
By Sam Davies

Published on Oct 11, 2006


I thought about Kyle nonstop for the next twenty four hours.

It was kind of hard not too. His eyes. His smile. His laugh. The way he runs his hands over his buzzed head when he doesn't know what to say. It was constant. Nothing could get him out of my mind. I felt like I was walking round with a specially made pair of Kyle goggles on. I craved for his smell. I yearned for his touch. Most of all, I longed to be near him. It was my off day, and I had been lazily moving from room to room, moping about how bored I was all morning. I had to get out of the house or else I was gonna go crazy.

I had watched from my window earlier in the day, as Justin and Ryan pulled the tractor into the garage and walked home. The probably decided to end the day early, and didn't feel like waiting around for their ride to show up. So I jumped into my truck and took the short ride over to Justin's house to see if they were there.

When I arrived the guys were lying under "the beast" tinkering with something. The lower half of their bodies jutted into the middle of the walkway. I could easily tell by the exceptionally long legs which one was Ryan. I was surprised to see though that of the two of them, he was the only one with his shirt off. Carefully I stepped over them, trying diligently to decode the quiet car talk I heard going on beneath me. I wondered if they even noticed that I was there. After several moments of waiting idly I decided to make my presence known. Artfully dipping my hand into my soda, I removed a small chunk of ice. I leaned over the smooth stomach of my clueless friend, aligned my target meticulously, and dropped my chilly payload directly into his belly button.

"Shit!" I heard, along with the clinking of various tools.

Ryan and Justin slid out from beneath the truck like they were being attacked by hornets.

"What's goin' on?" I asked trying to contain my laughter.

"You son of a bitch!" Ryan responded with his near perfect grin.

He swatted at me with a greasy hand but I stepped back in time. Slowly, like crippled old men, they both rose to their feet and stretched. Ryan's long torso twisted slightly, making his obliques flex beneath his pale skin. Even in the heat it gave me goosebumps. I watched as Justin walked around to the front of the garage and looked out into the yard.

"Your dad still here?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, he must be out like a light." Justin answered. That would explain the rusty clunker parked haphazardly on the front lawn.

"I hope thats the case because I've gotta take a piss." Ryan proclaimed as he cautiously stepped into the house.

I looked at the truck in awe of Justin's accomplishments. Every time I came over it seemed he had done something new and incredible.

"Wow. You've been busy." I stated.

"Yeah, me and Ry just finished putting in a new set of shocks that I pulled out of the junkyard." The truck was sitting twice as high as it had been last time I saw it.

"And I see you finally got the light rack on." I noted. Justin nodded in agreement.

"Does it run?" I said under my breath, not sure how safe this question was.

"No." he responded harshly as he turned away. Apparently I blew the conversation already.

"I was kidding! God. Can't you take a joke."

"Yeah. Real funny." he remarked sarcastically.

I looked around the garage wondering when in the world he was gonna get that thing pulled together once and for all. It was ridiculous to have such a beauty of a vehicle sitting around gathering dust. For his sake, I really hoped he would get it running soon.

"Did you stop by to see my mom yesterday like you promised?"

Justin turned around and lifted up the back of his shirt. The mummy-like wrapping I had given him was gone. In its place a checker board of bandages and medical tape.

"She was really upset I didn't come over right away." he said.

"Yeah, I know. I told her the next morning and she wanted to kill me for not calling her." I smiled, and he returned the gesture.

I stepped slowly around the back of the truck. The air in his garage was eerily stale. I wanted to ask him if he showed his Dad what he had done to him. If he told him that I knew, and my Mom knew, and my Pops probably knew by now also. I wanted to tell him that he deserved so much better. I wanted to take him aside and tell him that he was a great guy, and no one should have to put up with shit like this. Unfortunately, I knew he wouldn't want to hear any of it.

"Man, you should have seen the order of shavings me and Kyle moved yesterday." I said lamely.

"Yeah? At least you had help. It would have really sucked if you had to do it all alone." he replied.

I hated straining for conversation like this, but I didn't know what we could talk about. All I kept seeing was the blood running down his back, and his winces of pain. Luckily Ryan slunk through the doorway to save me.

"Did you see him?" Justin asked with a slight tone of concern.

"No. Thank god." Ryan sighed. I could not imagine having to live my life fearing the chance that I would run into my father.

"Hey, did Kyle call you yet today?" he continued.

"No. I haven't spoken with him since yesterday afternoon."

"Brian is coming home this weekend. He's landed at over at Camp Pendleton yesterday morning, and is just waiting to get his plane tickets home." he said with excitement shining bright in his eyes

Brian had been his hero since he was ten. Before he enlisted they used to hang out all the time. I actually think he spent more time with Ryan then he did with his own brother. They went hunting together, teamed up for the demolition derby at the harvest festival, even carpooled to school. It was a great friendship, I know, but I felt really bad for Kyle sometimes. He idolized his big bro, but got nothing in return.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed half heartily.

I really liked Brian too, but I knew once he got back things would be different between me, Kyle, and Ryan. It wasn't possible that things could stay the way they were now. I hopped up on the tailgate of the truck and dangled my legs over the edge. Ryan joined me.

"So its like two weeks before you head up north, you getting nervous yet?" he questioned.

"Honestly, I'll just be glad once I get there and get settled." I answered.

I was actually scared to death. Georgetown had been my second choice, but I knew it was a good school. It was just really weird to think that I was actually starting college. I had dreamed about this my whole life. Finally a chance to get away from the world I knew; go somewhere that made me anonymous. I was sick of being the smart kid. The farmer's son. The quiet guy. The crazy kid who knocked down fiction shelves A-D at the county library. I wanted to be somewhere were I could start over.

I peered over Ryan's bony shoulder to see what Justin was up to. He was standing in front of his workbench digging in his pockets. I watched as he slowly pulled out a clear plastic baggy and set it in front of him. He opened it up, and dug around inside for a second. Very carefully, he removed a small crystalline rock and popped it into his mouth. I looked away instantly, not sure, and honestly not wanting to know what I just saw. I listened to the rustle of the plastic baggy as he shoved it back in his pocket. I looked to Ryan for guidance, but he was staring at his feet. Ignorant of the consequences of not stopping him when I could, I brushed off the incident as meaningless.

I zoned out for a moment, trying to arrange the spots on the floor into shapes I knew until Ryan patted me on the back.

"Yo, can you give me a ride home? I really don't feel like walking, and I gotta get the girls ready for brownies."

I laughed at the thought of Ryan carefully arranging the small brown sashes on his sisters, making sure they had their berets and such. I wouldn't have been surprised if he helped them braid their hair.

"No problem, I was actually gonna head back home anyway and get something to eat." I responded.

As we said goodebye and stepped out of the garage, Justin flashed a smile and waved before sliding back beneath his truck

I got back to my house shortly after four, made a ham and cheese sandwich, and went upstairs to jerk off. My room was about twenty degrees hotter then the rest of the house, making it almost unbearable to remain clothed for long. Even when laying naked, it was still miserable. My ass cheeks slid together from the moisture developing between them, yet my entire body seemed to be glued in place as my sweat was absorbed by the sheets.

I thought about Justin and Ryan. Two hot, sweaty guys lying so close together beneath the car. Each of them pulsing with testosterone while their young muscles flexed vigorously trying to apply torque to a wrench. Dark grease sticking to their hands only to find its way smeared across their chest moments later.

Oh god. I grabbed my rock hard cock and began to stroke it with a vigor. My free hand slid between my legs and grabbed my balls tightly. The images of Justin and Ryan beneath the car began playing again, this time though with the inclusion of me, and the exclusion of clothing.

Justin's smooth thigh pressed tight up against my own. Ryan's strong feet mingling between mine. Our hand quickly becoming intertwined as we caressed the bodys' of the others. Ryan's long lean body in deep contrast with Justin's tight defined one. Skin on skin. Sweat mixing into a fusion of passion and lust.

I ran my hand across my stomach and up to my chest, where I paused a moment to play with my nipples. I worked feverishly down below to build up the intense orgasm that these fantasies deserved. Each second I held out longer, the more I wanted to cum. I could feel my face flushing from the excitement, and the muscles of my legs beginning to spasm. My fingers moved with little minds of their own, touching and massaging everything within their reach. Just as my ecstasy was approaching the point to of no return I heard the door to the stairwell swing open below me. Fuck. I slipped my boxers on in record time and tried anxiously to hide my erection. I took a deep breath and calmly tried to bring myself back down from the paradise I almost attained.

Kyle burst into my room in a fury, and collapsed into the brown recliner in the corner.

"Hi?" I said, still startled by his dramatic entrance.

He leaned forward and held his face in his hands. I looked at him with yearning, as my dick screamed for freedom. His breathing was heavy, and after a moment of silence it became clear he was trying not to cry.

"What's going on." I asked concernedly.


"Kyle, what is wr..."

"Just shut the fuck up." he yelled, balling his fists up and looking at the floor.

I rolled over, and sat on the edge of the bed with full intention of helping him through whatever it was that was troubling him. Unfortunately, this was something I was never very good at. In the past I was always the one that needed the comforting. Quietly I waited, hoping that he would break the silence soon so I wouldn't have to.

"I went over to see Anna this afternoon," he began, "She was so happy to see me. Had the biggest smile on her face. I think she did her hair and makeup just for me. She really looked beautiful, like some sort of flower or something."

His hands quivered as he spoke.

"Her parents aren't home today, and she wanted to make it special. We went up stairs to her room, there were candles set up everywhere. I felt so lucky to have her, to have someone who cared so much about me. We sat on her bed for a little bit, and then made out for a few minutes. Then she started to get undressed; and so did I. And we were both sitting there completely naked. But..."

He choked, and just barely caught himself from breaking down.

"But, all I could think about was you and me." he stopped and took a deep breath.

"And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop. I just sat there and looked at her. I looked at her and didn't feel a thing. I mean, I wasn't even turned on by her. I didn't want to...no... I couldn't do anything. She was looking at me like I was screwed up or something, and then she started to cry. She said, that she must be doing something wrong, and how sorry she was that she wasn't pretty enough. I didn't know what to say. What could I say?"

His eyes welled up, and his face reddened.

"So I just told her, I was so sorry. Then I put my clothes on and left." He paused, "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

He looked into my face as a tear slid down his cheek. I held his hand tightly, and pressed my forehead against his.

"Oh shit Kyle." I said softly. For the time in my life I was truly speechless.

To be continued.

Hey! Sorry about the long wait, I haven't been home much lately so I haven't been able to post. Thank you all so much for the wonderful emails you are sending. It is great to know when people like something that came out of you. Hopefully I will be able to return to a normal schedule in the next couple of days, and should have another chapter edited shortly.

Talk to you later,

Sam (samsam345@gmail.com)

Next: Chapter 7

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