
By Sam Davies

Published on Nov 13, 2006


I woke up at about ten the next morning and it was still raining.

My room was dark and quiet, with only the soft murmur of the gutters as a soundtrack. I looked past the streaks of rain that ran down my small window and out to the fields. Huge pools of water gathered in the low spots, connecting together with small makeshift streams. Between them the patches of land looked like islands. My eyes followed the muddy road back towards my empty driveway, water rushed violently in the gully off to its side. I didn't recall my parents announcing they wouldn't be leaving the house, but whatever, they could do what they wanted to... I wouldn't stop them. I laid my head back down onto my pillow and drifted to sleep.

Kyle arrived at around noon. I awoke groggily to the sound of his shit-mobile coming down the road. Intently, I listened as he walked through the house, and up the flight of stairs to my room. He quietly opened my door, and stepped inside.

"Hi sleepy." he said with a smile.

"Hey." I responded groggily while pulling my blanket up to my neck. I didn't realize how strange it was at the time, but I actually felt a little chilly.

Kyle shucked off his waterlogged denim jacket and tossed it onto the floor. I watched him, anticipating a conversation. To my surprise that was not his intention. Curiously as he removed his t-shirt, unbuttoned his pants, and kicked off his shoes. He stood there in his boxer shorts, the absolute epitome of a farm boy. Tan stripes on his arms. Strong upper body. Thick calve muscles, covered in dark curly hair. He ran his hand through his hair, and bit his lower lip. He was thinking. I loved it.

Acting as if it was nothing out of the usual, he gingerly strode over to the bed, lifted up the blanket, and crawled beneath it. I smiled as he laid his head down on the pillow next to mine. His eyes glistened beautifully. I touched his cheek.

"Hi." I said again.

"Hi." he replied sheepishly.

It was warm beneath the blankets. A cozy place to be on a rainy day. Our feet rubbed together at the end of the bed. I watched the grin on his face grow and grow. He was so handsome. I wondered how I had managed to hold out for so long without telling him how I felt. He was my perfect match, my other half. The game of footsie we were playing grew more and more playful as each minute passed. He rubbed his foot up and down my leg. I did the same to him, enjoying the feeling of his coarse hairs against my toes. We looked at each other. Unspoken words passed between us. Beautiful words of love and contentment. Feelings which would have been destroyed by any attempt to portray them audibly. I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing.

Then I felt him rustle beneath the covers, followed by a gentle tugging on my underwear. I opened my eyes to Kyle smiling, in his hand a black pair of boxers. It took me a moment to realize that A) Those were not mine and B) For some reason was I still wearing mine. I reached down, slid them off, and presented Kyle with his prize. He tossed them across the room. I leaned into him and kissed his neck softly. He smelt great. Gently he rubbed his hand on my back. It was so sensual. We made out passionately for like fifteen minutes before I even noticed my raging erection. Kyle apparently had noticed too, as he slid his cold foot into my groin. I lifted up the blanket and looked down at our naked bodies.

"That's really cold." I said with a fake anger.

"Good. You deserve to suffer." Kyle stated.

I shoved my equally cold foot into his crotch, and watched his face change.

"OK. Truce." He said quickly as he retreated. Victory was sweet.

I pulled him close to me so we pressed against each other.

"No hard feelings." I said as I gave him a kiss.

"Oh, from what I can tell there are plenty of hard things going on."

I grinned. "Let's take care of that."

I slid the blanket over my head and shimmied down towards the end of the bed. Kyle gave my butt a gentle slap through the blanket as I was turning around. He was totally gonna get it. I leaned down, his crotch now close enough to lick, but instead breathed on the head of his dick. He squirmed. I got closer, and blew several additional strong puffs of air onto him. From what I could see in the dim light that seeped in through the blanket, he was rock hard and ready for action. I grabbed hold of the base of his penis and held it tightly. Once again I blew a warm gust of air onto him.

"Quit it." Kyle said impatiently. I wouldn't tease him any more.

I licked him like an ice cream cone. From bottom to top. Again and Again. That quickly lost its novelty so I jerked his now moist dick for a few minutes. I loved the feeling of holding his cock. It was an awesome power. I pulled it close to my mouth and dipped my tongue into the small slit at its tip.

Kyle groaned.

He stuck his hand beneath the blanket and began rubbing his hand across my bare ass. I played around with his dick for a few more minutes before taking it in my mouth. I doubt I was any good at giving a blow job, but I don't think he really cared. My tongue slid in circles around his shaft. He pumped his hips gently causing his cock to slide further down my throat. I nearly gagged but caught myself. I quickly caught onto his rhythm and did my best to keep the pace.

It was quite a surprise when I suddenly felt my cock inside the warmth of his mouth. I shuddered. His soft lips massaged me as his hand continued to rub my ass. I was in heaven. Who would have ever thought that one day Kyle and I would give each other blowjobs. I pulled my mouth off of him, and began to pay attention to his balls. They were pulled tight up to his body, but that didn't stop me. I put my entire mouth over his tight nut sack and poked and prodded its contents with my tongue. Oh god. I winced, as I felt Kyle's finger press into my asshole. He paused and then pushed it in a little further.

I let out a whimper.

Kyle moved his finger around inside of me. It was without a doubt one of the weirdest feelings I have ever had... but it was awesome. I squeezed my butt muscles around his finger. This was insane. I slid my mouth back over his dick and began to suck him off. By this time we were both breathing heavily. The blanket covering us trapped our combined heat. A bead of sweat ran down my forehead. Kyle pulled his finger all the way out, before plunging it back into me. All the while his mouth kept on working over my penis.

"Oh Fuck." I whispered.

Suddenly I felt something weird. Kyle's finger did something to me. An intense pressure swept through my groin as I rapidly approached the point of no turning back. I held out as long as I could but it wasn't very long. In a moment of pure ecstasy I unleashed a barrage of hot cum into Kyle's mouth. Wave after wave of intense orgasm passed over me. My whole body tingled. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath.

Kyle's dick throbbed inside my mouth. He let out a moan. so I sped up the intensity of my actions. One hand wrapped around the base of his cock, the other squeezing his balls, I worked at an intense pace. His thick rod moved through my lips like it was part of a well lubricated piston. My softening dick left Kyle's mouth as his head fell back onto my pillow.

He came without any warning. Four huge jets of jizz shot into my mouth. Their heat quickly faded as they left his body and entered mine. I swallowed more than willingly, savoring the bittersweet taste of his cum. It was awesome. Contents: 100% Kyle. The concept drove me wild. I milked the remaining drops of cum from his weary body, not willing to forgo any, before pulling my head off his cock and gazing at his wilting dick. What a beauty. Through the filtered light of the blanket Kyle's body had a yellow tinge. His smooth chest raised and fell with each breath. I crawled back up to the top of the bed, and emerged from beneath the blanket.

I joined Kyle and rested my head on the pillow. The air in my bedroom was freezing compared to that which lay beneath the covers. Kyle placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled my closer to him for a gentle kiss.

"That was fun." he said quietly.

"Definitely." I smiled.

I kissed him again before falling asleep.

A door slammed somewhere and I jumped. I heard my mom yell my name from downstairs. Shit. I instantly jumped into high gear.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck," I said as I shook Kyle awake, "Quick. Get dressed my parents are back."

He bolted back to life. Within seconds we were hopping around in my room, trying to sort out what pair of pants belong on which body, searching for missing boxers, and slipping into chilly t-shirts. I was scared shitless, and I am sure it was written all over my face.

"Do I look normal?" I asked Kyle as he sat on my bed, rapidly tying his shoelaces.

"Yeah, What about me?" He asked nervously.

"You look fine." I responded.

After several moments of hurried activities we descended down the stairs nonchalantly.

"Hey Mom." I said entirely to casually. She was standing in the kitchen looking somewhat frazzled. My father was leaning up against the counter talking on the phone.

"Hey," she said, "Hi Kyle."

I watched her face for any sign that she might have suspected something. I didn't see any. Why would there be. Kyle and I where best friends. He was over all the time. This was not anything unusual. There was no reason she would think we were up to no good. We spent afternoons alone in my room all the time. She didn't suspect a thing. She had no clue. We were safe. No reason to worry.

Then I saw it. She gave me a look. What kind of look? A weird look. My mind flew a million miles an hour, analyzing the positioning of her eyebrows, the shape of her mouth, and the tightness of her cheeks for any resemblance to past expressions. I came up with a blank. Something was being carefully masked behind her aging face... but what? He skin was slightly paler than usual. Her eyes were sharp.

"Eric..." she began before stopping. "Justin is missing."

Okay... Nope nothing. Let's try that again.

"I'm sorry?" I said.

"Justin left the hospital this morning without checking out. No one knows where he is." she said. The expression on her face became clear, now that I knew the context. It was not of suspicion, it was fear of the unknown.

"What do you mean he left. How can someone just walk out of a hospital, let alone someone who can barely walk at all?" I questioned angrily.

She paused.

"Well, honestly, I have no idea."

My father mumbled quietly into the phone receiver. Yeah, he was a simple farmer. But he had his thumb on this town. In his younger days he had been a sheriff's deputy, but was forced to retire on disability after he was injured trying to get someone out of a crumbled car wreck. Of all the people who walked the streets of our small town, my pops commanded the most respect. Everyone knew of his bravery, and it translated into a status of immense integrity.

"Well, you tell them that that is unacceptable," he said in his usual strong yet quiet voice, "I will not standby and let the department sit on their hands for this one."

I wondered what was going through his head.

He raised his voice for the first time in years, "I honestly don't care, you keep someone at that house, and you don't stop looking for him or the boy until I tell you. Got it. Good." before hanging up the phone violently.

Shooting a stern look at Eric and I as he walked by, my father left the house in a hurry.

Next: Chapter 11

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