Harvard Boys

By Jason Co

Published on May 9, 2015


Hi again. Glad to be able to post these pretty quickly and give people the updates they've been waiting for!

I have been super lucky to have received so many fun emails about this story, please keep them coming with advice and your thoughts on Harvard Boys! You can reach me at jason96@inbox.com. I really appreciate it!

Thanks again.

Back at the dorm, most boys had opted to leave their doors open which, we quickly learned, was the universal signal for "Please come in and make friends with us." Alex wandered from room to room, knocking on doors but I entrusted him with all the outward-bound social marketing and meandered back to the room.

With a careful eye, I took to my study desk and organized my textbooks, notebooks and pens. I pulled my laptop out of my backpack and let it clunk against the desk, plugging it in and watching the little indicator light glow amber. Neatness was not just a habit for me, it was an addiction.

I leaned back in my desk chair and spread my legs apart, adjusting my balls as they sat against my leg inside my sweats. With the door closed and Alex engaged in dorm floor social politics, now might be a rare moment of temporary privacy... As I opened the lid on my laptop, my cock twinged and I grasped the thick shaft through my sweats. After nearly four days without such a strong touch, my lips parted for only the quietest groan of content.

I tabbed through some pictures I had saved back home in Minnesota, most not unlike a lot of the jock guys and frat bros I had met throughout the day on campus. Some of the half-clothed guys weren't unlike myself though, short brown hair and glasses types, people at the fringes of parties rather than centers. A few minutes of mindlessly scrolling through old pictures and gently massaging my throbbing dick through my sweats, and I was too horny to even think straight.

I lifted up the edge of my t-shirt and pulled it up, exposing my peach fuzz covered stomach, sliding my hand over the soft surface of my skin and under the waistband of my sweats. My fingers treaded along the dense but well trimmed layer of my pubes and my fist finally grasped the base of my co---

The door flung open and I instantly withdrew my hand, switched windows on the computer, and straightened up in my chair, tucking the head of my circumcised dick in the waistband of my boxer-briefs. I whipped around and gave Alex a weak grin as if to say, `Yep, nothing to see here.'

Thankfully, he seemed oblivious to the situation he had walked in on and I turned my face away as I blushed deeply and felt my erection fade. "Bro, have you seen Christopher's setup? And there's this guy Nate that I think you'll like, and downstairs..." Alex went on about all the people on our floor in detailed narrative, and I watched him wave his hands around in excited conversation, veins highlighting the curves of his biceps. I knew in that moment that Alex would always be excitable and enthusiastic, and I would always gently nod along. I kinda loved that about him - he was always content to just let me listen.

"Okay, our first real night here," he said, "Let's wander."

So we did, off campus, with a gaggle of other boys treading behind us as we hunted down dinner in the commercial areas surrounding the school. We ended up in a classic poorly lit basement pizza place, eight or so guys crowded around an aluminum table in the corner trying to talk over a too-loud stereo.

I ended up crammed between Christopher and the legendary Nathan that Alex had mentioned earlier. By now, I had changed into a short sleeve button-down shirt and some shorts. As we laughed and ate pizza, Christohper's bare leg would graze mine, instantly sending a shock to my semi-hard dick. Too many cans of Mountain Dew later, and both Christopher and I excused ourselves to the restroom.

At a trough urinal, I was blessed with just enough space that I could conceal my own hardening cock but maybe glance at Christopher's. Four days without release left me hungry for some college dick, and while I knew it probably couldn't be Chris, a sideways shot of his cock certainly wouldn't do me wrong. As he unzipped his shorts, he said in his classically quiet tone, "Alex an okay room mate?" I laughed, knowing that Alex was probably a lot more than `okay' but responded:

"Yeah, I think we're really gonna get along." I responded, and heard the sound of his piss against the urinal backing. Straining my eyes for that sought after sideways glance, I saw the head of his circumcised cock, totally soft but definitely hanging low. Christopher was hung.

Alas, not all bathroom scenes evolve into brutal stall-fucking, and this one was no exception. Christopher and I made small talk, pissed, washed our hands and we were back with the group in minutes. The mental image of his big dick, though? Priceless.

When we returned to the table, I shuffled around to be next to Alex who clapped me on the back firmly, resting his hand there for a second. A very bro-ish gesture, but in the land of horny Jason, my dick continued to harden in my shorts. Thank god for boxer briefs.

The crew paid and left, walking the short distance back to the dorms. Our RA for the floor, a senior named Cody, greeted us in the hallway without much suspicion. It was late, and with the first day of classes the next day, everyone somberly returned to their rooms without much excitement.

I, however, had still neglected to shower. Back in the room, Alex had kicked off his flip flops and sat on his bed, back against the wall flipping through his books for class tomorrow. A long day of socializing had clearly worn him out of the talking mood. I gathered up my things, a towel, and some gym shorts to wear to bed and took the trek to the showers down the hall.

To my great relief, the stalls were all empty as most boys had already turned in for the night. I pulled the curtain back on an individual shower, placing my things on the wooden bench outside and turning the water on. I love hot showers - so hot they leave your skin just slightly red. I sat on the bench, untying my shoes and pulling my shorts down around my ankles as the hot water ran and steam billowed through the bathroom. Before pulling the curtain back, I looked at myself now fully naked in the mirror. This was college Jason: slender, toned, and tan from a summer spent as a lifeguard. Dark brown hair with the slightest auburn tint falls barely into my vision, and that same brown hair is cut short around my circumcised cock, legs and ass with just a dusting. I have no great confidence in my intelligence, humor, or sociability, but I did truly admire my body. Toned, smooth, and just tall enough to suit myself. Looking at myself, my cock bounced as it grew harder and I turned to pull the curtain and step into the torrents of hot water.

And I got to work. Lathering my body up with a bar of soap, my hands immediately gripped my throbbing cock. A long day of being teased by the hot guys of the floor had left my balls aching for a serious release, and I was just about ready to make it happen. With both hands wrapped around my thick shaft, I gently fucked into my palms and - yet again - let out a quiet groan of pleasure

I looked down at my dick, letting the hot water rinse off the soap. I could see it throb with my heartbeat and felt the thrill of being insanely horny, sliding my hand over the head and cupping my balls in my palm. I wrapped both of my fists around my dick again, wondering when the last time I measured must have been. Two hands, that's like - 8 inches, right? Something like that... I put the thought out of my head.

My knees shook as I pounded my cock, picturing Christopher's dick from the pizza place earlier, only much harder and much closer to my mouth. Before the week was up, I was definitely going to have to suck some cock. I needed something, anything.

Did I mention how horny I was in that first shower jack off? Very, very horny. Beating my steel-hard rod relentlessly, bracing myself against the cold tile of the shower wall before finally erupting in a final orgasm and letting out that glorious, long "ahhh" of cumming. Fuck - I needed that.

And with that, it was over. I quietly turned off the water, dried myself, and walked shirtlessly back to the dorm with Alex, wearing only my gym shorts. I had textbooks to read, right?

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