Having Fun With My Christian College Roommate

By GeorgiaGuy2 GeorgiaGuy2

Published on Nov 4, 2012



This is a memoir of the best friend I had in college. He was a good, decent person went to a small, private Christian college in a Southern city during the mid to late 1970s. It was a school that held to old fashioned principles, among them of course being no such things as coed dorms or opposite sex visitations beyond the lobbies of the dorms. This meant the halls and room areas were a single sex preserve. I don't know how it was in the women's dorms, of course, but in the men's halls modesty went by the wayside pretty quickly. It was not at all uncommon to step out of your room into the hall at any time and see a guy or guys in underwear or less out in the halls on the way to the restrooms or showers. Visitation hours where you might visit a girls' dorm lobby, or girls might visit the lobbies of the men's halls, ended at ten pm. Shortly thereafter the general mode of dress in the room areas was "the less the better." Most of us stripped down to our shorts and relaxed for a couple of hours before going to bed. Some more open types went completely naked and slopped around visiting other guys on their floor or even going to other floors like that. No one said anything and it was considered completely natural once you got accustomed to it. There was a laundry room in the basement and it was customary to wait until you had nothing left that was even close to being clean, then take the large pile of dirty clothes and wash everything at once while you waited naked or in your shorts. There were signs on the doors leading to lobbies warning "PUBLIC AREA" to forestall any absent minded unclothed wandering out of the male only regions. These were all defaced to "PUBIC AREA" but the message got through. The school administration was pretty puritanical about clothing on campus, not allowing shorts for either men or women and requiring guys to wear shirts, but either they didn't know about the nudity in the men's dorms or chose to ignore it. In winter the dorms were always kept stiflingly warm, so much so that some of us kept windows open to cool off, and going naked or just in underwear was comfortable. The air conditioning in spring and summer was just as efficient, but we still stripped down because we liked to. During the hottest months many of us guys ditched our underwear during the day and only wore it to sleep.

At the beginning of every school year freshmen and new students would be plunged pretty much without warning into the general nakedness when guys in underwear or less started coming in and out of rooms getting acquainted and renewing friendships. I remember being shocked at first but within a day or so I had learned to shuck my clothes without thinking about it and to keep the pajamas I had brought from home stuffed in a drawer in favor of my jockey shorts. After the first morning's shower I also put my bathrobe away, never to be worn again. I had been naked in front of other guys before in high school gym classes, but that was only for a few minutes a day and was nothing like what dorm life turned out to be. My dorm was H-shaped, with room areas on the outer bars and more rooms, a common area, restrooms, and shower rooms in the central bar on each of the nine floors. There were two shower rooms on each floor, each had 4 individual stalls and each room served about 30 guys, so every morning there was usually a line of guys waiting their turn, some naked, some in their shorts or just with a towel wrapped around them. As you worked your way down the line eventually you'd get inside the shower room. Things were even more casual there, there were hooks on one wall for your things and you usually just stood around naked with your towel and soap and stuff ready to grab a stall when the guy showering stepped out of it and started toweling off . Usually there were four guys in the stalls and four guys waiting, and whenever one guy left the room he was replaced by the next one in line waiting outside. You were considered to have first claim on the stall closest to you, but even then if you weren't quick on your mark someone would get in ahead of you so it paid to be stripped and ready, so to speak. Sometimes this led to jostling and embarrassing but exciting bumps and brushes which occasionally involved genitals. Once you had claimed a stall you were able to rinse and soap and shampoo yourself freely for a few minutes but you were aware that if you took too long (going back for a triple rinse or too obviously taking a long final soak) that your watchers would make louder and louder comments about your manhood or lack thereof, not seriously but as part of the general atmosphere of male boisterousness. There was a urinal on one wall and there was often a line for that, too. The restrooms were across the hall from the showers and guys would go in and use the urinals or toilets or shave either naked or in their shorts. And at night if you had to take a leak or crap you would head to the restroom in your shorts or less, too. Remembering all this now it's surprising that we didn't all have athlete's foot at least, but the showers were washed and disinfected every day which must have helped. Personally I usually kept my shorts on in the hall while waiting to get in the shower room, but after my shower and drying off I wouldn't bother to slip them back on, I just grabbed them along with my towel and soap and shampoo and slopped back to the room to shave and dress. We all knew what everyone had in their crotches by the time the first week of school had ended: who was in the circumcised majority and who wasn't, how we all ranked in height, build, and chest and body hair, and of course the most important ranking of all, penis size. I fell comfortably toward the top of the scale on height, build and body hair, in the middle on genitals, and was part of the cut majority. Some of the uncircumcised guys made a big deal of skinning back their foreskins in the shower, but all that did was make me happy not to have to do it.

So that was the sort of social more or custom that had developed in that dorm and if you weren't used to being naked in semi- public you got accustomed to it pretty quickly, no big deal, it was a type of male bonding in a way. Most of us really enjoyed it, truth be told, and when we went to our homes for a weekend or during a break we felt constricted when we couldn't walk around in our underwear or naked. The atmosphere was undeniably homoerotic but most of us were only aware of that subconsciously. I guess most males have an exhibitionist/voyeurist streak in us that we don't get to indulge most of the time, so when we do get a chance we take it. I know I certainly do, and I came to fully realize it during those years in the dorm when I got to be naked and on display, and to see other guys in the same condition, so much of the time. Most of the guys were from small towns and conservative upbringings, and getting naked with each other in the dorm was exciting. It was definitely macho, and it wasn't that we were indifferent to our nakedness, we were very aware of it and we enjoyed the undeniable sexual thrill we got from it. Guys would actually call attention to their nudity by scratching their crotches or seemingly absent mindedly flopping their penises, but no one ever got hard or otherwise over stimulated, at least not where the others could see it. Naturally there was a lot of guy talk but everybody being naked or nearly so actually served to temper the usual male sexual badinage because no one wanted to get a public erection. And having your ass on display meant you never bent over! The most that would happen would be that a guy would abruptly leave a conversation and go to his room and shut the door. The rest of us would guess what he was doing but no one would talk about it because no one wanted to be the next one to have to leave. There were some guys who were more effeminate or less mature who would giggle or stare too obviously, but I wasn't close friend with any of them and most of them learned to behave in a more masculine way after a few weeks of being cold shouldered or ignored. Of course as a Christian college it attracted some guys who were shocked that such things would go on and wanted to pray for our wickedness, but few paid attention to them. The first few days of each fall semester they were the ones standing in the shower rooms with robes tied around them, never getting a chance to grab a stall because while they were hanging their robes up a guy sinfully displaying his genitals and ass would jump in ahead of them. After a day or so of missing out on breakfast or being late to class they learned to relax and let everything hang out the way the rest of us were doing. And after a few days of remaining fully clothed while everyone around them was in underwear or less in the evenings they learned to drop trou and scratch themselves in front of others just like everybody else.

During my junior/senior year I had a freshman roommate. He was a nice looking quiet guy, delicate because he was a hemophiliac or free bleeder. The first day he told me about his condition and how he had to give himself shots when he had a bleeding episode. He was very matter of fact about it and after I got over the surprise it was something I adjusted to because after all, it was how he had to live. He was very neat and clean with his supplies and I never saw any mess, blood, needles, or anything. He had an older brother at the college who was also hemophiliac and sometimes they would have to help each other with the shots and supplies. The first time they had to work together to deal with their disease when I happened to be present my roommate said something like "Sorry to put you through this." and I said "Don't worry about it, do what you have to do." or something similar. There but for the grace of God go I was my motto. Their father was dead and their mother lived in the same city. She was very nervous for them both (something typical of mothers of hemophiliacs) and would call the room every day or so to check on her son. He resented being hovered over, also typical for free bleeders. He was a couple of years younger than me, with dark blonde hair and fair skin, bluish-gray eyes, a few inches shorter than me and lighter framed. I was 6 feet two, dark haired and thin with dark brown eyes and fair skin too. Both of us were shy and soft spoken, not highly gregarious but with good circles of friends of both sexes. We hit it off at once and within half an hour of meeting we had bonded and become friends. We didn't have any classes together since I was a junior on the verge of becoming a senior and he was just starting, but the school was small enough that I knew most of the professors he would take his freshman year and was able to advise him on the best choices. I was a history education major while he was uncommitted and taking his core classes. We usually ate breakfast together and often dinner too as part of a larger group of guys and girls, but didn't see much of each other during the day until late afternoon. He was artistic and drew well while I was more literary. His hemophilia wasn't a huge problem for him at that time, mainly he just bruised very easily and he had to be careful not to strain his joints, particularly his knees, but he could lead a fairly normal life most of the time.

Our first night as roommates we were sitting and talking until it got pretty late and I needed to get some sleep. In the natural way someone who had lived in that dorm for two years would do I pulled my clothes off, including my shorts, and stood naked in front of him for a minute while I was grabbing a new pair of jockeys. Its odd that I did that, I usually changed shorts in the mornings after showering. Maybe I was already subconsciously attracted to him and wanted to let him see all of me and see how he would react. Or maybe I was just eager to get back into the dorm nudity culture and be on display. He must have thought I'd stop at my shorts so he looked surprised and taken aback when I didn't, and his eyes moved to my crotch for a few seconds before he looked away. Maybe I was the first guy who had ever been naked in front of him (besides maybe his brother), because since his illness had kept him out of PE classes he had never showered with other guys the way most males did in high school. Seeing him do it gave me a little zing of pleasure down there, the same way noticing someone taking a look at me in the shower or hall when I was naked did. Anyway I didn't let on that I'd seen his reaction, just pulled on my underwear and slid into my bed, partly a little ashamed that I had initiated him into the dorm nudity culture quite so bluntly but also a little titillated by knowing he had intentionally looked at my genitals. He got ready for bed right after that, stripping down to his shorts but leaving them on. I was lying in bed watching and still talking with him, and I remember being a little disappointed that he hadn't gone all the way so I could see what he had in his crotch. I did notice a respectable bulge there but I wanted to see it all. The next morning we showered at the same time. I had filled him in on the shower situation the night before but it was another new experience to him. He did the same thing I did, grabbing his towel and soap and following me down the hall in his shorts where we joined a line of shorts clad guys. A completely naked dude from down the hall got in line behind us. I knew him so I introduced him to my roommate and they shook hands, my roommate a little nervously. We got into the shower room at the same time when a couple of guys came out naked and dripping. I led him in, pulled off my shorts and hung them up then went to the urinal. He stood looking around somewhat dazedly at all the naked bodies, but after a moment's hesitation he pulled his shorts off and hung them up beside mine and went to the urinal after I had finished there. You could tell he felt a little awkward at first, but at least he never tried to cover his crotch with his hands as some sheltered types had done in the past. I had done that much for him by stripping down the night before. The idea of standing around in the nude watching guys shower was obviously new to him but he quickly realized that being naked and ready to grab a stall when someone stepped out of it was the only way to do it and he got a stall right away. Washing himself while being observed by other naked guys was also a novelty to him but like the rest of us he learned to ignore them while he soaped and rinsed and shampooed, at first keeping his back turned to the room the entire time but eventually feeling relaxed enough to turn around and display his front. (A rite of passage everyone went through, you could tell when a guy felt at complete ease about his nakedness when he soaped his genitals while facing the room.) Naturally I took the opportunity to size him up, as he must have done me, while we were in the showers that first day. He did put his shorts back on for the trip back to the room while I did my usual return trip in the raw. He changed his shorts before I got back and was well into dressing by the time I got back to the room so again I missed out on seeing him naked when we were alone together.

But a day or so after school started he stripped down in the room in front of me for the first time. We were chatting as he did so (he was changing clothes to go to a club meeting or something) Again now that I think of it there was no reason why he should have taken off his shorts unless he wanted to be naked in front of me, but he did it in a casual manner and stood there like that in front of me at an angle combing his hair in the mirror. I was lying on my bed and I scanned his body, focusing on his midriff for a few seconds before he reached for his shorts and put them back on. He saw me do it and probably got the same zing that I had the first night but we both ignored what had happened and after that we were naked in front of each other separately or together in the room fairly often, both in the mornings after our showers and at other times when we needed to change clothes. Every now and then I felt a tingle in my groin when I noticed his eyes on me, and I'm sure he felt the same thing. It was similar to feelings I got sometime in the showers when I sensed someone was eyeing me or when I took a look at someone else. Although I didn't feel a really sexual attraction to any of the guys I regularly saw naked I did consider that some of them were "cuter" than the others in an indefinable way, chiefly to do with their having bright sparkling eyes and a good, but not overly muscular, build. I sensed that some of them felt the same way about me. I was one of the hairier guys on the hall, with a good covering over my breast and stomach, with hairy thighs and legs to match, and some of the others seemed to enjoy looking at my chest and lower down, at least I would get little tingles or zings when I sensed I was being looked at. My roommate came in that "cute" category to me, with his dark golden hair and fair skin and slight build and his sparkling bluish gray eyes. He had less body hair than I did and what there was was golden so it didn't show up very well except in his crotch. His nipples were dark red to pink, the same shade as his lips and his ass cheeks were well rounded, almost globular with a light dusting of the same golden hairs, which continued down his thighs and legs. His genitals were the same dark red to pinkish color and he seemed to feel the same zings I did when he felt eyes on them or on other parts of his body. On our hall he was about average in penis size and a little below average in body hair and height. My roommate apparently considered me "cute" too because I often felt his eyes scanning my chest, dark red nipples, and groin with pink to red genitals giving me those exciting tingles. Sometimes when I was naked in front of him and was near a mirror I noticed him scanning my back and ass and that gave me a little zing of pleasure too. And when he was naked and had his back to me I took the opportunity to give him the once over, something I'm sure he saw in his own mirror at times. Again, this was undeniably homoerotic but at the time we weren't consciously aware of it, and indeed would have resented having someone call it to our attention. It was just accepted that you and your roommate and the other guys on the hall took looks at each other, and some were more enjoyable to look at than others. I also want to emphasize that neither my roommate nor I were effeminate in any way. While he had to be careful lest he twist a joint and start a bleeding episode, he was as active as he could be. And while I preferred reading to athletics, I was also active and relatively fit. Both of us had some muscle tone though no one could have mistaken us for body builders or athletes. The college had a swimming pool under the gym which was open to men and women on alternate nights. Occasionally we would go over for a swim. We saw that most of the guys didn't bother with suits the first time we agreed to go over there, something new for both of us since I had never gone to the pool before, him but one which we both adapted to without much thought. He was a pretty good swimmer since it was a way for him to get exercise without putting too much strain on his joints, and since I was less experienced he worked with me and helped me become better in the water. And we both enjoyed being naked, whether on our own or with other nude or clothed guys in the dorm restroom, hall, showers, or in the pool.

Another incident involving mass nudity and my roommate's reaction to it happened about the second week of the semester when we had our first hall meeting. This was a mass meeting of the 60 or so guys who lived on each floor with the two RAs who supervised it, held in the common room in the middle of the central bar of the H. The common room was a good sized room with some dilapidated furniture , a ping pong table where guys often played in the nude, and a TV. One night about 11 pm the intercom crackled and announced a hall meeting in ten minutes, causing a lot of griping and complaining up and down the hall. My roommate and I were still fully dressed but I stood up and began to strip off. He looked at me in bewilderment and I realized I had to explain another dorm custom. The year before, partly in fun and partly in protest about having to attend hall meetings, the guys on my hall had decided to go to one in the nude. We had all shown up buck naked in the common room (making sure the curtains were closed) and when the two RAs appeared in their underwear and clipboards they had coolly dropped their shorts and conducted the meeting without saying a word. Since then we had always had hall meetings in the nude and the practice had spread to other floors. When I explained this as I undressed he shook his head and laughed at the way we all seemed to live in a nudist colony and shucked his clothes as well. We walked down the hall together to the common room which was already filling up with naked guys. Some newbies who hadn't got the word showed up in their underwear or fully dressed, but when they saw what was going on they either returned to their rooms to strip down or, if they were really cool about it just undressed right there in front of us. No one wanted to sit down on the rickety and sometimes splintery furniture so everyone stood. The two RAs showed up naked and the meeting went on in an atmosphere of male boisterousness and unacknowledged sexual tension during which everyone took the chance to scan everyone else's crotches. Afterwards there was naked racing in the halls, during which the competitors and the spectators were completely nude in the spirit of ancient Greece. The winners took the customary trot up and down the hall receiving ass slaps from the spectators, including my roommate and me. Remembering it now years later it amuses me that none of us acknowledged how really homoerotic a lot of this dorm behavior was, but at the time it just seemed fun, relaxing, and macho.

So that's how it was with my roommate and me for the first few weeks, as he grew accustomed to the idea that nudity or near nudity was the accepted uniform for private hours in the dorm and lost any self-consciousness he had had about his body. Evidently he had the same masculine exhibitionist streak as everybody else. He slopped around in his underwear or less just like I was doing, casually scratching and giving his dick a stroke or feel and rolling his balls every now and then. That often caught my eye and I would glance over which he seemed to enjoy. I did the same things when naked and I liked seeing him taking a peek. He still wore his shorts to the showers but started following my example and leaving them off after his shower. The only place neither of us was ever naked, oddly enough, was in bed while asleep. I had tried to sleep in the nude a few times but never could relax enough to manage it. Some guys evidently did, at least they were never in underwear anytime I saw them, but I couldn't do it and my roommate evidently couldn't either.

Well, early one morning about six or so I was awake and couldn't get back to sleep. I was horny and had a huge erection in my shorts and I didn't see how I could deal with it before time to get up and shower. The college had a really poorly planned schedule which didn't allow many people the luxury of sleeping late, so mornings tended to be rushed. This was a Christian college as I said earlier and there was a strict code of conduct with no sexual activity allowed. Of course a lot of masturbation went on undercover, so to speak, but hetero- or homo-sexual activity on campus was banned. My roommate and I both considered ourselves straight, but we'd never talked about sex of any kind. When I'd jacked off before it was either in the restroom stall or late at night in bed when I was sure my roommate was deep asleep. I assume he had done the same thing. In my freshman year I'd had a roommate I hadn't liked very much who had jerked off several times a week about 1 or 2 a.m. making enough noise grunting and moaning that it would wake me. He probably did it on purpose to be annoying but I never gave him the satisfaction of letting him know I heard it. Therefore I was extra sensitive to noise levels and the possibility of disturbing others.

So I had a problem in that I couldn't jack off in bed for fear my roommate would wake up and hear and I sure couldn't walk down the hall to the restroom with a giant boner tenting out my shorts, but I had to do something about it before showering, because even if I got it to go down now it might pop back up again in a hurry if I was naked and around other naked people. In short, I had to cum! Just then I heard my roommate stir in his bed and grumble a little preparing to wake up. He rolled over and groaned a bit, then muttered a profanity to himself and quickly turned onto his side, where he slid a hand under the sheet and adjusted his shorts. I saw him glance over at me to see if I was awake. Instantly I realized he and I had the same problem or were in the same condition of horniness and something had to be done about it. I decided to take a chance. Let me emphasize here that nothing of what I'm about to describe about that morning was planned by either of us. Things just progressed from stage to stage. I threw back the covers and stood up, with my erection clearly in view, and slipped down my shorts. I stepped out of them and kicked them aside and stretched. There I was, naked and hard. My roommate lifted his head and stared. I glanced over at him thinking as I did that he was the first person besides myself to see me so exposed and feeling a little awkward but excited about it while my erect penis tingled, reached for the convenient box of tissues I kept ready, and pulled out a few, then sat back down on my bed and lay back on my elbows, giving my swollen dick a preparatory feel.

This was a turning point for sure and I was taking a risk, though not a huge one since I knew him pretty well by then and knew he was not one of the super religious types who would lecture me for committing a terrible sin or inform on me to the administration. While sexual activity was banned as I said above the administration did tend to turn a blind eye to masturbation so long as it wasn't too obvious, but it would still be humiliating and embarrassing for me. Of course, he could have just acted grossed out and offended and basically ended our friendship at that moment, too. But I didn't think he'd do that either.

He lay there for a minute, then seemed to make his own decision. He threw back his sheet, stood up in his shorts, hard on clearly visible, and pulled the shorts down and kicked them off, revealing his engorged penis at full attention. I looked at it and him and he looked back at me, both of us conscious that we were displaying ourselves in our most vulnerable and exciting state. He grabbed a couple of his own tissues, (every guy I knew at the college had some Kleenex in his room, it seemed) sat back down and gave his dick a pull. He glanced back over at me, and I made another decision, I raised my eyebrows,smiled, and looked beside me. He understood immediately. Quickly he got up and walked naked over to my bed with his erection swinging and a nervous smile on his face. He sat down beside me, not close enough to touch without reaching but close enough that I could feel his body heat, and he could feel mine. We started pulling. Then I made another big move, again without thinking about it. I reached over and touched his dick head, causing it to buck and making him pull his hand away, then wrapped my fist around his shaft and started to pull. He jumped, but then he reached over for mine, touched the head cautiously, watched it buck, and then took me firmly into his hand. Again, let me repeat that this was the first time I had ever been hard in front of someone else, or had ever masturbated in someone else's conscious presence (not counting what I did some nights in bed while my roommate slept), nor had I ever touched another guy's penis except for accidental bumps and brushes in the locker room or showers. I hadn't even seen anyone else's erection, let alone touched it or masturbated it, and it was the same for him, too, as I later learned when we discussed what had happened. I was circumcised and he wasn't, so it was strange for me to feel that extra skin, and he must have found my exposed shaft and glans strange, too. Our dicks were about the same size, though his looked larger because of his foreskin. Both of them pointed out, though his had more of an upward tilt than mine. His felt hot in my hand and smooth and hard at the same time, just like mine always felt but different too because it wasn't my own. Similarly, his hand rubbing my dick felt very much like my hand did, but different. He confirmed similar feelings of familiarity and strangeness when we talked about what had happened later on. But we both agreed that strange or not, it felt great, and it looked great too, the way his dickhead poked out of my fist and how his fist wrapped around my shaft . We sat and jacked each other for a minute or two, until we were both panting and breathing hard, and then he groaned and flexed his penis in my hand and I felt and saw his semen jet out of him, three or four good spurts that landed splat on the linoleum floor. Some of it splattered my hand and felt like it was burning. I kept jerking him until he put his hand on mine to stop, then he gave his full attention to me, rubbing my shaft up and down and squeezing it until wham! I erupted with three or four good jets. The first one splashed my chest, but he quickly pointed my shaft down so the others hit my leg and the floor. Some splattered his hand and he jumped but kept rubbing. He kept the pressure on me until I knew I was spent and I touched his hand. We were both breathing hard and coming down from our highs, and our penises were deflating. We looked straight into each other's eyes for a second, not saying a word but obviously thankful we had helped each other out, and then grinned and chuckled.

Well, next we had to clean up. The kleenex came in handy getting the semen wiped off the floor, our hands, and my chest and leg. We had to inspect each other to be sure there wasn't a clump or smear of white juice anywhere, and that our penises were back to normal and not dripping anything suspicious. When we felt we could pass muster we slipped our shorts back on and grabbed our towels and strolled innocently down the hall to join the shower line. We chatted with the other guys, got naked again in the shower room (he gave another quick glance at my crotch and I at his just to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary), used the urinal and showered, then dressed and went to breakfast at the student cafeteria, feeling a little embarrassed by what we had done but also relaxed and at perfect ease with each other.

That was the beginning of a pleasant little routine for both of us. Mornings a few times a week we would both wake up early and look over at each other. Sometimes we wouldn't wake up early enough, or one would and the other wouldn't. Occasionally one or the other of us wouldn't be in the mood, but that was rare since we were 18-19 and 20-21 year olds. Part of our system was that we would let it happen when it happened, not try to schedule it too much. It usually worked out to be every other day or so unless we were extra horny. Because we were doing this together and probably because our sex drives were similar as well we ended up being horny at the same time much of the time. So when we both woke up early and see that the other was awake too we'd both sit up and stretch and look at each other to be sure. We wouldn't say anything, we could tell by the way we were looking at each other. Then we'd pull off our shorts, expose ourselves to each other, and have a little jack off session. As time went on we evolved a little bargain whereby we would "visit" each other, jacking off together on my bed, then the next time on his bed. It was fun for me to stand up and let my shorts fall, then kick them away and walk naked over to him, erect penis swaying before me. He would be slipping his shorts down and off and sliding over in his bed to make room for me. And I also enjoyed seeing him pulling down his shorts and coming toward me with his dick sticking out in front and a shy smile on his face while I was getting ready for him. It was nice getting in bed beside him, or feeling and seeing him getting in beside me. The first few sessions were more training than anything else. We both felt weird holding each other's erections and at first we were cautious about pulling lest we hurt each other. I especially felt nervous about handling him because of his hemophilia, but he encouraged me, whispering "Squeeze it, tighter!" and other instructions until I relaxed and realized he wouldn't hemorrhage on me and really gave him a working over. His foreskin was a new thing to me but I learned to manipulate it and enjoy the extra lubrication. His hygiene was good and I never encountered the notorious accumulation of smegma said to be characteristic of the uncut. He also had a few issues with my penis, chiefly because he wasn't familiar with circumcision. After I explained what had been done and pointed out the scar he felt more relaxed and gave my dick a really good work out. That also cleared up some confusion for him because so many of the guys he saw naked were cut, too, and he hadn't understood why we looked different. Because this sort of thing is usually self taught, every guy has his own special technique or variation on what is after all the same basic motion. My roommate, for example, employed a tightening squeeze as his hand moved up my shaft, while I used a more circular sliding and rubbing action. This made things even more enjoyable as we learned from each other and improvised as we went along. Usually after one of us came the other one would keep holding and gently massaging his dick while it softened and shrank back to limpness. That prolonged the pleasure and also made sure that the last drips of semen oozed on out then rather than at a possibly more public time later.

I was left handed and he was right handed, so we learned we had to position ourselves so we could each use our dominant hands. He said he could definitely tell a difference when I used my left hand and he preferred me to use it, and I felt the same about his right hand. My penis liked his hand almost as much as it liked mine, and his penis definitely liked my hand as well. After the first couple of sessions we started lying down together. The guy whose bed we were on or the "host" was in charge and set the agenda while on his side, while his "visitor" lay on his back and enjoyed it, reciprocating but following the host's lead. The second or third time I was in charge I was running my hand over his chest and gave his nipple a pinch. This was something I had experienced quite a bit of in the high school showers but it was evidently a new thing to him because he jumped, said "Damn!", and his penis jumped and leaked some precum. He reached up and gave my nipple a pinch in return and I felt the same jolt he had, an electric shock right down into my genitals. I'd rarely felt anything like it before since the pinches I'd received in high school had mostly just hurt, only occasionally causing a little zing, and from that time on nipple pinching was part of our repertoire. I did have to be careful, though, because he did bruise rather easily there. In the same way we progressed from just focusing on each other's penises to handling all of our genitals, reaching between our legs and running our fingers through our pubic hair, rolling our balls and feeling the loose scrotum skin, and finally reaching under to rub what I later learned was the taint. The warm sweaty muskiness of our groins was really exciting to feel and smell on our hands. We became quite familiar with each other's genitals, in some ways more even than our own since we could look at them from different angles and get closer to them.

These were standard issue college beds and rather narrow, and there wasn't a lot of room even though we were both thin. When one of us would get in beside the other he would lie back on the other's pillow, with the top sheet and spread thrown back so it wouldn't get in the way. It was nice to feel the bed warm with the other's presence and to smell his scent on the sheets. We would inevitably have a lot of skin contact and feel each other's heart beating and feel each other's breath on our skin. Naturally we would be aware of the smell of each other's body, a mixture of aftershave (coincidentally we used the same brand), soap, deodorant, sweat, and the innate scent of skin and musk, hard to define except to say the smell of "maleness" or "masculinity." Our penises were hard of course even before the jacking started and they would often brush against each other or against the other's stomach, which made us jump but felt really good. He liked feeling my hairy chest and pulling the hairs, particularly around my nipples and below my navel, while I enjoyed rubbing his stomach, which was covered with fine golden hairs. We both enjoyed feeling under each other's armpits and up and down our thighs and legs, ending up with the feet and wiggling the toes. It was fun to watch our bodies reacting, nipples hardening, muscles tensing and relaxing, and penises getting harder and dripping precum. We didn't talk much while we were doing it beyond a few whispered "Ok?s" and "Harder!s" and so on not to mention some profanity which added to the general daringness, and some snickers from time to time plus of course quiet groans when we would ejaculate. The dorm walls were thin and we certainly didn't want the guys in the next room to hear too much carrying on (or worse, moans) that couldn't have an innocent explanation.

I was taller and bigger framed than he was, but this wasn't as much of an issue with him as it might have been since he had gotten to know me pretty well before we started and could feel secure that I wouldn't make him play an effeminate role or anything he didn't want to do. I myself felt both excited and apprehensive about having this contact with a guy who was smaller than me and who had a chronic illness that made him delicate. It worried me that if I got carried away I could force my way on top of him or something else he wouldn't want to happen and that could injure or anger him. That never happened though because I genuinely liked and respected him and didn't want to do anything that would alienate him and make him refuse to do anything else with me. In the same way he liked and respected and trusted me. Perhaps he also found it exciting to have a bigger guy to mess around with! He made a good armful for me, and I made a great one for him. I could pull him to me if we were on a bed together, and he could me as well if I helped by sliding over, something we both knew I was doing but never mentioned. Basically we were gentle with each other, both because of his illness and also because it was part of our natures. Usually we'd stay host on his side visitor on his back for the entire session, though sometimes the visitor would get on his side too, facing his host, once we'd finished the foreplay of rubbing and feeling each other up and began to work on each other's dicks. As I said earlier, our dicks were about the same size hard or soft, not counting his foreskin. We even measured our erections once to verify it and found there was less than a tenth of an inch difference both in length and thickness, however since he was shorter and lighter framed than me his looked bigger in proportion to his body. This gave him a certain joking satisfaction and he sometimes teased me a bit about it, which I countered in a similar jocular manner by stretching to show my greater height and by fluffing up my chest hair. We were both in about the medium range for penis size on our hallway, while our scrotums and testicles were also similar in size and weight. By the time we took hold of each other's genitals we would usually be dripping precum so we'd rub that over each other's shafts. We'd jack each other in unison, learning to hold off and slow down a bit when we sensed the other guy was getting close. A few times we came together and that felt extra special, but if not the guy who came first would take a minute or two to come down off his high before turning his attention to getting the other one off. Sometimes we'd smear the one's semen on the shaft of the other to lubricate and get things moving faster, but mostly we preferred it dry. Once we tried vaseline but that was a mess to clean up and made our dicks feel uncomfortably greasy in the shower room and made us paranoid that the other guys would notice, so we never used it again. As time went on we learned a lot about each other's bodies and what caused each other to react, where our ticklish areas were for example, and which spots on our penises were the most sensitive. At first we felt embarrassed by ejaculating in front of each other and splattering each other with our semen, but it was, after all, the desired end result of masturbating each other, and it was really enjoyable and erotic to feel his penis pulse in my hand and see and feel the semen jet out of him and onto my own genitals or leg or chest where it felt slick and warm. And when he made me ejaculate he would avidly watch my juice shoot out onto him. The faces we made as we climaxed and shot were amusing to watch, too, and we would laugh at each other's expressions. There was one extra intense session when we hadn't done it in awhile where he really plastered my chest all the way to my neck and I returned the favor with a good dowsing over his stomach and left a little pool in his navel, but that was exceptional. We tried to keep the semen contained, but inevitably some would get on our sheets and dry, and sometimes there would be shots on the floor or even on the walls. Fortunately the walls and floors were light colored. We did have to throw away one or two posters that got sprayed here and there, but that was all. We'd wipe ourselves off with tissues and inspect each other to be sure we hadn't missed a spot. We'd run our towels up and down our chests and thighs so no body hair looked matted or damp before we joined the shower line. It was titillating to stand beside each other waiting to shower, naked or nearly so, behaving innocently while just a few minutes before we'd been so intimate. We were both good actors, apparently, because we got away with it all that year. Later in the morning we'd empty our trash can with the used tissues in one of the big barrels set out in the hall for that purpose, making sure we had plenty of paper and other trash mixed in so nobody would notice how many tissues we'd used. We took care to avoid suspicious semen odors. I had an electric shaver and usually shaved in the room after my shower, and I splashed after shave around freely. He shaved every other day or so using a razor and shaving cream in the restroom, and he was pretty free with his cologne afterwards in the room, too. Frankly I doubt we needed to worry because hardly any of the other guys kept their rooms very neat and clean and odor free, but better safe than sorry.

Sometimes when we'd both have afternoons off and the dorm was fairly quiet and we knew we wouldn't likely be disturbed we'd have a little unplanned session which was even more fun because it was unexpected. But that was more complicated because we'd take all our clothes off and then have to dress again for dinner and the evening, and sometimes friends of ours would come by to visit. The door would be locked (we took good care of that!) and the guy would knock and call our names and we'd have to lie there without a sound or a move until he decided we were out. Looking back we didn't have to completely undress but naked was how we'd started doing it and naked was how we liked it. Even if we left just our socks on it wasn't the same, so we got down to the bare skin every time. One of us would say something like "Want to?" or "Got a few minutes?" or maybe just clear his throat and look questioningly at the other. Usually I would respond by pulling off my shoes and socks, and he would begin by checking the door was locked since his bed was closest, then we would quickly unzip and unbutton and get everything off. Or sometimes when one of us came in and the other was there we wouldn't have to say anything, we could tell by the look in our eyes, and we'd shut and lock the door and scramble to get our clothes off. Usually we wouldn't pay much attention to each other while getting naked, but we always liked to watch when the other guy removed his jockeys and let his erection pop out. Often we got to that stage at the same time and pulled our shorts off simultaneously. I also found I liked it when I got my clothes off first and was naked while he still had stuff on and was looking at me, and I managed that occasionally. He seemed to enjoy being looked at the same way, grinning when he got his shorts off first and saw me studying him while I was still partly clothed. When we had both orgasmed we'd wipe ourselves off, inspect each other for any missed semen smears, then redress and hit the restroom to pee and wash our hands thoroughly to get rid of the musky penis and cum odor. One afternoon right in the middle of a session his mother called, one of her typical long winded conversations, and my roommate stood naked listening to her. (You couldn't ignore the phone because she would let it ring a hundred times or more or become convinced her son had died and call the authorities to check on him.) As I lay waiting for him I saw his erection slowly declining despite his stroking and shaking it to keep it hard. And my own hard on was wilting as well, so I got an idea for some extra fun and went over and ran my hand down his chest, lightly pinching his nipples, then stroked his dick and rolled his balls in one hand, thus ensuring that we both returned to hard and shiny status, then jacked him off while he was standing there! Actually I first squatted down to get a good grip on things but that put me right at eye level with his genitals and I quickly stood up. Whether he noticed my little misstep or not he really shot that time, splattering all the way across the room and hitting the wall (that was when one of the posters had to be thrown away). He had to lean back against the wall when he was through, but he gave me a friendly nipple squeeze penis stroke and ball roll in thanks and when the phone call was finally over I got a really thorough rubbing and jacking too while standing up as he insisted while we laughed quietly over the enormity of what I had done. I didn't shoot quite as far as he had but it was respectable nonetheless.

Evenings were impossible because the dorm was wide open and noisy, with people coming and going socializing and occasionally studying, also we had friends in other dorms, including some special girls we enjoyed talking to. Neither of us had cars so we generally stayed on campus unless someone gave us a lift somewhere. Weekends we would usually go to our homes, he riding with his brother and me catching a Greyhound. That meant that usually early Monday mornings were especially hot and enjoyable. Because we were doing this in the mornings before showering and in the afternoons after classes but before dinner we didn't have a lot of time to spare for relaxing and enjoying the after-cum glow most of the time. Instead we would have to clean up and either head for the showers or put our clothes back on for the evening. That was a little frustrating because we both liked the way each other looked naked and how we felt when we were naked in front of each other. I liked to tell him how cute and handsome ( "fucking beautiful" is how I elegantly phrased it once) I thought he was and he reciprocated ("hound dog" was one descriptor he used for me), but we really didn't need to say anything, we could tell the way our eyes lit up when we saw each other undressed, particularly close up in bed with our nipples hard and our dicks dripping. In the mornings we tended to be a little slow dressing after our showers just so we could spend a little bit more time naked together in a fairly innocent context. I would shave without putting anything on and he would take his time about getting dressed just so we could enjoy our shared nudity a little longer. Let me stress that that wasn't at all unusual, if you walked down the hall any morning all the doors would be standing open and guys would be walking in and out with nothing on. But there were exceptions that allowed us a little more "quality naked time" together. Once we had woken up earlier than usual and after we had both had orgasms we relaxed and lay back together, my arm around his shoulders and his head resting on my shoulder because we were in my bed. We dozed off together and awoke about ten minutes later with a start when my hand brushed against his now flaccid penis. Another time we were in a similarly relaxed state in his bed and dozed for a few minutes. I awoke with my head resting on his chest while lying on my side draped against him, with our limp penises actually lightly touching each other, a last little trail of semen (it wasn't easy to tell whose it was, it was probably a mixture) linking them together. The winter that year was especially cold, with several snow storms, and we often came in in the afternoons chilled right through. That meant that if we arrived back together, or one of us was in the room when the other got there and we decided to enjoy ourselves a bit that we had to warm up before we could fully function. We would strip down and cuddle under a blanket on one of our beds, stroking and rubbing each other, until we were warm enough to have fun. That was nice even if we were both cold because we could feel each other warming up. If I needed to warm him up I would hold him close and feel him thawing out, cuddling his balls until they dropped and his penis stiffened, and if I were the one needing a warm up the heat from his body and his hands on my genitals did the job quickly. I remember those peaceful moments with special fondness because they represented the true intimacy and eroticism of our friendship.

Sometime that fall I made a little misstep that I later understood clarified our relationship. We were beginning one of our first afternoon sessions and somehow or other I ended up naked first. I was sitting on his bed stroking my dick waiting for him to finish undressing. While he was pulling his T shirt over his head I playfully tugged his jockeys down to mid thigh letting his hardening dick and balls pop into view. He said sharply "NO!" and yanked them back up again. He threw the T shirt down and shot me a look that was partly angry and partly shocked then said "I'll do it" as he dropped his shorts (revealing his now completely hard dick) and joined me on his bed. Things went normally from then on and we had our usual enjoyable time culminating in mutual orgasms. It puzzled me but I never did it again as clearly I had crossed some kind of line with him and he didn't like it. Later it dawned on me that what we were doing was based on mutual consent and enjoyment on an equal basis and if one of us became dominant or controlling over the other our relationship would change for the worse. As the younger and lighter guy he understood this better than I, because he stood to be the dominated one if that happened. He would undress if he wanted to, but would not be undressed, in other words. That was the reason neither of us wanted the other guy on top of us and being in too much control. That was also the reason we would never "anticipate" a session on our own. We would never stand up and pull off our shorts in the mornings until we had done the preliminary looking and silently agreeing, and if one of us was interested in an afternoon session and headed back to the room in hopes of finding the other one there or that he would soon show up we would never "get ready" by undressing and waiting for him naked. That would have pressured the other guy to do it when he might not want to, or might have work to do. I remember several occasions when I got back to the room needing to work on a paper when he would be there waiting expectantly and I would say "I've got a lot of work to do" and he would say "Sure thing" and do some studying or something. And there were occasions when I would be hopeful and he would have to say "Need to get ready for a test" or something. Everything had to be completely consensual for both of us, and the uncertainty made things more exciting. Besides, as horny as we both were much of the time we knew that if it wasn't possible one time it would undoubtedly be possible, and even more enjoyable, the next morning or afternoon. And of course, once the seed had been planted so to speak we usually ended up stripping down and enjoying each other within five minutes of one of us having declined. Furthermore, we both realized how lucky we were to have the other as a ready and willing partner in delight, and did not wish to do anything that might alienate the other one. Frankly, as far as dominating went I was putty in his hands (actually I was always hard when I was in his hands but the metaphor works) after the first couple of sessions and would probably have gone along with anything he wanted to do, including letting him fuck me in the ass, but if he ever realized how much power he had over me he honorably never tried to abuse it, or me. And come to think of it he never turned me down on anything I wanted to do during one of our sessions either, so I undoubtedly had the same power over him.

We did experiment with some variations to our routine from time to time. Sometimes we just liked to examine each other, running our hands over each other, feeling our muscles and flexing our joints. We became very familiar with each other's bodies, naturally, in fact in some ways more familiar than with our own since we could get better overall views of them. It was interesting for both of us because it was really the first chance we had had to take a really good long look at someone else's naked body. Of course we'd seen a lot of other guys naked by then but not close up and uninhibited by the need to seem casual about it. He used his skill in drawing to do a little sketch of my genitals once, a keepsake that I put away for safekeeping and still have. It was a lot of fun just lying there and watching him draw them. Unfortunately I couldn't reciprocate since my drawing ability was limited but he didn't mind. I have a mole on the underside of my scrotum which I of course had never seen until he told me about it and showed me with a mirror. I still take a look at it every now and then and think of him. Likewise he had a small mole buried in his pubic hair near the base of his penis which he hadn't seen or thought about since sprouting hair there until I mentioned it. Often we licked and lightly sucked each other's nipples, which we had found to be enjoyably sensitive. The hairs around them were a bit of an issue for both of us and we carefully trimmed them from time to time so that they wouldn't get in our mouths, though not so much that the guys on the hall would notice. We liked licking each other's shoulders and chests and stomachs and enjoying the maleness of the taste of our skin and sweat. He and I both found we enjoyed rubbing each other's feet and toes, and sometimes we licked and sucked those too. We also liked burying our noses in each other's armpits and sniffing the sweaty aroma. And once he used the tip of his tongue to swirl around in my navel, which was really exciting and made me shoot up the wall. I reciprocated with my tongue in his navel, making him blast hard as well and letting me enjoy more of his masculine flavor, and we added navel licking to our playbook. And of course the feel of his warm, wet, tongue on my skin, wherever he was licking me, was wonderful. He would shudder with delight when he felt my tongue anywhere on his body as well.

One weekend when I was away I happened to visit a public men's room which displayed the usual condom machine. That sparked my imagination and I quickly fished out the change I needed to buy a couple of rubbers. I kept them hidden away until I returned to campus and was able to share what I had found with him. He was intrigued, too, and the next morning we opened them and after a little exciting experimentation learned the correct way to put them on. The sensation was different and the novelty was exciting but like most guys we found wearing them limited our sensations. Still, every now and then one or the other of us would buy condoms, experimenting with different types of material and ribbing, and we would use them.

And then finally after two or three months we rolled right over the edge from mutual masturbation into full blown sex (if that hadn't happened already) and basically became lovers, though we never used that term. It was an occasion when I was visiting him and he, as host, during the jack off session had us both on our sides facing each other so he could take both our dicks into his hand and masturbate us off together. That was highly enjoyable and intense and as we came closer and closer to orgasm I wrapped both my arms around him and rubbed his back and with his free hand he did the same to me, pulling each other closer so that our dicks were clasped between each others' thighs, pubic hairs entangling and balls bumping against each other. We started thrusting our pelvises against each other. I didn't know the term frottage at the time but that's what it was. As we held each other close our perspiration slicked us up and we began to squirm and rub our bodies against each other, feeling our hearts pounding and enjoying the feel of our legs entangling with our leg hair rubbing and scratching. Finally we clenched close in a full blown hug, and I found myself with my nose in his hair next his ear while he was breathing hard into my neck and shoulder. I could smell his shampoo mixed with sweat and the scent of his own body and automatically I pressed my lips against his skin. At the same moment I felt his lips moving on my shoulder and we turned our mouths towards each other ready to kiss and WHAM, we locked lips and kissed for the first time, my first time kissing a guy and his too, as he confirmed later on.. I remember the peachfuzz on his upper lip rubbing against mine and we actually opened our mouths and tongue wrestled for a little bit as we both hit the point of no return and shot simultaneously into each other's groins. He whispered "I love you!" into my ear and I said it back, and meant it. The sweet hot discharge and the electric shocks that went through us sent us into ecstasy and we groaned and sucked on each others' tongues and lips. Then as the orgasm wave receded we realized what had just happened and we unwrapped and pulled back, realizing as we did that we had actually been clasping and massaging each other's asses. This was embarrassing and much farther than we had ever meant to go and we blushed and winced as we slid away from each other, especially since our pubic hair had gotten tangled together and glued with our semen, and busily worked on cleaning our crotches up. We avoided each other the rest of that day out of sheer embarrassment. But all that day I could still smell or imagine I smelled his body and felt him against me, particularly how his penis had felt butting up against my balls and how mine had felt squeezed between his thighs and the way our lips and tongues had worked against each other, and it was very erotic. And of course I remembered those whispered "I love yous!" I know I personally told myself that we had to stop what we were doing and he probably told himself the same thing but after a day or two we were back at it.

From then on we usually stuck with mutual masturbation and rubbings, but every so often, particularly if we hadn't done it for a couple of days, we would push our penises into each other's crotches and squeeze them between our thighs and roll into the more intense hugging and frotting and kissing procedure which was very satisfying, even if it did embarrass us when we came out of our highs clutching and kissing and had to untangle ourselves. It was during one of those intense sessions that he had a powerful orgasm during which he gave me a bite on the shoulder which left a visible mark. I enjoyed it when he did it and he obviously liked it too but it complicated things for me for a couple of days until it faded. I draped my towel over it en route to and from the showers and didn't go beyond the room in my underwear or naked. Fortunately we didn't have a hall meeting during that time. He was both embarrassed and titillated by the visible sign of his pleasure on and in my body and seeing and feeling it made me tingle as well, but after it faded we both made a conscious effort to keep our teeth to ourselves. More common physical aftereffects of those intense embraces were beard burns on our faces, but that could be passed off as acne and anyway it faded quickly. That happened to him more often than to me since my beard was thicker and I shaved every day, but he scraped my cheeks and chin every now and then, more often as the year went by and his beard filled in. The pain was momentary and the sensation appealed to both of us. And occasionally when things were really intense between us we whispered our love for each other. With all this licking and sucking and kissing we were now doing we had to really be careful getting ready to shower after one of our morning sessions, rubbing our towels over ourselves thoroughly to get rid of any damp or matted areas and examining each other carefully to be sure there was nothing suspicious looking before we pulled on our shorts and walked down the hall to the shower line. It was titillating to do that and I had to be careful not to think about what we had been doing a few minutes earlier. If anyone else on the hall suspected anything was going on they never said a word. A tall blond guy who lived across the hall from us would often look from me to my roommate and back again when we were together and give me a grin, but he never said anything and we both thought it best to just nod to him and say nothing.

The orgasms we had with each other were the most intense either of us had experienced up to that time, since neither of us had done anything except masturbate before. As we became more experienced and less hesitant about handling and exploring each other, our enjoyment increased and the sensations heightened. Often we would have to lie panting for a few minutes in each other's arms until we had regained enough strength to move. Even then sometimes we'd feel weak at the knees and dizzy for awhile, which just heightened the enjoyment. He had a good memory for spots on my body that made me gasp or groan with pleasure and made sure to give them attention. I also remembered his erogenous spots and attended to them.

When we weren't being sexual with each other we rarely talked about it, reserving that sort of talk for when we were actually doing it. Shortly after we started doing it we questioned each other enough to confirm what we already suspected, that neither of us had ever done anything of the sort with anyone else before. We realized that technically we had lost our virginity to each other that first morning and it pleased us both. And if mutual masturbation didn't count as sex then the first time we had hugged, kissed, and ejaculated in each other's groins certainly did, so we both felt we had led each other past an important milestone, especially when we confessed our love for each other. We felt very comfortable and relaxed with each other whether in our clothes or out of them and in many ways we were a real couple, albeit one that had to be publicly discreet. On the morning we had really splattered each other with our semen (on account of not having been able to arrange a session for several days) we were feeling a bit lightheaded and silly laughing and talking with each other as we headed over to breakfast. As luck would have it breakfast that day was chipped beef on toast and the white sauce was too similar to what we had just cleaned off ourselves a half hour earlier and we really had fun snickering quietly about it. Fortunately we had a table to ourselves and the room was not very crowded so we could be silly without being overheard. We enjoyed eating together and hanging out together in the Student Center and elsewhere on campus. He was really the best friend I had at that school, and I must have been his best friend as well, and our compatibility went far beyond just what we did in secret. Whether naked or clothed I told him things I had never told anyone else about myself, and he told me really intimate stuff as well, like how we started masturbating and other stuff. Being naked in bed with him felt so comfortable, somehow, even if we were just lying there and talking for a few minutes before and after jacking each other. We discussed our sexual fantasies about various girls and found it was easy to be honest with a nude guy who was holding your erect penis and stroking it, especially when you were also buck naked and playing with his dick in return. Sometimes we talked about the other guys on the hall and which ones we wouldn't mind masturbating with, and found that we had similar tastes there as well though we never dared invite them to join us. Male bonding would be a good way to describe it, and while I hate to use the term "mentoring" in reference to something so sexual, I suppose that's what I was doing for him by getting things started and participating in them with him, and then him for me when he was "in charge" as host half the time. I know I found equal enjoyment both as host and as visitor, and from the hardness of his penis and the strength of his ejaculations he must have liked both as well. The best way to say it is that we helped each other grow up in a very crucial area and that the intimacy we experienced was a good preparation for our married lives. I do know that that year was the most relaxed and happy one I spent at that school, and that was due at least as much to his being a compatible friend as well as a cooperative sexual partner. He had fewer bleeding episodes that year than ever before and his family and doctors were pleased. His mother actually called me once to tell me how glad she was that I was her son's roommate and friend which was sweet but a little embarrassing considering what she didn't know about us.

This was right about the same time Anita Bryant's anti-gay crusade began and the administration was forthright in its support of her efforts. Occasionally guys were quietly expelled, the reason never being given but the rumor mill usually spread the word that it had been for alcohol or drug use or for "misconduct", the nature of which was implied by snickers or eye rollings. On the other hand there were two guys who lived in an apartment off campus who were widely known among the student body to be a couple. They lived quiet, circumspect lives and did nothing publicly that might make the administration feel it had to take action against them.

So both of us were aware of the need to keep what we did in the room a secret. While we were often together in public, we never put our hands on each other or had other physical contact except in the most innocent of ways. When we were naked together in the showers, at a hall meeting, the pool, or anywhere we might be observed by others we behaved circumspectly and casually and needless to say, with no penile reactions. If we were changing clothes or getting ready to go to bed or to hit the showers we were often nude in front of each other in the room with no erotic overtones. The secrecy added to the pleasure. Context was everything. His brother may have suspected that something was going on. In fact, once when he was in the room visiting his brother he made a comment, I don't remember just what, that could have been interpreted to mean he wanted to be in on any shenanigans, but I pretended not to understand and so did my roommate, and the conversation went on. My roommate said casually later on something about his brother being a show off who knew nothing though he liked to pretend he did. And frankly, I was not interested in having that sort of a relationship with his brother, who was older than both of us and a much louder and more obnoxious personality with a penis to match, as I had observed on occasion.

Our enjoyment was heightened by the knowledge that we were doing something forbidden and by the need for secrecy, something shared and private at the same time. We came closest to being caught one morning when we were being a bit silly and flirtatious. We had awakened early and had had our usual enjoyable morning activity which had culminated in a really intense frottage episode. As usual we cleaned ourselves up and headed to the showers, where we were early enough that we didn't have to wait in line. I finished first and after drying off I headed back to the room, not bothering to put my shorts back on, and started to shave with my electric razor at my mirror, no clothes on and the door standing open. As I was doing this my roommate came back in, also naked and giving his hair another toweling. Suddenly he cracked his towel across the room and flipped me on the ass cheek. I yelped and put down my razor, snatched up my own damp towel, and flipped back at him, scoring a hit on his stomach. We towel whacked at each other back and forth across the room, laughing and yelping, and in all the bouncing around the inevitable happened and our penises started to swell. We were having so much fun that that didn't register at first, nor that the door was still open, until we both noticed what was happening in each other's crotches and felt tingling in our own. "Shut the door!" I hissed at him, and he sprang to do so. Just then the door across the hall opened and one of the two guys who lived there, the friendly big blond who often smiled knowingly at us, stepped into the hall naked on his way to the shower. He looked across at us both just as our door swung shut. My roommate locked it and we looked at each other anxiously. Fortunately neither of us was fully erect but our penises were both distended and reddening. We realized we had come close to being seen in unacceptable hardness, but we tried to put it out of our minds and distracted ourselves with a second mutual masturbation session that morning. Neither of us shot much but it felt great nevertheless. Afterwards I finished shaving while he dressed, then I dressed and we headed out to breakfast. On the way we hit the restroom for good long pisses, and afterwards we washed our hands. Our neighbor was in the restroom with a face full of shaving cream. We avoided eye contact at first, but as my roommate finished and left the room our neighbor caught my eye in the mirror, grinned, and winked. I nodded back and headed out, nervous as to what might happen next. In the event nothing did happen. Whatever our neighbor had seen and probably guessed he kept to himself. He was a nice guy who believed in minding his own business.

Another time, and this was just a really goofy, if not stupid thing for me to have done, was one morning when we had had our normal early session, then hit the showers. I had finished first and had shaved and was in the process of dressing for the day when he returned to the room. He finished toweling off and then felt his face and decided to shave. He slung his towel over his shoulder, grabbed his shaving gear, and headed down the hall to the restroom. I finished dressing and headed to the restroom as well to take a crap. I entered the restroom and saw him standing naked at a sink applying shaving cream to his face. I also saw no one else was in the room, so without consciously thinking I gave him a little squeeze on an ass cheek, not a pinch but definitely more than an innocent brush. He jumped and said "Watch it!" warningly and then added under his breath, "Damn it!" I looked in the mirror and saw that his penis had started the "launch sequence" and was reddening and lengthening. Quickly he grabbed his towel off his shoulder and wrapped it around his middle, just as the door opened and a couple of other guys came in to use the facilities. I stepped into a stall and did my business, realizing as I did so that what had just happened had initiated the same response in my own penis, and made my way back to the room. He returned still wrapped in his towel but with no visible signs of what I had gotten started. We didn't have time to do anything about our arousals just then, so he dressed and we went to breakfast. But that afternoon we met back in the room and had a very enjoyable time.

We had another close call after one afternoon session when we had both ejaculated and then cleaned ourselves up. Before we could dress we were both seized with the normal strong need to piss. The hall was quiet and no one was about so we unlocked the door (his bed was nearest the door and so it was his job to see to it that it was securely locked before we started shucking our clothes) and quickly walked naked down the hall to the bathroom. There were two urinals on one wall and we stood using them breathing soft sighs of relief. As I was finishing and beginning to shake off (my roommate was still in full flow) the door opened behind us and a guy who lived down the hall from us entered the bathroom. He saw us standing there naked and said "I was looking for y'all." He propped himself companionably on one of the four sinks that lined the wall on that side of the room and began asking us our opinions of a certain professor all three of us had. I finished at the urinal and turned to face him, fully exposed and hoping that I had sufficiently wiped away any semen. Behind me my roommate also finished at his urinal, turned around, and stood leaning casually against one tiled wall. We answered the guy's questions as well as we could, then my roommate said "Well, we were going to shower," and pulled the door open. The other guy said "Oh, OK," in a surprised tone (he was none too bright and possibly had not grasped that we were both in our birthday suits.) My roommate stepped out into the hall and across to the shower room, me following. In order to make our story stick we stepped into adjacent shower stalls (at that time of day none were in use) and turned on the water and quickly rinsed off. Of course neither of us had brought soap, shampoo, or towels with us so we were left soaking wet with nothing to dry ourselves with. He was again master of the situation. When we shut off our showers he yelled a profanity and followed it with some invective against perverts who stole people's towels. I caught on and joined him in this condemnation and we both walked wetly out of the shower room and down the hall. It was not unknown for guys' towels and things to be temporarily stolen out of the shower room so that gave us a plausible reason to be walking naked and dripping back to our room, eliciting some laughter and boisterous commentary from some of the guys who had by now returned to the dorm and were in their rooms or in the hallway. Our blond neighbor from across the hall who already had reason to wonder about us was present, but he just grinned and rolled his eyes at me as I passed him. For a miracle no one had pulled the door to our room shut, another widely practiced prank, so we did not have to stand in the hall pleading for one of our friends to go down to the lobby to get an RA to come let us in. (Usually someone would go do it eventually, but only after making the naked guy or guys wait at least a half hour.) We dried ourselves off and redressed quickly and I complimented him on his presence of mind. We were more careful in the future and when the urge to piss struck after ejaculation we firmly held off until we were completely clothed once again.

Another time we played around a little with our shorts. One afternoon we had a session on my bed and after we had both shot and wiped ourselves off he got to his feet, saw my shorts lying on the floor where I had dropped them, picked them up, and slipped them on. I laughed thinking he had made a mistake but he stepped over to his bed, picked his own shorts off the floor where he had left them and tossed them to me, saying "Here, wear mine!" I slid them on, enjoying the different feel of the material (they were a different brand from mine) and the little residual warmth from his body. I was larger framed than he so mine were loose on him while his were tight on me, but it felt good wearing them and we snickered and dressed and wore them the rest of the day and slept in them all night. The next morning we switched back so that we could wear them to the showers without anyone else noticing anything different, and putting mine back on after he'd been wearing them 12 hours or so really titillated.

This little arrangement went on through my last year in college. We both enjoyed it, particularly during the spring quarter when I was student teaching and really needed something to relax the stress that involved. Driving to the school in the early morning still tingling from our sessions really made the day go by well. The school where I taught started at 7 a.m. so that meant I had to get up even earlier than usual, but he was accommodating about it and woke up early too. After we both came and cleaned up he would slip his shorts back on and go back to sleep for awhile while I showered, shaved in the restroom so as not to disturb him, and then dressed and headed out at the normal time to get up. More often than not when I got back in mid afternoons he would show up in the room or be there waiting for me and we would undress and enjoy ourselves. It was thoughtful of him though of course he enjoyed himself as well. The stress he was under being chronically ill as well as coping with his first college year meant he needed some source of relaxation which he found in me. I see now that we were really well fitted to have this relationship. We were both socially isolated, me due to being brighter than average and thus excluded, him due to his illness which had kept him out of a lot of normal life. So being able to share our activities with each other meant a lot to both of us.

It was during that spring quarter, in late April or early May, that we had one amazing weekend together. Usually we were both gone on weekends like the vast majority of the students, but that weekend for some reason neither of us went home, a fortuitous circumstance that we realized could be extremely enjoyable. On Friday afternoon the campus was busy with kids packing up and heading out for the weekend, and it wasn't until after dinner that night, in a three quarters empty dining room, that we fully understood just how alone we were actually going to be. None of the guys in our segment of the hall was there, and only one or two on the other two branches on our side of the H. The other floors seemed to be similarly empty. None of our particular friends was around, so we would really have things, and each other, to ourselves. At first we hung out in the Student Center and played some of the first generation video games that were kept there, then about 9:30 or 10:00 pm we headed back to the room in an echoing empty hall. Our window was open and the warm spring breeze was refreshing. I didn't have any real plans for taking advantage of our position other than our regular masturbatory/frottage sessions, but my roommate had some different ideas. The first thing he suggested was strip poker, something we'd both heard about but never played. We were both fairly good card players and we sat on his bed shuffling and dealing hand after hand, gradually losing our clothes as we did. It was very stimulating because our previous experiences undressing with each other had been rushed through as quickly as possible so as to get down to the main event. Now we were slowly but surely getting naked a round at a time and the pleasure and anticipation was overwhelming.

Eventually I lost and had to pull off my shorts and sit naked on his bed with my erection poking up, dripping precum. At that point he still had on his T shirt and shorts and it took another half hour or so before he was also naked. As he pulled off his shorts (which had been visibly distended by his hard on and made almost invisible from his pre cum), I began to push the cards off the bed so that we could get down to business. But he said `Game's not over, now let's play for favors." He explained that the winner of each hand from now on had the right to ask for a favor from the loser, but "he'll do it right back to the other." In other words, we were going to be indulging some fantasies. I was a little shocked and more than a little scared, but also deeply turned on and excited, so I agreed and we began to play again. I lost that hand and he said with a grin, spreading his legs "Suck me!"

I'd been anticipating this, and in fact I'd been planning to have him do it to me if I had won, but it was still a shock to hear it. I must have looked doubtful because he said `I'll do it right back!" to encourage me. So slowly but excitedly I got between his legs and leaned into his groin. He brushed back his pubic hairs so they wouldn't be in my face. I took hold of his hard dick and cautiously stuck my tongue out to touch it, then licked it. It was a peculiar mix of hardness with a soft outer layer, and it had an odd, foul, but exciting taste. The musky smell of his genitals was really strong and appealing in a masculine sort of way, and I licked the silken head and then took it and about an inch of the shaft into my mouth and worked my tongue on it. He groaned and closed his thighs on me so that I was completely engulfed by his body, and he rubbed his hands in my hair. I sucked for a few seconds then I felt his dick jerk and he gasped and suddenly his semen was spewing into my mouth! It all happened so quickly I didn't have time to pull off, so I took it, surprised by the odd salty sweet taste, and without thinking about it gulped it. He opened his legs and I sat up, wiping my mouth, and coughed, feeling my stomach roil for a second but then settling. He was breathing hard and beet red and looking shocked. He said "Man! I'm sorry, I didn't have time to warn you!" I leaned back against the wall and shook my head and said "No problem," still surprised, appalled, and titillated by what had just happened. "What was it like?" he asked, and I shook my head and said "Not bad," which made him blush.

We both knew what would happen next and I lay back and spread my legs and brushed back my pubic hair, and he crawled between my thighs. I felt his breath on my genitals and he reddened a bit as he caught my musky scent, then I sighed as he took my penis in his hand, licked the head, and then I felt and saw it disappear into his mouth. I had never felt anything so good as his tongue and mouth working on my dick. I closed my thighs on him and rubbed his head. In no time I felt the familiar sensation wash over me and I gasped "Here it comes!" as I felt my penis pulse in his mouth. He jumped when the first jets started but he bravely kept sucking as I orgasmed one of the biggest loads I have ever had. I felt him swallow and I spread my legs. He sat up, red in the face and coughed and gagged a little. I rubbed his stomach and he held his breath a second, then breathed out. "Damn!" he breathed. "What was it like?" I asked, hoping that my semen tasted OK, too, and was relieved when he said "Pretty good!"

We both needed a rest after that, and we wiped our mouths out with our towels and took a break, both lying on his bed processing this enormous thing we had done. We talked a little and decided that what had happened hadn't really changed things, that we were still experimenting and relieving each other, just in a more intense way. We went on with the game, first one of us winning, then the other. Another intense moment came a bit later when he required me to let him get on top of me. This was a taboo we hadn't broken in all our months of mutual masturbation, because neither of us wanted to feel pinned down and under the other's control. But when he lay on top of me and we kissed, our erections buried in each other's thighs and crotches and him instinctively starting to thrust his groin up against me, it felt really safe and good. We slowly rolled over so that I could take my turn on top and that was also great when I felt instinct take over and I began to thrust against him. We licked each other's balls and sucked on them, ran our tongues up and down chests and thighs, kissed and sucked our feet and toes, and sucked hard on our nipples. The one taboo we had never broken was anything to do with our asses beyond occasionally massaging them while we were in one of our deep embraces. We weren't willing to go there, even though I know I was titillated by the idea and he probably was as well, but we weren't going to do anything so gay. Besides, we realized that my doing it to him would risk causing him to hemorrhage from his bottom, and I certainly wasn't going to let him do it to me if I couldn't reciprocate. But on that wild weekend all the taboos seemed to be breaking, and eventually we worked out a compromise that allowed us a little safe ass play. I started it by spooning up against him so that my dick ran up between his ass cheeks, not going deep inside but enough so that my glans was buried in his flesh. That was too much and I erupted with a semen blast, barely having time to pull out before splashing on his cheeks. That meant I had to clean him up and let him take his turn. The only thing better than feeling my dick rubbing between his cheeks was feeling his hard rod rubbing between mine. Instinctively I flexed my ass around him and he gasped and shot while he was still in my embrace, so to speak. He honorably cleaned me off (which was enjoyable to feel, too) and finished off with an affectionate ass slap which I returned. Another thing we talked about but realized we couldn't afford to do was to shave each other's pubic hair, which would have been impossible to explain to the other guys who saw us naked. In order to liven things up even more we culminated all this foreplay by standing out in the hall and masturbating each other, letting our jets of semen hit the carpet and allowing it to dry there. Faint marks lasted for several days and amused us, especially when we saw our barefooted neighbors stepping on them unknowingly.

We slept in late the next day, Saturday, and spent most of our time together naked and being sexual, only dressing when we went to lunch and dinner in the Student Center, skipping underwear. There was a movie in the auditorium that night and we went, sitting together among a sprinkling of other students. During the movie my roommate very daringly reached over and unzipped me and pulled my dick out, and I reciprocated. We gave each other a few strokes but didn't dare go all the way. After we returned to the room we played more strip poker and after we had both lost all our clothes and gone through the foreplay we decided to be even more daring and public than the night before. We slipped our shorts back on (in case we ran into anyone) and climbed the stairs from the third to the eighth floor, where there was another short stair case to the flat roof where many of the guys sunbathed. It was well after midnight when we stepped out onto the roof, ditched our shorts, and had a lengthy and very erotic makeout session, culminating in each of us licking and sucking the other simultaneously, what I later learned was called sixtynining. I had to curl up a bit and he stretched a bit as well so we could accommodate each other but we learned to do it after a little work. It was just as intense doing it under the stars and we shot into each other's mouths simultaneously, making us both gag and retch but keeping it down. Part of the thrill was the chance to really pant and breathe heavily for the first time, every other time we had to remember that we had thin walls and plenty of neighbors. When we were through we stood at the low wall at the edge of the roof and pissed over it. Then we slipped back downstairs and spent the rest of the night alternately sleeping and making out. At about 6 o'clock we decided to shower and he actually joined me in one stall and we showered together, washing our hair and soaping each other down, culminating in yet another joint masturbation session under the running water. It was a foolish thing to do and it would have been disastrous had we been caught, but again the dorm was practically empty and we risked it, the danger heightening our erotic enjoyment. We didn't bother with church that morning but instead continued to enjoy ourselves in the room, pissing out the window when we needed to. As a sort of souvenir of the weekend we carefully cut some of our pubic hair and gave them to each other sealed in envelopes. I still have mine, by the way. We dressed to go to lunch and spent the afternoon decorously catching up on all the sleep we had missed. It was a fabulous weekend during which we were completely debauched to an extent that would have shocked both of us just a few months before. Knowing that the end of the school year and our time together was drawing close led us to really put our all into the weekend. Going all out seemed to settle the curiosity and intensity which had been awakened in us both, and for the remainder of our time as roommates we were satisfied with our regular jack off sessions and occasional frottage.

We saw each other for the last time the last day of finals that spring quarter. We had been having regular morning and afternoon all out frotting and kissing sessions that last week as we knew the end of our little arrangement was near. That last morning after we both had shot we hugged each other tightly for a few minutes and we let ourselves go for another big kiss that was just as electric as the first one, once again telling each other we loved him. I helped him and his brother move his stuff out of the room, seizing opportunities for a last bit of fun here and there, as when he nipple pinched me through my shirt when his brother was out of the room and I quickly returned the favor. We said good bye with a handshake that was only slightly longer and warmer than normal. We kept in touch (not physically!) for awhile after I graduated, but gradually we moved on to other things and stopped communicating. I went on to grad school and had another roommate, but we never did anything of the sort together. It was a bit of an adjustment going back to less frequent and solitary masturbation to take care of my sexual needs, but I managed it until my marriage. Indeed, thinking back over the other guys I shared a room with during my college years, although I saw them all naked and they saw me the same way on a regular basis, there was never any sort of attraction between us and our friendships never deepened into anything more. The noisy masturbator I lived with my freshman year might have been trying to get me to acknowledge and join in his activities, now I come to think of it, but I never felt the slightest interest in doing so. I wonder how many other roommates became something more than that to each other.

Ten or twelve years after I graduated I saw my roommate's death notice in the alumni newsletter. Stunned, I contacted his family and learned that, in common with so many other hemophiliacs in the late 1970s and early 1980s, he had contracted AIDS through contaminated blood. A couple of years later his brother died, the same way for the same reason. I mourned and still mourn for both of them. One of the first things I did after learning of my roommate's death was to have an AIDS test myself, which turned out negative. I didn't think it likely that I had contracted AIDS from him, since I had never been exposed to his blood or needles from his shots, and since most of our activities would have been considered safe sex, but I owed it to myself and others to be certain. I have never had a similar relationship with another man, though I will be honest and say that I have felt drawn towards a few other males over the years who had bodies and personalities similar to my roommate's, but I have never acted on them. Like many men I have been approached from time to time by gays, but I have never found any of them desirable. My roommate married a few years before his death (fortunately she remained HIV negative) but they divorced well before his illness became severe, and for reasons that had nothing to do with his illness or his and my relationship, about which I don't know if she ever knew. He was able to live with and have the love and support of his family in his last months. Several years after I graduated I married a woman I met at that college. She knew my roommate and the woman he married and after I learned of his death I discussed my relationship with him with her. I often think of him, and whether its fantasy or just memory, I sometimes think I feel his hands on me and my hands on him, and I can feel the warmth and smell the scent of his body against mine just as it was on those now long ago intimate and erotic dorm room mornings and afternoons. It was a privilege to have him take my virginity, and for me to take his. That year marked me in other ways, too. I always have sex completely naked and prefer early mornings and late afternoons. Fortunately so does my wife! After many years of thinking of him and remembering our good times together I finally visited his grave a couple of years ago. He's buried in a cemetery with many of his family in a small town about a hundred miles out of the city where we'd gone to school. I drove up there alone and found his small marker. I stood by it for a few minutes thinking of all the fun we'd had together naked or clothed, and then, since no one else was around, I quickly pulled out my penis for just a second in memory of some of that fun. That was a silly thing to do, I know, but doing sexual stuff together was part of our friendship or love, and it seemed fitting at that moment. I can't say I felt his presence or anything like that though I did recall his body's scent and the feel of him against me, but it was still good to remember him at the one memorial to him on this earth. Since then I've visited it several times, once or twice bringing flowers, but without similar genital exposure. It is a wonderful thing to have had a close friend like him in my life.

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