Hawaiian Feast

Published on Jun 27, 2007



This story involves descriptions of a sexual encounter between a man and teen boys. Be warned, and do not read if reading this type of story is illegal for you. It IS fiction. If you like this story, and want more, drop me a line at JeffSpencer69@yahoo.com. The story is Copyright Jeff Spencer, 2007.

Please contribute some money to Nifty if you enjoy this and other works posted there. You can also find many the following VERY HOT stories by Jeff Spencer' listed under Prolific Internet Authors' at Nifty:

  • All Cats are Grey

  • Blue Eyed Accident

  • Boy Beach

  • Chris and Terry's Neighborly Adventure

  • Clash of Cultures

  • Dream

  • Jeff Comes Out

  • Jiffee Lube

  • Justin's Story

  • Lick It or Ticket

  • Locker Room Lovers

  • Loving Ryan and Chris

  • Me and Bobby McKee

  • Meeting Timmy

  • Pleasure Island

  • Queer Factor

  • Tony and Me

  • Weekend at B.A.'s

  • Writer's Block

  • You and I at the Arcade

  • Your Dream

  • Pool Boy

  • Soccer Summer


"I'm not sure if I want to, Dad", Alex said, his expression dubious.

"Aw, son, there comes a time in every boy's life when he becomes a man. It's kind of a family tradition to do it this way. Your grandfather took me out when I turned 16, and now it's your turn," I explained.

"But what if....well, what if I'm, um, no good, or something?" His deep blue eyes, darker than mine, were still skeptical. His blond hair kept getting in the way of his eyes, the slight Honolulu breeze warm and muggy, but constant. The breeze smelled of sea, and car exhaust, but mainly sea. Alex looked manly, and almost rugged, something I'd noticed more frequently, and part of the reason I decided the time was right.

"You know how to jack off, right?" I said. "You'll be alright."

"Dad!" he exclaimed, scandalized.

"Well, we're talking about you busting your cherry, aren't we?" I said, grinning. "With some hot little chick, round and soft, your cock deep inside her hole..." My eyes were dreamy, remembering MY first.

"Dad....geez!" Alex said, again shocked. But interested, too. I could tell. His girl friend Connie was a real cutie, but by the sounds coming from the bathroom as I walked by, after his dates with the cheerleader, it was obvious that she was holding out for a serious relationship. That was fine with me, both Jessica, my wife and his mother and I thought he'd make a good husband, but my heart went out to him for the frustration he had to be feeling, and his desperate attempts to satiate the hunger. An all too familiar hunger, one I knew well.

So, I thought that this two week vacation in the Hawaiian Islands would be a good opportunity to `up the ante', as it were, showing Alex the satisfaction of good sex, with a willing partner. Not that masturbation isn't fun, too - I said I was married.

Anyway, we'd gone out, `just two guys hanging out', I'd told Jessica, and I immediately started hunting down a partner for Alex. Not that he'd ever have trouble picking someone up - he was a good looking lad, 6' 1", 190 pounds, and many years of excelling at soccer had kept him fit and muscular. I'd seen his cock a few times since he'd gotten into adolescence, and to be honest, I thought he was probably an inch longer than me, though not as thick. And as my rod was 7", that made him a respectable size.

We got to a section of Honolulu that started to look racier than the other bar type locations. More tattoo shops showing up, adult video, heck you know what I mean. We went into a bar, some place called "In-Between', on Lau'ula St, and took a booth about halfway in. The place was only moderately busy, but it had what I hoped for, namely some working girls'. Now, although I'm 41, and a veteran, I don't indulge in prostitutes, but I don't hold the practice against either the girls or their johns. Live and let live', I always say.

I ordered a beer, and Alex a coke. Although he looked older for his age, he didn't look any 21, nor did I want him to take up drinking until he was legal. As we were nursing our drinks, looking around, the cutest-looking Amer-Asian girl, looking no older than 16 or 17 herself, wandered over and smiled at Alex.

"Hi," she murmured shyly. She introduced herself as Haleigha. She explained that it was Hawaiian for "House of the Rising Sun". That was definitely a clue, I figured, that she was just what we wanted.

Alex looked startled by her approach, but I could see he was definitely appreciative of her looks. She was stunningly attractive, and appeared to be a mixture of Hawaiian and Haole, or `white person'. Her hair was thick and black, long, but curly, hanging down all the way down to her breasts. She seemed to wear almost no makeup at all. That's a look that I prefer in women, and Alex seemed to like it too, the natural look.

She was about 5' 6" tall, maybe 120 pounds. Nice breasts, maybe a little small, but perky, rounded hips, flat stomach, and like they say, "legs that go all the way up to heaven." The short skirt she was wearing, did little to hide her perfect legs. If I wasn't married, I'd be ready to fall in love myself! Her nipples were making two little bumps in the tight satin top she was wearing, and it was hard to miss her little bit of cleavage, as deep as the top was cut.

Her skirt was also pretty sheer, and I guessed she was a whiz at marketing, well, herself. I almost caught a glimpse of the bottoms of her ass cheeks, a flash of shiny panties, satin too, I guessed, the white fabric almost glowing in the dim blue light of the bar. I could feel my cock stirring, and from the way Alex squirmed on his side of the booth, I could see he'd noticed a few things too!

She was an expert at drawing out Alex, and from the small glances she gave me in the few pauses in their conversation, I could see that she was gauging why we were there, in the combination that we were. But Alex was so innocently open, she had us pegged after just a few minutes, and when she asked if we'd like to "go see her apartment", Alex was thrilled, and I was relieved that the process had been so simple. Not much of this type of thing going on in Ames, Iowa - at least as far as I know!

Her place was just a block away, over a storefront. In retrospect, of course, I realize that it was just where she took her johns, willing tourists, men certainly, heck, maybe even women, or couples. But it was nicely appointed, decorated as if by a professional decorator. I guess she liked working in a pretty environment. I can certainly understand that, though my office at the marketing company I own isn't nearly as nice.

She and I had a brief conversation, where we settled on terms, Alex all unknowing, then she went over to him near the bed, and pushed him back onto the bedspread, his body tense and bouncing once or twice on the firm mattress, then she lay next to him, kissing his chest where his shirt was open at the top, his chest smooth and hairless. She cooed softly, working her small hand into the opening, stroking his chest softly, as her mouth approached, then kissed, his strong chin, then his lips.

He quickly got her intent, and his lips met hers, their mouths osculating together gently, not at all hurried. I could see a tent developing in his jeans. `Like father, like son', I chuckled to myself. My own dick was hard, and the view up the tiny skirt to her silky panties didn't help any. The curves of her ass cheeks, so smooth and round and succulent, the narrow strip of white, shiny fabric from her ass up to her hot little crotch, contrasting with her honey-colored thighs....the slight bulge of fabric there making me think of heat, and moisture, and hot, musky aroma of sex. God!! I was ready to fuck her myself!

Alex was wriggling around on the bed, and mindlessly thrusting up with his hips, as she nibbled on his ear, then whispered in it. When he nodded enthusiastically, she licked inside his ear quickly, then began unbuttoning the snap of his jeans. He tried to help her, but she lightly slapped his hands away. "I'll do it, sweetie," she cooed, then centered herself on his young crotch. She quickly, and expertly unzipped him, his white undershorts exploding outward from the size of his greatly expanded prick.

She whipped his jeans down his legs, and onto the floor, then stroking his erection through his underpants. His head thrashed from side to side, just from the pure pleasure of having her small hand expertly stimulate and caress his sensitive cock flesh. "Unghh," he moaned, eyes opening and closing, his long eye lashes fluttering with his erotic passion.

"Better than doing it yourself, huh?" I muttered to myself, not wanting to remind him there was someone else in here with him and the girl. He was too busy drowning in pleasure to hear me, though. When her hand slipped under the leg band of his underpants, slipping through his silky, curly pubic hair to grasp his rosy-red dick, and hold it straight up as she continued caressing it, well, my own hand dove under my own waistband to stroke my own cock - the pressure was immense.

Alex groaned loudly. "God!" he moaned, his hips shaking. Haleigha leaned down again, her lips pressed to Alex's, her tongue sliding between his lips, her hand still rubbing his cock so sexily. I loosened my pants. Then Haleigha quickly removed her fingers from Alex's hot shaft, eliciting a groan from the boy. She quickly hooked her fingers over the elastic waistband of his underpants, pulling them off his hips, from side to side, until they got to his knees, then they easily slipped off the rest of the way.

My eyes were fixed on Alex's rampant cock, though. Standing stiffly erect, a deep, dusky red, his circumcised dick head was a dark purple, his piss slit standing almost wide open from the intense pressure of the blood filling his hot man shaft. It looked as though it would explode, one way or another. Then Haleigha began softly stroking his long, red shaft again, her fingers just barely touching him. I guessed that his own touch had never felt quite that good, and Connie, if he'd even gotten that far, most likely didn't have as delicate a touch. I remember when I began getting serious with Jessica, that she had at first treated my dick like the gear shift in a NASCAR entry.

Haleigha leaned over Alex's dick, and lapped at the swollen, purple, plum-shaped head of his penis, while increasing the speed of her stroking. Well, it was a matter of seconds before my boy's hot dick was spurting gallons of creamy, white teen boy cum. I could smell its hot muskiness from across the room. Haleigha caught all of the spurts in her mouth, while the thick quantity of semen after those first enthusiastic squirts oozed down his dick, and over her slim fingers.

My own hand was deeply involved with my excited cock, stroking my thick meat. I pulled my slacks and underpants down a little, until the fat head of my cock, also circumcised, was peeking out at me. There was a big pearl of pre-cum in my piss slit, and on a whim, I dabbed the tip of my index finger on my left hand into the viscous fluid, and tasted it, salty and sweet both.

Alex groaned with passion, and looked up at Haleigha just as she opened her mouth, strands and strings of his semen dripping from the roof of her mouth onto her lower lip. He moaned again, then muttered, "God, that's so fucking hot!" Haleigha immediately spun around so that she was facing towards Alex's feet, her body over his and her mouth at his scum-covered penis, then she planted her round, satin-covered ass right on his face!

Alex grunted, his hands on her full hips, and pulled her sweet ass to his mouth, kissing and licking her hot, horny bottom. That was too, too much for me. I pushed my pants down around my feet, and jacked my hungry dick, like a man afire. I didn't care who saw me! But neither Alex nor Haleigha was interested in me, right then. Alex had pulled Haleigha's panties partially off her ass, the silky fabric bunched right under her sweet, round and rosy butt cheeks. His mouth was fastened on the brown starfish of her ass hole, licking and kissing that hot little hole. Man, it looked so fucking delicious!

I thought about pointing out that was her ass hole, and not a pussy, but he was enjoying himself too much, and frankly, I'm partial to ass holes myself. Meanwhile, as he slurped her brown hole, she was bobbing up and down with her head, her pink lips expertly wrapped around his long pole, taking the whole fucking thing down to the curly blond hairs at its base. She was damned good at cock sucking.

She had a whole mess of saliva and cum both, running down his glistening shaft, and dripping off her lips. She enjoyed her work, and I have to admit she was the best I'd ever seen, and I wondered if I'd get to feel her touch. But right then, she was attending to my son, sucking and licking his cock, slurping up the small spurts of his cum as shivers of ecstasy ran through his slim body.

Alex was enjoying eating her ass every bit as much as she was enjoying his hard cock, now hard as steel again. She smiled down at it, then pulled her ass away from his face, leaving him with a slimy, wet, glistening face and mouth as she crawled down to his hips. Her back still to Alex, she pulled her panties shyly down to her knees, then brought her slick, wet ass hole down to the plump head of his cock. Looking over her shoulder, as though backing up, she guided her hot, tight opening to his dick head. As he held it steady, and pointing slightly forward, she backed it into her soft and yielding anus, his fat cock head seeming impossibly big to fit in that tiny, delicate hole.

But, fit it did, his long shaft disappearing inch by inch inside her hot, pink rectum, her anal sphincter gripping his penis tighter than any pussy ever would. She squeezed and caressed her small breasts through her top as she fucked herself up and down on Alex's excited dick. I was amazed that she was getting into it so much, but it excited me further. I continued stroking my dick, keeping myself below the point of no return, since I knew I'd probably only be cumming once, unlike Alex. Ah, youth!

Alex was swearing up a storm - I think he was way more excited than he'd been when she had put her mouth on him. I think that's kind of unusual, to be even more excited the second time, and only minutes after cumming the first time. But that just speaks to how talented she was with that fine little ass. But, back to Alex. As I say, he was really excited, and he reached around Haleigha's hip, I guess to stroke her pussy or clit, or maybe finger her there.

Well, that was when he came up with a handful of stiff boy cock, much like his own, only about 3" shorter, and two small, boyish balls in a wrinkled, flesh sack. Their bodies both turned towards me at that instant, so I got a birds eye view of Alex's strong fingers holding Haleigha's excited cock, Haleigha's piss slit leaking creamy boy juice all over Alex's fingers. At that same moment, Haleigha gave her ass a tight twist, and Alex got pushed right over the edge, shooting his second load of man juice for the night, this time, deep inside Haleigha's tight, sweet ass, while Haleigha began spurting 3 or 4 thick, long spurts of boy cream all over Alex's fingers and his lower body.

But what really brought ME off, besides the enchanting view of my son's cock happily and deeply buried in a ladyboy's ass, was the grip he maintained on Haleigha's spurting penis, and the way Alex was still stroking up and down Haleigha's hot meat, even as her boy cream coated his fingers, and then the way they kissed afterwards, when Alex's still stiff dick popped out of Haleigha's sweet little boy pussy. And there I was with a lapful of hot, excited cock.

I pushed my pants the rest of the way off, and walked over to the bed. Haleigha looked over at me, and said coyly, "I'd like to be a sandwich. Can you boys do that for me?" Alex and I looked at each other and grinned.

"Damn right," we both said in unison. Alex and I finished stripping, then, completely nude, we stripped off Haleigha's remaining clothes, and both our cocks gave a jump, looking at her perfect girl's body, with the added pleasure of the sight of her boy cock, pink and excited. Alex lay back on the bed, his dick incredibly showing signs of recovery again. Haleigha wrapped her small, slim fingers around his hot meat, then lay on top of him, with her face at his cock, and her sweet little cock in Alex's face.

Alex was certainly a natural at cock sucking. He slipped his lips around her pink rod, letting it slip inside his mouth. From the movements of his mouth, it looked as though he was swirling his tongue around that cute little dick, bobbing in and out, fucking his mouth.

I was happy to find myself growing hard again, but not surprised. I knew very well the effect that a ladyboy could have on me, and now on my son. Haleigha's sweet little ass, the most perfect I've ever seen on anyone, round and pink, a deep little furrow between those two plump cheeks, darker skin revealing a small, puckered brown hole, still glistening from Alex's licking, and his cum leaking from her hole.

I leaned down to her bottom, and inhaled the dark, musky scent of her hot ass, then licked her hole, tasting her hot sexy musk, and Alex's saliva from his enthusiastic oral worship, combined with his sticky cum. I thrust my tongue deep inside her, fucking her tight ass hole with my tongue, and she responded, moving her butt around, as I licked her hole, and Alex sucked her cock.

She grunted, as her own mouth was full of boy cock. She lavished attention to his long knob, licking and sucking his shaft and plump dick head, licking the remnants of his previous orgasm, and the fresh pre cum he was producing.

I moved around, so that my head was even with Haleigha's, and, gripping my hard penis in my hand, brought the fat head to her slick, tight brown hole, and pushed, until it popped past her tight anal sphincter, into the welcoming heat of her ass. Haleigha groaned, her lips still wrapped around Alex's pumping cock. I thrust hard into her hot boy cunt, the walls of her rectum tightly gripping my rod, sending jolts of pleasure through me with every inch of travel, her hole slick and slimy, and so, so good.

Meanwhile, Haleigha slobbered on Alex's hot and ready teenaged cock, hard and long, and looking so luscious every time his length slipped out of her warm, pink lips, glistening with her wetness and saliva. His cock was just inches from my face. I felt so attracted, that I wanted to take it into my mouth myself. The thought of sucking my son's cock excited me, perhaps more than the reality of fucking a ladyboy in his tight, hot ass hole.

I could feel Alex underneath Haleigha and me, actively sucking on her smaller, but just as exciting, cock, thrusting in and out of his mouth, her balls on his face. We quickly built to a crescendo, the three of us, cocks thrusting deeply into wet, hot male holes, sperm building up in our balls and shafts, eagerly wanting to explode our hot cream into each other. Soon the wish became the deed, and each of us blew our wad.

My cock exploded into Haleigha's tight ass hole, shooting stream after stream of thick, white semen into her dark, brown hole, her hips squeezing me dry, her plump, round ass pressing back against me. Alex exploded wad after wad of his fresh, teenaged cum into Haleigha's hot mouth, sperm dripping down her chin where it overflowed from her mouth and lips.

And finally, Haleigha herself got off, her small cock belying the massive amount of sticky, white semen she filled my son's mouth with. He choked at first, being unfamiliar with someone shooting in his mouth, but caught up with her flow, manfully swallowing her hot load of boy cum.

We all relaxed together, then Haleigha quickly got up, sashaying over to her bathroom, her rump saucily wiggling, as though inviting another cock. "I've got to get ready," she exclaimed. "I've got a date tonight." It only slowly occurred to Alex and I, that we were naked, face to cock in a bed, and that both of our cocks were responding to our situation enthusiastically. It was right about the time that my lips slipped over the wet, red head of Alex's 16 year old cock, that I felt his hot, rough tongue licking over my leaking piss slit. Pretty soon we were fine with Haleigha being gone.


If you'd like this story to continue, drop me a line at JeffSpencer69@yahoo.com. Thanks!

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