a fully dressed arrogant white boy, virtually licking his sneakers. "Fucking faggot, you still got a hard-on?" he asked. He began kicking my dick with his left shoe. First just a little, then with more force. He placed his other foot on my neck, to keep me from moving. I began to whimper, as his kicks in my crotch became harder. "Yeah, that's what you deserve. That's your punishment for asking me to suck your ugly ashy dick!" he said. No matter how much it hurt, my dick stay hard, unfortunately, giving him better access to my balls. Ben switched it up, sometimes kicking with more, sometimes with less force, sometimes just pressing his shoe against my raging erection. "Fuck yeah, suffer, Nigger, suffer for the amusement of the white man!" he said. Of opened up my legs, spreading them to give him even better access to my dick and balls and he kept torturing them, kicking them, rubbing his shoe all over them.

At some point he decided I had suffered enough. "Ok, take off my shoes. And my socks. I know you have been waiting to kiss my white feet." He said. I did as he said. I undid the laces, carefully took of his sneakers and socks and assumed my position on my back and Ben, once again, rested his now naked feet on my face. I loved the feeling of his weight on my face. The feeling of his naked soles on my skin. I began to kiss them, lick them, worship them. Ben continued to smoke his weed. I don't know for how long this went on, but it must have been quite a while. At some point he got his feet out of my face. "That's enough. I'm ready to get sucked again. Get on my dick." I crawled up to his crotch, pulled down his pants and exposed his beautiful white cock. So pure, so boyish. The blond pubic hair, the soft, skin, the pale, almost pink member. How could something so beautiful be so cruel? Ben laid back, closed his eyes and relaxed. He had finished his joint. His body language indicated, that he just wanted to get serviced instead of mouth-fucking me. So I went along, took his dick in my mouth and began sucking. He didn't move. He just let me work on him.

"Dude, I'm so fucking high. I'm flying." Ben said. "Keep those thick nigger lips wrapped around my dick. This is the best fucking trip ever!" I did as he said. He didn't say anything after that. He didn't move. He just drifted away on his trip, sweetened by the blowjob he was receiving from me. After a while he just let go a soft sigh. I felt his dick contract and the next thing I knew, my mouth was filling up with his sweet cum. I licked everything. I kept his dick in my mouth all night, even after he had cum the second time. Even after he had passed out and fallen asleep. I didn't want to let go of his sweet, angelic white dick.

Chapter 8 Lessons

It had been a week since we had returned from our trip to "Sleeping in Haw and Straw". I had been avoiding the boys pretty much the entire time. I kept thinking about what had happened and it was tearing me apart. On the one hand the events of our trip made me extremely horny whenever I thought of them. On the other hand I also felt extremely guilty and ashamed. I desperately wanted to become the man I was before all of this had happened: Strong, black, straight and confident.

I figured the best way to achieve this, was to have no contact to Felix, Ben and Chris. Luckily we didn't have that many courses together, so I was able to get away with not confronting them. However, I did have econometrics together with Felix and Chris. We had this course every Friday for two full hours. And so as another Friday came around I made my way to class. Usually I am late and grab whatever seat I can still fit in, oftentimes in the back of the lecture hall. But this time around I was quite early, one of the first actually. I took a good seat in the middle row. I wanted to take notes and be very concentrated, because the exams where just around the corner. It was hard enough to focus of studying for me right now. On the one hand it was extremely hot at this time of the year. And on the other, I wasn't getting anywhere with Jessica, my girlfriend. I had been trying to get into her pants all week. Trying to prove myself as a man. And finally fuck some pussy. But no, she wouldn't let me. Once I tried to talk her into sucking my dick but she just made a repulsed face. Thank god she didn't know how much dick I had sucked, or that face would have been even worse.

Even though I was not very successful at it, ever since I had come back from hay and straw I had made it my mission to get some pussy and become a real, straight man again. I tried to avoid what happened during that class trip, thinking to myself, what happened there, would stay there. And as long I was able to avoid Felix and the others, I could more or less avoid the matter altogether.

Speaking of the devil, just as I had taken my spot in the study hall I could see Felix and Chris wander into the space. Truth be told, they looked stunning. Both were wearing shorts and tank tops. Felix a regular white wife beater while Chris was wearing a sleeveless jersey. Chris had a cap on this head and Felix dark blond hair were flying around in the breeze, slightly greasy from the heat and his sweat. Chris was wearing white sneakers and sport socks while Felix was just wearing flip flops. I was lightly dressed as well. With a tank top, jeans shorts and flip flops as well. But I doubt anyone looked at me the way I looked at those two in that moment.

Felix and Chris looked around and quickly spotted me. I could see a bright smile crossing Felix face, exposing his perfect white teeth and making him even more beautiful than he already was. He leaned over to Chris and whispered something into his ear. Now he was looking at me too and nodding his head, probably to whatever Felix had just said to him. And before I knew, they were walking towards me and taking up the two seats left and right of me.

"Hey nigger, how's it going?" Chris said, as he laid his arm around me. As his armpits pressed against my shoulder I could feel his full bush of armpit hair against my skin, causing me to get goosebumps. I looked down at my notes and calmly said "Not much, just trying to study." They looked at each other, probably surprised that I did not react to Chris calling me the N-word. And then the both smiled each other. I was hoping by ignoring it, they would lose interest in calling me that, but instead they seemed to have understood it as a pass to go on. "That's cool nigger" Felix said. "Hell, dude, you can at least try to do something with that monkey brain of yours." I kept looking at my notes. "Yeah, you are so right!" I said, trying to sound sarcastic. But they both just laughed. And before I knew I felt two hard slaps on the back of my head, one coming from Chris' hand, the other from Felix. "Yeah you try, man. But you know why Africa is such a shithole right?" Chris said. "Low IQ. You niggers do not only look like shit, you are dumb like shit too."

I began to understand, that no matter how I tried to ignore them, they would not stop. Sure, they enjoyed humiliating me, but apparently my reaction didn't even matter that much to them. They just really liked using the N-word and other racist slurs. I could see how their chest swell up with pride, every time the hurled derogatory insults at me. How every degrading, racist insult was re-affirming their sense of white superiority. I endured as they were laughing. Felix leaned back, placing his hand behind his head in a dominant pose and putting his feet on my table. The chairs were flexible, so he could actually get in a comfortable position this way. I looked at his naked feet on my desk -- he had taken off his flip flops that were lying under the table. I swallowed heavily and I could feel my dick hardening. I didn't say anything as I turned my head to Felix. He gave me a wink and a big smile, making my heart melt. "Come on Tom, do it. You know you want it." He said.

I wanted to stop myself but I couldn't. I slowly leaned forwards, as Felix big, white, and hairy feet came closer. They were dirty, since he had been walking through the city in flip flops all day. Probably he had been sweating too. I didn't care. I had to go there. I closed my eyes and gently kissed them. The next thing I heard was Felix and Chris bursting out in laughter and, again, two hard slaps by them on the back of my head. "You are fucking sick!" Chris said. "That's disgusting". Felix nodded in agreement.

Slowly other students began to enter the lecture hall. Chris and Felix adjusted themselves on their seats and kept quit for the rest of the lesson. I tried to focus on the lecture but I could not concentrate with those two perfect white males next to me. I kept checking them out. Chris strong and muscular hairy legs turned me on so much and the veins on his forearms. And of course his biceps was a dream. And Felix face just had the perfect European aesthetics. The epitome of white beauty, like an angel. I was sinking deeper into my daydream. Wasn't I lucky in a way? That two superior white boys like them even wasted a second on me? I mean they were so handsome and beautiful. Their bodies were perfect. And wasn't I just a dirty little nigger? Wasn't it my purpose to serve them? Be their little nigger slave? Suddenly I pulled myself out of my thoughts and was shocked by the places my mind had wandered. Was I being brainwashed? What was going on with me? How could I be thinking these things? How could I subjugate myself to this evil oppressive belief system of white supremacy that I always intended to dismantle? And why did it turn my on so much?

Before I knew, the lesson was over. Felix and Chris had been taking notes the entire time while I had totally dozed off. They got up, just as everyone else. Felix took a look at my blank piece of paper and smile derisively. "Looks like you are perfectly prepared for the big test, Tom." He said. I looked at him in shame. I sensed a sign of mercy in this eyes. "Man, come on, I know we are hard on you sometimes, but you are still one of us." He said. "Well, not really, but sort-off, you know. Tell you what, Chris and I are heading to my place now to study some more for the test. Why don't you come with us?" He said. I smiled and finally felt like things were getting back to normal between us again. "Thank you, Felix. That would be great. I know you two are so good in math. It would be so nice if you could help me." I said, rather over-enthusiastically. "Relax, dude, don't chimp out!" Chris sneered from the side. I could feel my heart drop a little. Apparently things would not go back to normal. But I went with them anyway, since I really needed the extra help.

We arrived at Felix dorm room and Felix and Chris immediately got out of their shoes and tank tops and placed two chairs next to the table around a table. Felix arranged the books and notes. I was going towards one of the chairs, wanting to sit down but Chris stopped me. "Sorry Tom. This idiot here only has two chairs. You will have to sit on the floor." I was getting a little angry. Why would I be the one who had to sit on the floor? But I kept quit, despite myself. I was just about to sit down on the floor as Felix held my arm. "Not so fast, Tommy. You know the drill, don't you?" he asked. I was confused. What now? I shook my head, not knowing what we wanted. He looked over to Chris. "Man, this one just doesn't learn, does he?" he said, while Chris had already taken seat on one of the chairs. "Take your clothes off, Tommy. You are our nigger now. That means, you must always be naked in our presence. Well, at least as far as it is possible." He said chuckling.

"You don't really mean that? Can I at least keep my boxers?" I asked. "Nope, butt naked, just like in the old days." He laughed. I looked at them angrily. But they didn't care. "Dude, you are the one who needs our help. So our rules. Take it or leave it." Chris said. Reluctantly I agreed to their terms and began to undress, as the blatantly celebrated their triumph with a loud high-five. I put my clothes in my bag and now was completely naked while they were still dressed, not with much, but at least not naked. It only took about two seconds and I already had grown a full boner. Felix began to laugh. "Dude, you are suck a pathetic fag. Constantly hard, never getting any!" he said. "It's not my fault I am horny 24/7. And you are not helping either by making we get naked." I tried to defend myself. "Why does it make you horny to be naked around your buddies, Tommy? Isn't that wired?" Felix asked with a devilish smile. "No, it's not that, I mean, it's just being naked in company..." I stuttered. "Oh so you just like the humiliation." He said grinning. "No!" I replied, "I don't like it!" Felix and Chris looked at each other, enjoying every second of torturing me. "Sure, you don't like it. It just turns you on." Felix said.

I sat down on the floor, trying to hide my erection. "Can we get to work now?" I asked. "Sure. After you served us drinks. I think I got two beers in the fridge. Come on boy, be a good slave now." Felix said. I knew there was no point in objecting so I just played along, filling out the role as the subservient house boy, they wanted me to be. I serve them their beers and got back in my spot on the floor while they were towering above me in the chairs.

"Alright then, let's do some econometrics." Chris said. At first I felt very uncomfortable with the entire situation but at some point I forgot about the fact that I was naked and that there were constantly signaling to me that I was inferior to them with their little cruel allusions. We actually had a pretty productive study session. For about three hours we but our heads together, worked through several tasks and I actually got something out of it. I had a much better understanding at the end than I did before.

"I think we achieved something today. Time to give it a rest." Felix said. "Yeah!" Chris agreed. "Now it's time to relax!" he said and turned on some video game. They both set down on the couch facing the TV and began to play some fighting game against each other. Hitting and grunting sounds coming from the gaming characters on the TV. I watched them game, until Felix said. "My beer is empty. Serve me another one, Tom." I could have gotten out of there. Get dressed, pack my things, just leave, and stop putting up with their non-sense. After all, they had helped me with the studies. But as I watched their half-naked, muscular bodies lying on the couch, their strong hairy legs spread apart, I knew I just wanted to stay in the presence of these two young white studs. So I went to the fridge, got another beer, and served it to Felix.

I didn't know what to do. They were ignoring me, as they were totally focused on the game. I stared at them. I could feel my dick getting hard again. I didn't try to hide it this time. My mind began to wander again. I looked at their beautiful symmetric faces, the full and wavy hair of Felix and the short dark hair of Chris. Their broad shoulders, their strong and hairy chests. The trail of hair going from Felix' belly button down to his crotch, turning to a full grown bush inside his shorts. Chris six-pack on the other hand was completely covered with hair, but you could still see every muscle. I could feel my knees getting weaker in the presence of this two masculine young men omitting such unapologetic dominance and superiority. They just HAD to be served. They just HAD to be worshipped. I just HAD to play my role in the greater scheme of things. I knew my place. I eyes wandered to Felix feet, as he was sitting closer to me. I didn't have to do anything. But I wanted. I lowered my head, slowly got closer, hoping I would not be punished for this. And finally my lips touched the soles of Felix feet. I embraced the moment and then continued to slowly kiss Felix' feet. "Yo Chris, look at Tommy. He's chimping out again!" Felix commented. It became painfully clear to me, that this thing that meant so much to me, was just a joke to him. But I could never expect reciprocity from him or Chris. Or any other white man for that matter. My place was to serve them.

I went on licking and kissing Felix' feet and after a while moved on to Chris. "Yeah, kiss my feet, dude!" Chris said, without taking this eyes from the game. He hadn't showered or cleaned his feet, they were still the same like in the lecture hall. But I didn't care. I bathed in his masculine superiority, in the submission I expressed by kissing his unwashed feet. They were perfect. Strong, yet elegant and sporty, with strong black hair beginning at his legs, growing up his perfectly muscular calves. This went on for a while. They didn't really pay attention to me, they just let me lick and kiss their feet while they were playing their game. Suddenly they stopped.

"Well, I guess you guys better get going." Felix said. "After all, we have that test tomorrow. "Yeah, you are right dude." Chris said and got up. I was in shock. Why were they interrupting this now? I was so fucking horny. I wanted this to go on. I knew they would not allow me to cum, but I wanted to make them cum really badly. There was no way I could just leave now.

"But..." I stuttered. Felix, who had gotten up as well, turned around. "Yes, Tommy, what is it?" he asked. I didn't know what to say. I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to suck their big white dicks. But I could not say that. I wanted them to make to do it. That way it was less embarrassing. If that was even possible. "I...I... I thought..." I was seriously struggling, as I was still on my knees, where they had left me. Still naked, still hard. "What did you think? What do you want?" Felix asked, as he and Chris walked back towards me, now standing in front of me. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I just looked into their eyes and then into their crotches. I could see the outline of their dicks. I slowly moved towards Chris crotch and began to kiss his dick through his pants. Next thing I knew, Chris pulled my head from his crotch and slapped me across the face. My eyes teared up. "I didn't allow you to do that, faggot!" he said with an angry voice.

I didn't understand. I thought they wanted me to do that. I thought they enjoyed getting sucked off without having to return the favor. I was so confused. "You want our dicks, nigger?" Felix asked. I nodded, with my tears running down my tears. "How bad you want it?" he asked. "Please..." it finally broke out of me. "I will do anything!" I pleaded. Felix and Chris looked at each other and then back down to me.

"Well, we will let you. But we need some cash for weed, so you'll have to pay to suck our dicks." He said. My jaw dropped in shock. I didn't expect that. I was supposed to pay THEM? They should be paying me! They were the ones who were getting off. I got irritated. "You don't mean that!" I said. I tried to get up, but Felix pushed me back down. "Are you male prostitutes now?" I yelled. Felix slapped me across the face. "Shut up!" he said. "You get to suck our delicious cocks for free, although you are the faggot and we are straight. I believe you get much more out of this then us." Felix continued. "Are you serious? You are getting your dicks sucked! You are the ones getting off! I'd die to be in your place. And I am getting more out of this? You have to be joking!" I yelled. But my voice dropped as I heard Chris unzipping his pants and pulling out his magnificent cock. He rubbed his semi-hard cock across my face, held its head under my nose. "Smell if, boy, sniff it. You know you need this cock!" he said. I took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh of defeat. I shamefully admitted "Fuck yes, I need it. I need it now." I opened my mouth and moved towards the tip of Chris dick. Just as I was about to reach it, I got slapped across the face again. I looked up at Chris. "Pleas Chris, please let me suck you!" I begged. He smiled gently and said "Pay! I'll only let you suck it, if you pay." I resigned and reached for my bag, pulled out my wallet and handed it to them. Felixs searched through it, and took all the money I had. It must have been 60 or 70 Dollars. He trough my wallet to the floor and nodded to Chris. "This will do." Felix said. "You know what is worse than being a `male prostitute' Tommy? Being so pathetic that you would pay another guy to suck his dick!" he laughed.

"Fuck yeah!" Chris yelled as he looked down at me. "Ok, I'll give it to you. Take my dick faggot." Finally, I was allowed to suck him again. I opened my mouth and embraced his delicious cock. I liked the salty precum of its head. I massaged the shaft as I enclosed the tip with my fat lips. I began to move up and down his pole and fondled his hairy balls at the same time. It felt so good. To serve this masculine young white god was the best thing in the world. I heard Chris moan a little. He was so calm and cool that he barely made a noise while I was in heaven, merely for being able to suck his dick. At the same time Felix walked to my behind. "Ass up, monkey boy!" he said. He spit on my asshole, which was probably already moist from sweating all day, and pushed his hard cock into it. A high-pitched moan came out of my mouth, as I was overcome by the pain of having my ass torn apart. "Shut up, fag!" Chris sneered and stuffed by mouth with his cock. There I was, a black slave being split-roasted by these two superior white guys. And I loved every second of it. Chris was fucking my mouth, Felix was fucking my ass, while I was trying to provide us much pleasure to them as possible.

"Dude, I know he is paying us, but I have to say, he's a damn good slut!" Felix said. Chris laughed. "Yeah, he's he good fucking nigger!" he said. He both high-fived while I was in-between them working their cocks with both my holes. They were rough on me. They were brutal. They only cared for their pleasure. Only their cocks mattered to them. But I knew this was how it was meant to be. Pure, raw, masculine sexuality. Selfish, commanding, dominating, unapologetic. They knew those white cocks they had meant power in its most natural form and they knew how to use it.

"Yo, let's swap nigger holes!" Chris said. He pulled his dick out of my mouth and traded places with Felix. He pushed his cock that I had enthusiastically sucked hard, into my asshole with full force. I cried to in pain. "Yeah bitch! Cry! Cry you fucking faggot. That's what you wanted. That's what you paid for!" he said. I was still crying out in pain from Chris forcefully entering my black body with his big white cock, as Felix stood in front me and slapped his dick across my face. He pushed my face into his crotch, rubbed his dick all across my face. "Yeah, get the taste of your own nigger ass all over you face!" he said. I moaned like a little slut as he slapped his dick across my face. I tried to reach for it with my mouth, but he pulled it away several times, as if he wanted to punish me. "Oh you want to suck it so bad, don't you little bitch?" he asked. "Yes, yes, yes!" I screamed, as Chris was hammering me from behind. "One cock just isn't enough, is it Tommy?" You need to be filled from both sides, don't you?" he asked. "Yes, I need it!" I cried. "You are such a fucking slut. Alright then. You paid, so go ahead." He said, as he finally allowed me to suck his cock. I could taste that he had been fucking me, but I didn't care. Felix' dick would always be delicious to me. The first dick I had ever sucked. The dick that had broken me and had turned me into a submissive, horny cocksucker.

The kept fucking me from both ends for a while, until I heard Chris say: "Dude, wanna fuck that nigger ass some more?" Felix smiled. "Hell, yeah!" he said and the switched places again. Only I was to remain in my place, on my knees, offering my mouth and asshole for however they wanted to use them.

Chris got back in front of me and greeted me with three strong slaps across my face. My face was burning. Tears began running down my cheeks again. I looked up at him, terrified. He grabbed my neck with his strong hand, as if he was going to strangle me. "You pathetic peace of shit! Tell me what you are! Say it!" Chris said. I was struggling to get air and coughed. "I'm.... I'm... I'm a nigger!" I said. He let go and now placed his hard cock in front of my face again. He began slapping my face with his dick. "Feel this huge white cock on your face, nigger? Worship it!" I did as he said. I licked and kissed the shaft, the balls, the tip. Every part of his wonderful manhood. "You like to be a nigger slave for two straight white boys, don't you?" he asked. I nodded. "Yo Chris, what feels better on your cock? Nigger lips or nigger pussy?" Felix asked laughing. "I don't know dude, both feels amazing." Chris answered. "What do you think Tommy? What is better? Mouth or pussy? Oh right, I forgot, you have no idea!" Felix laughed. Chris looked down at me. "So you still have no clue how good this feels for us, right? You haven't got any from your girlfriend, have you?" Felix asked me. "No!" I shamefully admitted. Felix and Chris looked at each other with a huge grin. "Well, too bad no one is sucking your dick, Tommy. But at least you get to suck mine!" Chris said, as he pushed his huge cock back in my mouth at laughed at me.

I was so turned on, I was so horny. My dick was rock-hard and leaking pre-cum. But I didn't touch it once. I know I was not allowed to jerk off. They would probably beat me up, if I tried pleasure myself. All I could do was derive my pleasure from pleasing them. I wanted to make them nut. I wanted their cum. I wanted them to unload their Aryan DNA into my black body. I wanted to take it all in. I arched my back and squeezed my hole to make Felix' cock feel better. I used my hand and mouth on Chris cock, stroking and sucking at the same time, desperately awaiting his explosive climax. I heard them both moan. I felt Felix relentless pounding, his balls slapping against my ass, as I arched my back as much as I could, offering him my pussy, displaying my undeniable need to feel his manhood inside my, as deep as possible. I rhythmically suck-stroked Chris, feeling his Cock getting harder and harder. I was in trance. The world disappeared. All that I could feel, all that mattered where these two big white cocks penetrating my holes. Moving in and out of my body. Using me.

"Dude, I'm gonna nut!" Felix said. "Yeah me too. Keep going nigger, swallow my load!" Chris said. And just seconds after I could feel his hand pressing against the back of my head, burying my face deep in his pubes as his semen filled my mouth. I swallowed every drop as he shots of cum kept shooting from his cock, deep in my mouth. A few moments later I could hear Felix moan loudly in pleasure as I came in my ass. With a few more strokes he ejaculated, while slapped my ass at the same time. I embraced the feeling of having their seed pumped into me from both ends. I know they were the ones who got to cum, who were getting off, but somehow I felt like I was the lucky one in that moment. I don't know why. Was I just getting used to this role of being the submissive? Maybe I was enjoying it, because it was the only sex I was getting? Would it disappear once I would the one fucking and getting sucked? I still had that hope. But it didn't change the fact that I was unbelievably horny and turned on by their orgasms. If only I was allowed to jerk off. If only I was allowed to cum as well.

I could feel Felix pull out and walk towards my face, now standing next to Chris. "Clean my dick, fag!" he said. I did as commanded, licking his and Chris' cock clean, as they were both standing in front of my. All the tension was leaving there bodies as they enjoyed the relaxing feeling of post-orgasmic glow. They both fell into the couch after I was done cleaning their dicks. Felix turned the TV back on and the resumed playing video games. And there I was again, rock-hard and unsure what to do. They had gotten off, but I was till totally on edge. So I did what my heart desired. I got back to work and began kissing their feet again. And they let me.

Next: Chapter 8

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