
By Sam Davies

Published on Sep 22, 2006


It was ten after five in the morning and the sun had just begun to peak over the trees on the horizon. I drove quickly down the empty road to Ryan's house to pick up the tractor key, leaving billowing clouds of dust in my wake. I pulled into his driveway, and decelerated rapidly, not wanting to wake his still sleeping siblings. Ryan had two younger brothers and two younger sisters which he took after when he was not at work or school. His mom had been forced to take up a second job about three years ago when his Dad was killed during a Air force training mission in the pacific. Ryan filled his place without flinching. He tucked them into bed, kissed boo-boos, and drove them around whenever they needed to go somewhere. But he didn't care. He loved his family and would do anything for them.

I quietly closed the door to my truck and snuck around the back of the house to the kitchen. They weren't poor, but they certainly didn't have have enough money for luxury items. Their house was plain and simple, like something you would see in a painting by Wyeth. It had whitewashed siding with yellow curtains, a small garden in the backyard, and a sloppily constructed doghouse. I don't think they ever even had a dog though, so it must have been something the kids built to play in. I gently pulled open the screen door leading into the eating area and held it so int wouldn't slam behind me. I slipped off my boots, and strolled into the kitchen.

"Good morning Eric." whispered Ryan's mom, as she dug for something in her purse. "Ah. Found them." she said, triumphantly holding up her car keys.

Ryan stood at the counter preparing batter for biscuits. His mom shuffled up beside him, stood on her tip-toes, and gave him a peck on the cheek. As she passed me, I bent down to receive my goodbye kiss as well.

"I'll see you later boys. I'll be at work late tonight, so you are gonna have to take Jenna over to her brownie meeting at eight, and Samuel to his baseball game right after that." she quickly explained as she headed for the door.

"Alright mom, I love you. See ya in a bit." Ryan said over his shoulder.

"Love you too hun. Stay cool today Eric. Don't work too hard."

I smiled and nodded my head to her as she left. Ryan handed me the bowl he was mixing

"Here, stir this for a second, would you?" he asked, already knowing I would comply.

Once I took hold of the old wooden spoon he was wielding, he left the room. Sitting down at the table I mixed the thick batter absentmindedly. I looked around the inside of their kitchen. It was so warm and eclectic you would expect a there to be gingerbread cooking in the stove. I looked at the report cards on the fridge, and the pictures of Ryan when he was younger. He really hadn't changed much since he was ten. He just got taller and taller, and thinner and thinner. His face still had that boyish charm.

He returned to the kitchen twirling the tractor key on his finger.

"Think fast!" he said as he tossed it to me. I was not fast enough. The key landed right in the bowl of biscuit batter.

"Shit!" I laughed as I extracted the small key.

Ryan gave me a funny scolding face as he yanked the bowl from my hands and sat down opposite me at the table. In front of him he carefully arranged three metal baking sheets.

"So did you see how much we got done yesterday?" he asked, while plopping a spoonful of batter onto the greased sheet.

"Yeah, you guys flew through like half of the big field." I exclaimed.

"I was pooped by noon, but man, Justin is one hard worker. He just wouldn't quit. I think he ended up tossing for like four carts in a row."

"He gets like that sometimes. I think he likes to push himself." I explained.

Ryan plopped another big spoonful down. He had done this so many times I guess he didn't even have to think about it anymore.

"So have you spoken with Emmy since the other day?" I asked, only half interested in the answer.

"No. She has been working during the day, and I have to work the night shift until Tuesday." He solemnly answered.

"Oh. But there is always Wednesday night, huh?" I said raising my eyebrows suggestively. He smiled.

"Yeah. I am sure. I'll be so tired by then I doubt anything would happen" He sighed.

"Seriously though, what's up with you, when are you gonna hook up with someone? I mean I've got Emmy, Kyle's got Anna, and Justin's got whatever he finds walking down the road at night." He chuckled

"I don't know," I said uncomfortably, "I guess the ladies just don't like me."

"Don't give me that shit, you and I both know you are one good lookin' fellow. What are you scared of 'em or something?" he teased.

"No I'm not scared. I just don't think..." I trailed off. We sat awkwardly for a moment. Suddenly his face lit up in amusement.

"Are you gay?" Ryan asked bluntly.

My mind jumped into high speed as he said this, and I instantly began to worry about what to say.

My train of thought was something like this: 'Whoa! That totally caught me off guard. What am I supposed to say. Do I lie to him... he would know. Do I tell him the truth? Uh uh. Think quick because time is not on my side. The quicker the no, the more truthful I will sound. But I why put up a front? I am who I am. Ryan of all people would understand this. Or would he? Shit. I am too late. I waited to long. He knows already. I should've just said no. God damn it, what do I do now.'

Just as I was about to open my mouth he spoke.

'Its, cool man. It doesn't bother me at all."

'What the fuck did he just say?' was my heads immediate reaction. I guess he knew, and anticipated my anxiousness.

"I really could care less what you do or don't do in bed, you are a great guy none the less. Whatever floats you boat!" he exclaimed as a bright smile shone from his face.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah. What's it matter to me... I know I'm nothing you would want to look at." he said chuckling. This was getting really uncomfortable.

"Well, I guess that's good to know. Um. Do you think any one else thinks that I am... uh..." I questioned nervously.

"No," he said in a reassuring voice, "I just kinda realized it other day that you never seem to talk about chicks or date or anything, and then yesterday I saw you checking out Justin on the dock."

"Oh fuck!" I stammered.

"You're fine, no one noticed, you've just got to be more careful. I know what its like trying to catch a peek without anyone knowing, trust me, Emmy gets all freaky when she sees me lookin' at other girls."

I was not sure whether to be relieved or scared to death. It wasn't a secret anymore. It wasn't just in my head either. Now that someone else knew it was real. I couldn't just ignore it.

I suddenly got a wave of nausea and decided it would be best to leave.

"Listen, I gotta jet, Kyle is gonna be at my house in like twenty minutes."

"No problem. I'll talk to you in a bit. You have fun today." he said smoothly.

I got up from the table, gave him a quick smile, and walked quickly through the house. As soon as I was outside, I dashed across the yard and towards my truck. I climbed in, tore out of the driveway and then down the road at high speed. Once I was about five minutes from home. I opened up the passenger door and proceeded to have dry heaves into the tall weeds. I felt like I was gonna die. Like life as I knew it was over. I could never take back what just happened. My diaphragm continued to spasm, but to no avail. After about five minutes, covered in sweat and white as a ghost. I started up my truck and continued home.

I sped down my driveway, and saw Kyle's little black car parked neatly next to my mom's and pop's cars. Oh god. What would they all think. What if they knew. I felt woosey again, but clenched my fist on the steering wheel.

'Get a grip. Breath. Chill the fuck out.' I demanded, 'There is no way you can go in there like this. Just suck in your gut, and pretend like nothing happened. They don't know, and they never will. Go in there, get some breakfast, and move on with your day.'

I tried to do just that.

Unfortunately it didn't work. When you are doing mindless labor like driving a tractor or stacking hay bails your mind seems to wander. And my mind kept on wandering back to one thing. How royally screwed I was. All afternoon I kept on trying to figure out a way to make this feeling of imminent doom go away. What kind of plaster I could layer on that would keep my world from crashing down around me.

Kyle wasn't of much help either. His usual outgoing personality seemed to have been replaced by the quiet worried one which I had been witness to the day before. He just did his job and not much else. We said nothing to each other outside of essential communications like: "I'm ready", "Slow down", and "Let's take a break". This lack of talking did have its benefit however. By two in the afternoon we had done the remainder of the big field and one third of a smaller one. I had expected to goof off and lose the slack in the schedule we had gained thanks to Ryan and Justin's speedy work yesterday, but in fact we had doubled it.

"That's it!" Shouted Kyle as he made a circling gesture with his hand. The tractor turned around and headed back down the center of the small field. I jammed the final bail of hay into a small hole in between two tall towers of alfalfa, and wiped my forehead. As the tractor came to a stop I jumped out of the cart.

"I am pooped." I breathed.

"Me too." He agreed.

We stumbled towards my truck, stepping in what seemed like every trench or hole in the entire field along the way. I barely had the strength to heave myself into the driver's seat. It was so hot, and I was so tired. Kyle collapsed into the seat beside mine and slammed his door with the force of a light breeze.

The drive back to my house was not bad at all seeing as it was the first time I had sat down in two hours. I pulled into my driveway and sighed with relief when I saw that my parents were both gone.

"You gonna stay for a bit?" I asked kyle weakly as we stepped into the house.

"I don't gotta be anywhere." He responded.

I walked through the hallway and and up a flight of steps before finally reaching the wooden door which led to the attic. I had converted the it into my bedroom so I would have a little more privacy, but I was young and dumb and have suffered every summer since. It was a neat space, just really hot. I shucked off my shirt prior to opening the door, and as we climbed the steps to the top floor kyle did the same.

"Shit its hot up here." Said my exasperated friend.

"No duh. This is were I've got to sleep tonight." I complained. He smiled for the first time all day.

I sat on the edge of my bed and ran my hands through my short hair. What a miserable day. I reached into my night stand drawer in search of some relief and was pleased to find a half full bottle of Jack Daniels. I took a swig and handed it to kyle.

"So have you heard from your bother lately?" I asked.

He took a gulp of whiskey, and winced "Yeah. I got a letter from him yesterday. He said it is hell over there."

"I couldn't even imagine." I was serious. Kyle's older brother joined the marines the day he turned 18, and was currently fighting in Iraq

"Yeah. It scares the shit out of me that something could happen to him. I mean, you see the faces on the news every night, it is inevitable that one day it will be someone you know." he said, as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"Aren't you worried that one day the face on the news is gonna be your own?" I asked. Kyle just turned 19, and now it is his turn to enlist.

"No," he stated bluntly after taking another swig, "I don't add much to the picture. My brother, he's got a future. Brains, talent. He's the real deal. I guess I am kind of a seat filler."

What the fuck did he just say?

"A seat filler?" I asked sarcastically, "You have got to be kidding me."

"You know what I mean. When he is over there, everything a home just seems to go against the grain. Once he gets back I know that everything will run smoothly again. My Mom won't be so wigged out. My dad won't be so god damn depressed. Everything will come back to life. But when I leave, I won't be taking anything with me. It will all be at home, because Brian will be at home."

I don't know if it was the world's fastest response to alcohol or what, but he was not making any sense whatsoever. He took another sip of whiskey before handing the remainder of the bottle to me. I took one final gulp before deciding to cap it for the time being.

"You've got a really fucked up view of the way things are. I don't see them like that at all." I rebutted. Without realizing what I was doing, I placed my hand on the top of his thigh to comfort him.

"Whoa. Sorry man, I felt like I was talking to my mom or something for a second." I said as I quickly reversed my action.

"No big deal. To be completely honest, it felt kind of reassuring. You know... to feel that someone else is there."

I hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering my hand back down onto his thigh. In an attempt to reaffirm the fact that I was there for him. Softly I rubbed back and forth across the worn denim of his jeans. He gently placed his hand on top of mine. It was so worn and rough, so strong. I wondered if that was what my hand felt like to him. He slid his hand with mine, as I caressed the the top of his thigh. I looked over to him, not sure exactly of what his meaning to this was, only to find him with closed eyes, a small grin emerging from the corners of his mouth.

I stopped moving my hand, and let him guide me. Our fingers interlocked slightly as he began moving my palm in a small circle. I relaxed my arm. Slowly at first, but then with more speed, our hands ventured towards the inside of his thigh. I resisted only slightly, to ensure that his intentions were clear, before allowing him to move my hand onto the lump formed by the intersection of seams that met in his groin. Even through the thick fabric, I could feel the heat emanating from his cock.

I was not sure what was happening. Everything stopped. I looked to Kyle for guidance. His face was strange, a mix of happiness and sorrow. He opened his eyes, and I looked deeply into them, waiting, hoping, wishing. He did not break eye contact, but took his hand off of mine, reached over, and unbuttoned the top of my jeans. I suddenly felt conflicted. Was this really happening? Was this the Jack Daniels? Would he... or I regret this if it progressed any further? No.

I slipped my finger underneath the flap of denim that covered his zipper, and tugged steadily on the small brass pull. My hand slipped inside his pants. This was really fucking weird.

"Kyle. Whats going on here?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he quietly responded, "Does it matter."

He pulled down my fly, stuck his hand inside my shorts, and groped my dick. Oh fuck that was a weird feeling. I ventured through the slit in his boxers, to find his soft dick. It was incredible. I had thought about this moment for so long, never sure of exactly what it would be like. To grab another guy's cock; let alone it be Kyle's. Shit this was crazy. I played with his package in my hand as his penis began to inflate. Within forty seconds he was hard as a rock and ready for strokin'. I rubbed my thumb along tip of his cock and was rewarded with a dribble of precum. I pulled his manhood through the slit in his pants. Oh man. It was so fucking hot. Perfectly cut. Just enough skin left. A beautifully uniform tube of flesh. I wanted to take it in my mouth right then but was suddenly distracted.

I was totally hard as well. Totally hard, and totally being jacked off by my best friend. He slid his hand up and down my cock. His grip was firm, and his intentions were clear. Unfortunately he was hurting me. I wasn't sure if I should have told him this or not, but between the his crocodile clamp and the lack of lube my dick was getting really sore. I winced as he momentarily increased in speed.

"Yo, lighten up man." I said unable to take the pain any longer. I felt like I was jerking off into a roll of sandpaper.

"Oh shit." He said. I grabbed his hand spit into it.

"There. Give that a shot." The difference was noticeable instantly.

Having satisfied my self for the time being, I went back to the job at hand. I took his dick between my thumb and index finger. Slowly at first, but then unable to contain my own excitement, I stroked his cock with a fury. It was incredibly empowering to control the pleasure of another person. Every so often I would give the top half of his penis a good squeeze only to hear him groan from deep within his chest. God this was awesome. I knew I still had a little bit before I came, but I wasn't so sure about Kyle. The tempo of his actions seemed to be increasing in speed rapidly so I took this as a sign he was close. Mimicking his movements I went all for none. Within seconds I heard a whine escape from him.

I had never seen anything like it in my life. A fountain of jizz shot out him and onto his bare chest. I mean, yeah, I could get a pretty good load if I hadn't jacked off for a while, but this was insane. Shot after shot, each one growing in volume and intensity, went flying into the air. Bam. Bam. Bam. It was like he had a compressor set up down there. I marveled at how long he kept on going, and the strength with which each jet of steamy juice left his dick. Then they stopped almost completely. I kept on stroking, as small pulses of cum continued to ooze out. My hand was covered now with a layer of thick white cream. Hot... sticky... and all Kyle's. I let go of him.

"Do you mind if I take over?" I asked as kyle struggled to continue masturbating me, his chest heaving from the after effects of his spectacular orgasm.

"Go ahead" He breathed before falling backwards onto my bed.

I grabbed my dick from him, and even though it was not my preferred hand, I jacked myself using Kyle's cum. I could not get any more turned on by this. From the second I took hold my balls it felt like they were gonna explode. I brought myself to the edge and held on as long as I could. I could feel everything building up. A massive amount of pressure just waiting to be released. My slimy hand just kept on moving automatically. Finally I relented, and instantly became paralyzed by the pleasure coursing through my body. Everything hummed. My head felt fuzzy. The world seemed to blur together for a second, as an incredibly feeling of relief swept over me. I wasn't even looking at my dick any more but at kyle laying passed out on my bed.

I came and went in a blaze of passion. But the feeling of ecstasy remained. As did the beautiful man lying beside me; at least for a little while longer.

Crap that felt like it was a long chapter. If it went on any longer I'm afraid I would have to get an ISBN number. LOL!

Hope you all liked it.

Sam (samsam345@gmail.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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