Hawaii Fantasies

By M J

Published on Jan 3, 2003


Disclaimer: This story contains sexual situations between men, if you're offended by it don't read it, otherwise enjoy.

As we walked back to my table and sat down he started telling me a little about himself. He said he was visiting his mom for the summer, but lives in Seattle, Washington, and has been since he was 13. Not that far away, pretty good deal. He's 20 years old which just happens to be the same age as me,he loves football and basketball, and sports in general. What a guy. So in turn I told a bit about myself. Football and basketball fan along with the occasional baseball or whatever is on. I played football in high school, and love to sing, I didn't tell him everything but enough for him to get an idea about me.

"Well, my first experience with a guy was in high school in 10th grade." Kyle started.

"What happened?"

"Nothing really, we were partners for a project in History and we were at his place and one thing led to another, and the next thing we were sucking each other." he said with a smile, obviously thinking back to that moment.

"Believe it or not, I've never messed around with anyone before."

He looked at me with a suprised look on his face and said,

"You mean to tell me you have NEVER messed around, period?!"


"Not even a blowjob?"


"You ever jackoff with another guy or anything?" His voice was getting higher with each question.

"Nothing man, nothing at all." I said in the calmest tone possible.


We talked for a few more hours just shooting the breeze on different topics, but he had to go and see his mom, so we agreed to meet later on the next day around 8:00 pm. As he got up to leave he said goodbye and walked away.

"See ya tomorrow." I said.

"Oh, there's something else you'll see tomorrow too." he said with a smile.

All I could do was laugh at the fact that he was stealing my line already. After he walked away I stayed a while then I left and went to sleep in my hotel room.

The next day I got up at 12:00 and just walked around for most of the day, I went to the mall, down to the beach, and all around making sure not to get lost. At 8:00 I went to the "rendevous" point and waited for my prize, but at 8:15 I was still waiting, and when 8:30 rolled around I started to get worried that he wouldn't show up. So I decided to go across the street to the beach and stroll around a bit. I sat there for a couple minutes, then I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey what's up Sean?"

I sat up and looked at my watch a little pissed by this time, then looked at him and was about to say something smart but the minute I looked into his eyes all anger went away. He looked so damn good wearing white khakis with his shirt unbuttoned all the way exposing just a sample of his figure.

"What happened to 8:00." I said.

"Sorry about that, I had to go to the store and get some groceries for my mom, I would've been here on time though."

"Yeah I know, it's just that-"I didn't bother to finish the sentence, I was sounding pathetic.

"What is it Sean?" His voice sounded so caring.

"I was worried that you wouldn't show up, and I really-"

"Shhhhh," he put his finger on my lips to stop me from talking.

He took a step forward and brought his lips an inch away from my mouth and I could feel his every breath, but this time I wouldn't pull back, I wouldn't stop now. I decided to close the small gap that separated us and moved in and met his lips with mine. As soon as our lips touched I melted, the feel of his moist lips was like no other. Slowly we kissed each other, our mouths perfectly moving in sync with one another, then Kyle slipped his tongue in my mouth and slid it along the roof of my mouth, which sent a powerful wave through me and I moaned very loud. Then he pulled away and looked at me.

"How was that Sean?"

I was speechless, I couldn't say anything at all.

"Damn, I'm going to guess pretty good then." he said chuckling at me.

"Very good, shit!" I finally managed to get out.

After regaining my composure I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into me, inhaling his sweet cologne and admiring his figure. I ran my fingers over every groove of his chest and stomach, feeling every part of him making sure not to miss any area. This was really good and all but I wanted more, I wanted to feel this man...I wanted him in me. So, I put my mouth to his ear and whispered,

"Fuck me Kyle, I want to feel you, and know what it's like."

"Are you sure Sean?"

"I'm positive." I said.

He looked at me for a second, then leaned in and kissed me with more passion than the first, and this time the clothes came off. I took my shorts off first and my shoes so I was standing there with only my boxers on. Then I started to rub Kyle's ever growing bulge through his khakis, trying my best to please him, since I had absolutely no experience at this except what I had read and heard about. I unzipped his pants and quickly found out that he was wearing no underwear which made it even better, so I reached my hand inside and felt his cock, slowly rubbing and squeezing it, feeling it grow and harden in my very hand. It felt so good to feel another guy's cock in my hand, and massage every inch of it. He took his pants off all the way to reveal his very nice 7 inch member, and I licked my lips in anticipation from what I was about to experience.

I laid back on the grass and Kyle laid on top of me totally naked and slid one hand inside the leg of my boxers taking hold of my fully erect cock, and started slowly stroking me. I had fantasized about this before but actually experiencing it was a whole different story. After working me through a frenzy of moans he started to lick my cock up and down. He licked the underside of my cock licking all the way from the base to the tip of my head, then he would pause and flick his tongue in and out, sending shivers all through me. Then all at once he put his mouth over my cock and took it all at once, with one plunge.

"Ohh yes, oh yes." I moaned.

I moaned with every movement he made, grinding my hips up in motion with his sucking, feeling his tongue lick up and down and all around my cock. I was getting my very first blowjob and I thought nothing would feel better. I was wrong.

"Are you ready Sean?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm ready," I said very anxiously.

He got up and reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a packet of lube. I laughed out loud when I saw that.

"I guess you knew you were gonna get to fuck me tonight huh?"

"Nah, it's just in case my hands get dry ya know." he winked at me and we both laughed knowing he was bullshitting.

He rubbed it inside of my ass and made sure to get it in good, and while he was "lubing" me up he told me that it was going to hurt at first. But it would feel better once he got in. I took his word for it and then he guided his cock to my hole and he started pushing slowly in my ass, and just like he said I felt a sharp pain shoot through me, and I screamed out in pain.

"Ah shit that hurts! That hurts like hell."

"I know it hurts but it will go away soon, I promise, just hold on."

He kept talking me through the pain and reassuring me, then like that he was in. Still laying on top of me he pulled back and pushed his cock back into me, and after a couple of times it started feeling good..really good.

"Mmm your ass is so tight, damn that feels good." Kyle moaned out.

He picked up his pace a little and began thrusting his hard prick in and out of me like he was on a mission, his balls were slapping against my ass with every thrust of his hips and sweat was beginning to seep out of his pores. I was loving this.

"Oh yeah baby, ram that cock in me, give it to me!"

Oh God he was so good, he felt so good and all I wanted was to be in this moment forever. With this guy giving me my first experience, I wanted it to last. Furiously jacking my cock with Kyle pumping my ass got me practically screaming from the pleasure I was getting. I was moaning and whimpering from the feel of his tool pushing in and out of me, giving me what I wanted for so long. I could hear that his breathing was getting choppier and shorter, and I knew he was about to cum.

"Kyle fuck me,come on baby I want to feel you cum in me." I said as I was bucking my hips to meet his every thrust.

"Shit.. I'm. gonna...Oh Gooodddd" that was all he could get out before he started pumping my ass full of his cum. All of a sudden his body went stiff and he grinded his hips down into me, and I felt his cock releasing the cum out into my ass.

"Ohh yeah, uh, ah shit."

All of it was too much for me and I couldn't hold back anymore, as I jacked my cock hard and fast I felt that feeling that I had felt so many times before, and I shot my load.

"Ohhh shit, aahhh fuck yeah, oh Kyle." I was probably screaming at the top of my lungs but I didn't give a damn, I was cumming and nothing would stop that. I jacked my cock and shot stream after stream after stream of hot milky juice from my body. It was the absolute most powerful orgasm I've ever had, and when I was finally done my chest and stomach was covered with my sperm. Kyle was still grinding me after I finally stopped he collapsed on top of me exhausted and out of breath. It took only a minute to catch our breath and then he asked me,

"So how was your first time babe?"

"That was fucking awesome, oh my God man. I have never cummed that much before." I said looking at my chest.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did."

Then he gave me that beautiful smile, leaned down and kissed me very softly for a moment, and then we both got up and went into the ocean to clean off.

"Will I ever see you again Sean." Kyle asked me quietly.

"I'll definitely keep in touch with you baby." I said with a smile.

As we stood in the water staring into each other's eyes, we kissed under the moonlight and held each other close for the rest of the night.

Well that's it guys. I hope you enjoyed it, I did a lot of editing and cutting out and adding to try to make it better. Tell me what you think. As always comments, questions, and criticisms are very welcome. Thanks.


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