Hating Hunter

By J.D Louis

Published on Sep 29, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is entirely a work of fiction and implies nothing about the true sexuality / personal lives of the Home and Away actors featured in it. Their respective characters are property of the Seven Network, Australia.

VJ strolled confidently around the dark maze, pleased with himself that he'd managed to get into a sex-on-premises venue. He felt so grown up as men gently brushed against him, signalling their interest in him; while a couple of others cornered him, kissing him as they rubbed his fit body and undid his towel, their eyes feasting on the sight of his huge young cock.

Although flattered, VJ gently pushed them away as he continued to explore the place, getting a feel for this daunting but exciting new world he was in.

Everyone wanted a piece of the fresh young hunk, but VJ could afford to be choosy. The place was busy - there was plenty of time for sex. But first, it was time to unwind. VJ had been working out hard to maintain his ripped physique.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." VJ moaned as he sank into the spa, the warm bubbling water relaxing him as it gently massaged his tense body...danced against his cock and balls, making him hard...

"Hey Veej..."

VJ opened his eyes to see Hunter sitting across from him grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get in?" VJ was irritated by Hunter's presence - what were the chances?!

"Probably the same way you did - sucking off the guy at the door."

"Nah...I just used a fake ID. But good for you. Nobody here knows you."

"Except you. Wanna hang in the sauna?"

"Fuck off."

Hunter shrugged. But before he could say anything else a couple of hot college guys had stepped into the spa, their smooth, perfect 9" cocks aimed at VJ's mouth, waiting for a sucking from the sexy underage teen.

As VJ enjoyed the distraction, sucking the guys that were definitely to his liking, a couple of bears lifted Hunter from the spa and carried him away.

"Hey! HEY! Put me down!" Hunter yelled. The guys turned and winked at VJ, happy to save him from the pest that was Hunter.

"Do I have butt slut written across my head or something?!" Hunter yelled as the guys strapped him into the sling; his echoing voice attracting other guys as they licked their lips, acting like vultures preying on the obvious newbie.

"Quit your whining kid. You'll enjoy it." One of the guys growled as he thrust into Hunter.

"That's what they all say." Hunter rolled his eyes.

The guys laughed as they realised this wasn't Hunter's first group action.

After the fifth guy VJ strolled over.

"He's a noisy one, isn't he. I think he'd enjoy the suckatorium more."

The guys released Hunter as the group dispersed - some followed as Hunter was pushed towards the row of gloryholes; while others stayed behind as VJ got into the sling, keen for some fucking.

It was déjà vu to the surf club incident all over again as Hunter knelt in front of the hole, receiving cock after cock that was pushed through for him to pleasure.

"Booooooo....where you goin' kid?!" Some of the guys complained as Hunter had enough and realised unlike the surf club incident he had the power to take control of the situation and end it.

He knew to expect some unwanted attention but wasn't ready to leave just yet, retreating to the steam room to recharge.

As he entered he spotted VJ; his muscled body glistening as steamy sweat drenched him. The way he leaned back against the wall...the way his strong legs were wide open...was all so inviting. Hunter's mouth needed a break but there was one more cock he'd do anything to suck.

Hunter sunk to his knees and slid between VJ's legs, swallowing the golden cock he'd been desiring.

"Mmmmmmmm" VJ moaned, encouraging Hunter. VJ just had to know who was behind the amazing blowjob he was receiving and opened his eyes. Even through the clouds of steam Hunter was easily recognisable.

"What the fuck?! Get off me, freak!"

"Awwww come on Veej, it's just you and me now. We're away from Summer Bay. Let's just have a little fun. Our secret."

"We could be on mars and I wouldn't let you near me if you were the last guy in the universe!"

Hunter went red, both from the humiliation of being rejected and the overwhelming heat - it was time for fresh air.

"Oh no you don't!" VJ said as Hunter began following him out of the steam room. As VJ raced through the door he slammed it shut behind him, leaning against it as Hunter banged the glass, demanding to be let out.

But it was no joke - the heat was getting to Hunter and he needed to get out, but VJ kept taunting him as he trapped him.

Eventually VJ relented and stepped away from the door as Hunter stumbled through and fell to his knees, gasping for breath.

"Fuck man, you trying to kill me?!" Hunter puffed.

"Maybe." VJ replied as he returned to the spa.

Hunter fumed. How could VJ be that nasty?! He wasn't about to take any more of his crap and stormed up to the spa ready to really give him a piece of his mind when he slipped and hit his head as he fell into the spa unconscious.

"Yeah like I'm really falling for that." VJ said as he left the spa.

As Hunter continued to float face down in the water, a guy that had been watching realised the situation was serious as he raced up to the spa and pulled Hunter out before performing CPR on him.

Hunter had become the boy who cried wolf; after faking a drowning at the beach for Zac's attention, this time he was in need of real help.

Hunter coughed up water and was breathing again, but despite opening his eyes he couldn't see his rescuer....or anything for that matter. And that was how the guy intended to keep it as he snuck away. As a Summer Bay resident he couldn't be connected to the venue. Hunter was alive and that was the main thing - there were plenty of other guys who could offer further assistance...

Next: Chapter 6

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