
By Sam Davies

Published on Oct 21, 2006


Kyle's body rocked as he tried to control his gentle sobbing.

"I am just so fucking confused Eric. So fucking confused." he said in exasperation.

"Don't think about it. Things will work out. I am sure of it." I lied. I had know idea what else to say.

I reached around and rubbed his back softly. His shirt was hot and moist from the skin beneath it. I felt his muscles contract with each deep breath. He seemed so tense that I worried whether or not I should even be touching him. I guess it was really for my own sake that I held him close to me. He stopped crying for a second.

"I am so sorry man. I didn't mean to throw my shit on you. Its not fair." he said quietly.

"Oh come on Kyle, you know I am here for you come hell or high water. Its no big deal." I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes as I said this. He smile weakly.

"Its like five o'clock... why aren't you dressed yet?" he asked with the slightest hint of laughter emerging through his sorrow. I picked up on this and lept at the opportunity to lighten the mood.

"Oh...you know. I just didn't feel like putting clothes on today. Played some monopoly with my mom. Went into town and bought some milk. I don't know what your deal is, no one else seemed to notice." I joked.

His face lit up a little, much to my relief. His hand loosened its grip on mine, and he wiped the remnants of a tear from his cheek. He then reached down and loosened the tight white fabric that was clinging to his chest. Bummer.

"God it's hot up here. I have no clue how you deal with this." he said with a strong voice. It was clear he was trying to brush his moment of weakness behind him.

"I don't," I said bluntly, "Let's split."

Kyle nodded his head and rose to leave. I stood up as well, my erection just barely beginning to fade, and threw on some clothing. Kyle stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me just as I was shoving my hard dick into my pants. A genuine smile came across his face as he looked from my crotch to my face, back to my crotch and then up once more to my face, before continuing on his way out the door.

After slipping into an undershirt and dawning my shoes, I raced out of the house to catch up. Stepping out the front door into the bright afternoon sun, I watched as Kyles slipped into the cornfield across the dirt road. I followed, and within minutes was deep within the dry walls of corn stalks that made up this winter's feed supply. Up ahead, I saw Kyle standing in the middle of the path

"Thanks for waiting up." I said

"Anytime." He responded.

The empty space in between each corn row was only wide enough for one person at a time. Kyle turned and began walking as I followed behind. His jeans sagged on his butt a little because he hadn't been eating well lately. As a result the top of the grey boxer briefs he was wearing peeked at me, flaunting the perfect form of his ass with each step.

"Where are we going?" I asked cheerfully.

"Nowhere in particular," he replied solemnly, "I'm just taking a stroll." It was evident he was still worrying about what happened earlier in the afternoon.

He stepped sideways through the cornrow. I continued along my own path. To my right only to see him walking beside me. His movements were jagged and aggressive, almost like a that of some sort of marionette. I watched his expressionless face carefully for any insight I might gain from it. I was just about to say something witty when he took off running. Shit.

I ran as fast as I could to keep up with him, the dry cornstalks whipping at my face. Ahead of me, I could look into the neighboring row to see his silhouette lit up by the late afternoon sun. Quickly I began to lessen the gap between us, and within little more than a minute, I could look to the right and see him running by my side. His face was strong and determined, like a warrior going off to battle. I don't know why, but that strength he showed gave me an inspiration to push harder. My legs burned from running, yet I kept going. I passed him without ceremony, and continued to gain ground on him for another minute or so. Behind me I heard a crashing, and quickly looked back as kyle burst into my row. He was maybe fifty or sixty feet behind me, and coming up fast. I pushed myself even harder, not knowing when or how I was going to stop. Luckily that decision was made for me.

With a sharp pain and heavy thud I hit the parched earth like a sack of potatoes, my foot deeply embedded in a groundhog hole. Seconds later another impact as Kyle landed on my back. I struggled to breath, being desperately out of breath from the combination of running and having the wind knocked out of me. In the space between gasps I let out what one could consider a laugh. Kyle did too.

"What... the fuck... was that?" He asked panting.

"You... started it." I said. I over my shoulder and saw his face light up like a million flashbulbs.

"I know." He breathed with a smile.

He rolled off my back onto his side. I flipped over as well.

After catching my breath a little I said. "I won."

He rolled his eyes.

We were laying in the dust, dwarfed by tall rows of feed corn, a mile and a half into the cornfield. Kyle's beautiful eyes locked with mine for what seemed like an eternity. I knew that words were exchanged in that glance, but I am not sure which ones. The red glow of the sun beamed across his body.

"Eric." he said with a sigh. I didn't have time to respond before he had unbuttoned the top of my jeans and pulled them down to my knees.

He looked at me again, but this time it was different. Almost distant.

He pulled off my boxers, and I felt the warm dirt against my ass. His hands rubbed gently down my thighs. I shivered. A dappling of sweat began to form on his forehead. His hands stopped at my groin and I was positive he was having second thoughts. He bit his lower lip as he thought, and made his familiar "I'm confused" face that got hotter every time I see it. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed. He had made up his mind.

His fingers dipped down into my crotch and grabbed by dick. I was hard as a rock by the time they got there. Even though he had jerked me off before, it was still surreal to feel another hand on my cock. The muscles in his arm tightened beneath his tanned skin creating ripples of shadows. He was going at it pretty hard and I was spurting precum left and right. That was something very unusual for me, but when you take into account the fact that I had been trying to get off earlier... and failed... it was certain that there would be quite a show next time I got hard.

Then he did what I had dreamed of for so long. Ever so cautiously he lowered his head until his face was just above my package. His warm breath almost dissolved into the heat of the afternoon before reaching my skin. I looked down just in time to watch the tip of my cock disappear into his mouth. His smooth pink lips engulfed me and I shuddered. It was impossible that this was happening. I looked again at the magnificent scene taking place just to confirm my suspicions. Yup. He was sucking my cock, alright.

"Oh shit." I moaned.

I knew the second his tongue started to get involved that it was gonna be a quickie. There was no fucking way I was gonna be able to hold out long. Even if it were a just a fantasy I would have cummed my boxers by sooner. Whatever dam it was that kept me from blowing like Vesuvius up until that point suddenly collapsed and I felt myself holding back with all my might. My ass was clenched so tight it hurt. I gritted my teeth together. I was not gonna let this end. Not yet.

Kyle bobbed his head up and down, like an incredibly erotic drinking bird. It was such a mechanical rhythm, I lived each action through my anticipation, and then once again as it actually happened. His hand free hand crept along my body until I felt it resting gently on my butt cheek. I had almost completely forgotten about it until I felt the pleasant tease of a wandering finger. Gently he tapped against my asshole. Wow. There was no hope left. I was gonna blow.

"Fuck, here I come!" I yelled, startling him.

He lifted his mouth off my cock and looked at me. I watched in horror as my penis blasted a stream of semen onto the side of his face. He was frozen. Every part of me tensed and relaxed. Tensed and relaxed. My whole frame did all it could to keep form collapsing under the exhilarating intensity of my orgasm. It was too late. No shutting off the spicket now. Load after load shot onto him, almost in slow motion. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime he moved out of the line of fire and I finished myself off into the dirt.

I was spent. Breathing heavily, and painted by the shadows of the towering cornstalks around me, I looked up into the red sky. Holy shit. There was not a bone in my body that denied what just happened, but my mind couldn't accept it. After a minute I looked over to kyle. He was striped with cum like a pastry has icing. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to say. He pushed his hand across his cheek and scraped off some of my jizz. With smiling eyes he looked at me.

"I am so sorry." I pleaded.

"That was...fun." he replied with a warm hearted grin. Reaching out slowly, he slid his hand across my thigh leaving his collection of cum behind.

"Here," he said, "You can have this back."

"Thanks." I responded.


Dusk fell upon us quickly, and it became clear we had to start heading back. By the time we were both cleaned up and fully clothed the first stars were breaking through the darkening sky. Slowly we walked through the cornfield towards my house. I looked behind me as we stepped into a parallel row to see the small pile of cum covered corn leaves we left behind.

The air around us was thick and still. As we trudged through the cornfield, the once jovial atmosphere quickly transformed into one of awkward silence. Again I walked behind Kyle, only this time, it too dark to take in the sights. I wondered what he was thinking about. Was it me or Anna. Or even Brian. My life was fairly simple compared to his. No girls. No siblings. The only people I really had to worry about were my friends.

"Hold on a sec." I called to Kyle.

He stopped, and turned to face me. In the darkness his eyes glistened with the reflection of the rising moon. I hurriedly came to greet him in the middle of the path.

"Hey," I said, "That was awesome."

"Yeah." he responded quietly, "It was fun."

I was caught off guard by the blandness of his voice.

"What... do you think what we did was wrong?" I asked in confusion.

"No, it's just sex. It doesn't mean anything." he replied harshly.

That hurt like a splinter through the heart. What the fuck did he mean "just sex". I honestly couldn't believe I just heard that. To me there was so much more.

"What?" I asked with a little too much aggression in my voice. "You didn't feel it?"

"Feel what?" he said sarcastically.

"I don't know. Some sort of... enjoyment maybe." I was burning inside.

"It felt good. But that was it. I'm not a fucking queer Eric, you of all people should know that." There was a weird anger in his voice.

"Whatever." I said, not wanting the conversation to continue any longer.

I felt a pain deep inside, but did not want to acknowledge the physical effect he had on me. He turned and continued walking with a slightly quicker pace. I just kept on going the same way I was, and within five minutes he disappeared from sight.

By the time I stepped out from between the rows of corn, the crickets and night beetles had begun their nightly music. Far off I heard a dog barking. The stillness of the evening was all encompassing. I walked across the road just as Kyle began to back his shitty little car out of my driveway.

"So I'll see you tomorrow sometime." I said without emotion.

"Yeah. Probably in the afternoon. I gotta do some stuff in the morning." he replied.

"Cool." was my lame reply.

His tires crunched on the small stones in the road as he drove off. I stood there until his lights disappeared around the bend. What a night. Wearily, I walked up towards my house. From the presence of their cars that I concluded that both of my parents were home. This news was greeted with excitment by my growling stomach. As I climbed the three steps to my front porch I noticed something dark on the two person wicker bench my mom bought a while ago. Curious, I meandered over to see what it was.

I stopped about ten feet back. In the darkness I saw the seductive outline of a well built man, topped by a baseball hat. My stomach tightened instantly.

"Justin?" I asked with as fear shot through me like an arrow.

There was no response. A light came on in the living room, sending a revealing beam through the window.

Oh god. I knew at once this was bad. Justin was lying on his side, a small puddle of blood dripping from his mouth onto the rough wooden floorboards. I stepped forward to see a battery of dark purple contusions across his body. I shook him. I shook him with every ounce of strength in me. After forever he let out a weak groan and crunched his body up, hands pulled tightly into his stomach. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I yelled and they came. It is still a blur to me now. All sorts of lights. Blinking. Flashing. Strobing. The lonesome scream of sirens in the night.

And then he was gone.

Next: Chapter 8

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