
By Sam Davies

Published on Nov 5, 2006


The last field of alfalfa had been cropped close like a summer haircut. Kyle and I walked briskly into its center. The hay cart loomed in the open like some sort of abandoned wagon that settlers had been forced to leave behind. It was not abandoned however. We just had no way of getting it back to the barn while the tractor was broken. Normally in this sort of situation Justin would have saved the day by whipping up some Macguyver like repair, but seeing as he was still recovering (grudgingly) in the hospital we were in a jam. Folded tarps in hand Kyle and I set out to protect what would be the last load of bales for the season from the approaching storm clouds.

It had been over five months since we had a measurable rain, two months since temperatures rested below 80 degrees at night, and three weeks since we began the harvest. Ryan and I finished baling unceremoniously a day after Brian's homecoming parade. We had worked our asses off to get to this point, but for some reason there wasn't really the sense of relief you would expect. There was just to much going on. A cool wind spun some clippings of alfalfa into a little tornado that twisted past us. I looked to the west at the approaching dark skies and suddenly became uneasy.

Kyle grabbed the bars of the cart and climbed up onto the top of the towers of hay. I watched as he unfurled a blue tarp that was quickly picked up by the wind. The four white cords, each attached to a corner, whipped violently in the air making them almost impossible to catch. After several minutes of failed attempts, the wind died down long enough for me to tie everything up. I threw my tarp up to Kyle and we repeated the process again. Just as the trees on the far side of the field began to thrash back and forth, I tied down the final cord. Stepping back away from the big blue tent we had created, I admired our handiwork.

A rumble of thunder echoed across the landscape as Kyle hopped down from atop the cart. Without a word he walked past me in the direction from which we had come. That's how it had been since our night in the cornfield together. He seemed angry, and I couldn't figure out why. I mean, it couldn't be towards me because he had initiated everything we did together. I was very certain of this fact, as I had carefully been replaying the past few days over and over in my head. His attitude was the main reason I had asked Ryan to help me finish the harvest. Honestly, I don't think I could have dealt with Kyle. Not that I didn't want to... I did. I was just really confused about what it was that he wanted from me.

"Yo!" I shouted across the field.

If we were gonna talk about what was going on between us, the empty landscape that we stood in would probably be the best place to do it. He turned, and looked at me. I waved my arm for him to come back. Reluctantly, he began to walk back towards me. I had absolutely no idea what to say, and the swarm of evil butterflies churning in my stomach were not helping things. I looked to the sky just as a large drop of rain landed in my hair.

"What?" he said with an edgy tone.

"I want to talk to you about Anna." I said. Another cold drop of rain, this time on my forearm.

"Eric, I don't need shit from you about that. I broke up with her. That's it." He replied.

"Why?" I asked. A gust of wind pushed through the trees at the edge of the field.

"Because I did," he answered defensively, "I didn't think we were going anywhere, and honestly I got sick of having to pussy foot around her parents all the time."

"Uh uh, stop bullshitting me. I know why you broke up with her... but I don't think you do." I quickly realized that my emotions were getting the best of me, but I couldn't stop.

"You broke up with her because you didn't feel anything that day you tried to sleep together," I couldn't believe what I was saying, "but for some reason you can't accept that fact."

"Shut up." he growled. A gentle rain began patter against my shirt.

"No. Why the fuck should I. At least I am talking. At least I am being honest... with you and with myself." I yelled.

"Eric. I am telling you, shut up before you say something you are gonna regret."

"Like what. Like 'Hey Kyle, guess what? I'm gay!' Something like that? Or maybe you mean like "Man... I had an absolute blast when you fucked my face." The words burned as they came out of my mouth. The wind picked up rapidly, and the temperature began to drop. I began to shiver.

"You're an asshole. You know that?" he said painfully, "You are an absolute asshole."

"I may be. But at least I am not lying about how I feel," I took a deep breath and stepped closer to him.

All the sadness, all the anger, the self loathing, the fear, the pain, the loneliness that had built up inside for years burst forth from me with a fury.

"Kyle...I am fucking in love with you!" I shouted.

It began to pour. There was no where to go. No where to hide. A long dry spell was about to end.

I took his shoulders in my hands, spun him around and slammed him against the metal cage of the hay cart. I was holding on tightly to the most certain thing I had known in my life, and I never wanted to let go. The rain poured down over our us and the wind howled. He had no idea what was going on. Neither did I. Time slowed to a crawl as I lost myself looking into his deep blue eyes. His beautiful soft skin. He perfect smile. For the first time it became clear that I really was in love. To deny that would be to deny every thing I had ever known was true.

Then I kissed him.

Our lips touched softly and I could feel a connection deep within. I knew, that even though he would never admit it, Kyle felt it too. I leaned away from him in shock of my actions. As I opened my eyes I saw colors. Bright, vibrant colors, unlike I ever remember seeing them before. The flaming red poison ivy growing up into the trees. The vivid green of the weed sprouts at my feet. The soft pink of Kyle's cheeks. The lenses of bland numbness fell from my eyes, and I saw everything a new.

Kyle breathed heavily, as I ran the back of my hand across his face. I leaned forward once more, and kissed him on the neck. His breath blew against my skin. Even though the world around us was becoming enshrouded in the darkness of the thunderstorm, we stood in the light. Even though the rain continued to pour down, we were dry. Even as the wind howled with all of it might, we stood our ground. It was as if all the world fell down around us and all that was left was that moment.

Without any warning Kyle pushed me backwards, and we both tumbled to the ground. I landed on the cold ground with a thump. He landed on my chest and knocked the wind out of me. I was praying that this was a playful thing and that he was not planning on beating the shit out of me because I wasn't gonna fight back.

He lifted himself up, looked right at me and laughed.

"You're soaked." he said.

And with that the tone had changed. Everything had changed. He knew everything there was to know about me. Every deep dark secret or hidden thought that I had. I don't know, maybe he realized that I felt the same things that he did. Those terrible dark feelings. Maybe he saw that what I said was the truth. I just know that something changed between us as we lay there on the ground. Something you can't really put words to.

"Like you aren't?" I replied wisely.

Rain continued to poor down from the gray sky in torrents. Luckily though the wind had begun to dissipate.

Kyle leaned down and to my surprise, gently nibbled on my ear. I felt his body pressed onto mine and shuddered at the thought. It was incredible. I looked over his shoulder and saw how his drenched shirt clung to his back, making each muscle visible. His lips on my ear tickled, and I laughed a little. He looked up at me before continuing.

"You've got a beautiful smile." he whispered in my ear. My heart melted.

I stuck my hands into the waist of his jeans and felt the warm skin of his butt. It was so smooth and soft. I was dying.

Kyle laid his body down onto my chest, and I could feel his heart beat. It was incredible.

I felt him fiddling with the button on my jeans, and took this as an invitation to do likewise. I undid his pants, and slid them as well as his boxers down just past his ass. I lifted my butt off the ground and he did the same to me. Our lower bodies, moistened by the rain, slid together. We were outside in the rain and freezing cold, but we both had some pretty serious hard ons. Kyle grinded his hips against mine and our dicks came into contact with each other.

It felt so good I reciprocated. Lifting my lower body slightly to go against his movements. Our bodies glided together and exchanged their heat. His coarse pubes tickled my lower stomach making me wriggle. Within minutes we were perfectly in sync, moving as if we were one. My balls were pulled up tight to my body because of the cold, but they felt like they were on fire. Kyle kissed me, dipping his tongue in and out of my mouth teasingly. I complied happily.

Suddenly I felt his body tighten and he inhaled deeply, then a warmth spread between us.

"Oh fuck," I thought, "he beat me to it."

I pulled up the bottom of my shirt, and let his cum slide up onto my belly. I had a hard time holding out any longer as the thought of Kyle's jizz spreading across my body made me want to explode. I let loose and after five or six enormous bursts of of hot cum I had made my own addition to our little collection of bodily juices. Kyle ran his hands through my short hair. He looked deep into my eyes, almost like he could see into me.

"I love you to Eric." he said quietly, before laying his head down on my chest.

This scene in the story means more to me than I could possibly tell you guys, and I am so happy I finally get to post it. I really hope that in it you will see the moments of utterly flawless love that you have experienced. One day... I know we will all have a kiss in the rain.

With peace,

Sam (samsam345@gmail.com)

Next: Chapter 10

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