
By Sam Davies

Published on Sep 15, 2006


"Yo Kyle! You gotta hurry your butt up; I am wasting gas just sitting here." I shouted over the purr of the diesel engine.

Kyle was standing just at the edge of the field taking a leak. Again. I swear he must have downed a twelve pack before he came over to my place. I laughed as he came running back towards me, shoving his dick into his tight jeans along the way.

"Its about time." I said as I shifted the tractor into gear and got ready for another go around.

Slowly I drove around the outer edges of the field before lining up the center of the tractor with the neat line of cut alfalfa. Kyle stood in the cage like cart that followed behind the tractor and waited to begin. I looked in the mirror to ensure he was all clear of the machinery, then engaged the bailer. A puff of oily blue smoke shot out the back of the tractor as the grumbling motor sprang to life.

"Ready?" I yelled back to my tosser.

"Yeah, let's get going." He returned.

I increased the throttle and we sped up. Within seconds of crossing over into the cut hay I felt the first bail flip up onto the conveyor. Kyle was still getting his footing and wobbled a little as he picked up the bail, walked briskly to the rear end of the cart, and neatly deposited it on the floor. Just as he had returned to the front another bail of hay flipped onto the conveyor. Sweat dripped steadily from my forehead onto my bare chest. I had been the tosser all the morning and decided shortly after the sun came up that I would rather get bit by horseflies all day then have the heavy cotton of my t-shirt making me hotter then I already was. In mere minutes of stacking alfalfa, Kyle made this discovery himself. I watched in my mirror as he peeled off the bleached white t-shirt and tossed it onto the floor of the cart.

What a stud. I don't know why he doesn't go around like that more often. He wiped the sweat forming on his forehead with the back of his hand and left a big smudge of dirt as a replacement.

I drove over a fresh row of cut hay and waited for him to grab the bail. Oh it was so god damn sexy. He was sweating his tiny ass off, and bits of grass were stuck all over him. I watch in my mirror as he bent down to grab each bail, the strong muscles in his back flexing tightly, and then fling it onto the top of the pile. He stood waiting for the next bail, arms at his sides, breathing heavily. Shit. I wanted him so bad it hurt.

We continued for another two hours, swapping out the tow behind carts twice, before this field was clean of cuttings.

I yelled back to him as he swatted the horseflies away, "That's it. We are done for today. You feel tired yet?"

He responded by flexing his biceps jokingly and giving each one a kiss. As much as I enjoyed this sight, there was no way I was gonna let him get away with that disgusting little show. I turned the front of the tractor quickly in an attempt to throw him off balance. My plan backfired.

"Oh shit!" I yelled before shutting off the tractor and jumping out of the cab.

Instead of Kyle falling down, my little game caused two of the towers of hay bails to collapse onto him. I ran to the side of the cart and climbed in so I could unbury him. I tossed aside bail after bail of hay until I found his hand. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out from beneath the remainder of the pile.

"Fuck." He gasped, as he tried to regain the breath that had been knocked out of him.

"I am so god damn sorry man... there was this huge groundhog hole and..."

I stopped talking and put his arm around my neck so I could get him out of the cart. His sweaty body slid against mine as I maneuvered my way through the sea of hay bails.

"I gotta lay down." He whispered, as we stumbled away from the tractor.

He laid down face up in the prickly grass. His chest heaved up and down.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

He closed his eyes and sighed. I watched his stomach tighten as he struggled to breath. It was just barely tanned, and was completely smooth other then a small path of hair leading from his belly button. I sat down next to him and waited for him to regain his composure. I knew he would be fine. He was tough as they come.

"I'm sorry man I should have warned you before I..."

"Don't worry about it." He interjected.

I looked at his face hoping to make eye contact so he would know that I was really sorry but his eyes remained closed. Just then I heard the beep of an approaching truck. Instantly recognizing the vehicle and its driver I smiled. Ryan, a mutual friend of kyle and I drove through the field and parked next to the tractor.

"You two love birds taking a break?" he laughed.

"Yeah, I am just a little out of breath, Eric just sucked the air out of me." Kyle said, just barely parting his eyes.

I hated exchanges like this, but was usually forced to play along with them. Ryan sat down on the other side of my recuperating buddy, picked a small piece alfalfa off the ground and began to chew on it.

"I turned to sharp and the stack fell on him." I explained Ryan.

The fields we were bailing this summer were surplus and would have normally been planted with straw to use as bedding in the horse our stalls. This year however my Dad had a different idea. He proposed that myself, Ryan, Kyle, and my other friend Justin, grow him a crop of alfalfa to sell to the feed mill. He said that it would be something productive for us to do, and explained that seventy percent of the profit from this endeavor would be divided amongst the four of us. Honestly it was not hard to convince us. We had all helped with the harvest in the past, but this time we would go solo. For a farm boy growing up in rural America, the thought of commandeering a tractor for the summer was enough to make you cum your pants. Not to mention the fact that two of the four of us would be starting college in the fall, and could use every extra cent.

"You guys done for the day then?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, all the cages we've got are full so I am just waiting for my pops to bring back some empty ones." I responded.

"Well, why don't we get out of this goddamn heat and go get ice cream or something?" he suggested enthusiastically.

Kyle answered coolly, "Fine by me." I nodded my head as well.

I felt bad leaving the bails in a mess like this, but I didn't expect my dad to arrive home for another few hours. I would restack them when we returned. I grabbed kyle's hand firmly, and pulled him to his feet. Ryan was already on his way back to his truck so I assumed he would be driving.

We all piled into the cab of his old ford pickup. I was in the middle and let me just say that we were crammed in there like sardines. Elbow to elbow; thigh to thigh. It smelt like sweat, and diesel. I loved it. We bounced around until we got onto the paved road that led into town. At fifty miles an hour with the windows down there still was no relief from the heat. Even the wind was hot. How in the world we were gonna eat ice cream I had no idea. I was about to find out though, because after about ten minutes of driving we pulled into the Dairy Queen. We stepped into the cramped waiting area I realized Ryan had alternative motives for coming here. Oh great.

"Hey there hunk!" I heard from across the room. It was Ryan's girlfriend Emmy.

"What's going on?" he smiled as he stepped behind the counter and gave her a kiss. They were cute together. A little too cute sometimes.

"Me and the guys are just here to have a little treat. I got mine," he joked, "You guys want anything?"

Kyle and I each ordered a small vanilla cone and headed out to the parking lot so Ryan could talk to his girl. It was the least we could do. Those two were so madly in love but never really got a chance to spend time with each other thanks to conflicting work schedules. We sat on a wooden bench and waited for him to return. I glanced over at kyle and I swear he was looking at my crotch.

"Your cone is dripping." Kyle pointed out. I looked down and saw three white dots of ice cream on my stomach. Oh.

"So what..." I shrugged. A few more drips fell.

"Well you can't just waste it you idiot. This is vanilla dairy queen ice cream. The nectar of the gods." What a weirdo.

"What the fuck?" I said as he swiped a finger across my belly. I watched in shock as he brought his finger up to his mouth and licked it off.

"You are so foul sometimes." I noted, still unable to figure out what just happened

"And you... you cut that turn sharp on purpose." he shot back. Ouch. I wonder how he figured that out.

I was embarrassed and not quite sure of what to say. We sat in silence for a few more moments before we heard the bell on the door to the ice cream shop ring and watched Ryan step out into the parking lot. As I started to stand up, the swirl of ice cream dropped off the top of my cone and landed in my lap.

"Shit." I exclaimed. This really sucked. Or did it. Actually, after thinking for a moment it didn't suck at all. It was an opportunity for the perfect comeback.

"Hey kyle you wanna take care of this for me?" Oh. I was good. I think I made him blush.

He shot me a pissed off look and headed toward the truck.

Next: Chapter 2

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