Hawaii Fantasies

By M J

Published on Dec 28, 2002


After spending a couple hours at the beach I needed something to cool me down, so I decided to take a walk to Baskin Robbins and get some ice cream. As I was walking along the street shirtless as always and with some shorts on, I was catching looks from some of the guys and girls going the opposite direction. Of course, I was paying much more attention to the fellas around me, and one guy in particular caught my eye.

I was about a block away from my destination after about five minutes of walking, and this hot, sexy, boy walks by me. He was Hawaiian, and I cruised his whole body in about two seconds: short black hair, his cute baby face and beautiful brown eyes, a not too muscular chest, but just enough, (the way I like it), following was a very nice six pack, and he had on board shorts with the waistband of his boxer briefs sticking out, and lastly his muscular legs. What a beautiful sight to see I thought to myself.

As we walked by each other he smiled at me, and I wasn't too sure but I thought I saw him looking a little lower than usual if you know what I mean. So I smiled back and gave the universal greeting of "What's up". After we had passed each other I tried not too but I couldn't help looking back and seeing what was on the other side. What I saw was a great ass and that's all I'll say about that. "Oh my God you are fucking hot!" It sort of slipped out of my mouth, and at the time I didn't realize it, but he apparently heard me clearly.

As I walked into Baskin Robbins and stood in line and waited for what seemed like an eternity to order ice cream, my mind kept taking me back to the scene about two minutes before. His perfectly sculpted body, nice cut biceps, mouth watering abs, and an ass that you don't want to stick your cock in because it's so sweet and....


"Huh" I said.

"Can I take your order", said the girl from behind the counter.

"Oh, uh, sorry, must've been daydreaming for a minute."

"Yeah, so can I take your order?" she said with a bit of an attitude.

"Ok, let me get Cookies N' Cream in a cup with two scoops please." I love Cookies N' Cream, it's my favorite. It's the only ice cream I get.

It took about two minutes for me to get my ice cream, and when she gave me my ice cream I said thanks and went to take a seat. As I started to eat my ice cream, the thoughts of that cute guy kept invading my head and I realized that I was starting to feel a stir in my shorts, so I began rubbing my growing bulge and after about ten seconds I stopped when I realized that I was in a public establishment, and could get arrested if some mother happened to walk by with her little boy and see me jerking my cock. So, I pushed the thoughts out of my head and went back to my ice cream.

I had just begun to enjoy my snack when he walked in. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and my eyes wandered back and forth over his sweet figure.

"Shit" I moaned quietly to myself.

After he ordered his ice cream he started to look around and I looked away because I wanted to time it so when I thought he was looking my way I would glance up and he would be looking in my direction. My plan worked perfectly, and when I looked up, this beautiful specimen was looking dead at me. Our eyes locked for a moment and then he turned away to get his ice cream. He started walking in my direction and I thought for a second he was going to sit at the same table I was, but he sat at the table in front of me so he was facing me. I greeted him with a single head nod and he did the same, then he started squeezing his legs together in and out looking straight at me, which made me even more horny. Then I realized that he was doing it on purpose trying to make me look, well he was doing a really good job because I was looking alright, and my cock being very cramped up was dying for some comfort.

So I adjusted my very hard cock so it would run down the side of my thigh, which he just happened to notice, and he winked at me. Or did he, was I just thinking it was a wink. Either way, I couldn't take it anymore so I got up and went to take a piss to get a little relief. I opened the door and went about three stalls down hoping that he would soon follow. As I started to pee I heard the door open and I knew it was him, I didn't even have to look. He came in and took his place next to me and I saw him look over at me out of the corner of my eye. Not wanting to be rude I looked over also and said hello.

"Beautiful day huh?" he said.

"Oh man, I love this weather, it's better than where I'm from." I said hoping to get a small conversation going.

He picked up on this and said, " Yeah, where are you from?"

"Alaska," I said with a quiet laugh.

"Alaska huh, damn, I bet you're really enjoying the weather then."

"Hell yes!" I said enthusiastically as I made my way to the sink to wash my hands.

While I was there I tried to get a look at what kind of equipment he had, but I was at a bad angle and couldn't see a thing, and after a few seconds of careful and very quiet moving around I still found myself unsuccessful at getting a peek at his goods. He then zipped his pants up and moved over to another sink and started washing his hands, and we washed in silence until he spoke again. This time introducing himself finally.

"By the way, my name is Kyle." He then extended his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand with a firm grip and introduced myself also.

"I'm Joseph, nice to meet you," I said.

"Ok Joseph, can I ask you something man?"

"Sure." I said secretly hoping it would be something along the lines of 'can I suck your dick' or something like that. But he asked me something totally unexpected. He looked me right in my eyes and asked me,

"Do you really think I'm fucking hot?"

Those words ripped right through me, and my mouth dropped open out of shock. I thought for a second, actually a few seconds. 'Did he really hear me when he passed by earlier,' well he must have since he's asking me this question.

"Hey man, don't worry about it, it's cool. Actually, I was thinking the same thing about you."

"I didn't think you heard me, oh my goodness." I said half-laughing and half embarrassed at the same time.

He took a step closer to me and gave me a very big grin. I looked up and down his shirtless body, taking note of every cut and groove there was, then I looked into his eyes and we were locked again in a stare. My heart was beating about 1,000 bpm as he moved closer to me, our chests touching, and I could feel his warm skin against mine, and I knew what I wanted right then and there. He put one arm around my waist and the other on the back of my neck, and gently pulled my face to his. The smell of his sweet cologne was driving me crazy, and as our lips came closer and closer I could feel his breath on my lips.

But I stepped back and put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"I can't do this, I mean I really want to but I just met you, and I don't want this to be a quick thing and we never see each other again. You know?"

"Yeah, I understand. Oh man, I hope we get to know each other quick because I want you bad."

As I headed towards the bathroom door, Kyle gave me a quick squeeze on my ass, which made me jump.

"Nice ass Joe," he said with a smile

I turned around slowly and with a big smile said, "Oh yeah, well, I got something better that you'll soon get to handle."

I then gave a quick squeeze of my crotch and walked out, leaving a smile on the face of my new friend. This was going to be one wild ride.

So what did you think? I know there wasn't much to it, but I was trying to get a feel for this whole thing. This is my very first time attempting to write a story, so let me know what you thought. Did it totally suck, was it great, let me know, I'll read it all, and try to answer back.


Next: Chapter 2

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