
By Sam Davies

Published on Oct 1, 2006


It was ninety four degrees by noon and after sweating our asses off for five hours Ryan and I decided to take a break from bailing.

"Justin came over my house last night." I said.

"Yeah, he stopped by the diner this morning while I was visiting my mom. Its pretty fucked up what his dad did to him." Ryan sighed.

"I really hope he'll head over to the hospital sometime today. I don't think I did a real good job playing doctor."

"Not according to Justin. He told me that you reminded him of his mom, the way she used to fix him up after he'd get kicked by a horse or something. Man, he may not show it, but he is seriously grateful. I mean he wouldn't shut up. Eric did this, Eric did that. It went on for like twenty." he explained.

I blushed and quickly tried to change the subject.

"When is this heat gonna break?" I asked in disgust.

"When hell freezes over... it will here too." Ryan responded with a smile.

We sat in the shade of the half full hay cart. I was leaning back on the tire. Ryan was probably one of the most laid back guys on the planet, and our conversations really meant a lot to me. He was truly one of a kind.

"So... you saw Emmy the other night? Did you get any?" I asked nosily, hoping he would let me into all the secrets of his heterosexual world.

"God, you're certainly upfront. Yeah I saw her, and like I predicted I was way too tired to do anything. The last time we slept together was like two weeks ago. Why? What have you been up to?" He asked with a mischievous smile. Ryan was laying in the cut alfalfa, his head propped up on one arm.

"What do you think I've been up too." I said as I made an all to familiar jerking motion with my hand. He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you are gonna have to put up with that for a while longer, because there isn't anyone around here that's into your kinda stuff." He stopped, and thought about what he just said. "I'm sure you'll meet someone once you head up to school though."

I sat quietly for a moment.

"It feels so weird to hear you say that. You know for someone to talk about it... about me... out in the open. It has been locked up for so long." I said.

"Its got to feel good to get it off your chest though." Ryan responded. He laid down on his back and looked at the cloudless sky.

"I don't know. It's really kind of scary. I mean, inside I feel just like you. I want to get married and have a family. To have Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny all over again. But I never will. Its like the course of my life was already decided before I was born."

He stuck a piece of grass in his mouth and looked sideways at me. "You're gonna be fine. So what if you don't have a screaming bunch of kids. Trust me, I've got a taste of what it's like and it is not all it cracked up to be. And hey, if you really want me to, I've got no problem stoppin' in to see you with a red suit and a beard every once in a while."

I took off my baseball cap and threw it at him.

"Thanks, bud. I was getting the worst glare." He laughed. A hot wind blew from the south making his light hair fall down over his eyes. He looked so cute when that happened. To be honest, I have had the biggest crush on him for years, and as terrible as it sounds I hate the fact that he is happy with Emmy. He really was like my perfect guy.

I closed my eyes, and listened to the wind in the trees. It sounded beautiful, kind of like a symphony of rustles and shakes.

A beep came from the direction of the road, and I squinted in the bright light to see who it was. I knew instantly from the fact that it wasn't a pickup truck that it was kyle. He had such a shitty little car, we made fun of him constantly about it. He couldn't even drive it up into the field.

"You go see what's going on, I'll drive the tractor back over to the garage and walk home. There's no way we're working this afternoon. Its just too goddamn hot." Ryan said wearily.

"You sure you don't need me to give you a ride home or something?" I asked.

"No, I'm cool. I'll see you later." he replied while getting up.

I started heading over towards Kyle's car before yelling over my shoulder, "Enjoy the hat!"

He said something, but it was buried by the grumble of the tractor.

Kyle's little black car puttered like it was gonna die at any minute. I gave the hood a good whack as I walked up to it just to piss him off.

"What are you doing so far away from the shop with this piece of shit?" I teased. Leaning down into his window.

He opened the door and hit it against my knee. I couldn't help but laugh. I should have anticipated that.

"Your pops is lookin' for you. He just got an order of wood shaving delivered, and he needs you to move them up into the loft."

"Oh man," I whined, "Its so fricken hot out and I've been working all morning." There was no way I was moving all those bags of shavings by myself.

"Quit complaining. I've got no problem helping out if you need it." He ordered. " I will however require a twelve pack as payment."

"Deal." I said.

I ran around to the other side of the car, hopped in the passenger seat, and off to the beer distributor we went. I knew the guy who worked there, so I had no problem getting a case even though I was still underage. Fifteen minutes and two beers later we were back at my house, trudging through the tall grass towards the barn.

The floor was piled high with paper bags. They weren't heavy, just very bulky and difficult to handle. I stood on the ground level and stacked the small pulley driven elevator with as many bags as I could fit. Kyle would then pull the platform up to the hay loft, where he was standing, unload it and send it back down. It was a fairly efficient system, just a lot of work. It was especially difficult because the barn was old and dusty, and the ancient timbers that it was constructed of let off enormous amounts of collected humidity. If I thought it was bad outside, I really wasn't thinking clearly. After a fifteen minutes I was already drenched in sweat.

We had been working for little over two hours when Kyle leaned over the edge of the empty hay loft to check my progress.

"Wow, you're making some serious headway down there." he said sarcastically. I was leaning against an aging pile of feedbags trying to take a breather.

"Come on, give me a break." I pleaded

"I was just being obnoxious," he smiled, "Come and grab a beer."

That sounded like and excellent idea. I climbed the dilapidated wooden ladder up to the hay loft, and winced with pain after reaching for each new rung. My back was killing me from bending over every fifteen seconds to pick up another bag. Upon finally reaching the top level, I heaved my body up onto the straw covered floor.

"Its about time old man." Kyle mocked from across the room. What an ass. He was sitting against the far wall, his upper body glistening with sweat.

"Shut the fuck up." I breathed heavily as I crawled across the creaking wooden floor. I slumped down beside him, and opened up a warm beer.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"So I'd bet we've moved about half," I said, "which means we should be done by like six."

"No, kidding," he said taking a sip, "I thought we'd done more then that."

I sighed. We really needed some rain or a thunderstorm or something because the heat was really getting old.

I sat quietly for a moment longer, before asking the question that had been floating around in my head since last night.

"Where did you go yesterday afternoon?" I prodded.

"What do you mean?" He responded with hostility.

"Well I woke up and you were gone..." I rebutted. He shifted his position.

"I don't know. You fell asleep and damned if I was gonna sit around and wait for you to wake up. So I just took off." he was clearly uncomfortable with this line of questioning.

"Kyle. What exactly happened yesterday afternoon?" I questioned further. He coughed, and took a sip from his beer.

"I don't know. I guess I was just really fucking horny." he paused, "Apparently you were too."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I tried to be honest.

"Yeah, It was uh...really weird... but at the same time... it was awesome." I mumbled.

He played with a small pile of hay on the floor. "Yeah. I know. It was really weird; but it felt good."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that." he quickly added. I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly it got really quiet.

My eyes followed one of the wooden beams along the ceiling until I hit the wall opposite us. At the seam where the old roof met the even older stone wall was an enormous hornet's nest. I listened really carefully, and could barely make out the frenzied humming of its inhabitants. I kinda zoned out for a minute, just thinking what it must be like to be one of them. They lived in a perfect little society, every one was the same, personal relationships were non existent. Sex was prearranged and absolutely necessary for the survival of the colony. Imagine what it would be like to have no identity, no worries, no fears. Nothing was left to chance. Just do your job right and everything else would be waiting for you. Other than the fact that the males' reproductive organs were ripped out after intercourse, those little guys had it made. My wandering mind was abruptly interrupted by Kyle.

"Would you ever do it again?" he asked with a whisper. I analyzed his question quickly. Was that a request?

"Probably." I said nonchalantly even though my head was screaming 'Hell Yeah!'

I looked over and saw that Kyle's pants were stretched tight over a quickly growing hard on. I knew he saw me looking, but I didn't care. Neither did he. He slid his hand into his crotch and groped himself.

I was about to say something, but he looked at me and laughed uncomfortably. Who knows what he was thinking, or where he wanted this to go. But I knew I had to take a chance. I reached over, removed his hand, and replaced it with my own. I squeezed the lump in his jeans. He exhaled loudly.

I knew exactly what I wanted, and I was moving at full speed ahead. With no reason to take my time, I quickly undid his belt and the button on his pants, pulled open his zipper, and yanked his boxers down beneath his balls. His dick sprang to attention instantly. Kyle instinctively wrapped his fist around the shaft of his cock and began to masturbate. I just watched. It was so raw... so unbelievably sexy. He was going at it like there was no tomorrow. But why? That was my job.

"Let go," I said quietly, "I'll do it."

He reluctantly loosened his grip, and I took over. I slid my hand up and down his beautiful penis, reveling at how different it felt then when I jerked myself off. His leg muscles tightened.

"Oh shit Eric." he moaned. He didn't have a clue what was coming.

I leaned down and tongued the head of his cock. His whole body jolted with surprise. My whole body ached with yearning. I could not believe what I was doing. I parted my lips and slipped the top of his dick into my mouth. It was unlike I had ever thought it would be. My tongue swirled around his manhood. Did I have the slightest idea how to give head? Absolutely not. I just did what I would have wanted someone to do to my cock if it were in their mouth.

He tasted salty from sweat, yet at the same time sweet from the precum that was drizzling out. I slid a little further down and stopped, surprised at how much bigger his penis seemed inside my mouth. While slurping up the saliva that was escaping though the sides of my mouth I looked into Kyle's face. Pure bliss.

I used my free hand to grab his balls. It was so fucking hot in the barn, they were hanging like fruit on a tree. I played around with each nut, rolling it around in my palm then squeezing it ever so gently, before taking hold of his entire sack and giving it a good tug. I knew that when I jerked off, this felt really good and hoped Kyle enjoyed it as well. There was so much going on it was almost impossible to concentrate on all the different aspects of his body at once. Total sensory overload.

I switched which hand held the base of his shaft, and pressed against his chest. I could feel his heart (or was it mine) pounding in my palm. He began to buck his hips into my mouth.

"Fuck yeah!" he groaned, as I began to bob my head up and down in cooperation.

I knew he was gonna cum soon. Not a chance in the world he could hold out much longer. I mean, I was giving the blow job and felt like I was gonna explode. My mouth slid further down onto his dick. Every muscle in his body was trembling. I pressed my hand hard into his pec as I tried to take the rest of him into my mouth. My thumb played with his nipple anxiously.

"Shit, I'm gonna blow." he mumbled.

I suddenly felt scared to death. How was I gonna do this. I braced my self for what I knew would be an epic flow of ejaculate. Kyle threw his head back against the wooden wall of the barn with a loud thud. I took a deep breath.

Without any sort of bells or whistles, his dick spasmed in my mouth, and a hot jet of cum shot into the back of my throat. I gulped this down quickly. A second blast landed on my tongued, and I swallowed this one as well. I waited for a third attack but one never came. Instead a small amount of semen just oozed out. I sucked hard to try to get him going again, but failed miserably. I milked his penis entirely too similarly to the way I was taught to milk a cow's tits. Except I usually got more out of a cow.

Kyle was breathing heavily and I gave up, terribly disappointed.

He looked at me and flashed a brilliant white smile. I grinned back.

"What the fuck was that?" I joked "Yesterday you blew like old faithful, but today, today it just wasn't there."

His face turned redder than I had ever seen it in my life. Now I felt bad for embarrassing him.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I just came this morning."

A much needed laugh shook me. I grabbed his beer, took a gulp of it, and placed it between his bare legs. His dick was wilting rapidly.

"We had better get going. " I said.

I climbed down the ladder, and stretched my muscles. My dick was still throbbing, but for some reason I didn't think Kyle was gonna reciprocate my actions. I picked up some dirt off the floor and wiped it between my hands to get any residual cum off. I heard Kyle's feet shuffling in the loft and the clinking of his belt. About a minute later he peered over the edge at me.

"Ready?" I said. He nodded in response, and began hoisting the load shavings up onto the second level. I grabbed my cock through my pants, and shifted it around trying to relieve my erection

Yeah. I had it pretty good compared to those hornets. Upon further examination, I don't think the whole anonymous, one shot and then you're dead sex thing is a fair deal.

But at least they got to get off.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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