
By Sam Davies

Published on Dec 6, 2006


His body was so warm next to mine.

The air beneath the heavy, cotton blanket was thick with moisture. Our fingers went out wandering, and met in my lap. We locked our hands together tightly, neither of us willing to let go of the other. He was there for me, and I was there for him.

"I love you." Kyle whispered in my ear. His hot breath made me squirm.

"I love you too." I replied softly.

My free hand rubbed across the soft skin of his chest. I slid my fingers across his muscular pecs, stopping for only a second to play with each nipple. They skated down to his belly button, and explored the ridges in his abs.

"Is this alright?" I said quietly, remembering how he reacted a few nights ago when I tried to touch him. I was afraid that I would make him doing something he would regret.

His face bore an expression of absolute contentment. Eyes closed, cheeks relaxed, mouth slightly open. He took a deep breath and on the exhale formed the word "yeah."

I smiled.

The heat built up beneath the blanket and our bodies began to sweat. We pressed ourselves together right there in the front seat of his car. The only witnesses were the trees. Heart to heart. Cheek to cheek. Thigh to thigh. He was so hot, and smelt like a man. I ran my tongue across his cheek and laughed. He nibble affectionately on my ear.

Our lips found each other. His tongue slipped in and out of my mouth. I sucked on his lip.

"Oh god Kyle." I mumbled in between breaths.

The hairs that encircled his belly button tickled my stomach. I instantly got a hard on.

Our breaths were heavy with passion; each movement burdened with desire. The temperature inside the car rose steadily. Salty drops of perspiration formed on our skin. We whispered secrets in the dark. Our arms were wrapped tightly together. Outside the wind blew furiously in the trees, and the rain pounded on the roof. The windows of the car had fogged up completely.

"You're so handsome." he said. I ran a hand through my wet hair.

"Yeah?" I asked sheepishly.

He pulled my head down to his and kissed me as a blue flash of lightning illuminated his face. Thunder rumbled off in the distance.

It had been nearly a year since Kyle told me he was joining the marines. I swear, I thought he was totally screwing with me. Up until about a month ago I still thought he was joking. He definitely wasn't. He really wanted to do something noble-- to have a cause. Or maybe he just wanted to one up his brother.

"Let's sit in the back." he suggested.

I had no objections, and shifted seats in haste. Kyle had a little bit more difficulty getting into the rear of the car. I laughed as he dove between the two front seats, and pulled himself up to sit next to me.

My hand slid down his stomach and unhooked the button on his jeans. I watched his face as my fingers snuck below the band of his boxers and crept through his pubes. He smiled. Me too. I gripped the base of his cock and felt the tender flesh give under the pressure. Soon though there was not enough room for the both of us in his pants, and I slid them down to his knees.

And it continued to rain.

My mind began to take a dangerous trip. Even with Kyle by my side I couldn't escape from the terrible thoughts that stalked in the shadows. They were all there. The fears. The truths. The failures. I shot back to the present as a bolt of lightning cracked through the sky.

"Are you still there?" I asked Kyle, just wanting to hear the sound of his voice.

"No." he laughed. I loved his sense of humor.

I sat very still for a moment, trying to regain my composure. Kyle reached over and unzipped my fly. In no time we were both short a pair of pants. He leaned down into my crotch and sucked gently the tip of my dick. His soft lips ever so slowly moved up and down my shaft. He stuck his hand between my legs and tugged gently on my nuts. I wanted to float away.

Kyle was a born leader. He had the courage and strength you would expect, but he also had a heart of gold. I love to think back to all the things we did together. On my 17th birthday he gave me his old .22 and we sat out in the cornfield shooting at beer cans and eating raw marshmallow. We were tighter than brothers. I knew him more than his own mom did.

Sweat beaded up on my chest as Kyle sucked me off. I gently pumped my hips towards his mouth. There was electricity passing between us. Back and forth, and back and forth. That night we both came. Right there in his car. It was so much different than all the other times though. This time it is like it meant something, probably because it was the end of the game. Like fireworks at the end of a hot summer day, we went out with a bang. That night, we didn't have sex. We made love.

I laid my head against his shoulder and listened to him breath.

"Kyle," I said quietly,"how can I let you go?"

There was not an answer.

I fell asleep holding his hand and woke that way the next morning.

The next day at noon we were still sitting in his car. Now though, both of us were clothed and we were parked outside the bus depot. I watched the clock anxiously and cursed under my breath each time the minute changed. Ryan fiddled with the straps on his bag. I was a afraid to speak. Every time I tried, the silence sucked the words right from my mouth. Finally, I took a big deep breath.

"I am gonna miss you." I said.

"No, you won't. In a month you'll be madly in love with a hot Harvard boy." he chuckled. His joke puttered around for a bit before dying, cold and alone.

I looked at my finger nails, trying desperately not to loose it. an

"Seriously. I don't know what I am gonna do without you here." I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"You just keep on going. Everyday. Never stop giving it your damnedest." he said strongly "I know I sure will."

"You don't have a choice. If they say 'jump' you'll say 'how high?'" I said with a grin.

He looked at me with an enormous goofy smile and said, "You just watch."

I would take his word for it. It wouldn't take but a few weeks before he made a name for himself.

The clouds hung low and heavy overhead. The streets were slowly regaining their color as the previous night's rain dried up. People began boarding the bus that was parked in front of us.

"Well." I said, watching the clock as the final moments ticked away.

"Eric. I am serious. Work your ass off when you are up there..." he said, "you are gonna leave here and never look back."

"I promise I will." I said, "And you go show those fuckers who's boss."

He laughed.

I watched a man on the sidewalk look at his watch and knew it was time. I looked over at Kyle. He had grown up so much over night it is incredible. I don't think I knew him anymore. Sitting next to me was some cadet or private or whatever you call it. Definitely not Kyle. I strained to find him buried beneath the stoic looks. But then there he was. He bit his lower lip and ran his hand through his hair... he was thinking. As I wondered what he could possibly be pondering he leaned over, and kissed me softly on the cheek. I smiled meekly as he turned and exited the car.

Kyle walked across the road in a proud gate and boarded the bus.

Next: Chapter 15

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